
dumpjvmti is a JVMTI agent designed for helping debug the working of the openjdkjvmti plugin. It allows one to use SIGQUIT to dump information about the current JVMTI state to logcat. It does this by calling the com.android.art.misc.get_plugin_internal_state extension function.



make libdumpjvmti

The libraries will be built for 32-bit, 64-bit, host and target. Below examples assume you want to use the 64-bit version.


art -Xplugin:$ANDROID_HOST_OUT/lib64/libopenjdkjvmti.so '-agentpath:libdumpjvmti.so' -cp tmp/java/helloworld.dex -Xint helloworld kill -3 <pid>

  • -Xplugin and -agentpath need to be used, otherwise the agent will fail during init.
  • If using libartd.so, make sure to use the debug version of jvmti.

adb shell setenforce 0

adb push $ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT/system/lib64/libdumpjvmti.so /data/local/tmp/

adb shell am start-activity --attach-agent /data/local/tmp/libdumpjvmti.so some.debuggable.apps/.the.app.MainActivity

adb shell kill -3 $(adb shell pidof some.debuggable.apps)