Fix stalled comment from last commit.

Change-Id: Ic54821c80a8c6ab76d44e2a81a6f821b5741dc53
diff --git a/test/542-unresolved-access-check/src/p1/ b/test/542-unresolved-access-check/src/p1/
index acd1da2..2bf4bdf 100644
--- a/test/542-unresolved-access-check/src/p1/
+++ b/test/542-unresolved-access-check/src/p1/
@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@
 // Specific class for putting the 'entered' marker. If we were to put the marker
 // in InP1 or in OtherInP1, the code in MyClassLoader using that marker would load
 // InP1 or OtherInP1 in the system class loader, and not in MyClassLoader.
-Does this help better? If it does, I can include that comment in the file.
 public class PlaceHolder {
   public static boolean entered = false;