Fallback to version code in case lastUpdateMillis field is not populated

Test: presubmit
Bug: 193374411
Change-Id: I2006a1926c64cf01e12d82c90197b20f5cff9406
diff --git a/runtime/runtime.cc b/runtime/runtime.cc
index d588ff7..2ce6764 100644
--- a/runtime/runtime.cc
+++ b/runtime/runtime.cc
@@ -1309,8 +1309,13 @@
       if (info == apex_infos.end() || info->second->getIsFactory()) {
         result += '/';
       } else {
-        // We use the mtime provided in the format as a version number.
-        android::base::StringAppendF(&result, "/%" PRIu64, info->second->getLastUpdateMillis());
+        // In case lastUpdateMillis field is populated in apex-info-list.xml, we
+        // prefer to use it as version scheme. If the field is missing we
+        // fallback to the version code of the APEX.
+        uint64_t version = info->second->hasLastUpdateMillis()
+            ? info->second->getLastUpdateMillis()
+            : info->second->getVersionCode();
+        android::base::StringAppendF(&result, "/%" PRIu64, version);