Add more code info size dumping to oatdump
Helps break down where oat bytes are being used, example output on
a large app:
Dumping cumulative use of 95784720 accounted bytes
Code = 68894196 (72% of total)
QuickMethodHeader = 3071080 ( 3% of total)
CodeInfoEncoding = 1226080 ( 1% of total)
CodeInfoLocationCatalog = 1005716 ( 1% of total)
CodeInfoDexRegisterMap = 5813389 ( 6% of total)
CodeInfoInlineInfo = 2391251 ( 2% of total)
CodeInfoStackMap = 13383008 (14% of total)
StackMapNativePc = 1607888 (12% of stack map)
StackMapDexPcEncoding = 1116724 ( 8% of stack map)
StackMapDexRegisterMap = 1277680 (10% of stack map)
StackMapInlineInfo = 1082720 ( 8% of stack map)
StackMapRegisterMaskEncoding = 5104960 (38% of stack map)
StackMapMask = 3193034 (24% of stack map)
StackMapOther = 0 ( 0% of stack map)
Test: test-art-host, oatdump
Bug: 34621054
Change-Id: I5daf0f1308d126b6a30928f523c6051585f1491f
diff --git a/oatdump/ b/oatdump/
index 3cf900e..3f52434 100644
--- a/oatdump/
+++ b/oatdump/
@@ -529,6 +529,12 @@
+ {
+ os << "OAT FILE STATS:\n";
+ VariableIndentationOutputStream vios(&os);
+ stats_.Dump(vios);
+ }
os << std::flush;
return success;
@@ -574,6 +580,116 @@
return nullptr;
+ struct Stats {
+ enum ByteKind {
+ kByteKindCode,
+ kByteKindQuickMethodHeader,
+ kByteKindCodeInfoLocationCatalog,
+ kByteKindCodeInfoDexRegisterMap,
+ kByteKindCodeInfoInlineInfo,
+ kByteKindCodeInfoEncoding,
+ kByteKindCodeInfoOther,
+ kByteKindStackMapNativePc,
+ kByteKindStackMapDexPc,
+ kByteKindStackMapDexRegisterMap,
+ kByteKindStackMapInlineInfo,
+ kByteKindStackMapRegisterMask,
+ kByteKindStackMapMask,
+ kByteKindStackMapOther,
+ kByteKindCount,
+ kByteKindStackMapFirst = kByteKindCodeInfoOther,
+ kByteKindStackMapLast = kByteKindStackMapOther,
+ };
+ int64_t bits[kByteKindCount] = {};
+ // Since code has deduplication, seen tracks already seen pointers to avoid double counting
+ // deduplicated code and tables.
+ std::unordered_set<const void*> seen;
+ // Returns true if it was newly added.
+ bool AddBitsIfUnique(ByteKind kind, int64_t count, const void* address) {
+ if (seen.insert(address).second == true) {
+ // True means the address was not already in the set.
+ AddBits(kind, count);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ void AddBits(ByteKind kind, int64_t count) {
+ bits[kind] += count;
+ }
+ void Dump(VariableIndentationOutputStream& os) {
+ const int64_t sum = std::accumulate(bits, bits + kByteKindCount, 0u);
+ os.Stream() << "Dumping cumulative use of " << sum / kBitsPerByte << " accounted bytes\n";
+ if (sum > 0) {
+ const int64_t stack_map_bits = std::accumulate(bits + kByteKindStackMapFirst,
+ bits + kByteKindStackMapLast + 1,
+ 0u);
+ Dump(os, "Code ", bits[kByteKindCode], sum);
+ Dump(os, "QuickMethodHeader ", bits[kByteKindQuickMethodHeader], sum);
+ Dump(os, "CodeInfoEncoding ", bits[kByteKindCodeInfoEncoding], sum);
+ Dump(os, "CodeInfoLocationCatalog ", bits[kByteKindCodeInfoLocationCatalog], sum);
+ Dump(os, "CodeInfoDexRegisterMap ", bits[kByteKindCodeInfoDexRegisterMap], sum);
+ Dump(os, "CodeInfoInlineInfo ", bits[kByteKindCodeInfoInlineInfo], sum);
+ Dump(os, "CodeInfoStackMap ", stack_map_bits, sum);
+ {
+ ScopedIndentation indent1(&os);
+ Dump(os,
+ "StackMapNativePc ",
+ bits[kByteKindStackMapNativePc],
+ stack_map_bits,
+ "stack map");
+ Dump(os,
+ "StackMapDexPcEncoding ",
+ bits[kByteKindStackMapDexPc],
+ stack_map_bits,
+ "stack map");
+ Dump(os,
+ "StackMapDexRegisterMap ",
+ bits[kByteKindStackMapDexRegisterMap],
+ stack_map_bits,
+ "stack map");
+ Dump(os,
+ "StackMapInlineInfo ",
+ bits[kByteKindStackMapInlineInfo],
+ stack_map_bits,
+ "stack map");
+ Dump(os,
+ "StackMapRegisterMaskEncoding ",
+ bits[kByteKindStackMapRegisterMask],
+ stack_map_bits,
+ "stack map");
+ Dump(os,
+ "StackMapMask ",
+ bits[kByteKindStackMapMask],
+ stack_map_bits,
+ "stack map");
+ Dump(os,
+ "StackMapOther ",
+ bits[kByteKindStackMapOther],
+ stack_map_bits,
+ "stack map");
+ }
+ }
+ os.Stream() << "\n" << std::flush;
+ }
+ private:
+ void Dump(VariableIndentationOutputStream& os,
+ const char* name,
+ int64_t size,
+ int64_t total,
+ const char* sum_of = "total") {
+ const double percent = (static_cast<double>(size) / static_cast<double>(total)) * 100;
+ os.Stream() << StringPrintf("%s = %8" PRId64 " (%2.0f%% of %s)\n",
+ name,
+ size / kBitsPerByte,
+ percent,
+ sum_of);
+ }
+ };
void AddAllOffsets() {
// We don't know the length of the code for each method, but we need to know where to stop
@@ -1046,7 +1162,9 @@
vios->Stream() << "OatQuickMethodHeader ";
uint32_t method_header_offset = oat_method.GetOatQuickMethodHeaderOffset();
const OatQuickMethodHeader* method_header = oat_method.GetOatQuickMethodHeader();
+ stats_.AddBitsIfUnique(Stats::kByteKindQuickMethodHeader,
+ sizeof(*method_header) * kBitsPerByte,
+ method_header);
if (options_.absolute_addresses_) {
vios->Stream() << StringPrintf("%p ", method_header);
@@ -1118,6 +1236,7 @@
const void* code = oat_method.GetQuickCode();
uint32_t aligned_code_begin = AlignCodeOffset(code_offset);
uint64_t aligned_code_end = aligned_code_begin + code_size;
+ stats_.AddBitsIfUnique(Stats::kByteKindCode, code_size * kBitsPerByte, code);
if (options_.absolute_addresses_) {
vios->Stream() << StringPrintf("%p ", code);
@@ -1431,6 +1550,60 @@
} else if (!bad_input && IsMethodGeneratedByOptimizingCompiler(oat_method, code_item)) {
// The optimizing compiler outputs its CodeInfo data in the vmap table.
StackMapsHelper helper(oat_method.GetVmapTable(), instruction_set_);
+ {
+ CodeInfoEncoding encoding(helper.GetEncoding());
+ StackMapEncoding stack_map_encoding(encoding.stack_map_encoding);
+ // helper.GetCodeInfo().GetStackMapAt(0, encoding).;
+ const size_t num_stack_maps = encoding.number_of_stack_maps;
+ std::vector<uint8_t> size_vector;
+ encoding.Compress(&size_vector);
+ if (stats_.AddBitsIfUnique(Stats::kByteKindCodeInfoEncoding,
+ size_vector.size() * kBitsPerByte,
+ oat_method.GetVmapTable())) {
+ stats_.AddBits(
+ Stats::kByteKindStackMapNativePc,
+ stack_map_encoding.GetNativePcEncoding().BitSize() * num_stack_maps);
+ stats_.AddBits(
+ Stats::kByteKindStackMapDexPc,
+ stack_map_encoding.GetDexPcEncoding().BitSize() * num_stack_maps);
+ stats_.AddBits(
+ Stats::kByteKindStackMapDexRegisterMap,
+ stack_map_encoding.GetDexRegisterMapEncoding().BitSize() * num_stack_maps);
+ stats_.AddBits(
+ Stats::kByteKindStackMapInlineInfo,
+ stack_map_encoding.GetInlineInfoEncoding().BitSize() * num_stack_maps);
+ stats_.AddBits(
+ Stats::kByteKindStackMapRegisterMask,
+ stack_map_encoding.GetRegisterMaskEncoding().BitSize() * num_stack_maps);
+ const size_t stack_mask_bits = encoding.stack_map_size_in_bytes * kBitsPerByte -
+ stack_map_encoding.GetStackMaskBitOffset();
+ stats_.AddBits(
+ Stats::kByteKindStackMapMask,
+ stack_mask_bits * num_stack_maps);
+ const size_t stack_map_bits =
+ stack_map_encoding.GetStackMaskBitOffset() + stack_mask_bits;
+ stats_.AddBits(
+ Stats::kByteKindStackMapOther,
+ (encoding.stack_map_size_in_bytes * kBitsPerByte - stack_map_bits) * num_stack_maps);
+ const size_t stack_map_bytes = helper.GetCodeInfo().GetStackMapsSize(encoding);
+ const size_t location_catalog_bytes =
+ helper.GetCodeInfo().GetDexRegisterLocationCatalogSize(encoding);
+ stats_.AddBits(Stats::kByteKindCodeInfoLocationCatalog,
+ kBitsPerByte * location_catalog_bytes);
+ const size_t dex_register_bytes =
+ helper.GetCodeInfo().GetDexRegisterMapsSize(encoding, code_item->registers_size_);
+ stats_.AddBits(
+ Stats::kByteKindCodeInfoDexRegisterMap,
+ kBitsPerByte * dex_register_bytes);
+ const size_t inline_info_bytes =
+ encoding.non_header_size -
+ stack_map_bytes -
+ location_catalog_bytes -
+ dex_register_bytes;
+ stats_.AddBits(Stats::kByteKindCodeInfoInlineInfo,
+ inline_info_bytes * kBitsPerByte);
+ }
+ }
const uint8_t* quick_native_pc = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(quick_code);
size_t offset = 0;
while (offset < code_size) {
@@ -1468,6 +1641,7 @@
const InstructionSet instruction_set_;
std::set<uintptr_t> offsets_;
Disassembler* disassembler_;
+ Stats stats_;
class ImageDumper {
@@ -2140,7 +2314,6 @@
size_t managed_code_bytes;
size_t managed_code_bytes_ignoring_deduplication;
- size_t managed_to_native_code_bytes;
size_t native_to_managed_code_bytes;
size_t class_initializer_code_bytes;
size_t large_initializer_code_bytes;
@@ -2169,7 +2342,6 @@
- managed_to_native_code_bytes(0),
@@ -2367,7 +2539,6 @@
os << StringPrintf("oat_file_bytes = %8zd\n"
"managed_code_bytes = %8zd (%2.0f%% of oat file bytes)\n"
- "managed_to_native_code_bytes = %8zd (%2.0f%% of oat file bytes)\n"
"native_to_managed_code_bytes = %8zd (%2.0f%% of oat file bytes)\n\n"
"class_initializer_code_bytes = %8zd (%2.0f%% of oat file bytes)\n"
"large_initializer_code_bytes = %8zd (%2.0f%% of oat file bytes)\n"
@@ -2375,8 +2546,6 @@
- managed_to_native_code_bytes,
- PercentOfOatBytes(managed_to_native_code_bytes),
diff --git a/oatdump/ b/oatdump/
index e77d03b..ba57d18 100644
--- a/oatdump/
+++ b/oatdump/
@@ -102,6 +102,7 @@
// Code and dex code do not show up if list only.
expected_prefixes.push_back("DEX CODE:");
+ expected_prefixes.push_back("CodeInfoEncoding");
if (mode == kModeArt) {
exec_argv.push_back("--image=" + core_art_location_);
diff --git a/runtime/ b/runtime/
index 3c92b86..690b069 100644
--- a/runtime/
+++ b/runtime/
@@ -198,6 +198,7 @@
<< "StackMap" << header_suffix
<< std::hex
<< " [native_pc=0x" << code_offset + pc_offset << "]"
+ << " [entry_size=0x" << encoding.stack_map_size_in_bytes << "]"
<< " (dex_pc=0x" << GetDexPc(stack_map_encoding)
<< ", native_pc_offset=0x" << pc_offset
<< ", dex_register_map_offset=0x" << GetDexRegisterMapOffset(stack_map_encoding)
diff --git a/runtime/stack_map.h b/runtime/stack_map.h
index 28c4b88..cd9a3f0 100644
--- a/runtime/stack_map.h
+++ b/runtime/stack_map.h
@@ -1182,6 +1182,17 @@
+ size_t GetDexRegisterMapsSize(const CodeInfoEncoding& encoding,
+ uint32_t number_of_dex_registers) const {
+ size_t total = 0;
+ for (size_t i = 0, e = GetNumberOfStackMaps(encoding); i < e; ++i) {
+ StackMap stack_map = GetStackMapAt(i, encoding);
+ DexRegisterMap map(GetDexRegisterMapOf(stack_map, encoding, number_of_dex_registers));
+ total += map.Size();
+ }
+ return total;
+ }
// Return the `DexRegisterMap` pointed by `inline_info` at depth `depth`.
DexRegisterMap GetDexRegisterMapAtDepth(uint8_t depth,
InlineInfo inline_info,