Another step towards a Mips target

Updating the MIPS target to use the now common codegen routines.
Still much to do, but the general structure is sufficient to allow
work to begin on the other target.

Change-Id: I0d288fdfb59c8e76fad73185fdd56b345e87b604
diff --git a/src/compiler/codegen/ b/src/compiler/codegen/
index 4eccf04..96a9b21 100644
--- a/src/compiler/codegen/
+++ b/src/compiler/codegen/
@@ -154,6 +154,7 @@
         lir->defMask |= ENCODE_REG_LIST(lir->operands[1]);
+#if defined(TARGET_ARM)
     if (flags & REG_DEF_FPCS_LIST0) {
         lir->defMask |= ENCODE_REG_FPCS_LIST(lir->operands[0]);
@@ -163,6 +164,7 @@
             setupRegMask(&lir->defMask, lir->operands[1] + i);
     if (flags & SETS_CCODES) {
         lir->defMask |= ENCODE_CCODE;
@@ -201,6 +203,7 @@
         lir->useMask |= ENCODE_REG_LIST(lir->operands[1]);
+#if defined(TARGET_ARM)
     if (flags & REG_USE_FPCS_LIST0) {
         lir->useMask |= ENCODE_REG_FPCS_LIST(lir->operands[0]);
@@ -210,6 +213,7 @@
             setupRegMask(&lir->useMask, lir->operands[1] + i);
     if (flags & USES_CCODES) {
         lir->useMask |= ENCODE_CCODE;
@@ -231,10 +235,186 @@
+ * Debugging macros
+ */
+#define DUMP_SSA_REP(X)
+/* Pretty-print a LIR instruction */
+void oatDumpLIRInsn(CompilationUnit* cUnit, LIR* arg, unsigned char* baseAddr)
+    LIR* lir = (LIR*) arg;
+    int offset = lir->offset;
+    int dest = lir->operands[0];
+    const bool dumpNop = false;
+    /* Handle pseudo-ops individually, and all regular insns as a group */
+    switch(lir->opcode) {
+        case kPseudoMethodEntry:
+            LOG(INFO) << "-------- method entry " <<
+                PrettyMethod(cUnit->method_idx, *cUnit->dex_file);
+            break;
+        case kPseudoMethodExit:
+            LOG(INFO) << "-------- Method_Exit";
+            break;
+        case kPseudoBarrier:
+            LOG(INFO) << "-------- BARRIER";
+            break;
+        case kPseudoExtended:
+            LOG(INFO) << "-------- " << (char* ) dest;
+            break;
+        case kPseudoSSARep:
+            DUMP_SSA_REP(LOG(INFO) << "-------- kMirOpPhi: " <<  (char* ) dest);
+            break;
+        case kPseudoEntryBlock:
+            LOG(INFO) << "-------- entry offset: 0x" << std::hex << dest;
+            break;
+        case kPseudoDalvikByteCodeBoundary:
+            LOG(INFO) << "-------- dalvik offset: 0x" << std::hex <<
+                 lir->dalvikOffset << " @ " << (char* )lir->operands[0];
+            break;
+        case kPseudoExitBlock:
+            LOG(INFO) << "-------- exit offset: 0x" << std::hex << dest;
+            break;
+        case kPseudoPseudoAlign4:
+            LOG(INFO) << (intptr_t)baseAddr + offset << " (0x" << std::hex <<
+                offset << "): .align4";
+            break;
+        case kPseudoEHBlockLabel:
+            LOG(INFO) << "Exception_Handling:";
+            break;
+        case kPseudoTargetLabel:
+        case kPseudoNormalBlockLabel:
+            LOG(INFO) << "L" << (intptr_t)lir << ":";
+            break;
+        case kPseudoThrowTarget:
+            LOG(INFO) << "LT" << (intptr_t)lir << ":";
+            break;
+        case kPseudoSuspendTarget:
+            LOG(INFO) << "LS" << (intptr_t)lir << ":";
+            break;
+        case kPseudoCaseLabel:
+            LOG(INFO) << "LC" << (intptr_t)lir << ": Case target 0x" <<
+                std::hex << lir->operands[0] << "|" << std::dec <<
+                lir->operands[0];
+            break;
+        default:
+            if (lir->flags.isNop && !dumpNop) {
+                break;
+            } else {
+                std::string op_name(buildInsnString(EncodingMap[lir->opcode].name, lir, baseAddr));
+                std::string op_operands(buildInsnString(EncodingMap[lir->opcode].fmt, lir, baseAddr));
+                LOG(INFO) << StringPrintf("%p (%04x): %-9s%s%s", baseAddr + offset, offset,
+                    op_name.c_str(), op_operands.c_str(), lir->flags.isNop ? "(nop)" : "");
+            }
+            break;
+    }
+    if (lir->useMask && (!lir->flags.isNop || dumpNop)) {
+        DUMP_RESOURCE_MASK(oatDumpResourceMask((LIR* ) lir,
+                                               lir->useMask, "use"));
+    }
+    if (lir->defMask && (!lir->flags.isNop || dumpNop)) {
+        DUMP_RESOURCE_MASK(oatDumpResourceMask((LIR* ) lir,
+                                               lir->defMask, "def"));
+    }
+void oatDumpPromotionMap(CompilationUnit *cUnit)
+    for (int i = 0; i < cUnit->numDalvikRegisters; i++) {
+        PromotionMap vRegMap = cUnit->promotionMap[i];
+        char buf[100];
+        if (vRegMap.fpLocation == kLocPhysReg) {
+            snprintf(buf, 100, " : s%d", vRegMap.fpReg & FP_REG_MASK);
+        } else {
+            buf[0] = 0;
+        }
+        char buf2[100];
+        snprintf(buf2, 100, "V[%02d] -> %s%d%s", i,
+                 vRegMap.coreLocation == kLocPhysReg ?
+                 "r" : "SP+", vRegMap.coreLocation == kLocPhysReg ?
+                 vRegMap.coreReg : oatSRegOffset(cUnit, i), buf);
+        LOG(INFO) << buf2;
+    }
+void oatDumpFullPromotionMap(CompilationUnit *cUnit)
+    for (int i = 0; i < cUnit->numDalvikRegisters; i++) {
+        PromotionMap vRegMap = cUnit->promotionMap[i];
+        LOG(INFO) << i << " -> " << "CL:" << (int)vRegMap.coreLocation <<
+            ", CR:" << (int)vRegMap.coreReg << ", FL:" <<
+            (int)vRegMap.fpLocation << ", FR:" << (int)vRegMap.fpReg <<
+            ", - " << (int)vRegMap.firstInPair;
+    }
+/* Dump instructions and constant pool contents */
+void oatCodegenDump(CompilationUnit* cUnit)
+    LOG(INFO) << "/*";
+    LOG(INFO) << "Dumping LIR insns for "
+        << PrettyMethod(cUnit->method_idx, *cUnit->dex_file);
+    LIR* lirInsn;
+    LIR* thisLIR;
+    int insnsSize = cUnit->insnsSize;
+    LOG(INFO) << "Regs (excluding ins) : " << cUnit->numRegs;
+    LOG(INFO) << "Ins                  : " << cUnit->numIns;
+    LOG(INFO) << "Outs                 : " << cUnit->numOuts;
+    LOG(INFO) << "CoreSpills           : " << cUnit->numCoreSpills;
+    LOG(INFO) << "FPSpills             : " << cUnit->numFPSpills;
+    LOG(INFO) << "Padding              : " << cUnit->numPadding;
+    LOG(INFO) << "Frame size           : " << cUnit->frameSize;
+    LOG(INFO) << "Start of ins         : " << cUnit->insOffset;
+    LOG(INFO) << "Start of regs        : " << cUnit->regsOffset;
+    LOG(INFO) << "code size is " << cUnit->totalSize <<
+        " bytes, Dalvik size is " << insnsSize * 2;
+    LOG(INFO) << "expansion factor: " <<
+         (float)cUnit->totalSize / (float)(insnsSize * 2);
+    oatDumpPromotionMap(cUnit);
+    for (lirInsn = cUnit->firstLIRInsn; lirInsn; lirInsn = lirInsn->next) {
+        oatDumpLIRInsn(cUnit, lirInsn, 0);
+    }
+    for (lirInsn = cUnit->classPointerList; lirInsn; lirInsn = lirInsn->next) {
+        thisLIR = (LIR*) lirInsn;
+        LOG(INFO) << StringPrintf("%x (%04x): .class (%s)",
+            thisLIR->offset, thisLIR->offset,
+            ((CallsiteInfo *) thisLIR->operands[0])->classDescriptor);
+    }
+    for (lirInsn = cUnit->literalList; lirInsn; lirInsn = lirInsn->next) {
+        thisLIR = (LIR*) lirInsn;
+        LOG(INFO) << StringPrintf("%x (%04x): .word (%#x)",
+            thisLIR->offset, thisLIR->offset, thisLIR->operands[0]);
+    }
+    const DexFile::MethodId& method_id =
+        cUnit->dex_file->GetMethodId(cUnit->method_idx);
+    std::string signature(cUnit->dex_file->GetMethodSignature(method_id));
+    std::string name(cUnit->dex_file->GetMethodName(method_id));
+    std::string descriptor(cUnit->dex_file->GetMethodDeclaringClassDescriptor(method_id));
+    // Dump mapping table
+    if (cUnit->mappingTable.size() > 0) {
+        std::string line(StringPrintf("\n    MappingTable %s%s_%s_mappingTable[%zu] = {",
+            descriptor.c_str(), name.c_str(), signature.c_str(), cUnit->mappingTable.size()));
+        std::replace(line.begin(), line.end(), ';', '_');
+        LOG(INFO) << line;
+        for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cUnit->mappingTable.size(); i+=2) {
+            line = StringPrintf("        {0x%08x, 0x%04x},",
+                cUnit->mappingTable[i], cUnit->mappingTable[i+1]);
+            LOG(INFO) << line;
+        }
+        LOG(INFO) <<"    };\n\n";
+    }
  * The following are building blocks to construct low-level IRs with 0 - 4
  * operands.
-LIR* newLIR0(CompilationUnit* cUnit, ArmOpcode opcode)
+LIR* newLIR0(CompilationUnit* cUnit, int opcode)
     LIR* insn = (LIR* ) oatNew(cUnit, sizeof(LIR), true, kAllocLIR);
     DCHECK(isPseudoOpcode(opcode) || (EncodingMap[opcode].flags & NO_OPERAND));
@@ -245,7 +425,7 @@
     return insn;
-LIR* newLIR1(CompilationUnit* cUnit, ArmOpcode opcode,
+LIR* newLIR1(CompilationUnit* cUnit, int opcode,
                            int dest)
     LIR* insn = (LIR* ) oatNew(cUnit, sizeof(LIR), true, kAllocLIR);
@@ -258,7 +438,7 @@
     return insn;
-LIR* newLIR2(CompilationUnit* cUnit, ArmOpcode opcode,
+LIR* newLIR2(CompilationUnit* cUnit, int opcode,
                            int dest, int src1)
     LIR* insn = (LIR* ) oatNew(cUnit, sizeof(LIR), true, kAllocLIR);
@@ -273,7 +453,7 @@
     return insn;
-LIR* newLIR3(CompilationUnit* cUnit, ArmOpcode opcode,
+LIR* newLIR3(CompilationUnit* cUnit, int opcode,
                            int dest, int src1, int src2)
     LIR* insn = (LIR* ) oatNew(cUnit, sizeof(LIR), true, kAllocLIR);
@@ -293,7 +473,7 @@
 #if defined(TARGET_ARM)
-LIR* newLIR4(CompilationUnit* cUnit, ArmOpcode opcode,
+LIR* newLIR4(CompilationUnit* cUnit, int opcode,
                            int dest, int src1, int src2, int info)
     LIR* insn = (LIR* ) oatNew(cUnit, sizeof(LIR), true, kAllocLIR);
@@ -350,7 +530,7 @@
  * instruction streams.
-/* Add a 32-bit constant either in the constant pool or mixed with code */
+/* Add a 32-bit constant either in the constant pool */
 LIR* addWordData(CompilationUnit* cUnit, LIR* *constantListP,
                            int value)
@@ -362,10 +542,6 @@
         newValue->next = *constantListP;
         *constantListP = (LIR*) newValue;
         return newValue;
-    } else {
-        /* Add the constant in the middle of code stream */
-        newLIR1(cUnit, kArm16BitData, (value & 0xffff));
-        newLIR1(cUnit, kArm16BitData, (value >> 16));
     return NULL;
@@ -374,17 +550,10 @@
 LIR* addWideData(CompilationUnit* cUnit, LIR* *constantListP,
                            int valLo, int valHi)
-    LIR* res;
     //FIXME: hard-coded little endian, need BE variant
-    if (constantListP == NULL) {
-        res = addWordData(cUnit, NULL, valLo);
-        addWordData(cUnit, NULL, valHi);
-    } else {
-        // Insert high word into list first
-        addWordData(cUnit, constantListP, valHi);
-        res = addWordData(cUnit, constantListP, valLo);
-    }
-    return res;
+    // Insert high word into list first
+    addWordData(cUnit, constantListP, valHi);
+    return addWordData(cUnit, constantListP, valLo);
 void pushWord(std::vector<uint16_t>&buf, int data) {