Changes to remove need for compiled invoke stubs for quick.
ARM, x86, and MIPS implementation complete, though MIPS is untested.
The ArgArray is changed to be a uint32_t array instead of a JValue array.
Also, a separate result for float/double was needed for x86/MIPS. The invoke
stubs are currently still there, but only used for portable.
Change-Id: I0647f8d5d420cea61370e662e85bdc0c13b5e378
diff --git a/src/oat/runtime/mips/runtime_support_mips.S b/src/oat/runtime/mips/runtime_support_mips.S
index 56535b2..cc41d14 100644
--- a/src/oat/runtime/mips/runtime_support_mips.S
+++ b/src/oat/runtime/mips/runtime_support_mips.S
@@ -427,6 +427,63 @@
INVOKE_TRAMPOLINE art_quick_invoke_virtual_trampoline_with_access_check, artInvokeVirtualTrampolineWithAccessCheck
+ * Invocation stub.
+ * On entry:
+ * a0 = method pointer
+ * a1 = argument array or NULL for no argument methods
+ * a2 = size of argument array in bytes
+ * a3 = (managed) thread pointer
+ * [sp + 16] = JValue* result for non-floating point returns
+ * [sp + 20] = JValue* result for floating point returns
+ */
+ENTRY art_quick_invoke_stub
+ sw $a0, 0($sp) # save out a0
+ addiu $sp, $sp, -16 # spill s0, s1, fp, ra
+ .cfi_adjust_cfa_offset 16
+ sw $ra, 12($sp)
+ .cfi_rel_offset 31, 12
+ sw $fp, 8($sp)
+ .cfi_rel_offset 30, 8
+ sw $s1, 4($sp)
+ .cfi_rel_offset 17, 4
+ sw $s0, 0($sp)
+ .cfi_rel_offset 16, 0
+ move $fp, $sp # save sp in fp
+ .cfi_def_cfa_register 30
+ move $s1, $a3 # move managed thread pointer into s1
+ addiu $s0, $zero, SUSPEND_CHECK_INTERVAL # reset s0 to suspend check interval
+ addiu $t0, $a2, 16 # create space for method pointer in frame
+ srl $t0, $t0, 3 # shift the frame size right 3
+ sll $t0, $t0, 3 # shift the frame size left 3 to align to 16 bytes
+ subu $sp, $sp, $t0 # reserve stack space for argument array
+ addiu $a0, $sp, 4 # pass stack pointer + method ptr as dest for memcpy
+ jal memcpy # (dest, src, bytes)
+ addiu $sp, $sp, -16 # make space for argument slots for memcpy
+ addiu $sp, $sp, 16 # restore stack after memcpy
+ lw $a0, 16($fp) # restore method*
+ lw $a1, 4($sp) # copy arg value for a1
+ lw $a2, 8($sp) # copy arg value for a2
+ lw $a3, 12($sp) # copy arg value for a3
+ lw $t9, METHOD_CODE_OFFSET($a0) # get pointer to the code
+ jalr $t9 # call the method
+ sw $zero, 0($sp) # store NULL for method* at bottom of frame
+ move $sp, $fp # restore the stack
+ lw $s0, 0($sp)
+ lw $s1, 4($sp)
+ lw $fp, 8($sp)
+ lw $ra, 12($sp)
+ addiu $sp, $sp, 16
+ .cfi_adjust_cfa_offset -16
+ lw $t0, 16($sp) # get result pointer
+ sw $v0, 0($t0) # store the result
+ sw $v1, 4($t0) # store the other half of the result
+ lw $t0, 20($sp) # get floating point result pointer
+ jr $ra
+ s.d $f0, 0($t0) # store floating point result
+END art_quick_invoke_stub
+ /*
* Entry point of native methods when JNI bug compatibility is enabled.
.extern artWorkAroundAppJniBugs