Mark non-image spaces and use write barrier for image spaces.

Don't mark string and class roots that are in the image, alloc space
references will be caught by the write barrier.

Change-Id: Idcf9e4ede3b83556d4f8a01276273726dc6eea46
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 2c3c436..ebe4e0b 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -77,6 +77,24 @@
   return false;
+void HeapBitmap::VisitRange(uintptr_t base, uintptr_t max, Callback* visitor, void* arg) const {
+  size_t start = HB_OFFSET_TO_INDEX(base - base_);
+  size_t end = HB_OFFSET_TO_INDEX(max - base_ - 1);
+  for (size_t i = start; i <= end; i++) {
+    word w = words_[i];
+    if (w != 0) {
+      word high_bit = 1 << (kBitsPerWord - 1);
+      uintptr_t ptr_base = HB_INDEX_TO_OFFSET(i) + base_;
+      while (w != 0) {
+        const int shift = CLZ(w);
+        Object* obj = reinterpret_cast<Object*>(ptr_base + shift * kAlignment);
+        (*visitor)(obj, arg);
+        w &= ~(high_bit >> shift);
+      }
+    }
+  }
 // Visits set bits in address order.  The callback is not permitted to
 // change the bitmap bits or max during the traversal.
 void HeapBitmap::Walk(HeapBitmap::Callback* callback, void* arg) {
@@ -108,22 +126,44 @@
 // address will be visited by the traversal.  If the callback sets a
 // bit for an address below the finger, this address will not be
 // visited.
-void HeapBitmap::ScanWalk(uintptr_t base, ScanCallback* callback, void* arg) {
-  DCHECK(words_ != NULL);
-  DCHECK(callback != NULL);
-  DCHECK_GE(base, base_);
-  uintptr_t end = HB_OFFSET_TO_INDEX(max_ - base);
-  for (uintptr_t i = 0; i <= end; ++i) {
-    word w = words_[i];
-    if (UNLIKELY(w != 0)) {
-      word high_bit = 1 << (kBitsPerWord - 1);
-      uintptr_t ptr_base = HB_INDEX_TO_OFFSET(i) + base_;
-      void* finger = reinterpret_cast<void*>(HB_INDEX_TO_OFFSET(i + 1) + base_);
-      while (w != 0) {
-        const int shift = CLZ(w);
-        Object* obj = reinterpret_cast<Object*>(ptr_base + shift * kAlignment);
-        (*callback)(obj, finger, arg);
-        w &= ~(high_bit >> shift);
+void HeapBitmap::ScanWalk(uintptr_t base, uintptr_t max, ScanCallback* callback, void* arg) {
+  CHECK(words_ != NULL);
+  CHECK(callback != NULL);
+  CHECK_LE(base, max);
+  CHECK_GE(base, base_);
+  size_t start = HB_OFFSET_TO_INDEX(base - base_);
+  if (max < max_) {
+    // The end of the space we're looking at is before the current maximum bitmap PC, scan to that
+    // and don't recompute end on each iteration
+    size_t end = HB_OFFSET_TO_INDEX(max - base_ - 1);
+    for (size_t i = start; i <= end; i++) {
+      word w = words_[i];
+      if (UNLIKELY(w != 0)) {
+        word high_bit = 1 << (kBitsPerWord - 1);
+        uintptr_t ptr_base = HB_INDEX_TO_OFFSET(i) + base_;
+        void* finger = reinterpret_cast<void*>(HB_INDEX_TO_OFFSET(i + 1) + base_);
+        while (w != 0) {
+          const int shift = CLZ(w);
+          Object* obj = reinterpret_cast<Object*>(ptr_base + shift * kAlignment);
+          (*callback)(obj, finger, arg);
+          w &= ~(high_bit >> shift);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  } else {
+    size_t end = HB_OFFSET_TO_INDEX(max_ - base_);
+    for (size_t i = start; i <= end; i++) {
+      word w = words_[i];
+      if (UNLIKELY(w != 0)) {
+        word high_bit = 1 << (kBitsPerWord - 1);
+        uintptr_t ptr_base = HB_INDEX_TO_OFFSET(i) + base_;
+        void* finger = reinterpret_cast<void*>(HB_INDEX_TO_OFFSET(i + 1) + base_);
+        while (w != 0) {
+          const int shift = CLZ(w);
+          Object* obj = reinterpret_cast<Object*>(ptr_base + shift * kAlignment);
+          (*callback)(obj, finger, arg);
+          w &= ~(high_bit >> shift);
+        }
       end = HB_OFFSET_TO_INDEX(max_ - base_);
@@ -146,7 +186,7 @@
   CHECK(callback != NULL);
   CHECK_LE(base, max);
   CHECK_GE(base, live_bitmap.base_);
-  max = std::min(max-1, live_bitmap.max_);
+  max = std::min(max - 1, live_bitmap.max_);
   if (live_bitmap.max_ < live_bitmap.base_) {
     // Easy case; both are obviously empty.
     // TODO: this should never happen