Put inlined ArtMethod pointer in stack maps.
Currently done for JIT. Can be extended for AOT and inlined boot
image methods.
Also refactor the lookup of a inlined method at runtime to not
rely on the dex cache, but look at the class loader tables.
bug: 30933338
test: test-art-host, test-art-target
Change-Id: I58bd4d763b82ab8ca3023742835ac388671d1794
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/nodes.h b/compiler/optimizing/nodes.h
index 7d6f616..e32c661 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/nodes.h
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/nodes.h
@@ -1720,28 +1720,22 @@
HEnvironment(ArenaAllocator* arena,
size_t number_of_vregs,
- const DexFile& dex_file,
- uint32_t method_idx,
+ ArtMethod* method,
uint32_t dex_pc,
- InvokeType invoke_type,
HInstruction* holder)
: vregs_(number_of_vregs, arena->Adapter(kArenaAllocEnvironmentVRegs)),
locations_(number_of_vregs, arena->Adapter(kArenaAllocEnvironmentLocations)),
- dex_file_(dex_file),
- method_idx_(method_idx),
+ method_(method),
- invoke_type_(invoke_type),
holder_(holder) {
HEnvironment(ArenaAllocator* arena, const HEnvironment& to_copy, HInstruction* holder)
: HEnvironment(arena,
- to_copy.GetDexFile(),
- to_copy.GetMethodIdx(),
+ to_copy.GetMethod(),
- to_copy.GetInvokeType(),
holder) {}
void SetAndCopyParentChain(ArenaAllocator* allocator, HEnvironment* parent) {
@@ -1790,16 +1784,8 @@
return dex_pc_;
- uint32_t GetMethodIdx() const {
- return method_idx_;
- }
- InvokeType GetInvokeType() const {
- return invoke_type_;
- }
- const DexFile& GetDexFile() const {
- return dex_file_;
+ ArtMethod* GetMethod() const {
+ return method_;
HInstruction* GetHolder() const {
@@ -1815,10 +1801,8 @@
ArenaVector<HUserRecord<HEnvironment*>> vregs_;
ArenaVector<Location> locations_;
HEnvironment* parent_;
- const DexFile& dex_file_;
- const uint32_t method_idx_;
+ ArtMethod* method_;
const uint32_t dex_pc_;
- const InvokeType invoke_type_;
// The instruction that holds this environment.
HInstruction* const holder_;
@@ -3868,7 +3852,6 @@
Primitive::Type GetType() const OVERRIDE { return GetPackedField<ReturnTypeField>(); }
uint32_t GetDexMethodIndex() const { return dex_method_index_; }
- const DexFile& GetDexFile() const { return GetEnvironment()->GetDexFile(); }
InvokeType GetInvokeType() const {
return GetPackedField<InvokeTypeField>();
@@ -4166,6 +4149,8 @@
return dispatch_info_.method_load_data;
+ const DexFile& GetDexFileForPcRelativeDexCache() const;
ClinitCheckRequirement GetClinitCheckRequirement() const {
return GetPackedField<ClinitCheckRequirementField>();
@@ -5425,10 +5410,10 @@
HBoundsCheck(HInstruction* index,
HInstruction* length,
uint32_t dex_pc,
- uint32_t string_char_at_method_index = DexFile::kDexNoIndex)
- : HExpression(index->GetType(), SideEffects::CanTriggerGC(), dex_pc),
- string_char_at_method_index_(string_char_at_method_index) {
+ bool string_char_at = false)
+ : HExpression(index->GetType(), SideEffects::CanTriggerGC(), dex_pc) {
DCHECK_EQ(Primitive::kPrimInt, Primitive::PrimitiveKind(index->GetType()));
+ SetPackedFlag<kFlagIsStringCharAt>(string_char_at);
SetRawInputAt(0, index);
SetRawInputAt(1, length);
@@ -5442,22 +5427,14 @@
bool CanThrow() const OVERRIDE { return true; }
- bool IsStringCharAt() const { return GetStringCharAtMethodIndex() != DexFile::kDexNoIndex; }
- uint32_t GetStringCharAtMethodIndex() const { return string_char_at_method_index_; }
+ bool IsStringCharAt() const { return GetPackedFlag<kFlagIsStringCharAt>(); }
HInstruction* GetIndex() const { return InputAt(0); }
- // We treat a String as an array, creating the HBoundsCheck from String.charAt()
- // intrinsic in the instruction simplifier. We want to include the String.charAt()
- // in the stack trace if we actually throw the StringIndexOutOfBoundsException,
- // so we need to create an HEnvironment which will be translated to an InlineInfo
- // indicating the extra stack frame. Since we add this HEnvironment quite late,
- // in the PrepareForRegisterAllocation pass, we need to remember the method index
- // from the invoke as we don't want to look again at the dex bytecode.
- uint32_t string_char_at_method_index_; // DexFile::kDexNoIndex if regular array.
+ static constexpr size_t kFlagIsStringCharAt = kNumberOfExpressionPackedBits;