ART: Improve test 160-read-barrier-stress.

Add tests for reading references for which we do not hold a
to-space reference. Rewrite the test to test fields, arrays,
GC roots and Unsafe separately, so that reads in one of the
tests do not affect other tests and we exercise more code
paths in the Baker read barriers with introspection.

Add a regression test for the reverted
which erroneously clobbered r0 on ARM in UnsafeCASObject.

Test: --target 160-read-barrier-stress
Test: Repeat with the bad CL; fails for ARM, OK for ARM64.
Bug: 36141117
Change-Id: I0cbc5f5b9a78865ba7ca14ae166ee19d7cf8dd3f
diff --git a/test/160-read-barrier-stress/src/ b/test/160-read-barrier-stress/src/
index 04880c5..5865094 100644
--- a/test/160-read-barrier-stress/src/
+++ b/test/160-read-barrier-stress/src/
@@ -19,21 +19,112 @@
 public class Main {
     public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
+        testFieldReads();
+        testArrayReadsWithConstIndex();
+        testArrayReadsWithNonConstIndex();
+        testGcRoots();
+        testUnsafeGet();
+        testUnsafeCas();
+        testUnsafeCasRegression();
+    }
+    public static void testFieldReads() {
         // Initialize local variables for comparison.
         Object f0000 = manyFields.testField0000;
         Object f1024 = manyFields.testField1024;
         Object f4444 = manyFields.testField4444;
         Object f4999 = manyFields.testField4999;
+        // Continually check reads from `manyFields` while allocating
+        // over 64MiB memory (with heap size limited to 16MiB), ensuring we run GC and
+        // stress the read barrier implementation if concurrent collector is enabled.
+        for (int i = 0; i != 64 * 1024; ++i) {
+            allocateAtLeast1KiB();
+            ManyFields mf = manyFields;  // Load the volatile `manyFields` once on each iteration.
+            // Test reference field access.
+            assertSameObject(f0000, mf.testField0000);
+            assertDifferentObject(f0000, mf.testField0001);
+            assertSameObject(f1024, mf.testField1024);
+            assertSameObject(f4444, mf.testField4444);
+            assertDifferentObject(f4999, mf.testField4998);
+            assertSameObject(f4999, mf.testField4999);
+        }
+    }
+    public static void testArrayReadsWithConstIndex() {
+        // Initialize local variables for comparison.
+        Object f0000 = new Integer(0);
+        Object f1024 = new Integer(1024);
+        Object f4444 = new Integer(4444);
+        Object f4999 = new Integer(4999);
         // Initialize largeArray for comparison.
         largeArray[0] = f0000;
+        Object tmp = new Integer(1);
+        largeArray[1] = tmp;
         largeArray[1024] = f1024;
         largeArray[4444] = f4444;
+        tmp = new Integer(4998);
+        largeArray[4998] = tmp;
         largeArray[4999] = f4999;
+        tmp = null;  // Do not keep a reference to objects in largeArray[1] or largeArray[4998].
+        // Continually check reads from `largeArray` with constant indexes while allocating
+        // over 64MiB memory (with heap size limited to 16MiB), ensuring we run GC and
+        // stress the read barrier implementation if concurrent collector is enabled.
+        for (int i = 0; i != 64 * 1024; ++i) {
+            allocateAtLeast1KiB();
+            Object[] la = largeArray;    // Load the volatile `largeArray` once on each iteration.
+            // Test array access with constant index.
+            assertSameObject(f0000, la[0]);
+            assertDifferentObject(f0000, la[1]);
+            assertSameObject(f1024, la[1024]);
+            assertSameObject(f4444, la[4444]);
+            assertDifferentObject(f4999, la[4998]);
+            assertSameObject(f4999, la[4999]);
+        }
+    }
+    public static void testArrayReadsWithNonConstIndex() {
+        // Initialize local variables for comparison.
+        Object f0000 = new Integer(0);
+        Object f1024 = new Integer(1024);
+        Object f4444 = new Integer(4444);
+        Object f4999 = new Integer(4999);
+        // Initialize largeArray for comparison.
+        largeArray[0] = f0000;
+        Object tmp = new Integer(1);
+        largeArray[1] = tmp;
+        largeArray[1024] = f1024;
+        largeArray[4444] = f4444;
+        tmp = new Integer(4998);
+        largeArray[4998] = tmp;
+        largeArray[4999] = f4999;
+        tmp = null;  // Do not keep a reference to objects in largeArray[1] or largeArray[4998].
         // Read indexes, they cannot be considered constant because the variables are volatile.
         int i0 = index0;
+        int i1 = index1;
         int i1024 = index1024;
         int i4444 = index4444;
+        int i4998 = index4998;
         int i4999 = index4999;
+        // Continually check reads from `largeArray` with non-constant indexes while allocating
+        // over 64MiB memory (with heap size limited to 16MiB), ensuring we run GC and
+        // stress the read barrier implementation if concurrent collector is enabled.
+        for (int i = 0; i != 64 * 1024; ++i) {
+            allocateAtLeast1KiB();
+            Object[] la = largeArray;    // Load the volatile `largeArray` once on each iteration.
+            // Test array access with non-constant index.
+            assertSameObject(f0000, la[i0]);
+            assertDifferentObject(f0000, la[i1]);
+            assertSameObject(f1024, la[i1024]);
+            assertSameObject(f4444, la[i4444]);
+            assertDifferentObject(f4999, la[i4998]);
+            assertSameObject(f4999, la[i4999]);
+        }
+    }
+    public static void testGcRoots() {
         // Initialize strings, hide this under a condition based on a volatile field.
         String testString0 = null;
         String testString1 = null;
@@ -47,39 +138,12 @@
             testString2 = "testString2";
             testString3 = "testString3";
-        // Initialize Unsafe.
-        Unsafe unsafe = getUnsafe();
-        long f0000Offset =
-            unsafe.objectFieldOffset(ManyFields.class.getField("testField0000"));
-        long f1024Offset =
-            unsafe.objectFieldOffset(ManyFields.class.getField("testField1024"));
-        long f4444Offset =
-            unsafe.objectFieldOffset(ManyFields.class.getField("testField4444"));
-        long f4999Offset =
-            unsafe.objectFieldOffset(ManyFields.class.getField("testField4999"));
         // Continually check reads from `manyFields` and `largeArray` while allocating
         // over 64MiB memory (with heap size limited to 16MiB), ensuring we run GC and
         // stress the read barrier implementation if concurrent collector is enabled.
         for (int i = 0; i != 64 * 1024; ++i) {
-            ManyFields mf = manyFields;  // Load the volatile `manyFields` once on each iteration.
-            Object[] la = largeArray;    // Load the volatile `largeArray` once on each iteration.
-            // Test reference field access.
-            assertSameObject(f0000, mf.testField0000);
-            assertSameObject(f1024, mf.testField1024);
-            assertSameObject(f4444, mf.testField4444);
-            assertSameObject(f4999, mf.testField4999);
-            // Test array access with constant index.
-            assertSameObject(f0000, la[0]);
-            assertSameObject(f1024, la[1024]);
-            assertSameObject(f4444, la[4444]);
-            assertSameObject(f4999, la[4999]);
-            // Test array access with non-constant index.
-            assertSameObject(f0000, la[i0]);
-            assertSameObject(f1024, la[i1024]);
-            assertSameObject(f4444, la[i4444]);
-            assertSameObject(f4999, la[i4999]);
             // Test GC roots.
             if (index0 != 12345678) {
               assertSameObject(testString0, "testString0");
@@ -88,24 +152,129 @@
               assertSameObject(testString3, "testString3");
             // TODO: Stress GC roots (const-class, kBssEntry/kReferrersClass).
+        }
+    }
+    public static void testUnsafeGet() throws Exception {
+        // Initialize local variables for comparison.
+        Object f0000 = manyFields.testField0000;
+        Object f1024 = manyFields.testField1024;
+        Object f4444 = manyFields.testField4444;
+        Object f4999 = manyFields.testField4999;
+        // Initialize Unsafe.
+        Unsafe unsafe = getUnsafe();
+        long f0000Offset =
+            unsafe.objectFieldOffset(ManyFields.class.getField("testField0000"));
+        long f0001Offset =
+            unsafe.objectFieldOffset(ManyFields.class.getField("testField0001"));
+        long f1024Offset =
+            unsafe.objectFieldOffset(ManyFields.class.getField("testField1024"));
+        long f4444Offset =
+            unsafe.objectFieldOffset(ManyFields.class.getField("testField4444"));
+        long f4998Offset =
+            unsafe.objectFieldOffset(ManyFields.class.getField("testField4998"));
+        long f4999Offset =
+            unsafe.objectFieldOffset(ManyFields.class.getField("testField4999"));
+        // Continually check unsafe.GetObject() while allocating
+        // over 64MiB memory (with heap size limited to 16MiB), ensuring we run GC and
+        // stress the read barrier implementation if concurrent collector is enabled.
+        for (int i = 0; i != 64 * 1024; ++i) {
+            allocateAtLeast1KiB();
+            ManyFields mf = manyFields;  // Load the volatile `manyFields` once on each iteration.
             // Test Unsafe.getObject().
             assertSameObject(f0000, unsafe.getObject(mf, f0000Offset));
+            assertDifferentObject(f0000, unsafe.getObject(mf, f0001Offset));
             assertSameObject(f1024, unsafe.getObject(mf, f1024Offset));
             assertSameObject(f4444, unsafe.getObject(mf, f4444Offset));
+            assertDifferentObject(f4999, unsafe.getObject(mf, f4998Offset));
             assertSameObject(f4999, unsafe.getObject(mf, f4999Offset));
+        }
+    }
+    public static void testUnsafeCas() throws Exception {
+        // Initialize local variables for comparison.
+        Object f0000 = manyFields.testField0000;
+        Object f1024 = manyFields.testField1024;
+        Object f4444 = manyFields.testField4444;
+        Object f4999 = manyFields.testField4999;
+        // Initialize Unsafe.
+        Unsafe unsafe = getUnsafe();
+        long f0000Offset =
+            unsafe.objectFieldOffset(ManyFields.class.getField("testField0000"));
+        long f0001Offset =
+            unsafe.objectFieldOffset(ManyFields.class.getField("testField0001"));
+        long f1024Offset =
+            unsafe.objectFieldOffset(ManyFields.class.getField("testField1024"));
+        long f4444Offset =
+            unsafe.objectFieldOffset(ManyFields.class.getField("testField4444"));
+        long f4998Offset =
+            unsafe.objectFieldOffset(ManyFields.class.getField("testField4998"));
+        long f4999Offset =
+            unsafe.objectFieldOffset(ManyFields.class.getField("testField4999"));
+        // Continually check Unsafe.compareAndSwapObject() while allocating
+        // over 64MiB memory (with heap size limited to 16MiB), ensuring we run GC and
+        // stress the read barrier implementation if concurrent collector is enabled.
+        for (int i = 0; i != 64 * 1024; ++i) {
+            allocateAtLeast1KiB();
+            ManyFields mf = manyFields;  // Load the volatile `manyFields` once on each iteration.
             // Test Unsafe.compareAndSwapObject().
-            assertEqual(false, unsafe.compareAndSwapObject(mf, f4444Offset, f1024, f4444));
+            assertEqual(false, unsafe.compareAndSwapObject(mf, f0000Offset, f1024, f4444));
+            assertEqual(false, unsafe.compareAndSwapObject(mf, f0001Offset, f1024, f4444));
             assertEqual(true, unsafe.compareAndSwapObject(mf, f1024Offset, f1024, f4444));
             assertEqual(true, unsafe.compareAndSwapObject(mf, f1024Offset, f4444, f1024));
             assertEqual(false, unsafe.compareAndSwapObject(mf, f1024Offset, f4444, f1024));
+            assertEqual(false, unsafe.compareAndSwapObject(mf, f4444Offset, f1024, f4444));
+            assertEqual(false, unsafe.compareAndSwapObject(mf, f4998Offset, f1024, f4444));
+            assertEqual(false, unsafe.compareAndSwapObject(mf, f4999Offset, f1024, f4444));
+        }
+    }
+    public static void testUnsafeCasRegression() throws Exception {
+        // Initialize local variables for comparison.
+        Object f0000 = manyFields.testField0000;
+        // Initialize Unsafe.
+        Unsafe unsafe = getUnsafe();
+        long f0001Offset =
+            unsafe.objectFieldOffset(ManyFields.class.getField("testField0001"));
+        // Continually check Unsafe.compareAndSwapObject() while allocating
+        // over 64MiB memory (with heap size limited to 16MiB), ensuring we run GC and
+        // stress the read barrier implementation if concurrent collector is enabled.
+        for (int i = 0; i != 64 * 1024; ++i) {
+            allocateAtLeast1KiB();
+            ManyFields mf = manyFields;  // Load the volatile `manyFields` once on each iteration.
+            // With , the intrinsic could
+            // erroneously clobber r0 on ARM for Baker read barriers because the introspection
+            // entrypoint would read the destination register from bits 12-15 of the instruction
+            // ADD (register, T3) with no shift, assuming to see LDR (immediate, T3), getting
+            // the output register number as 0 instead of the actual destination in bits 8-11.
+            // As a regression test, call a $noinline$ method which returns the result in r0,
+            // do the UnsafeCasObject and check the result of the $noinline$ call (register
+            // allocator should leave the result in r0, clobbered by the broken intrinsic).
+            int x = $noinline$foo();
+            unsafe.compareAndSwapObject(mf, f0001Offset, f0000, null);  // Ignore the result.
+            if (x != 42) {
+              throw new Error();
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    public static int $noinline$foo() { return 42; }
+    public static void assertDifferentObject(Object lhs, Object rhs) {
+        if (lhs == rhs) {
+            throw new Error("Same objects: " + lhs + " and " + rhs);
     public static void assertSameObject(Object lhs, Object rhs) {
-        if (lhs != rhs) {
-            throw new Error("Different objects: " + lhs + " and " + rhs);
-        }
-    }
+      if (lhs != rhs) {
+          throw new Error("Different objects: " + lhs + " and " + rhs);
+      }
+  }
     public static void assertEqual(boolean expected, boolean actual) {
       if (expected != actual) {
@@ -133,8 +302,10 @@
     public static volatile ManyFields manyFields = new ManyFields();
     public static volatile Object[] largeArray = new Object[5000];
     public static volatile int index0 = 0;
+    public static volatile int index1 = 1;
     public static volatile int index1024 = 1024;
     public static volatile int index4444 = 4444;
+    public static volatile int index4998 = 4998;
     public static volatile int index4999 = 4999;
     // We shall retain some allocated memory and release old allocations