ART: Cache last returned range in LiveInterval::Covers

Optimizing spends ~10% of compilation time in the register allocator.
One of the frequently called methods is LiveInterval::Covers which
has linear complexity w.r.t. the number of gaps in liveness intervals.
This patch leverages the fact that the register allocator calls Covers
with non-decreasing position values and caches the last returned
result to start the iteration closer to the result the next time the
method is invoked. Stats from compiling the framework show that this
optimization reduces the average number of iterations needed to find
the result by 40%.

Change-Id: I4dd26b900879d5e1d03818ebc1e117cc6a53053c
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/ssa_liveness_analysis.h b/compiler/optimizing/ssa_liveness_analysis.h
index 45b433f..9ff2f20 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/ssa_liveness_analysis.h
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/ssa_liveness_analysis.h
@@ -322,18 +322,8 @@
     return last_range_->GetEnd() <= position;
-  bool Covers(size_t position) const {
-    if (IsDeadAt(position)) {
-      return false;
-    }
-    LiveRange* current = first_range_;
-    while (current != nullptr) {
-      if (position >= current->GetStart() && position < current->GetEnd()) {
-        return true;
-      }
-      current = current->GetNext();
-    }
-    return false;
+  bool Covers(size_t position) {
+    return !IsDeadAt(position) && FindRangeAt(position) != nullptr;
@@ -466,6 +456,7 @@
     new_interval->parent_ = parent_;
     new_interval->first_use_ = first_use_;
+    last_visited_range_ = nullptr;
     LiveRange* current = first_range_;
     LiveRange* previous = nullptr;
     // Iterate over the ranges, and either find a range that covers this position, or
@@ -569,10 +560,10 @@
   Location ToLocation() const;
   // Returns the location of the interval following its siblings at `position`.
-  Location GetLocationAt(size_t position) const;
+  Location GetLocationAt(size_t position);
   // Finds the interval that covers `position`.
-  const LiveInterval& GetIntervalAt(size_t position) const;
+  const LiveInterval& GetIntervalAt(size_t position);
   // Returns whether `other` and `this` share the same kind of register.
   bool SameRegisterKind(Location other) const;
@@ -698,6 +689,7 @@
       : allocator_(allocator),
+        last_visited_range_(nullptr),
@@ -711,6 +703,41 @@
         defined_by_(defined_by) {}
+  // Returns a LiveRange covering the given position or nullptr if no such range
+  // exists in the interval.
+  // This is a linear search optimized for multiple queries in a non-decreasing
+  // position order typical for linear scan register allocation.
+  LiveRange* FindRangeAt(size_t position) {
+    // Make sure operations on the interval didn't leave us with a cached result
+    // from a sibling.
+    if (kIsDebugBuild) {
+      if (last_visited_range_ != nullptr) {
+        DCHECK_GE(last_visited_range_->GetStart(), GetStart());
+        DCHECK_LE(last_visited_range_->GetEnd(), GetEnd());
+      }
+    }
+    // If this method was called earlier on a lower position, use that result as
+    // a starting point to save time. However, linear scan performs 3 scans:
+    // integers, floats, and resolution. Instead of resetting at the beginning
+    // of a scan, we do it here.
+    LiveRange* current;
+    if (last_visited_range_ != nullptr && position >= last_visited_range_->GetStart()) {
+      current = last_visited_range_;
+    } else {
+      current = first_range_;
+    }
+    while (current != nullptr && current->GetEnd() <= position) {
+      current = current->GetNext();
+    }
+    last_visited_range_ = current;
+    if (current != nullptr && position >= current->GetStart()) {
+      return current;
+    } else {
+      return nullptr;
+    }
+  }
   ArenaAllocator* const allocator_;
   // Ranges of this interval. We need a quick access to the last range to test
@@ -718,6 +745,10 @@
   LiveRange* first_range_;
   LiveRange* last_range_;
+  // Last visited range. This is a range search optimization leveraging the fact
+  // that the register allocator does a linear scan through the intervals.
+  LiveRange* last_visited_range_;
   // Uses of this interval. Note that this linked list is shared amongst siblings.
   UsePosition* first_use_;