Support for JNI local reference cookie.
This also fixes a cross compilation bug in reseting the top of the
indirect reference table following a down call.
Change-Id: I40d913a6f86dadfe87b58d6d13a1ff3613f270ac
diff --git a/src/calling_convention.h b/src/calling_convention.h
index cf03bb8..de6cf37 100644
--- a/src/calling_convention.h
+++ b/src/calling_convention.h
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@
// Number of references in stack indirect reference table
size_t ReferenceCount() const;
// Location where the segment state of the local indirect reference table is saved
- FrameOffset LocalReferenceTable_SegmentStatesOffset() const;
+ FrameOffset SavedLocalReferenceCookieOffset() const;
// Location where the return value of a call can be squirreled if another
// call is made following the native call
FrameOffset ReturnValueSaveLocation() const;