ART: Remove Baseline compiler
We don't need Baseline any more and it hasn't been maintained for
a while anyway. Let's remove it.
Change-Id: I442ed26855527be2df3c79935403a25b1ee55df6
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/ b/compiler/optimizing/
index bb840ea..eeffe93 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/
@@ -305,30 +305,19 @@
- // Whether we should run any optimization or register allocation. If false, will
- // just run the code generation after the graph was built.
- const bool run_optimizations_;
// Create a 'CompiledMethod' for an optimized graph.
- CompiledMethod* EmitOptimized(ArenaAllocator* arena,
- CodeVectorAllocator* code_allocator,
- CodeGenerator* codegen,
- CompilerDriver* driver) const;
- // Create a 'CompiledMethod' for a non-optimized graph.
- CompiledMethod* EmitBaseline(ArenaAllocator* arena,
- CodeVectorAllocator* code_allocator,
- CodeGenerator* codegen,
- CompilerDriver* driver) const;
+ CompiledMethod* Emit(ArenaAllocator* arena,
+ CodeVectorAllocator* code_allocator,
+ CodeGenerator* codegen,
+ CompilerDriver* driver) const;
// Try compiling a method and return the code generator used for
// compiling it.
// This method:
// 1) Builds the graph. Returns null if it failed to build it.
- // 2) If `run_optimizations_` is set:
- // 2.1) Transform the graph to SSA. Returns null if it failed.
- // 2.2) Run optimizations on the graph, including register allocator.
- // 3) Generate code with the `code_allocator` provided.
+ // 2) Transforms the graph to SSA. Returns null if it failed.
+ // 3) Runs optimizations on the graph, including register allocator.
+ // 4) Generates code with the `code_allocator` provided.
CodeGenerator* TryCompile(ArenaAllocator* arena,
CodeVectorAllocator* code_allocator,
const DexFile::CodeItem* code_item,
@@ -350,9 +339,7 @@
static const int kMaximumCompilationTimeBeforeWarning = 100; /* ms */
OptimizingCompiler::OptimizingCompiler(CompilerDriver* driver)
- : Compiler(driver, kMaximumCompilationTimeBeforeWarning),
- run_optimizations_(
- driver->GetCompilerOptions().GetCompilerFilter() != CompilerOptions::kTime) {}
+ : Compiler(driver, kMaximumCompilationTimeBeforeWarning) {}
void OptimizingCompiler::Init() {
// Enable C1visualizer output. Must be done in Init() because the compiler
@@ -577,17 +564,6 @@
AllocateRegisters(graph, codegen, pass_observer);
-// The stack map we generate must be 4-byte aligned on ARM. Since existing
-// maps are generated alongside these stack maps, we must also align them.
-static ArrayRef<const uint8_t> AlignVectorSize(ArenaVector<uint8_t>& vector) {
- size_t size = vector.size();
- size_t aligned_size = RoundUp(size, 4);
- for (; size < aligned_size; ++size) {
- vector.push_back(0);
- }
- return ArrayRef<const uint8_t>(vector);
static ArenaVector<LinkerPatch> EmitAndSortLinkerPatches(CodeGenerator* codegen) {
ArenaVector<LinkerPatch> linker_patches(codegen->GetGraph()->GetArena()->Adapter());
@@ -601,10 +577,10 @@
return linker_patches;
-CompiledMethod* OptimizingCompiler::EmitOptimized(ArenaAllocator* arena,
- CodeVectorAllocator* code_allocator,
- CodeGenerator* codegen,
- CompilerDriver* compiler_driver) const {
+CompiledMethod* OptimizingCompiler::Emit(ArenaAllocator* arena,
+ CodeVectorAllocator* code_allocator,
+ CodeGenerator* codegen,
+ CompilerDriver* compiler_driver) const {
ArenaVector<LinkerPatch> linker_patches = EmitAndSortLinkerPatches(codegen);
ArenaVector<uint8_t> stack_map(arena->Adapter(kArenaAllocStackMaps));
@@ -630,39 +606,6 @@
return compiled_method;
-CompiledMethod* OptimizingCompiler::EmitBaseline(
- ArenaAllocator* arena,
- CodeVectorAllocator* code_allocator,
- CodeGenerator* codegen,
- CompilerDriver* compiler_driver) const {
- ArenaVector<LinkerPatch> linker_patches = EmitAndSortLinkerPatches(codegen);
- ArenaVector<uint8_t> mapping_table(arena->Adapter(kArenaAllocBaselineMaps));
- codegen->BuildMappingTable(&mapping_table);
- ArenaVector<uint8_t> vmap_table(arena->Adapter(kArenaAllocBaselineMaps));
- codegen->BuildVMapTable(&vmap_table);
- ArenaVector<uint8_t> gc_map(arena->Adapter(kArenaAllocBaselineMaps));
- codegen->BuildNativeGCMap(&gc_map, *compiler_driver);
- CompiledMethod* compiled_method = CompiledMethod::SwapAllocCompiledMethod(
- compiler_driver,
- codegen->GetInstructionSet(),
- ArrayRef<const uint8_t>(code_allocator->GetMemory()),
- // Follow Quick's behavior and set the frame size to zero if it is
- // considered "empty" (see the definition of
- // art::CodeGenerator::HasEmptyFrame).
- codegen->HasEmptyFrame() ? 0 : codegen->GetFrameSize(),
- codegen->GetCoreSpillMask(),
- codegen->GetFpuSpillMask(),
- ArrayRef<const SrcMapElem>(),
- AlignVectorSize(mapping_table),
- AlignVectorSize(vmap_table),
- AlignVectorSize(gc_map),
- ArrayRef<const uint8_t>(*codegen->GetAssembler()->cfi().data()),
- ArrayRef<const LinkerPatch>(linker_patches));
- return compiled_method;
CodeGenerator* OptimizingCompiler::TryCompile(ArenaAllocator* arena,
CodeVectorAllocator* code_allocator,
const DexFile::CodeItem* code_item,
@@ -775,41 +718,37 @@
VLOG(compiler) << "Optimizing " << pass_observer.GetMethodName();
- if (run_optimizations_) {
- ScopedObjectAccess soa(Thread::Current());
- StackHandleScopeCollection handles(soa.Self());
- ScopedThreadSuspension sts(soa.Self(), kNative);
+ ScopedObjectAccess soa(Thread::Current());
+ StackHandleScopeCollection handles(soa.Self());
+ ScopedThreadSuspension sts(soa.Self(), kNative);
- {
- PassScope scope(SsaBuilder::kSsaBuilderPassName, &pass_observer);
- GraphAnalysisResult result = graph->TryBuildingSsa(&handles);
- if (result != kAnalysisSuccess) {
- switch (result) {
- case kAnalysisFailThrowCatchLoop:
- MaybeRecordStat(MethodCompilationStat::kNotCompiledThrowCatchLoop);
- break;
- case kAnalysisFailAmbiguousArrayOp:
- MaybeRecordStat(MethodCompilationStat::kNotCompiledAmbiguousArrayOp);
- break;
- case kAnalysisSuccess:
- }
- pass_observer.SetGraphInBadState();
- return nullptr;
+ {
+ PassScope scope(SsaBuilder::kSsaBuilderPassName, &pass_observer);
+ GraphAnalysisResult result = graph->TryBuildingSsa(&handles);
+ if (result != kAnalysisSuccess) {
+ switch (result) {
+ case kAnalysisFailThrowCatchLoop:
+ MaybeRecordStat(MethodCompilationStat::kNotCompiledThrowCatchLoop);
+ break;
+ case kAnalysisFailAmbiguousArrayOp:
+ MaybeRecordStat(MethodCompilationStat::kNotCompiledAmbiguousArrayOp);
+ break;
+ case kAnalysisSuccess:
+ pass_observer.SetGraphInBadState();
+ return nullptr;
- RunOptimizations(graph,
- codegen.get(),
- compiler_driver,
- compilation_stats_.get(),
- dex_compilation_unit,
- &pass_observer,
- &handles);
- codegen->CompileOptimized(code_allocator);
- } else {
- codegen->CompileBaseline(code_allocator);
+ RunOptimizations(graph,
+ codegen.get(),
+ compiler_driver,
+ compilation_stats_.get(),
+ dex_compilation_unit,
+ &pass_observer,
+ &handles);
+ codegen->Compile(code_allocator);
if (kArenaAllocatorCountAllocations) {
@@ -861,11 +800,7 @@
if (codegen.get() != nullptr) {
- if (run_optimizations_) {
- method = EmitOptimized(&arena, &code_allocator, codegen.get(), compiler_driver);
- } else {
- method = EmitBaseline(&arena, &code_allocator, codegen.get(), compiler_driver);
- }
+ method = Emit(&arena, &code_allocator, codegen.get(), compiler_driver);
} else {
if (compiler_driver->GetCompilerOptions().VerifyAtRuntime()) {
@@ -928,8 +863,6 @@
// Go to native so that we don't block GC during compilation.
ScopedThreadSuspension sts(self, kNative);
- DCHECK(run_optimizations_);