Revert "Revert "Optimizing: Better invoke-static/-direct dispatch.""
Fixed kCallArtMethod to use correct callee location for
kRecursive. This combination is used when compiling with
debuggable flag set.
This reverts commit b2c431e80e92eb6437788cc544cee6c88c3156df.
Change-Id: Idee0f2a794199ebdf24892c60f8a5dcf057db01c
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/nodes.h b/compiler/optimizing/nodes.h
index f09e958..2374c9c 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/nodes.h
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/nodes.h
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
#include "handle_scope.h"
#include "invoke_type.h"
#include "locations.h"
+#include "method_reference.h"
#include "mirror/class.h"
#include "offsets.h"
#include "primitive.h"
@@ -2977,13 +2978,81 @@
kImplicit, // Static call implicitly requiring a clinit check.
+ // Determines how to load the target ArtMethod*.
+ enum class MethodLoadKind {
+ // Use a String init ArtMethod* loaded from Thread entrypoints.
+ kStringInit,
+ // Use the method's own ArtMethod* loaded by the register allocator.
+ kRecursive,
+ // Use ArtMethod* at a known address, embed the direct address in the code.
+ // Used for app->boot calls with non-relocatable image and for JIT-compiled calls.
+ kDirectAddress,
+ // Use ArtMethod* at an address that will be known at link time, embed the direct
+ // address in the code. If the image is relocatable, emit .patch_oat entry.
+ // Used for app->boot calls with relocatable image and boot->boot calls, whether
+ // the image relocatable or not.
+ kDirectAddressWithFixup,
+ // Load from resoved methods array in the dex cache using a PC-relative load.
+ // Used when we need to use the dex cache, for example for invoke-static that
+ // may cause class initialization (the entry may point to a resolution method),
+ // and we know that we can access the dex cache arrays using a PC-relative load.
+ kDexCachePcRelative,
+ // Use ArtMethod* from the resolved methods of the compiled method's own ArtMethod*.
+ // Used for JIT when we need to use the dex cache. This is also the last-resort-kind
+ // used when other kinds are unavailable (say, dex cache arrays are not PC-relative)
+ // or unimplemented or impractical (i.e. slow) on a particular architecture.
+ kDexCacheViaMethod,
+ };
+ // Determines the location of the code pointer.
+ enum class CodePtrLocation {
+ // Recursive call, use local PC-relative call instruction.
+ kCallSelf,
+ // Use PC-relative call instruction patched at link time.
+ // Used for calls within an oat file, boot->boot or app->app.
+ kCallPCRelative,
+ // Call to a known target address, embed the direct address in code.
+ // Used for app->boot call with non-relocatable image and for JIT-compiled calls.
+ kCallDirect,
+ // Call to a target address that will be known at link time, embed the direct
+ // address in code. If the image is relocatable, emit .patch_oat entry.
+ // Used for app->boot calls with relocatable image and boot->boot calls, whether
+ // the image relocatable or not.
+ kCallDirectWithFixup,
+ // Use code pointer from the ArtMethod*.
+ // Used when we don't know the target code. This is also the last-resort-kind used when
+ // other kinds are unimplemented or impractical (i.e. slow) on a particular architecture.
+ kCallArtMethod,
+ };
+ struct DispatchInfo {
+ const MethodLoadKind method_load_kind;
+ const CodePtrLocation code_ptr_location;
+ // The method load data holds
+ // - thread entrypoint offset for kStringInit method if this is a string init invoke.
+ // Note that there are multiple string init methods, each having its own offset.
+ // - the method address for kDirectAddress
+ // - the dex cache arrays offset for kDexCachePcRel.
+ const uint64_t method_load_data;
+ const uint64_t direct_code_ptr;
+ };
HInvokeStaticOrDirect(ArenaAllocator* arena,
uint32_t number_of_arguments,
Primitive::Type return_type,
uint32_t dex_pc,
- uint32_t dex_method_index,
- bool is_recursive,
- int32_t string_init_offset,
+ uint32_t method_index,
+ MethodReference target_method,
+ DispatchInfo dispatch_info,
InvokeType original_invoke_type,
InvokeType invoke_type,
ClinitCheckRequirement clinit_check_requirement)
@@ -2993,15 +3062,15 @@
// potentially one other if the clinit check is explicit, and one other
// if the method is a string factory.
1u + (clinit_check_requirement == ClinitCheckRequirement::kExplicit ? 1u : 0u)
- + (string_init_offset ? 1u : 0u),
+ + (dispatch_info.method_load_kind == MethodLoadKind::kStringInit ? 1u : 0u),
- dex_method_index,
+ method_index,
- is_recursive_(is_recursive),
- string_init_offset_(string_init_offset) {}
+ target_method_(target_method),
+ dispatch_info_(dispatch_info) {}
bool CanDoImplicitNullCheckOn(HInstruction* obj) const OVERRIDE {
@@ -3015,11 +3084,36 @@
InvokeType GetInvokeType() const { return invoke_type_; }
- bool IsRecursive() const { return is_recursive_; }
- bool NeedsDexCache() const OVERRIDE { return !IsRecursive(); }
- bool IsStringInit() const { return string_init_offset_ != 0; }
- int32_t GetStringInitOffset() const { return string_init_offset_; }
+ MethodLoadKind GetMethodLoadKind() const { return dispatch_info_.method_load_kind; }
+ CodePtrLocation GetCodePtrLocation() const { return dispatch_info_.code_ptr_location; }
+ bool IsRecursive() const { return GetMethodLoadKind() == MethodLoadKind::kRecursive; }
+ bool NeedsDexCache() const OVERRIDE { return !IsRecursive() && !IsStringInit(); }
+ bool IsStringInit() const { return GetMethodLoadKind() == MethodLoadKind::kStringInit; }
uint32_t GetCurrentMethodInputIndex() const { return GetNumberOfArguments(); }
+ bool HasMethodAddress() const { return GetMethodLoadKind() == MethodLoadKind::kDirectAddress; }
+ bool HasPcRelDexCache() const { return GetMethodLoadKind() == MethodLoadKind::kDexCachePcRelative; }
+ bool HasDirectCodePtr() const { return GetCodePtrLocation() == CodePtrLocation::kCallDirect; }
+ MethodReference GetTargetMethod() const { return target_method_; }
+ int32_t GetStringInitOffset() const {
+ DCHECK(IsStringInit());
+ return dispatch_info_.method_load_data;
+ }
+ uint64_t GetMethodAddress() const {
+ DCHECK(HasMethodAddress());
+ return dispatch_info_.method_load_data;
+ }
+ uint32_t GetDexCacheArrayOffset() const {
+ DCHECK(HasPcRelDexCache());
+ return dispatch_info_.method_load_data;
+ }
+ uint64_t GetDirectCodePtr() const {
+ DCHECK(HasDirectCodePtr());
+ return dispatch_info_.direct_code_ptr;
+ }
// Is this instruction a call to a static method?
bool IsStatic() const {
@@ -3090,11 +3184,12 @@
const InvokeType invoke_type_;
- const bool is_recursive_;
ClinitCheckRequirement clinit_check_requirement_;
- // Thread entrypoint offset for string init method if this is a string init invoke.
- // Note that there are multiple string init methods, each having its own offset.
- int32_t string_init_offset_;
+ // The target method may refer to different dex file or method index than the original
+ // invoke. This happens for sharpened calls and for calls where a method was redeclared
+ // in derived class to increase visibility.
+ MethodReference target_method_;
+ DispatchInfo dispatch_info_;
@@ -4998,6 +5093,16 @@
: constant->AsLongConstant()->GetValue();
+inline bool IsSameDexFile(const DexFile& lhs, const DexFile& rhs) {
+ // For the purposes of the compiler, the dex files must actually be the same object
+ // if we want to safely treat them as the same. This is especially important for JIT
+ // as custom class loaders can open the same underlying file (or memory) multiple
+ // times and provide different class resolution but no two class loaders should ever
+ // use the same DexFile object - doing so is an unsupported hack that can lead to
+ // all sorts of weird failures.
+ return &lhs == &rhs;
} // namespace art