Implement checkcast for optimizing.

- Ended up not using HTypeCheck because of how
  instanceof and checkcast end up having different logic
  for code generation.

- Fix a x86_64 assembler bug triggered by now enabling
  more methods to be compiled. Difficult to test today
  without b/18117217.

Change-Id: I3022e7ae03befb1d10bea9637ad21fadc430abe0
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/builder.h b/compiler/optimizing/builder.h
index 09c9a51..9cf8305 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/builder.h
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/builder.h
@@ -173,6 +173,14 @@
                               uint32_t element_count,
                               uint32_t dex_offset);
+  // Builds a `HInstanceOf`, or a `HCheckCast` instruction.
+  // Returns whether we succeeded in building the instruction.
+  bool BuildTypeCheck(const Instruction& instruction,
+                      uint8_t destination,
+                      uint8_t reference,
+                      uint16_t type_index,
+                      uint32_t dex_offset);
   ArenaAllocator* const arena_;
   // A list of the size of the dex code holding block information for