ARM64: Fix mterp switch table pointer calculation.

Do not mix 32-bit and 64-bit registers with
    add     x0, xPC, w0, lsl #1
that ends up compiled as
    add     x0, xPC, w0, uxtx #1
instead of the required sxtx. Just sing-extend the offset
correctly in previous instructions.

Test: Additional test in 501-regression-packed-switch.
Change-Id: I9867dc1180743e98f9707a312241d2f5b726ca8c
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm64/op_packed_switch.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm64/op_packed_switch.S
index 1456f1a..fd7ca62 100644
--- a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm64/op_packed_switch.S
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm64/op_packed_switch.S
@@ -9,12 +9,12 @@
      * for: packed-switch, sparse-switch
     /* op vAA, +BBBB */
-    FETCH w0, 1                         // w0<- bbbb (lo)
-    FETCH w1, 2                         // w1<- BBBB (hi)
+    FETCH   w0, 1                       // x0<- 000000000000bbbb (lo)
+    FETCH_S x1, 2                       // x1<- ssssssssssssBBBB (hi)
     lsr     w3, wINST, #8               // w3<- AA
-    orr     w0, w0, w1, lsl #16         // w0<- BBBBbbbb
+    orr     x0, x0, x1, lsl #16         // x0<- ssssssssBBBBbbbb
     GET_VREG w1, w3                     // w1<- vAA
-    add     x0, xPC, w0, lsl #1         // w0<- PC + BBBBbbbb*2
+    add     x0, xPC, x0, lsl #1         // x0<- PC + BBBBbbbb*2
     bl      $func                       // w0<- code-unit branch offset
     sbfm    xINST, x0, 0, 31
     b       MterpCommonTakenBranchNoFlags
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/out/mterp_arm64.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/out/mterp_arm64.S
index df0b686..51e7163 100644
--- a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/out/mterp_arm64.S
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/out/mterp_arm64.S
@@ -1143,12 +1143,12 @@
      * for: packed-switch, sparse-switch
     /* op vAA, +BBBB */
-    FETCH w0, 1                         // w0<- bbbb (lo)
-    FETCH w1, 2                         // w1<- BBBB (hi)
+    FETCH   w0, 1                       // x0<- 000000000000bbbb (lo)
+    FETCH_S x1, 2                       // x1<- ssssssssssssBBBB (hi)
     lsr     w3, wINST, #8               // w3<- AA
-    orr     w0, w0, w1, lsl #16         // w0<- BBBBbbbb
+    orr     x0, x0, x1, lsl #16         // x0<- ssssssssBBBBbbbb
     GET_VREG w1, w3                     // w1<- vAA
-    add     x0, xPC, w0, lsl #1         // w0<- PC + BBBBbbbb*2
+    add     x0, xPC, x0, lsl #1         // x0<- PC + BBBBbbbb*2
     bl      MterpDoPackedSwitch                       // w0<- code-unit branch offset
     sbfm    xINST, x0, 0, 31
     b       MterpCommonTakenBranchNoFlags
@@ -1168,12 +1168,12 @@
      * for: packed-switch, sparse-switch
     /* op vAA, +BBBB */
-    FETCH w0, 1                         // w0<- bbbb (lo)
-    FETCH w1, 2                         // w1<- BBBB (hi)
+    FETCH   w0, 1                       // x0<- 000000000000bbbb (lo)
+    FETCH_S x1, 2                       // x1<- ssssssssssssBBBB (hi)
     lsr     w3, wINST, #8               // w3<- AA
-    orr     w0, w0, w1, lsl #16         // w0<- BBBBbbbb
+    orr     x0, x0, x1, lsl #16         // x0<- ssssssssBBBBbbbb
     GET_VREG w1, w3                     // w1<- vAA
-    add     x0, xPC, w0, lsl #1         // w0<- PC + BBBBbbbb*2
+    add     x0, xPC, x0, lsl #1         // x0<- PC + BBBBbbbb*2
     bl      MterpDoSparseSwitch                       // w0<- code-unit branch offset
     sbfm    xINST, x0, 0, 31
     b       MterpCommonTakenBranchNoFlags
diff --git a/test/501-regression-packed-switch/info.txt b/test/501-regression-packed-switch/info.txt
index fbd93fa..988b220 100644
--- a/test/501-regression-packed-switch/info.txt
+++ b/test/501-regression-packed-switch/info.txt
@@ -1,2 +1,4 @@
 Regression test for the interpreter and optimizing's builder which used
 to trip when compiled code contained a packed switch with no targets.
+Regression test for the arm64 mterp miscalculating the switch table
+address, zero-extending a register instead of sign-extending.
diff --git a/test/501-regression-packed-switch/smali/Test.smali b/test/501-regression-packed-switch/smali/Test.smali
index 8756ed5..5a760c7 100644
--- a/test/501-regression-packed-switch/smali/Test.smali
+++ b/test/501-regression-packed-switch/smali/Test.smali
@@ -27,3 +27,28 @@
   .packed-switch 0x0
   .end packed-switch
 .end method
+.method public static PackedSwitchAfterData(I)I
+  .registers 1
+  goto :pswitch_instr
+  :case0
+  const/4 v0, 0x1
+  return v0
+  :pswitch_data
+  .packed-switch 0x0
+    :case0
+    :case1
+  .end packed-switch
+  :pswitch_instr
+  packed-switch v0, :pswitch_data
+  const/4 v0, 0x7
+  return v0
+  :case1
+  const/4 v0, 0x4
+  return v0
+.end method
diff --git a/test/501-regression-packed-switch/src/ b/test/501-regression-packed-switch/src/
index b80bc62..12bc1a8 100644
--- a/test/501-regression-packed-switch/src/
+++ b/test/501-regression-packed-switch/src/
@@ -29,5 +29,10 @@
     if (result != 5) {
       throw new Error("Expected 5, got " + result);
+    m = c.getMethod("PackedSwitchAfterData", new Class[] { int.class });
+    result = (Integer) m.invoke(null, new Integer(0));
+    if (result != 1) {
+      throw new Error("Expected 1, got " + result);
+    }