Compile-time tuning

Specialized the dataflow iterators and did a few other minor tweaks.
Showing ~5% compile-time improvement in a single-threaded environment;
less in multi-threaded (presumably because we're blocked by something

Change-Id: I2e2ed58d881414b9fc97e04cd0623e188259afd2
diff --git a/compiler/dex/dataflow_iterator.h b/compiler/dex/dataflow_iterator.h
index da44ffd..1dab54e 100644
--- a/compiler/dex/dataflow_iterator.h
+++ b/compiler/dex/dataflow_iterator.h
@@ -27,124 +27,130 @@
    * interesting orders.  Note that for efficiency, the visit orders have been pre-computed.
    * The order itself will not change during the iteration.  However, for some uses,
    * auxiliary data associated with the basic blocks may be changed during the iteration,
-   * necessitating another pass over the list.
-   *
-   * To support this usage, we have is_iterative_.  If false, the iteration is a one-shot
-   * pass through the pre-computed list using Next().  If true, the caller must tell the
-   * iterator whether a change has been made that necessitates another pass.  Use
-   * Next(had_change) for this.  The general idea is that the iterative_ use case means
-   * that the iterator will keep repeating the full basic block list until a complete pass
-   * is made through it with no changes.  Note that calling Next(true) does not affect
-   * the iteration order or short-curcuit the current pass - it simply tells the iterator
-   * that once it has finished walking through the block list it should reset and do another
-   * full pass through the list.
+   * necessitating another pass over the list.  If this behavior is required, use the
+   * "Repeating" variant.  For the repeating variant, the caller must tell the iterator
+   * whether a change has been made that necessitates another pass.  Note that calling Next(true)
+   * does not affect the iteration order or short-circuit the current pass - it simply tells
+   * the iterator that once it has finished walking through the block list it should reset and
+   * do another full pass through the list.
   class DataflowIterator {
       virtual ~DataflowIterator() {}
-      // Return the next BasicBlock* to visit.
-      BasicBlock* Next() {
-        DCHECK(!is_iterative_);
-        return NextBody(false);
-      }
-      /*
-       * Return the next BasicBlock* to visit, and tell the iterator whether any change
-       * has occurred that requires another full pass over the block list.
-       */
-      BasicBlock* Next(bool had_change) {
-        DCHECK(is_iterative_);
-        return NextBody(had_change);
-      }
-      DataflowIterator(MIRGraph* mir_graph, bool is_iterative, int start_idx, int end_idx,
-                       bool reverse)
+      DataflowIterator(MIRGraph* mir_graph, int start_idx, int end_idx)
           : mir_graph_(mir_graph),
-            is_iterative_(is_iterative),
-            reverse_(reverse),
             changed_(false) {}
-      virtual BasicBlock* NextBody(bool had_change) ALWAYS_INLINE;
+      virtual BasicBlock* ForwardSingleNext() ALWAYS_INLINE;
+      virtual BasicBlock* ReverseSingleNext() ALWAYS_INLINE;
+      virtual BasicBlock* ForwardRepeatNext(bool had_change) ALWAYS_INLINE;
+      virtual BasicBlock* ReverseRepeatNext(bool had_change) ALWAYS_INLINE;
       MIRGraph* const mir_graph_;
-      const bool is_iterative_;
       const int start_idx_;
       const int end_idx_;
-      const bool reverse_;
       GrowableArray<int>* block_id_list_;
       int idx_;
       bool changed_;
   };  // DataflowIterator
-  class ReachableNodesIterator : public DataflowIterator {
-    public:
-      ReachableNodesIterator(MIRGraph* mir_graph, bool is_iterative)
-          : DataflowIterator(mir_graph, is_iterative, 0,
-                             mir_graph->GetNumReachableBlocks(), false) {
-        idx_ = start_idx_;
-        block_id_list_ = mir_graph->GetDfsOrder();
-      }
-  };
   class PreOrderDfsIterator : public DataflowIterator {
-      PreOrderDfsIterator(MIRGraph* mir_graph, bool is_iterative)
-          : DataflowIterator(mir_graph, is_iterative, 0,
-                             mir_graph->GetNumReachableBlocks(), false) {
+      explicit PreOrderDfsIterator(MIRGraph* mir_graph)
+          : DataflowIterator(mir_graph, 0, mir_graph->GetNumReachableBlocks()) {
         idx_ = start_idx_;
         block_id_list_ = mir_graph->GetDfsOrder();
+      BasicBlock* Next() {
+        return ForwardSingleNext();
+      }
-  class PostOrderDfsIterator : public DataflowIterator {
+  class RepeatingPreOrderDfsIterator : public DataflowIterator {
-      PostOrderDfsIterator(MIRGraph* mir_graph, bool is_iterative)
-          : DataflowIterator(mir_graph, is_iterative, 0,
-                             mir_graph->GetNumReachableBlocks(), false) {
+      explicit RepeatingPreOrderDfsIterator(MIRGraph* mir_graph)
+          : DataflowIterator(mir_graph, 0, mir_graph->GetNumReachableBlocks()) {
+        idx_ = start_idx_;
+        block_id_list_ = mir_graph->GetDfsOrder();
+      }
+      BasicBlock* Next(bool had_change) {
+        return ForwardRepeatNext(had_change);
+      }
+  };
+  class RepeatingPostOrderDfsIterator : public DataflowIterator {
+    public:
+      explicit RepeatingPostOrderDfsIterator(MIRGraph* mir_graph)
+          : DataflowIterator(mir_graph, 0, mir_graph->GetNumReachableBlocks()) {
         idx_ = start_idx_;
         block_id_list_ = mir_graph->GetDfsPostOrder();
+      BasicBlock* Next(bool had_change) {
+        return ForwardRepeatNext(had_change);
+      }
   class ReversePostOrderDfsIterator : public DataflowIterator {
-      ReversePostOrderDfsIterator(MIRGraph* mir_graph, bool is_iterative)
-          : DataflowIterator(mir_graph, is_iterative,
-                             mir_graph->GetNumReachableBlocks() -1, 0, true) {
+      explicit ReversePostOrderDfsIterator(MIRGraph* mir_graph)
+          : DataflowIterator(mir_graph, mir_graph->GetNumReachableBlocks() -1, 0) {
         idx_ = start_idx_;
         block_id_list_ = mir_graph->GetDfsPostOrder();
+      BasicBlock* Next() {
+        return ReverseSingleNext();
+      }
+  };
+  class RepeatingReversePostOrderDfsIterator : public DataflowIterator {
+    public:
+      explicit RepeatingReversePostOrderDfsIterator(MIRGraph* mir_graph)
+          : DataflowIterator(mir_graph, mir_graph->GetNumReachableBlocks() -1, 0) {
+        idx_ = start_idx_;
+        block_id_list_ = mir_graph->GetDfsPostOrder();
+      }
+      BasicBlock* Next(bool had_change) {
+        return ReverseRepeatNext(had_change);
+      }
   class PostOrderDOMIterator : public DataflowIterator {
-      PostOrderDOMIterator(MIRGraph* mir_graph, bool is_iterative)
-          : DataflowIterator(mir_graph, is_iterative, 0,
-                             mir_graph->GetNumReachableBlocks(), false) {
+      explicit PostOrderDOMIterator(MIRGraph* mir_graph)
+          : DataflowIterator(mir_graph, 0, mir_graph->GetNumReachableBlocks()) {
         idx_ = start_idx_;
         block_id_list_ = mir_graph->GetDomPostOrder();
+      BasicBlock* Next() {
+        return ForwardSingleNext();
+      }
   class AllNodesIterator : public DataflowIterator {
-      AllNodesIterator(MIRGraph* mir_graph, bool is_iterative)
-          : DataflowIterator(mir_graph, is_iterative, 0, 0, false) {
-        all_nodes_iterator_ =
-            new (mir_graph->GetArena()) GrowableArray<BasicBlock*>::Iterator(mir_graph->GetBlockList());
+      explicit AllNodesIterator(MIRGraph* mir_graph)
+          : DataflowIterator(mir_graph, 0, 0) {
+        all_nodes_iterator_ = new
+            (mir_graph->GetArena()) GrowableArray<BasicBlock*>::Iterator(mir_graph->GetBlockList());
       void Reset() {
-      BasicBlock* NextBody(bool had_change) ALWAYS_INLINE;
+      BasicBlock* Next() ALWAYS_INLINE;
       GrowableArray<BasicBlock*>::Iterator* all_nodes_iterator_;