Add a more flexible Dominators API.
Adds a new API for accessing the DominatorsComputation that makes it
easier to pass global state through the computation.
Bug: 79131879
Test: m ahat-test, with tests for new API added.
Change-Id: Id81a192abd1087773837714ccf2a7b3577a32992
diff --git a/tools/ahat/etc/ahat_api.txt b/tools/ahat/etc/ahat_api.txt
index f60c1a8..8c7ff64 100644
--- a/tools/ahat/etc/ahat_api.txt
+++ b/tools/ahat/etc/ahat_api.txt
@@ -8,7 +8,20 @@
package {
- public class DominatorsComputation {
+ public class Dominators<Node> {
+ ctor public Dominators(;
+ method public void computeDominators(Node);
+ method public progress(, long);
+ }
+ public static abstract interface Dominators.Graph<Node> {
+ method public abstract java.lang.Object getDominatorsComputationState(Node);
+ method public abstract java.lang.Iterable<? extends Node> getReferencesForDominators(Node);
+ method public abstract void setDominator(Node, Node);
+ method public abstract void setDominatorsComputationState(Node, java.lang.Object);
+ }
+ public deprecated class DominatorsComputation {
method public static void computeDominators(;
method public static void computeDominators(,, long);
diff --git a/tools/ahat/src/main/com/android/ahat/dominators/ b/tools/ahat/src/main/com/android/ahat/dominators/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dda0e83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/ahat/src/main/com/android/ahat/dominators/
@@ -0,0 +1,476 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+import java.util.ArrayDeque;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.Deque;
+import java.util.Queue;
+ * Computes the immediate dominators of a directed graph. It can be used with
+ * any directed graph data structure that implements the
+ * {@link Dominators.Graph} interface and has some root node with no incoming
+ * edges.
+ */
+public class Dominators<Node> {
+ private final Graph<Node> graph;
+ private Progress progress = new NullProgress();
+ private long numNodes = 0;
+ /**
+ * Interface for a directed graph to perform immediate dominators
+ * computation on.
+ * The dominators computation can be used with directed graph data
+ * structures that implement this <code>Graph</code> interface. To use the
+ * dominators computation on your graph, you must make the following
+ * functionality available to the dominators computation:
+ * <ul>
+ * <li>Efficiently mapping from node to associated internal dominators
+ * computation state using the
+ * {@link #setDominatorsComputationState setDominatorsComputationState} and
+ * {@link #getDominatorsComputationState getDominatorsComputationState} methods.
+ * <li>Iterating over all outgoing edges of an node using the
+ * {@link #getReferencesForDominators getReferencesForDominators} method.
+ * <li>Setting the computed dominator for a node using the
+ * {@link #setDominator setDominator} method.
+ * </ul>
+ */
+ public interface Graph<Node> {
+ /**
+ * Associates the given dominator state with the given node. Subsequent
+ * calls to
+ * {@link #getDominatorsComputationState getDominatorsComputationState} on
+ * this node should return the state given here. At the conclusion of the
+ * dominators computation, this method will be called for
+ * each node with <code>state</code> set to null.
+ *
+ * @param node the node to associate dominator state
+ * @param state the dominator state to associate with the node
+ */
+ void setDominatorsComputationState(Node node, Object state);
+ /**
+ * Returns the dominator state most recently associated with the given node
+ * by a call to {@link #setDominatorsComputationState setDominatorsComputationState}.
+ * If <code>setDominatorsComputationState</code> has not yet been called
+ * on this node for this dominators computation, this method should return
+ * null.
+ *
+ * @param node the node to get the dominator state for
+ * @return the associated dominator state
+ */
+ Object getDominatorsComputationState(Node node);
+ /**
+ * Returns a collection of nodes referenced from the given node, for the
+ * purposes of computing dominators. This method will be called at most
+ * once for each node reachable from the root node of the dominators
+ * computation.
+ *
+ * @param node the node to get the references for
+ * @return an iterable collection of the nodes with an incoming edge from
+ * the node.
+ */
+ Iterable<? extends Node> getReferencesForDominators(Node node);
+ /**
+ * Sets the dominator for the given node based on the results of the
+ * dominators computation.
+ *
+ * @param node the node to set the dominator for
+ * @param dominator the computed immediate dominator of the node
+ */
+ void setDominator(Node node, Node dominator);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Construct an object to do dominators computation on the given graph.
+ *
+ * @param graph the graph to compute the dominators of
+ */
+ public Dominators(Graph graph) {
+ this.graph = graph;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets up a progress tracker for the dominators computation.
+ *
+ * @param progress the progress tracker to use
+ * @param numNodes an upper bound on the number of nodes in the graph
+ * @return this Dominators object
+ */
+ public Dominators progress(Progress progress, long numNodes) {
+ this.progress = progress;
+ this.numNodes = numNodes;
+ return this;
+ }
+ // NodeS is information associated with a particular node for the
+ // purposes of computing dominators.
+ // By convention we use the suffix 'S' to name instances of NodeS.
+ private static class NodeS {
+ // The node that this NodeS is associated with.
+ public Object node;
+ // Unique identifier for this node, in increasing order based on the order
+ // this node was visited in a depth first search from the root. In
+ // particular, given nodes A and B, if >, then A cannot be a
+ // dominator of B.
+ public long id;
+ // The largest id of all nodes reachable from this node.
+ // If > this.maxReachableId, then foo is not reachable from this
+ // node.
+ public long maxReachableId;
+ // The set of ids of nodes that have references to this node.
+ public IdSet inRefIds = new IdSet();
+ // The current candidate dominator for this node.
+ // The true immediate dominator of this node must have id <=
+ public NodeS domS;
+ // The previous candidate dominator for this node.
+ // Invariant:
+ // * There are no nodes xS reachable from this node on a path of nodes
+ // with increasing ids (not counting for which
+ // > >
+ // This ensures that when all nodes xS satisfy xS.domS == xS.oldDomS, we
+ // have found the true immediate dominator of each node.
+ //
+ // Note: We only use this field to tell if this node is scheduled to be
+ // revisited. We could replace it with a boolean to save space, but it
+ // probably doesn't save that much space and it's easier to explain the
+ // algorithm if we can refer to this field.
+ public NodeS oldDomS;
+ // The set of nodes that this node is the candidate immediate dominator
+ // of. More precisely, the set of nodes xS such that xS.domS == this.
+ public NodeSet dominated = new NodeSet();
+ // The set of nodes that this node is the old candidate immediate
+ // dominator of that need to be revisited. Specifically, the set of nodes
+ // xS such that:
+ // xS.oldDomS == this && xS.oldDomS != xS.domS.
+ //
+ // The empty set is represented as null instead of an empty NodeSet to
+ // save memory.
+ // Invariant:
+ // If revisit != null, this node is on the global list of nodes to be
+ // revisited.
+ public NodeSet revisit = null;
+ // Distance from the root to this node. Used for purposes of tracking
+ // progress only.
+ public long depth;
+ }
+ // A collection of node ids.
+ private static class IdSet {
+ private int size = 0;
+ private long[] ids = new long[4];
+ // Adds an id to the set.
+ public void add(long id) {
+ if (size == ids.length) {
+ ids = Arrays.copyOf(ids, size * 2);
+ }
+ ids[size++] = id;
+ }
+ // Returns the most recent id added to the set. Behavior is undefined if
+ // the set is empty.
+ public long last() {
+ assert size != 0;
+ return ids[size - 1];
+ }
+ // Returns true if the set contains an id in the range [low, high]
+ // inclusive, false otherwise.
+ public boolean hasIdInRange(long low, long high) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
+ if (low <= ids[i] && ids[i] <= high) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // An unordered set of nodes data structure supporting efficient iteration
+ // over elements. The bulk of the time spent in the dominators algorithm is
+ // iterating over these sets. Using an array to store the set provides
+ // noticable performance improvements over ArrayList or a linked list.
+ private static class NodeSet {
+ public int size = 0;
+ public NodeS[] nodes = new NodeS[4];
+ public void add(NodeS nodeS) {
+ if (size == nodes.length) {
+ nodes = Arrays.copyOf(nodes, size * 2);
+ }
+ nodes[size++] = nodeS;
+ }
+ public void remove(NodeS nodeS) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
+ if (nodes[i] == nodeS) {
+ remove(i);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public void remove(int index) {
+ nodes[index] = nodes[--size];
+ nodes[size] = null;
+ }
+ }
+ // A reference from a source node to a destination node to be processed
+ // during the initial depth-first traversal of nodes.
+ //
+ // Also used as a marker to indicate when the depth-first traversal has been
+ // completed for a node. In that case, srcS is the node depth-first
+ // traversal has been completed for, and dst will be set to null.
+ private static class Link<Node> {
+ public final NodeS srcS;
+ public final Node dst;
+ // Constructor for a reference from srcS to dst.
+ public Link(NodeS srcS, Node dst) {
+ this.srcS = srcS;
+ this.dst = dst;
+ }
+ // Constructor for a marker indicating depth-first traversal has been
+ // completed for srcS.
+ public Link(NodeS srcS) {
+ this.srcS = srcS;
+ this.dst = null;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Computes the immediate dominators of all nodes reachable from the <code>root</code> node.
+ * There must not be any incoming references to the <code>root</code> node.
+ * <p>
+ * The result of this function is to call the {@link Graph#setDominator}
+ * function on every node reachable from the root node.
+ *
+ * @param root the root node of the dominators computation
+ */
+ public void computeDominators(Node root) {
+ long id = 0;
+ // The set of nodes xS such that xS.revisit != null.
+ // Use a Queue instead of a Set because performance will be better. We
+ // avoid adding nodes already on the queue by checking
+ // xS == null before adding the node to the queue.
+ Queue<NodeS> revisit = new ArrayDeque<NodeS>();
+ // Set up the root node specially.
+ NodeS rootS = new NodeS();
+ rootS.node = root;
+ = id++;
+ rootS.depth = 0;
+ graph.setDominatorsComputationState(root, rootS);
+ Deque<Link<Node>> dfs = new ArrayDeque<Link<Node>>();
+ dfs.push(new Link(rootS));
+ for (Node child : graph.getReferencesForDominators(root)) {
+ dfs.push(new Link(rootS, child));
+ }
+ // workBound is an upper bound on the amount of work required in the
+ // second phase of dominators computation, used solely for the purposes of
+ // tracking progress.
+ long workBound = 0;
+ // 1. Do a depth first search of the nodes, label them with ids and come
+ // up with initial candidate dominators for them.
+ progress.start("Initializing dominators", numNodes);
+ while (!dfs.isEmpty()) {
+ Link<Node> link = dfs.pop();
+ if (link.dst == null) {
+ // This is the marker link indicating we have now visited all
+ // nodes reachable from link.srcS.
+ link.srcS.maxReachableId = id - 1;
+ progress.advance();
+ } else {
+ NodeS dstS = (NodeS)graph.getDominatorsComputationState(link.dst);
+ if (dstS == null) {
+ // We are seeing the destination node for the first time.
+ // The candidate dominator is the source node.
+ dstS = new NodeS();
+ graph.setDominatorsComputationState(link.dst, dstS);
+ dstS.node = link.dst;
+ = id++;
+ dstS.inRefIds.add(;
+ dstS.domS = link.srcS;
+ dstS.domS.dominated.add(dstS);
+ dstS.oldDomS = link.srcS;
+ dstS.depth = link.srcS.depth + 1;
+ dfs.push(new Link<>(dstS));
+ for (Node child : graph.getReferencesForDominators(link.dst)) {
+ dfs.push(new Link<>(dstS, child));
+ }
+ } else {
+ // We have seen the destination node before. Update the state based
+ // on the new potential dominator.
+ if (dstS.inRefIds.size == 1) {
+ workBound += dstS.oldDomS.depth;
+ }
+ long seenid = dstS.inRefIds.last();
+ dstS.inRefIds.add(;
+ // Go up the dominator chain until we reach a node we haven't already
+ // seen with a path to dstS.
+ NodeS xS = link.srcS;
+ while ( > seenid) {
+ xS = xS.domS;
+ }
+ // The new dominator for dstS must have an id less than the node we
+ // just reached. Pull the dominator for dstS up its dominator
+ // chain until we find a suitable new dominator for dstS.
+ long domid =;
+ if ( > domid) {
+ // Mark the node as needing to be revisited.
+ if (dstS.domS == dstS.oldDomS) {
+ if (dstS.oldDomS.revisit == null) {
+ dstS.oldDomS.revisit = new NodeSet();
+ revisit.add(dstS.oldDomS);
+ }
+ dstS.oldDomS.revisit.add(dstS);
+ }
+ // Update the node's candidate dominator.
+ dstS.domS.dominated.remove(dstS);
+ do {
+ dstS.domS = dstS.domS.domS;
+ } while ( > domid);
+ dstS.domS.dominated.add(dstS);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ progress.done();
+ // 2. Continue revisiting nodes until every node satisfies the requirement
+ // that ==
+ progress.start("Resolving dominators", workBound);
+ while (!revisit.isEmpty()) {
+ NodeS oldDomS = revisit.poll();
+ assert oldDomS.revisit != null;
+ NodeSet nodes = oldDomS.revisit;
+ oldDomS.revisit = null;
+ // Search for pairs of nodes nodeS, xS for which
+ // > >
+ // and there is a path of nodes with increasing ids from nodeS to xS.
+ // In that case, xS.domS must be wrong, because there is a path to xS
+ // from the root that does not go through xS.domS:
+ // * There is a path from the root to nodeS.oldDomS that doesn't go
+ // through xS.domS. Otherwise xS.domS would be a dominator of
+ // nodeS.oldDomS, but it can't be because >
+ // * There is a path from nodeS.oldDomS to nodeS that doesn't go through
+ // xS.domS, because xS.domS is not a dominator of nodeS.
+ // * There is a path from nodeS to xS that doesn't go through xS.domS,
+ // because we have a path of increasing ids from nodeS to xS, none of
+ // which can have an id smaller than nodeS as xS.domS does.
+ for (int i = 0; i < oldDomS.dominated.size; ++i) {
+ NodeS xS = oldDomS.dominated.nodes[i];
+ for (int j = 0; j < nodes.size; ++j) {
+ NodeS nodeS = nodes.nodes[j];
+ assert nodeS.oldDomS == oldDomS;
+ if (isReachableAscending(nodeS, xS)) {
+ // Update the dominator for xS.
+ if (xS.domS == xS.oldDomS) {
+ if (xS.oldDomS.revisit == null) {
+ xS.oldDomS.revisit = new NodeSet();
+ revisit.add(xS.oldDomS);
+ }
+ xS.oldDomS.revisit.add(xS);
+ }
+ oldDomS.dominated.remove(i--);
+ xS.domS = nodeS.domS;
+ xS.domS.dominated.add(xS);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // We can now safely update oldDomS for each of the nodes nodeS while
+ // preserving the oldDomS invariant.
+ for (int i = 0; i < nodes.size; ++i) {
+ NodeS nodeS = nodes.nodes[i];
+ nodeS.oldDomS = oldDomS.oldDomS;
+ if (nodeS.oldDomS != nodeS.domS) {
+ if (nodeS.oldDomS.revisit == null) {
+ nodeS.oldDomS.revisit = new NodeSet();
+ revisit.add(nodeS.oldDomS);
+ }
+ nodeS.oldDomS.revisit.add(nodeS);
+ }
+ }
+ progress.advance((oldDomS.depth - oldDomS.oldDomS.depth) * nodes.size);
+ }
+ progress.done();
+ // 3. We have figured out the correct dominator for each node. Notify the
+ // user of the results by doing one last traversal of the nodes.
+ assert revisit.isEmpty();
+ revisit.add(rootS);
+ while (!revisit.isEmpty()) {
+ NodeS nodeS = revisit.poll();
+ assert nodeS.domS == nodeS.oldDomS;
+ assert nodeS.revisit == null;
+ graph.setDominatorsComputationState((Node)nodeS.node, null);
+ for (int i = 0; i < nodeS.dominated.size; ++i) {
+ NodeS xS = nodeS.dominated.nodes[i];
+ graph.setDominator((Node)xS.node, (Node)nodeS.node);
+ revisit.add(xS);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Returns true if there is a path from srcS to dstS of nodes with ascending
+ // ids (not including
+ private static boolean isReachableAscending(NodeS srcS, NodeS dstS) {
+ if ( < {
+ // The first time we saw dstS was before we saw srcS. See if srcS is on
+ // the source chain for any nodes with direct references to dstS.
+ return dstS.inRefIds.hasIdInRange(, srcS.maxReachableId);
+ }
+ // Otherwise dstS is only reachable from srcS on a node with ascending ids
+ // if it was visited for the first time while performing the depth-first
+ // traversal of srcS.
+ return <= srcS.maxReachableId;
+ }
diff --git a/tools/ahat/src/main/com/android/ahat/dominators/ b/tools/ahat/src/main/com/android/ahat/dominators/
index 903211e..7ab52cb 100644
--- a/tools/ahat/src/main/com/android/ahat/dominators/
+++ b/tools/ahat/src/main/com/android/ahat/dominators/
@@ -18,18 +18,16 @@
-import java.util.ArrayDeque;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.Deque;
-import java.util.Queue;
* Provides a static method for computing the immediate dominators of a
* directed graph. It can be used with any directed graph data structure
* that implements the {@link DominatorsComputation.Node} interface and has
* some root node with no incoming edges.
+ *
+ * @deprecated Use {@link Dominators} class instead, which has a nicer interface.
-public class DominatorsComputation {
+@Deprecated public class DominatorsComputation {
private DominatorsComputation() {
@@ -94,152 +92,6 @@
void setDominator(Node dominator);
- // NodeS is information associated with a particular node for the
- // purposes of computing dominators.
- // By convention we use the suffix 'S' to name instances of NodeS.
- private static class NodeS {
- // The node that this NodeS is associated with.
- public Node node;
- // Unique identifier for this node, in increasing order based on the order
- // this node was visited in a depth first search from the root. In
- // particular, given nodes A and B, if >, then A cannot be a
- // dominator of B.
- public long id;
- // The largest id of all nodes reachable from this node.
- // If > this.maxReachableId, then foo is not reachable from this
- // node.
- public long maxReachableId;
- // The set of ids of nodes that have references to this node.
- public IdSet inRefIds = new IdSet();
- // The current candidate dominator for this node.
- // The true immediate dominator of this node must have id <=
- public NodeS domS;
- // The previous candidate dominator for this node.
- // Invariant:
- // * There are no nodes xS reachable from this node on a path of nodes
- // with increasing ids (not counting for which
- // > >
- // This ensures that when all nodes xS satisfy xS.domS == xS.oldDomS, we
- // have found the true immediate dominator of each node.
- //
- // Note: We only use this field to tell if this node is scheduled to be
- // revisited. We could replace it with a boolean to save space, but it
- // probably doesn't save that much space and it's easier to explain the
- // algorithm if we can refer to this field.
- public NodeS oldDomS;
- // The set of nodes that this node is the candidate immediate dominator
- // of. More precisely, the set of nodes xS such that xS.domS == this.
- public NodeSet dominated = new NodeSet();
- // The set of nodes that this node is the old candidate immediate
- // dominator of that need to be revisited. Specifically, the set of nodes
- // xS such that:
- // xS.oldDomS == this && xS.oldDomS != xS.domS.
- //
- // The empty set is represented as null instead of an empty NodeSet to
- // save memory.
- // Invariant:
- // If revisit != null, this node is on the global list of nodes to be
- // revisited.
- public NodeSet revisit = null;
- // Distance from the root to this node. Used for purposes of tracking
- // progress only.
- public long depth;
- }
- // A collection of node ids.
- private static class IdSet {
- private int size = 0;
- private long[] ids = new long[4];
- // Adds an id to the set.
- public void add(long id) {
- if (size == ids.length) {
- ids = Arrays.copyOf(ids, size * 2);
- }
- ids[size++] = id;
- }
- // Returns the most recent id added to the set. Behavior is undefined if
- // the set is empty.
- public long last() {
- assert size != 0;
- return ids[size - 1];
- }
- // Returns true if the set contains an id in the range [low, high]
- // inclusive, false otherwise.
- public boolean hasIdInRange(long low, long high) {
- for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
- if (low <= ids[i] && ids[i] <= high) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- }
- // An unordered set of nodes data structure supporting efficient iteration
- // over elements. The bulk of the time spent in the dominators algorithm is
- // iterating over these sets. Using an array to store the set provides
- // noticable performance improvements over ArrayList or a linked list.
- private static class NodeSet {
- public int size = 0;
- public NodeS[] nodes = new NodeS[4];
- public void add(NodeS nodeS) {
- if (size == nodes.length) {
- nodes = Arrays.copyOf(nodes, size * 2);
- }
- nodes[size++] = nodeS;
- }
- public void remove(NodeS nodeS) {
- for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
- if (nodes[i] == nodeS) {
- remove(i);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- public void remove(int index) {
- nodes[index] = nodes[--size];
- nodes[size] = null;
- }
- }
- // A reference from a source node to a destination node to be processed
- // during the initial depth-first traversal of nodes.
- //
- // Also used as a marker to indicate when the depth-first traversal has been
- // completed for a node. In that case, srcS is the node depth-first
- // traversal has been completed for, and dst will be set to null.
- private static class Link {
- public final NodeS srcS;
- public final Node dst;
- // Constructor for a reference from srcS to dst.
- public Link(NodeS srcS, Node dst) {
- this.srcS = srcS;
- this.dst = dst;
- }
- // Constructor for a marker indicating depth-first traversal has been
- // completed for srcS.
- public Link(NodeS srcS) {
- this.srcS = srcS;
- this.dst = null;
- }
- }
* Computes the immediate dominators of all nodes reachable from the <code>root</code> node.
* There must not be any incoming references to the <code>root</code> node.
@@ -268,198 +120,28 @@
* @see Node
public static void computeDominators(Node root, Progress progress, long numNodes) {
- long id = 0;
- // The set of nodes xS such that xS.revisit != null.
- // Use a Queue instead of a Set because performance will be better. We
- // avoid adding nodes already on the queue by checking
- // xS == null before adding the node to the queue.
- Queue<NodeS> revisit = new ArrayDeque<NodeS>();
- // Set up the root node specially.
- NodeS rootS = new NodeS();
- rootS.node = root;
- = id++;
- rootS.depth = 0;
- root.setDominatorsComputationState(rootS);
- Deque<Link> dfs = new ArrayDeque<Link>();
- dfs.push(new Link(rootS));
- for (Node child : root.getReferencesForDominators()) {
- dfs.push(new Link(rootS, child));
- }
- // workBound is an upper bound on the amount of work required in the
- // second phase of dominators computation, used solely for the purposes of
- // tracking progress.
- long workBound = 0;
- // 1. Do a depth first search of the nodes, label them with ids and come
- // up with initial candidate dominators for them.
- progress.start("Initializing dominators", numNodes);
- while (!dfs.isEmpty()) {
- Link link = dfs.pop();
- if (link.dst == null) {
- // This is the marker link indicating we have now visited all
- // nodes reachable from link.srcS.
- link.srcS.maxReachableId = id - 1;
- progress.advance();
- } else {
- NodeS dstS = (NodeS)link.dst.getDominatorsComputationState();
- if (dstS == null) {
- // We are seeing the destination node for the first time.
- // The candidate dominator is the source node.
- dstS = new NodeS();
- link.dst.setDominatorsComputationState(dstS);
- dstS.node = link.dst;
- = id++;
- dstS.inRefIds.add(;
- dstS.domS = link.srcS;
- dstS.domS.dominated.add(dstS);
- dstS.oldDomS = link.srcS;
- dstS.depth = link.srcS.depth + 1;
- dfs.push(new Link(dstS));
- for (Node child : link.dst.getReferencesForDominators()) {
- dfs.push(new Link(dstS, child));
- }
- } else {
- // We have seen the destination node before. Update the state based
- // on the new potential dominator.
- if (dstS.inRefIds.size == 1) {
- workBound += dstS.oldDomS.depth;
- }
- long seenid = dstS.inRefIds.last();
- dstS.inRefIds.add(;
- // Go up the dominator chain until we reach a node we haven't already
- // seen with a path to dstS.
- NodeS xS = link.srcS;
- while ( > seenid) {
- xS = xS.domS;
- }
- // The new dominator for dstS must have an id less than the node we
- // just reached. Pull the dominator for dstS up its dominator
- // chain until we find a suitable new dominator for dstS.
- long domid =;
- if ( > domid) {
- // Mark the node as needing to be revisited.
- if (dstS.domS == dstS.oldDomS) {
- if (dstS.oldDomS.revisit == null) {
- dstS.oldDomS.revisit = new NodeSet();
- revisit.add(dstS.oldDomS);
- }
- dstS.oldDomS.revisit.add(dstS);
- }
- // Update the node's candidate dominator.
- dstS.domS.dominated.remove(dstS);
- do {
- dstS.domS = dstS.domS.domS;
- } while ( > domid);
- dstS.domS.dominated.add(dstS);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- progress.done();
- // 2. Continue revisiting nodes until every node satisfies the requirement
- // that ==
- progress.start("Resolving dominators", workBound);
- while (!revisit.isEmpty()) {
- NodeS oldDomS = revisit.poll();
- assert oldDomS.revisit != null;
- NodeSet nodes = oldDomS.revisit;
- oldDomS.revisit = null;
- // Search for pairs of nodes nodeS, xS for which
- // > >
- // and there is a path of nodes with increasing ids from nodeS to xS.
- // In that case, xS.domS must be wrong, because there is a path to xS
- // from the root that does not go through xS.domS:
- // * There is a path from the root to nodeS.oldDomS that doesn't go
- // through xS.domS. Otherwise xS.domS would be a dominator of
- // nodeS.oldDomS, but it can't be because >
- // * There is a path from nodeS.oldDomS to nodeS that doesn't go through
- // xS.domS, because xS.domS is not a dominator of nodeS.
- // * There is a path from nodeS to xS that doesn't go through xS.domS,
- // because we have a path of increasing ids from nodeS to xS, none of
- // which can have an id smaller than nodeS as xS.domS does.
- for (int i = 0; i < oldDomS.dominated.size; ++i) {
- NodeS xS = oldDomS.dominated.nodes[i];
- for (int j = 0; j < nodes.size; ++j) {
- NodeS nodeS = nodes.nodes[j];
- assert nodeS.oldDomS == oldDomS;
- if (isReachableAscending(nodeS, xS)) {
- // Update the dominator for xS.
- if (xS.domS == xS.oldDomS) {
- if (xS.oldDomS.revisit == null) {
- xS.oldDomS.revisit = new NodeSet();
- revisit.add(xS.oldDomS);
- }
- xS.oldDomS.revisit.add(xS);
- }
- oldDomS.dominated.remove(i--);
- xS.domS = nodeS.domS;
- xS.domS.dominated.add(xS);
- break;
- }
- }
+ Dominators.Graph<Node> graph = new Dominators.Graph<Node>() {
+ @Override
+ public void setDominatorsComputationState(Node node, Object state) {
+ node.setDominatorsComputationState(state);
- // We can now safely update oldDomS for each of the nodes nodeS while
- // preserving the oldDomS invariant.
- for (int i = 0; i < nodes.size; ++i) {
- NodeS nodeS = nodes.nodes[i];
- nodeS.oldDomS = oldDomS.oldDomS;
- if (nodeS.oldDomS != nodeS.domS) {
- if (nodeS.oldDomS.revisit == null) {
- nodeS.oldDomS.revisit = new NodeSet();
- revisit.add(nodeS.oldDomS);
- }
- nodeS.oldDomS.revisit.add(nodeS);
- }
+ @Override
+ public Object getDominatorsComputationState(Node node) {
+ return node.getDominatorsComputationState();
- progress.advance((oldDomS.depth - oldDomS.oldDomS.depth) * nodes.size);
- }
- progress.done();
- // 3. We have figured out the correct dominator for each node. Notify the
- // user of the results by doing one last traversal of the nodes.
- assert revisit.isEmpty();
- revisit.add(rootS);
- while (!revisit.isEmpty()) {
- NodeS nodeS = revisit.poll();
- assert nodeS.domS == nodeS.oldDomS;
- assert nodeS.revisit == null;
- nodeS.node.setDominatorsComputationState(null);
- for (int i = 0; i < nodeS.dominated.size; ++i) {
- NodeS xS = nodeS.dominated.nodes[i];
- xS.node.setDominator(nodeS.node);
- revisit.add(xS);
+ @Override
+ public Iterable<? extends Node> getReferencesForDominators(Node node) {
+ return node.getReferencesForDominators();
- }
- }
- // Returns true if there is a path from srcS to dstS of nodes with ascending
- // ids (not including
- private static boolean isReachableAscending(NodeS srcS, NodeS dstS) {
- if ( < {
- // The first time we saw dstS was before we saw srcS. See if srcS is on
- // the source chain for any nodes with direct references to dstS.
- return dstS.inRefIds.hasIdInRange(, srcS.maxReachableId);
- }
+ @Override
+ public void setDominator(Node node, Node dominator) {
+ node.setDominator(dominator);
+ }
+ };
- // Otherwise dstS is only reachable from srcS on a node with ascending ids
- // if it was visited for the first time while performing the depth-first
- // traversal of srcS.
- return <= srcS.maxReachableId;
+ new Dominators(graph).progress(progress, numNodes).computeDominators(root);
diff --git a/tools/ahat/src/test/com/android/ahat/ b/tools/ahat/src/test/com/android/ahat/
index d9af363..955b59f 100644
--- a/tools/ahat/src/test/com/android/ahat/
+++ b/tools/ahat/src/test/com/android/ahat/
@@ -16,15 +16,298 @@
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
+import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
import org.junit.Test;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
public class DominatorsTest {
+ private static class Graph implements Dominators.Graph<String> {
+ private Map<String, Object> states = new HashMap<>();
+ private Map<String, Collection<String>> depends = new HashMap<>();
+ private Map<String, String> dominators = new HashMap<>();
+ @Override
+ public void setDominatorsComputationState(String node, Object state) {
+ states.put(node, state);
+ }
+ @Override public Object getDominatorsComputationState(String node) {
+ return states.get(node);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public Collection<String> getReferencesForDominators(String node) {
+ return depends.get(node);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void setDominator(String node, String dominator) {
+ dominators.put(node, dominator);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Define a node in the graph, including all its outgoing edges.
+ */
+ public void node(String src, String... dsts) {
+ depends.put(src, Arrays.asList(dsts));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the computed dominator for a given node.
+ */
+ public String dom(String node) {
+ return dominators.get(node);
+ }
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void singleNode() {
+ // --> n
+ // Trivial case.
+ Graph graph = new Graph();
+ graph.node("n");
+ new Dominators(graph).computeDominators("n");
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void parentWithChild() {
+ // --> parent --> child
+ // The child node is dominated by the parent.
+ Graph graph = new Graph();
+ graph.node("parent", "child");
+ graph.node("child");
+ new Dominators(graph).computeDominators("parent");
+ assertEquals("parent", graph.dom("child"));
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void reachableTwoWays() {
+ // /-> right -->\
+ // --> parent child
+ // \-> left --->/
+ // The child node can be reached either by right or by left.
+ Graph graph = new Graph();
+ graph.node("parent", "left", "right");
+ graph.node("right", "child");
+ graph.node("left", "child");
+ graph.node("child");
+ new Dominators(graph).computeDominators("parent");
+ assertEquals("parent", graph.dom("left"));
+ assertEquals("parent", graph.dom("right"));
+ assertEquals("parent", graph.dom("child"));
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void reachableDirectAndIndirect() {
+ // /-> right -->\
+ // --> parent -----------> child
+ // The child node can be reached either by right or parent.
+ Graph graph = new Graph();
+ graph.node("parent", "right", "child");
+ graph.node("right", "child");
+ graph.node("child");
+ new Dominators(graph).computeDominators("parent");
+ assertEquals("parent", graph.dom("child"));
+ assertEquals("parent", graph.dom("right"));
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void subDominator() {
+ // --> parent --> middle --> child
+ // The child is dominated by an internal node.
+ Graph graph = new Graph();
+ graph.node("parent", "middle");
+ graph.node("middle", "child");
+ graph.node("child");
+ new Dominators(graph).computeDominators("parent");
+ assertEquals("parent", graph.dom("middle"));
+ assertEquals("middle", graph.dom("child"));
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void childSelfLoop() {
+ // --> parent --> child -\
+ // \<---/
+ // The child points back to itself.
+ Graph graph = new Graph();
+ graph.node("parent", "child");
+ graph.node("child", "child");
+ new Dominators(graph).computeDominators("parent");
+ assertEquals("parent", graph.dom("child"));
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void singleEntryLoop() {
+ // --> parent --> a --> b --> c -\
+ // \<------------/
+ // There is a loop in the graph, with only one way into the loop.
+ Graph graph = new Graph();
+ graph.node("parent", "a");
+ graph.node("a", "b");
+ graph.node("b", "c");
+ graph.node("c", "a");
+ new Dominators(graph).computeDominators("parent");
+ assertEquals("parent", graph.dom("a"));
+ assertEquals("a", graph.dom("b"));
+ assertEquals("b", graph.dom("c"));
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void multiEntryLoop() {
+ // --> parent --> right --> a --> b ----\
+ // \ \<-- c <---/
+ // \--> left --->--------/
+ // There is a loop in the graph, with two different ways to enter the
+ // loop.
+ Graph graph = new Graph();
+ graph.node("parent", "left", "right");
+ graph.node("left", "c");
+ graph.node("right", "a");
+ graph.node("a", "b");
+ graph.node("b", "c");
+ graph.node("c", "a");
+ new Dominators(graph).computeDominators("parent");
+ assertEquals("parent", graph.dom("right"));
+ assertEquals("parent", graph.dom("left"));
+ assertEquals("parent", graph.dom("a"));
+ assertEquals("parent", graph.dom("c"));
+ assertEquals("a", graph.dom("b"));
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void dominatorOverwrite() {
+ // /---------> right <--\
+ // --> parent --> child <--/ /
+ // \---> left ---------/
+ // Test a strange case where we have had trouble in the past with a
+ // dominator getting improperly overwritten. The relevant features of this
+ // case are: 'child' is visited after 'right', 'child' is dominated by
+ // 'parent', and 'parent' revisits 'right' after visiting 'child'.
+ Graph graph = new Graph();
+ graph.node("parent", "left", "child", "right");
+ graph.node("right", "child");
+ graph.node("left", "right");
+ graph.node("child");
+ new Dominators(graph).computeDominators("parent");
+ assertEquals("parent", graph.dom("left"));
+ assertEquals("parent", graph.dom("child"));
+ assertEquals("parent", graph.dom("right"));
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void stackOverflow() {
+ // --> a --> b --> ... --> N
+ // Verify we don't smash the stack for deep chains.
+ Graph graph = new Graph();
+ String root = "end";
+ graph.node(root);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i) {
+ String child = root;
+ root = "n" + i;
+ graph.node(root, child);
+ }
+ new Dominators(graph).computeDominators(root);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void hiddenRevisit() {
+ // /-> left ---->---------\
+ // --> parent \---> a --> b --> c
+ // \-> right -/
+ // Test a case we have had trouble in the past.
+ // When a's dominator is updated from left to parent, that should trigger
+ // all reachable children's dominators to be updated too. In particular,
+ // c's dominator should be updated, even though b's dominator is
+ // unchanged.
+ Graph graph = new Graph();
+ graph.node("parent", "right", "left");
+ graph.node("right", "a");
+ graph.node("left", "a", "c");
+ graph.node("a", "b");
+ graph.node("b", "c");
+ graph.node("c");
+ new Dominators(graph).computeDominators("parent");
+ assertEquals("parent", graph.dom("left"));
+ assertEquals("parent", graph.dom("right"));
+ assertEquals("parent", graph.dom("a"));
+ assertEquals("parent", graph.dom("c"));
+ assertEquals("a", graph.dom("b"));
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void preUndominatedUpdate() {
+ // /--------->--------\
+ // / /---->----\
+ // --> p -> a --> b --> c --> d --> e
+ // \---------->----------/
+ // Test a case we have had trouble in the past.
+ // The candidate dominator for e is revised from d to a, then d is shown
+ // to be reachable from p. Make sure that causes e's dominator to be
+ // refined again from a to p. The extra nodes are there to ensure the
+ // necessary scheduling to expose the bug we had.
+ Graph graph = new Graph();
+ graph.node("p", "d", "a");
+ graph.node("a", "e", "b");
+ graph.node("b", "d", "c");
+ graph.node("c", "d");
+ graph.node("d", "e");
+ graph.node("e");
+ new Dominators(graph).computeDominators("p");
+ assertEquals("p", graph.dom("a"));
+ assertEquals("a", graph.dom("b"));
+ assertEquals("b", graph.dom("c"));
+ assertEquals("p", graph.dom("d"));
+ assertEquals("p", graph.dom("e"));
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void twiceRevisit() {
+ // /---->---\
+ // / /--> f -->-\
+ // --> a --> b -->--x---> c --> d
+ // \----------->----/
+ // A regression test for a bug where we failed to ever revisit a node more
+ // than once. The node c is revisited a first time to bring its dominator
+ // up to b. c needs to be revisited again after the dominator for f is
+ // pulled up to a, and that revisit of c is necessary to ensure the
+ // dominator for d is pulled up to a.
+ Graph graph = new Graph();
+ graph.node("a", "f", "b");
+ graph.node("b", "f", "d", "x");
+ graph.node("x", "c");
+ graph.node("c", "d");
+ graph.node("d");
+ graph.node("f", "c");
+ new Dominators(graph).computeDominators("a");
+ assertEquals("a", graph.dom("b"));
+ assertEquals("b", graph.dom("x"));
+ assertEquals("a", graph.dom("c"));
+ assertEquals("a", graph.dom("d"));
+ assertEquals("a", graph.dom("f"));
+ }
+ // Test the old dominators API.
private static class Node implements DominatorsComputation.Node {
public String name;
public List<Node> depends = new ArrayList<Node>();
@@ -65,248 +348,13 @@
- public void singleNode() {
- // --> n
- // Trivial case.
- Node n = new Node("n");
- n.computeDominators();
- }
- @Test
- public void parentWithChild() {
- // --> parent --> child
- // The child node is dominated by the parent.
- Node parent = new Node("parent");
- Node child = new Node("child");
- parent.depends = Arrays.asList(child);
- parent.computeDominators();
- assertEquals(parent, child.dominator);
- }
- @Test
- public void reachableTwoWays() {
- // /-> right -->\
- // --> parent child
- // \-> left --->/
- // The child node can be reached either by right or by left.
- Node parent = new Node("parent");
- Node right = new Node("right");
- Node left = new Node("left");
- Node child = new Node("child");
- parent.depends = Arrays.asList(left, right);
- right.depends = Arrays.asList(child);
- left.depends = Arrays.asList(child);
- parent.computeDominators();
- assertEquals(parent, left.dominator);
- assertEquals(parent, right.dominator);
- assertEquals(parent, child.dominator);
- }
- @Test
- public void reachableDirectAndIndirect() {
- // /-> right -->\
- // --> parent -----------> child
- // The child node can be reached either by right or parent.
- Node parent = new Node("parent");
- Node right = new Node("right");
- Node child = new Node("child");
- parent.depends = Arrays.asList(right, child);
- right.depends = Arrays.asList(child);
- parent.computeDominators();
- assertEquals(parent, child.dominator);
- assertEquals(parent, right.dominator);
- }
- @Test
- public void subDominator() {
- // --> parent --> middle --> child
- // The child is dominated by an internal node.
- Node parent = new Node("parent");
- Node middle = new Node("middle");
- Node child = new Node("child");
- parent.depends = Arrays.asList(middle);
- middle.depends = Arrays.asList(child);
- parent.computeDominators();
- assertEquals(parent, middle.dominator);
- assertEquals(middle, child.dominator);
- }
- @Test
- public void childSelfLoop() {
- // --> parent --> child -\
- // \<---/
- // The child points back to itself.
- Node parent = new Node("parent");
- Node child = new Node("child");
- parent.depends = Arrays.asList(child);
- child.depends = Arrays.asList(child);
- parent.computeDominators();
- assertEquals(parent, child.dominator);
- }
- @Test
- public void singleEntryLoop() {
- // --> parent --> a --> b --> c -\
- // \<------------/
- // There is a loop in the graph, with only one way into the loop.
- Node parent = new Node("parent");
- Node a = new Node("a");
- Node b = new Node("b");
- Node c = new Node("c");
- parent.depends = Arrays.asList(a);
- a.depends = Arrays.asList(b);
- b.depends = Arrays.asList(c);
- c.depends = Arrays.asList(a);
- parent.computeDominators();
- assertEquals(parent, a.dominator);
- assertEquals(a, b.dominator);
- assertEquals(b, c.dominator);
- }
- @Test
- public void multiEntryLoop() {
- // --> parent --> right --> a --> b ----\
- // \ \<-- c <---/
- // \--> left --->--------/
- // There is a loop in the graph, with two different ways to enter the
- // loop.
- Node parent = new Node("parent");
- Node left = new Node("left");
- Node right = new Node("right");
- Node a = new Node("a");
- Node b = new Node("b");
- Node c = new Node("c");
- parent.depends = Arrays.asList(left, right);
- right.depends = Arrays.asList(a);
- left.depends = Arrays.asList(c);
- a.depends = Arrays.asList(b);
- b.depends = Arrays.asList(c);
- c.depends = Arrays.asList(a);
- parent.computeDominators();
- assertEquals(parent, right.dominator);
- assertEquals(parent, left.dominator);
- assertEquals(parent, a.dominator);
- assertEquals(parent, c.dominator);
- assertEquals(a, b.dominator);
- }
- @Test
- public void dominatorOverwrite() {
- // /---------> right <--\
- // --> parent --> child <--/ /
- // \---> left ---------/
- // Test a strange case where we have had trouble in the past with a
- // dominator getting improperly overwritten. The relevant features of this
- // case are: 'child' is visited after 'right', 'child' is dominated by
- // 'parent', and 'parent' revisits 'right' after visiting 'child'.
- Node parent = new Node("parent");
- Node right = new Node("right");
- Node left = new Node("left");
- Node child = new Node("child");
- parent.depends = Arrays.asList(left, child, right);
- left.depends = Arrays.asList(right);
- right.depends = Arrays.asList(child);
- parent.computeDominators();
- assertEquals(parent, left.dominator);
- assertEquals(parent, child.dominator);
- assertEquals(parent, right.dominator);
- }
- @Test
- public void stackOverflow() {
- // --> a --> b --> ... --> N
- // Verify we don't smash the stack for deep chains.
- Node root = new Node("root");
- Node curr = root;
- for (int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i) {
- Node node = new Node("n" + i);
- curr.depends.add(node);
- curr = node;
- }
- root.computeDominators();
- }
- @Test
- public void hiddenRevisit() {
- // /-> left ---->---------\
- // --> parent \---> a --> b --> c
- // \-> right -/
- // Test a case we have had trouble in the past.
- // When a's dominator is updated from left to parent, that should trigger
- // all reachable children's dominators to be updated too. In particular,
- // c's dominator should be updated, even though b's dominator is
- // unchanged.
- Node parent = new Node("parent");
- Node right = new Node("right");
- Node left = new Node("left");
- Node a = new Node("a");
- Node b = new Node("b");
- Node c = new Node("c");
- parent.depends = Arrays.asList(right, left);
- left.depends = Arrays.asList(a, c);
- right.depends = Arrays.asList(a);
- a.depends = Arrays.asList(b);
- b.depends = Arrays.asList(c);
- parent.computeDominators();
- assertEquals(parent, left.dominator);
- assertEquals(parent, right.dominator);
- assertEquals(parent, a.dominator);
- assertEquals(parent, c.dominator);
- assertEquals(a, b.dominator);
- }
- @Test
- public void preUndominatedUpdate() {
- // /--------->--------\
- // / /---->----\
- // --> p -> a --> b --> c --> d --> e
- // \---------->----------/
- // Test a case we have had trouble in the past.
- // The candidate dominator for e is revised from d to a, then d is shown
- // to be reachable from p. Make sure that causes e's dominator to be
- // refined again from a to p. The extra nodes are there to ensure the
- // necessary scheduling to expose the bug we had.
- Node p = new Node("p");
- Node a = new Node("a");
- Node b = new Node("b");
- Node c = new Node("c");
- Node d = new Node("d");
- Node e = new Node("e");
- p.depends = Arrays.asList(d, a);
- a.depends = Arrays.asList(e, b);
- b.depends = Arrays.asList(d, c);
- c.depends = Arrays.asList(d);
- d.depends = Arrays.asList(e);
- p.computeDominators();
- assertEquals(p, a.dominator);
- assertEquals(a, b.dominator);
- assertEquals(b, c.dominator);
- assertEquals(p, d.dominator);
- assertEquals(p, e.dominator);
- }
- @Test
- public void twiceRevisit() {
+ public void twiceRevisitOldApi() {
// /---->---\
// / /--> f -->-\
// --> a --> b -->--x---> c --> d
// \----------->----/
- // A regression test for a bug where we failed to ever revisit a node more
- // than once. The node c is revisited a first time to bring its dominator
- // up to b. c needs to be revisited again after the dominator for f is
- // pulled up to a, and that revisit of c is necessary to ensure the
- // dominator for d is pulled up to a.
+ // Run the twiceRevisit test using the user api version of computing
+ // dominators.
Node a = new Node("a");
Node b = new Node("b");
Node x = new Node("x");