Clean up use of GetDalvikCache.

Switch the only caller of the non-void version of GetDalvikCache that set
create_if_absent true to use the void version of GetDalvikCache. Then no
callers of the non-void version of GetDalvikCache set create_if_absent to
true, so that argument is no longer needed. And without create_if_absent,
there is no case when the function will abort, so the 'OrDie" option is no
longer necessary.

Change-Id: I83f60dcc8a8f3b1f91fd2971e9028f6a7dd8384d
Test: m art-test-host
Test: m art-test-target
diff --git a/runtime/utils.h b/runtime/utils.h
index 699b732..fd1ba23 100644
--- a/runtime/utils.h
+++ b/runtime/utils.h
@@ -251,11 +251,8 @@
 const char* GetAndroidDataSafe(std::string* error_msg);
 // Returns the dalvik-cache location, with subdir appended. Returns the empty string if the cache
-// could not be found (or created).
-std::string GetDalvikCache(const char* subdir, bool create_if_absent = true);
-// Returns the dalvik-cache location, or dies trying. subdir will be
-// appended to the cache location.
-std::string GetDalvikCacheOrDie(const char* subdir, bool create_if_absent = true);
+// could not be found.
+std::string GetDalvikCache(const char* subdir);
 // Return true if we found the dalvik cache and stored it in the dalvik_cache argument.
 // have_android_data will be set to true if we have an ANDROID_DATA that exists,
 // dalvik_cache_exists will be true if there is a dalvik-cache directory that is present.