should not skip @NonMts test in the full manifest

Bug: 288623638
Test: only tested with full manifest
Change-Id: Ide46816b467eeb8c6a4c12cb1448b7474ff7b3b4
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
index 5bc42d5..72db66c 100755
--- a/tools/
+++ b/tools/
@@ -460,8 +460,13 @@
   cmd.extend("--classpath " + get_jar_filename(cp) for cp in CLASSPATH)
-  cmd.append("--")
-  cmd.append("--exclude-filter libcore.test.annotation.NonMts")
+  # vogar target options
+  if not os.path.exists('frameworks/base'):
+    cmd.append("--")
+    # Skip @NonMts test in thin manifest which uses prebuilt Conscrypt and ICU.
+    # It's similar to running libcore tests on the older platforms.
+    # @NonMts means that the test doesn't pass on a older platform version.
+    cmd.append("--exclude-filter libcore.test.annotation.NonMts")
   return cmd
 def get_target_cpu_count():