Make checker-register-hints less dexer sensitive.

Both DX and D8 uses the branch type but ordered the blocks differently.
I have added both ordering to Smali.

Bug: 65168732
Test: art/test/run-test ... 484-checker-register-hints

Change-Id: I42a323b800fa8133db8d4e721d380d9f734f8d88
diff --git a/test/484-checker-register-hints/build b/test/484-checker-register-hints/build
deleted file mode 100644
index 10ffcc5..0000000
--- a/test/484-checker-register-hints/build
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2017 The Android Open Source Project
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# See b/65168732
-export USE_D8=false
-./default-build "$@"
diff --git a/test/484-checker-register-hints/smali/Smali.smali b/test/484-checker-register-hints/smali/Smali.smali
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6594936
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/484-checker-register-hints/smali/Smali.smali
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+.class public LSmali;
+.super Ljava/lang/Object;
+##  CHECK-START: void Smali.test3Order1(boolean, int, int, int, int, int) register (after)
+##  CHECK:       name "B0"
+##  CHECK-NOT:     ParallelMove
+##  CHECK:       name "B1"
+##  CHECK-NOT:   end_block
+##  CHECK:         If
+##  CHECK-NOT:     ParallelMove
+##  CHECK:       name "B6"
+##  CHECK-NOT:   end_block
+##  CHECK:         InstanceFieldSet
+#    We could check here that there is a parallel move, but it's only valid
+#    for some architectures (for example x86), as other architectures may
+#    not do move at all.
+##  CHECK:       end_block
+##  CHECK-NOT:     ParallelMove
+.method public static test3Order1(ZIIIII)V
+    .registers 14
+    sget v0, LMain;->live1:I
+    sget v1, LMain;->live2:I
+    sget v2, LMain;->live3:I
+    sget v5, LMain;->live0:I
+    if-eqz p0, :cond_13
+    sput v0, LMain;->live1:I
+    :goto_c
+    add-int v6, v0, v1
+    add-int/2addr v6, v2
+    add-int/2addr v6, v5
+    sput v6, LMain;->live1:I
+    return-void
+    :cond_13
+    sget-boolean v6, LMain;->y:Z
+    if-eqz v6, :cond_1a
+    sput v0, LMain;->live1:I
+    goto :goto_c
+    :cond_1a
+    sget v3, LMain;->live4:I
+    sget v4, LMain;->live5:I
+    sget-object v6, LMain;->foo:LMain$Foo;
+    add-int v7, v0, v4
+    add-int/2addr v7, v3
+    iput v7, v6, LMain$Foo;->field2:I
+    sget-object v6, LMain;->foo:LMain$Foo;
+    add-int v7, v1, v4
+    add-int/2addr v7, v3
+    iput v7, v6, LMain$Foo;->field3:I
+    sget-object v6, LMain;->foo:LMain$Foo;
+    add-int v7, v2, v4
+    add-int/2addr v7, v3
+    iput v7, v6, LMain$Foo;->field4:I
+    sget-object v6, LMain;->foo:LMain$Foo;
+    iput v3, v6, LMain$Foo;->field0:I
+    sget-object v6, LMain;->foo:LMain$Foo;
+    add-int v7, v4, v3
+    iput v7, v6, LMain$Foo;->field1:I
+    goto :goto_c
+.end method
+##  CHECK-START: void Smali.test3Order2(boolean, int, int, int, int, int) register (after)
+##  CHECK:       name "B0"
+##  CHECK-NOT:     ParallelMove
+##  CHECK:       name "B1"
+##  CHECK-NOT:   end_block
+##  CHECK:         If
+##  CHECK-NOT:     ParallelMove
+##  CHECK:       name "B5"
+##  CHECK-NOT:   end_block
+##  CHECK:         InstanceFieldSet
+#    We could check here that there is a parallel move, but it's only valid
+#    for some architectures (for example x86), as other architectures may
+#    not do move at all.
+##  CHECK:       end_block
+##  CHECK-NOT:     ParallelMove
+.method public static test3Order2(ZIIIII)V
+    .registers 14
+    sget v0, LMain;->live1:I
+    sget v1, LMain;->live2:I
+    sget v2, LMain;->live3:I
+    sget v3, LMain;->live0:I
+    if-eqz p0, :cond_d
+    sput v0, LMain;->live1:I
+    goto :goto_37
+    :cond_d
+    sget-boolean v4, LMain;->y:Z
+    if-eqz v4, :cond_14
+    sput v0, LMain;->live1:I
+    goto :goto_37
+    :cond_14
+    sget v4, LMain;->live4:I
+    sget v5, LMain;->live5:I
+    sget-object v6, LMain;->foo:LMain$Foo;
+    add-int v7, v0, v5
+    add-int/2addr v7, v4
+    iput v7, v6, LMain$Foo;->field2:I
+    sget-object v6, LMain;->foo:LMain$Foo;
+    add-int v7, v1, v5
+    add-int/2addr v7, v4
+    iput v7, v6, LMain$Foo;->field3:I
+    sget-object v6, LMain;->foo:LMain$Foo;
+    add-int v7, v2, v5
+    add-int/2addr v7, v4
+    iput v7, v6, LMain$Foo;->field4:I
+    sget-object v6, LMain;->foo:LMain$Foo;
+    iput v4, v6, LMain$Foo;->field0:I
+    sget-object v6, LMain;->foo:LMain$Foo;
+    add-int v7, v5, v4
+    iput v7, v6, LMain$Foo;->field1:I
+    :goto_37
+    add-int v4, v0, v1
+    add-int/2addr v4, v2
+    add-int/2addr v4, v3
+    sput v4, LMain;->live1:I
+    return-void
+.end method
diff --git a/test/484-checker-register-hints/src/ b/test/484-checker-register-hints/src/
index 6e68f7c..7aab659 100644
--- a/test/484-checker-register-hints/src/
+++ b/test/484-checker-register-hints/src/
@@ -98,18 +98,6 @@
   /// CHECK:       name "B0"
   /// CHECK-NOT:     ParallelMove
   /// CHECK:       name "B1"
-  /// CHECK-NOT:   end_block
-  /// CHECK:         If
-  /// CHECK-NOT:     ParallelMove
-  /// CHECK:       name "B6"
-  /// CHECK-NOT:   end_block
-  /// CHECK:         InstanceFieldSet
-  // We could check here that there is a parallel move, but it's only valid
-  // for some architectures (for example x86), as other architectures may
-  // not do move at all.
-  /// CHECK:       end_block
-  /// CHECK-NOT:     ParallelMove
   public static void test3(boolean z, int a, int b, int c, int d, int m) {
     // Same version as test2, but with branches reversed, to ensure
     // whatever linear order is computed, we will get the same results.