ART: Add INVOKE_TRAMPOLINE and imt_conflict stub to 64b architectures

"Generalize" the return type notion of the interface helpers.

Includes a simple test for imt_conflict. The other interface
trampolines are as of yet untested.

Change-Id: I30fc75f5103766d57628ff22bcbac7c7f81037e3
diff --git a/runtime/arch/arm64/quick_entrypoints_arm64.S b/runtime/arch/arm64/quick_entrypoints_arm64.S
index 346b08c..ac922dd 100644
--- a/runtime/arch/arm64/quick_entrypoints_arm64.S
+++ b/runtime/arch/arm64/quick_entrypoints_arm64.S
@@ -508,26 +508,42 @@
 ONE_ARG_RUNTIME_EXCEPTION art_quick_throw_no_such_method, artThrowNoSuchMethodFromCode
-     * TODO arm64 specifics need to be fleshed out.
      * All generated callsites for interface invokes and invocation slow paths will load arguments
-     * as usual - except instead of loading x0 with the target Method*, x0 will contain
-     * the method_idx.  This wrapper will save x1-x3, load the caller's Method*, align the
+     * as usual - except instead of loading arg0/x0 with the target Method*, arg0/x0 will contain
+     * the method_idx.  This wrapper will save arg1-arg3, load the caller's Method*, align the
      * stack and call the appropriate C helper.
-     * NOTE: "this" is first visible argument of the target, and so can be found in x1.
+     * NOTE: "this" is first visible argument of the target, and so can be found in arg1/x1.
-     * The helper will attempt to locate the target and return a result in x0 consisting
+     * The helper will attempt to locate the target and return a 128-bit result in x0/x1 consisting
      * of the target Method* in x0 and method->code_ in x1.
-     * If unsuccessful, the helper will return NULL/NULL. There will be a pending exception in the
+     * If unsuccessful, the helper will return NULL/????. There will be a pending exception in the
      * thread and we branch to another stub to deliver it.
      * On success this wrapper will restore arguments and *jump* to the target, leaving the lr
      * pointing back to the original caller.
+     *
+     * Adapted from ARM32 code.
+     *
+     * Clobbers x12.
 .macro INVOKE_TRAMPOLINE c_name, cxx_name
     .extern \cxx_name
 ENTRY \c_name
-    brk 0
+    SETUP_REF_AND_ARGS_CALLEE_SAVE_FRAME  // save callee saves in case allocation triggers GC
+    // Helper signature is always
+    // (method_idx, *this_object, *caller_method, *self, sp)
+    ldr    x2, [sp, #FRAME_SIZE_REFS_AND_ARGS_CALLEE_SAVE]  // pass caller Method*
+    mov    x3, xSELF                      // pass Thread::Current
+    mov    x4, sp
+    bl     \cxx_name                      // (method_idx, this, caller, Thread*, SP)
+    mov    x12, x1                         // save Method*->code_
+    cbz    x0, 1f                         // did we find the target? if not go to exception delivery
+    br     x12                             // tail call to target
 END \c_name
@@ -1381,8 +1397,17 @@
 END art_quick_proxy_invoke_handler
-UNIMPLEMENTED art_quick_imt_conflict_trampoline
+    /*
+     * Called to resolve an imt conflict. x12 is a hidden argument that holds the target method's
+     * dex method index.
+     */
+ENTRY art_quick_imt_conflict_trampoline
+    ldr    x0, [sp, #0]                                // load caller Method*
+    ldr    w0, [x0, #METHOD_DEX_CACHE_METHODS_OFFSET]  // load dex_cache_resolved_methods
+    add    x0, x0, #OBJECT_ARRAY_DATA_OFFSET           // get starting address of data
+    ldr    w0, [x0, x12, lsl 2]                        // load the target method
+    b art_quick_invoke_interface_trampoline
+END art_quick_imt_conflict_trampoline
 ENTRY art_quick_resolution_trampoline
diff --git a/runtime/arch/ b/runtime/arch/
index b22ca82..9fa16db 100644
--- a/runtime/arch/
+++ b/runtime/arch/
@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@
 #include "common_runtime_test.h"
 #include "mirror/art_field-inl.h"
+#include "mirror/art_method-inl.h"
+#include "mirror/class-inl.h"
 #include "mirror/string-inl.h"
 #include <cstdio>
@@ -50,6 +52,7 @@
         pair.first = "-Xmx4M";  // Smallest we can go.
+    options->push_back(std::make_pair("-Xint", nullptr));
   // Helper function needed since TEST_F makes a new class.
@@ -283,6 +286,234 @@
     return result;
+  // TODO: Set up a frame according to referrer's specs.
+  size_t Invoke3WithReferrerAndHidden(size_t arg0, size_t arg1, size_t arg2, uintptr_t code,
+                                      Thread* self, mirror::ArtMethod* referrer, size_t hidden) {
+    // Push a transition back into managed code onto the linked list in thread.
+    ManagedStack fragment;
+    self->PushManagedStackFragment(&fragment);
+    size_t result;
+    size_t fpr_result = 0;
+#if defined(__i386__)
+    // TODO: Set the thread?
+    __asm__ __volatile__(
+        "movd %[hidden], %%xmm0\n\t"
+        "pushl %[referrer]\n\t"     // Store referrer
+        "call *%%edi\n\t"           // Call the stub
+        "addl $4, %%esp"            // Pop referrer
+        : "=a" (result)
+          // Use the result from eax
+          : "a"(arg0), "c"(arg1), "d"(arg2), "D"(code), [referrer]"r"(referrer), [hidden]"r"(hidden)
+            // This places code into edi, arg0 into eax, arg1 into ecx, and arg2 into edx
+            : );  // clobber.
+    // TODO: Should we clobber the other registers? EBX gets clobbered by some of the stubs,
+    //       but compilation fails when declaring that.
+#elif defined(__arm__)
+    __asm__ __volatile__(
+        "push {r1-r12, lr}\n\t"     // Save state, 13*4B = 52B
+        ".cfi_adjust_cfa_offset 52\n\t"
+        "push {r9}\n\t"
+        ".cfi_adjust_cfa_offset 4\n\t"
+        "mov r9, %[referrer]\n\n"
+        "str r9, [sp, #-8]!\n\t"   // Push referrer, +8B padding so 16B aligned
+        ".cfi_adjust_cfa_offset 8\n\t"
+        "ldr r9, [sp, #8]\n\t"
+        // Push everything on the stack, so we don't rely on the order. What a mess. :-(
+        "sub sp, sp, #24\n\t"
+        "str %[arg0], [sp]\n\t"
+        "str %[arg1], [sp, #4]\n\t"
+        "str %[arg2], [sp, #8]\n\t"
+        "str %[code], [sp, #12]\n\t"
+        "str %[self], [sp, #16]\n\t"
+        "str %[hidden], [sp, #20]\n\t"
+        "ldr r0, [sp]\n\t"
+        "ldr r1, [sp, #4]\n\t"
+        "ldr r2, [sp, #8]\n\t"
+        "ldr r3, [sp, #12]\n\t"
+        "ldr r9, [sp, #16]\n\t"
+        "ldr r12, [sp, #20]\n\t"
+        "add sp, sp, #24\n\t"
+        "blx r3\n\t"                // Call the stub
+        "add sp, sp, #12\n\t"       // Pop nullptr and padding
+        ".cfi_adjust_cfa_offset -12\n\t"
+        "pop {r1-r12, lr}\n\t"      // Restore state
+        ".cfi_adjust_cfa_offset -52\n\t"
+        "mov %[result], r0\n\t"     // Save the result
+        : [result] "=r" (result)
+          // Use the result from r0
+          : [arg0] "r"(arg0), [arg1] "r"(arg1), [arg2] "r"(arg2), [code] "r"(code), [self] "r"(self),
+            [referrer] "r"(referrer), [hidden] "r"(hidden)
+            : );  // clobber.
+#elif defined(__aarch64__)
+    __asm__ __volatile__(
+        // Spill space for d8 - d15
+        "sub sp, sp, #64\n\t"
+        ".cfi_adjust_cfa_offset 64\n\t"
+        "stp d8, d9,   [sp]\n\t"
+        "stp d10, d11, [sp, #16]\n\t"
+        "stp d12, d13, [sp, #32]\n\t"
+        "stp d14, d15, [sp, #48]\n\t"
+        "sub sp, sp, #48\n\t"          // Reserve stack space, 16B aligned
+        ".cfi_adjust_cfa_offset 48\n\t"
+        "stp %[referrer], x1, [sp]\n\t"// referrer, x1
+        "stp x2, x3,   [sp, #16]\n\t"   // Save x2, x3
+        "stp x18, x30, [sp, #32]\n\t"   // Save x18(xSELF), xLR
+        // Push everything on the stack, so we don't rely on the order. What a mess. :-(
+        "sub sp, sp, #48\n\t"
+        ".cfi_adjust_cfa_offset 48\n\t"
+        "str %[arg0], [sp]\n\t"
+        "str %[arg1], [sp, #8]\n\t"
+        "str %[arg2], [sp, #16]\n\t"
+        "str %[code], [sp, #24]\n\t"
+        "str %[self], [sp, #32]\n\t"
+        "str %[hidden], [sp, #40]\n\t"
+        // Now we definitely have x0-x3 free, use it to garble d8 - d15
+        "movk x0, #0xfad0\n\t"
+        "movk x0, #0xebad, lsl #16\n\t"
+        "movk x0, #0xfad0, lsl #32\n\t"
+        "movk x0, #0xebad, lsl #48\n\t"
+        "fmov d8, x0\n\t"
+        "add x0, x0, 1\n\t"
+        "fmov d9, x0\n\t"
+        "add x0, x0, 1\n\t"
+        "fmov d10, x0\n\t"
+        "add x0, x0, 1\n\t"
+        "fmov d11, x0\n\t"
+        "add x0, x0, 1\n\t"
+        "fmov d12, x0\n\t"
+        "add x0, x0, 1\n\t"
+        "fmov d13, x0\n\t"
+        "add x0, x0, 1\n\t"
+        "fmov d14, x0\n\t"
+        "add x0, x0, 1\n\t"
+        "fmov d15, x0\n\t"
+        // Load call params
+        "ldr x0, [sp]\n\t"
+        "ldr x1, [sp, #8]\n\t"
+        "ldr x2, [sp, #16]\n\t"
+        "ldr x3, [sp, #24]\n\t"
+        "ldr x18, [sp, #32]\n\t"
+        "ldr x12, [sp, #40]\n\t"
+        "add sp, sp, #48\n\t"
+        ".cfi_adjust_cfa_offset -48\n\t"
+        "blr x3\n\t"              // Call the stub
+        // Test d8 - d15. We can use x1 and x2.
+        "movk x1, #0xfad0\n\t"
+        "movk x1, #0xebad, lsl #16\n\t"
+        "movk x1, #0xfad0, lsl #32\n\t"
+        "movk x1, #0xebad, lsl #48\n\t"
+        "fmov x2, d8\n\t"
+        "cmp x1, x2\n\t"
+        " 1f\n\t"
+        "add x1, x1, 1\n\t"
+        "fmov x2, d9\n\t"
+        "cmp x1, x2\n\t"
+        " 1f\n\t"
+        "add x1, x1, 1\n\t"
+        "fmov x2, d10\n\t"
+        "cmp x1, x2\n\t"
+        " 1f\n\t"
+        "add x1, x1, 1\n\t"
+        "fmov x2, d11\n\t"
+        "cmp x1, x2\n\t"
+        " 1f\n\t"
+        "add x1, x1, 1\n\t"
+        "fmov x2, d12\n\t"
+        "cmp x1, x2\n\t"
+        " 1f\n\t"
+        "add x1, x1, 1\n\t"
+        "fmov x2, d13\n\t"
+        "cmp x1, x2\n\t"
+        " 1f\n\t"
+        "add x1, x1, 1\n\t"
+        "fmov x2, d14\n\t"
+        "cmp x1, x2\n\t"
+        " 1f\n\t"
+        "add x1, x1, 1\n\t"
+        "fmov x2, d15\n\t"
+        "cmp x1, x2\n\t"
+        " 1f\n\t"
+        "mov %[fpr_result], #0\n\t"
+        // Finish up.
+        "2:\n\t"
+        "ldp x1, x2, [sp, #8]\n\t"     // Restore x1, x2
+        "ldp x3, x18, [sp, #24]\n\t"   // Restore x3, xSELF
+        "ldr x30, [sp, #40]\n\t"       // Restore xLR
+        "add sp, sp, #48\n\t"          // Free stack space
+        ".cfi_adjust_cfa_offset -48\n\t"
+        "mov %[result], x0\n\t"        // Save the result
+        "ldp d8, d9,   [sp]\n\t"       // Restore d8 - d15
+        "ldp d10, d11, [sp, #16]\n\t"
+        "ldp d12, d13, [sp, #32]\n\t"
+        "ldp d14, d15, [sp, #48]\n\t"
+        "add sp, sp, #64\n\t"
+        ".cfi_adjust_cfa_offset -64\n\t"
+        "b 3f\n\t"                     // Goto end
+        // Failed fpr verification.
+        "1:\n\t"
+        "mov %[fpr_result], #1\n\t"
+        "b 2b\n\t"                     // Goto finish-up
+        // End
+        "3:\n\t"
+        : [result] "=r" (result), [fpr_result] "=r" (fpr_result)
+        // Use the result from r0
+        : [arg0] "0"(arg0), [arg1] "r"(arg1), [arg2] "r"(arg2), [code] "r"(code), [self] "r"(self),
+          [referrer] "r"(referrer), [hidden] "r"(hidden)
+        : "x4", "x5", "x6", "x7", "x8", "x9", "x10", "x11", "x12", "x13", "x14", "x15", "x16", "x17");  // clobber.
+#elif defined(__x86_64__)
+    // Note: Uses the native convention
+    // TODO: Set the thread?
+    __asm__ __volatile__(
+        "movq %[hidden], %%r9\n\t"     // No need to save r9, listed as clobbered
+        "movd %%r9, %%xmm0\n\t"
+        "pushq %[referrer]\n\t"        // Push referrer
+        "pushq (%%rsp)\n\t"            // & 16B alignment padding
+        ".cfi_adjust_cfa_offset 16\n\t"
+        "call *%%rax\n\t"              // Call the stub
+        "addq $16, %%rsp\n\t"          // Pop nullptr and padding
+        ".cfi_adjust_cfa_offset -16\n\t"
+        : "=a" (result)
+        // Use the result from rax
+        : "D"(arg0), "S"(arg1), "d"(arg2), "a"(code), [referrer] "m"(referrer), [hidden] "m"(hidden)
+        // This places arg0 into rdi, arg1 into rsi, arg2 into rdx, and code into rax
+        : "rbx", "rcx", "rbp", "r8", "r9", "r10", "r11", "r12", "r13", "r14", "r15");  // clobber all
+    // TODO: Should we clobber the other registers?
+    LOG(WARNING) << "Was asked to invoke for an architecture I do not understand.";
+    result = 0;
+    // Pop transition.
+    self->PopManagedStackFragment(fragment);
+    fp_result = fpr_result;
+    EXPECT_EQ(0U, fp_result);
+    return result;
+  }
   // Method with 32b arg0, 64b arg1
   size_t Invoke3UWithReferrer(size_t arg0, uint64_t arg1, uintptr_t code, Thread* self,
                               mirror::ArtMethod* referrer) {
@@ -1448,4 +1679,112 @@
   TestFields(self, this, Primitive::Type::kPrimLong);
+#if defined(__i386__) || defined(__arm__) || defined(__aarch64__) || defined(__x86_64__)
+extern "C" void art_quick_imt_conflict_trampoline(void);
+TEST_F(StubTest, IMT) {
+#if defined(__i386__) || defined(__arm__) || defined(__aarch64__) || defined(__x86_64__)
+  Thread* self = Thread::Current();
+  ScopedObjectAccess soa(self);
+  StackHandleScope<7> hs(self);
+  JNIEnv* env = Thread::Current()->GetJniEnv();
+  // ArrayList
+  // Load ArrayList and used methods (JNI).
+  jclass arraylist_jclass = env->FindClass("java/util/ArrayList");
+  ASSERT_NE(nullptr, arraylist_jclass);
+  jmethodID arraylist_constructor = env->GetMethodID(arraylist_jclass, "<init>", "()V");
+  ASSERT_NE(nullptr, arraylist_constructor);
+  jmethodID contains_jmethod = env->GetMethodID(arraylist_jclass, "contains", "(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z");
+  ASSERT_NE(nullptr, contains_jmethod);
+  jmethodID add_jmethod = env->GetMethodID(arraylist_jclass, "add", "(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z");
+  ASSERT_NE(nullptr, add_jmethod);
+  // Get mirror representation.
+  Handle<mirror::ArtMethod> contains_amethod(hs.NewHandle(soa.DecodeMethod(contains_jmethod)));
+  // Patch up ArrayList.contains.
+  if (contains_amethod.Get()->GetEntryPointFromQuickCompiledCode() == nullptr) {
+    contains_amethod.Get()->SetEntryPointFromQuickCompiledCode(reinterpret_cast<void*>(
+        GetTlsPtr(self)->quick_entrypoints.pQuickToInterpreterBridge));
+  }
+  // List
+  // Load List and used methods (JNI).
+  jclass list_jclass = env->FindClass("java/util/List");
+  ASSERT_NE(nullptr, list_jclass);
+  jmethodID inf_contains_jmethod = env->GetMethodID(list_jclass, "contains", "(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z");
+  ASSERT_NE(nullptr, inf_contains_jmethod);
+  // Get mirror representation.
+  Handle<mirror::ArtMethod> inf_contains(hs.NewHandle(soa.DecodeMethod(inf_contains_jmethod)));
+  // Object
+  jclass obj_jclass = env->FindClass("java/lang/Object");
+  ASSERT_NE(nullptr, obj_jclass);
+  jmethodID obj_constructor = env->GetMethodID(obj_jclass, "<init>", "()V");
+  ASSERT_NE(nullptr, obj_constructor);
+  // Sanity check: check that there is a conflict for List.contains in ArrayList.
+  mirror::Class* arraylist_class = soa.Decode<mirror::Class*>(arraylist_jclass);
+  mirror::ArtMethod* m = arraylist_class->GetImTable()->Get(
+      inf_contains->GetDexMethodIndex() % ClassLinker::kImtSize);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(m->IsImtConflictMethod()) << "Test is meaningless, no IMT conflict in setup: " <<
+      PrettyMethod(m, true);
+  // Create instances.
+  jobject jarray_list = env->NewObject(arraylist_jclass, arraylist_constructor);
+  ASSERT_NE(nullptr, jarray_list);
+  Handle<mirror::Object> array_list(hs.NewHandle(soa.Decode<mirror::Object*>(jarray_list)));
+  jobject jobj = env->NewObject(obj_jclass, obj_constructor);
+  ASSERT_NE(nullptr, jobj);
+  Handle<mirror::Object> obj(hs.NewHandle(soa.Decode<mirror::Object*>(jobj)));
+  // Invoke.
+  size_t result =
+      Invoke3WithReferrerAndHidden(0U, reinterpret_cast<size_t>(array_list.Get()),
+                                   reinterpret_cast<size_t>(obj.Get()),
+                                   reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(&art_quick_imt_conflict_trampoline),
+                                   self, contains_amethod.Get(),
+                                   static_cast<size_t>(inf_contains.Get()->GetDexMethodIndex()));
+  ASSERT_FALSE(self->IsExceptionPending());
+  EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<size_t>(JNI_FALSE), result);
+  // Add object.
+  env->CallBooleanMethod(jarray_list, add_jmethod, jobj);
+  ASSERT_FALSE(self->IsExceptionPending()) << PrettyTypeOf(self->GetException(nullptr));
+  // Invoke again.
+  result = Invoke3WithReferrerAndHidden(0U, reinterpret_cast<size_t>(array_list.Get()),
+                                        reinterpret_cast<size_t>(obj.Get()),
+                                        reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(&art_quick_imt_conflict_trampoline),
+                                        self, contains_amethod.Get(),
+                                        static_cast<size_t>(inf_contains.Get()->GetDexMethodIndex()));
+  ASSERT_FALSE(self->IsExceptionPending());
+  EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<size_t>(JNI_TRUE), result);
+  LOG(INFO) << "Skipping memcpy as I don't know how to do that on " << kRuntimeISA;
+  // Force-print to std::cout so it's also outside the logcat.
+  std::cout << "Skipping memcpy as I don't know how to do that on " << kRuntimeISA << std::endl;
 }  // namespace art
diff --git a/runtime/arch/x86_64/quick_entrypoints_x86_64.S b/runtime/arch/x86_64/quick_entrypoints_x86_64.S
index 9c86c75..ed7f246 100644
--- a/runtime/arch/x86_64/quick_entrypoints_x86_64.S
+++ b/runtime/arch/x86_64/quick_entrypoints_x86_64.S
@@ -239,24 +239,45 @@
      * All generated callsites for interface invokes and invocation slow paths will load arguments
-     * as usual - except instead of loading arg0/r0 with the target Method*, arg0/r0 will contain
+     * as usual - except instead of loading arg0/rdi with the target Method*, arg0/rdi will contain
      * the method_idx.  This wrapper will save arg1-arg3, load the caller's Method*, align the
      * stack and call the appropriate C helper.
-     * NOTE: "this" is first visible argument of the target, and so can be found in arg1/r1.
+     * NOTE: "this" is first visible argument of the target, and so can be found in arg1/rsi.
-     * The helper will attempt to locate the target and return a 64-bit result in r0/r1 consisting
-     * of the target Method* in r0 and method->code_ in r1.
+     * The helper will attempt to locate the target and return a 128-bit result in rax/rdx consisting
+     * of the target Method* in rax and method->code_ in rdx.
-     * If unsuccessful, the helper will return NULL/NULL. There will bea pending exception in the
+     * If unsuccessful, the helper will return NULL/????. There will be a pending exception in the
      * thread and we branch to another stub to deliver it.
-     * On success this wrapper will restore arguments and *jump* to the target, leaving the lr
-     * pointing back to the original caller.
+     * On success this wrapper will restore arguments and *jump* to the target, leaving the return
+     * location on the stack.
+     *
+     * Adapted from x86 code.
 MACRO2(INVOKE_TRAMPOLINE, c_name, cxx_name)
     DEFINE_FUNCTION VAR(c_name, 0)
-    int3
-    int3
+    SETUP_REF_AND_ARGS_CALLEE_SAVE_FRAME  // save callee saves in case allocation triggers GC
+    // Helper signature is always
+    // (method_idx, *this_object, *caller_method, *self, sp)
+    movq FRAME_SIZE_REFS_AND_ARGS_CALLEE_SAVE(%rsp), %rdx  // pass caller Method*
+    movq %gs:THREAD_SELF_OFFSET, %rcx                      // pass Thread
+    movq %rsp, %r8                                         // pass SP
+    call PLT_VAR(cxx_name, 1)                   // cxx_name(arg1, arg2, caller method*, Thread*, SP)
+                                                           // save the code pointer
+    movq %rax, %rdi
+    movq %rdx, %rax
+    testq %rdi, %rdi
+    jz 1f
+    // Tail call to intended method.
+    jmp *%rax
     END_FUNCTION VAR(c_name, 0)
@@ -977,9 +998,18 @@
 END_FUNCTION art_quick_proxy_invoke_handler
-     * Called to resolve an imt conflict.
+     * Called to resolve an imt conflict. Clobbers %rax (which will be clobbered later anyways).
+     *
+     * xmm0 is a hidden argument that holds the target method's dex method index.
+     * TODO: With proper hard-float support, this needs to be kept in sync with the quick compiler.
-UNIMPLEMENTED art_quick_imt_conflict_trampoline
+DEFINE_FUNCTION art_quick_imt_conflict_trampoline
+    movq 16(%rsp), %rdi            // load caller Method*
+    movl METHOD_DEX_CACHE_METHODS_OFFSET(%rdi), %edi  // load dex_cache_resolved_methods
+    movd %xmm0, %rax               // get target method index stored in xmm0
+    movl OBJECT_ARRAY_DATA_OFFSET(%rdi, %rax, 4), %edi  // load the target method
+    jmp art_quick_invoke_interface_trampoline_local
+END_FUNCTION art_quick_imt_conflict_trampoline
 DEFINE_FUNCTION art_quick_resolution_trampoline
diff --git a/runtime/entrypoints/quick/ b/runtime/entrypoints/quick/
index 4bd86db..ee276c1 100644
--- a/runtime/entrypoints/quick/
+++ b/runtime/entrypoints/quick/
@@ -1602,15 +1602,72 @@
-template<InvokeType type, bool access_check>
-static uint64_t artInvokeCommon(uint32_t method_idx, mirror::Object* this_object,
-                                mirror::ArtMethod* caller_method,
-                                Thread* self, mirror::ArtMethod** sp);
+// The following definitions create return types for two word-sized entities that will be passed
+// in registers so that memory operations for the interface trampolines can be avoided. The entities
+// are the resolved method and the pointer to the code to be invoked.
+// On x86, ARM32 and MIPS, this is given for a *scalar* 64bit value. The definition thus *must* be
+// uint64_t or long long int. We use the upper 32b for code, and the lower 32b for the method.
+// On x86_64 and ARM64, structs are decomposed for allocation, so we can create a structs of two
+// size_t-sized values.
+// We need two operations:
+// 1) A flag value that signals failure. The assembly stubs expect the method part to be "0".
+//    GetFailureValue() will return a value that has method == 0.
+// 2) A value that combines a code pointer and a method pointer.
+//    GetSuccessValue() constructs this.
+#if defined(__i386__) || defined(__arm__) || defined(__mips__)
+typedef uint64_t MethodAndCode;
+// Encodes method_ptr==nullptr and code_ptr==nullptr
+static constexpr MethodAndCode GetFailureValue() {
+  return 0;
+// Use the lower 32b for the method pointer and the upper 32b for the code pointer.
+static MethodAndCode GetSuccessValue(const void* code, mirror::ArtMethod* method) {
+  uint32_t method_uint = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t>(method);
+  uint64_t code_uint = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t>(code);
+  return ((code_uint << 32) | method_uint);
+#elif defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__aarch64__)
+struct MethodAndCode {
+  uintptr_t method;
+  uintptr_t code;
+// Encodes method_ptr==nullptr. Leaves random value in code pointer.
+static MethodAndCode GetFailureValue() {
+  MethodAndCode ret;
+  ret.method = 0;
+  return ret;
+// Write values into their respective members.
+static MethodAndCode GetSuccessValue(const void* code, mirror::ArtMethod* method) {
+  MethodAndCode ret;
+  ret.method = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(method);
+  ret.code = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(code);
+  return ret;
+#error "Unsupported architecture"
 template<InvokeType type, bool access_check>
-static uint64_t artInvokeCommon(uint32_t method_idx, mirror::Object* this_object,
-                                mirror::ArtMethod* caller_method,
-                                Thread* self, mirror::ArtMethod** sp) {
+static MethodAndCode artInvokeCommon(uint32_t method_idx, mirror::Object* this_object,
+                                     mirror::ArtMethod* caller_method,
+                                     Thread* self, mirror::ArtMethod** sp);
+template<InvokeType type, bool access_check>
+static MethodAndCode artInvokeCommon(uint32_t method_idx, mirror::Object* this_object,
+                                     mirror::ArtMethod* caller_method,
+                                     Thread* self, mirror::ArtMethod** sp) {
   mirror::ArtMethod* method = FindMethodFast(method_idx, this_object, caller_method, access_check,
   if (UNLIKELY(method == nullptr)) {
@@ -1630,7 +1687,7 @@
     if (UNLIKELY(method == NULL)) {
-      return 0;  // failure
+      return GetFailureValue();  // Failure.
@@ -1639,24 +1696,17 @@
   // When we return, the caller will branch to this address, so it had better not be 0!
   DCHECK(code != nullptr) << "Code was NULL in method: " << PrettyMethod(method) << " location: "
       << MethodHelper(method).GetDexFile().GetLocation();
-#ifdef __LP64__
-  return 0;
-  uint32_t method_uint = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t>(method);
-  uint64_t code_uint = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t>(code);
-  uint64_t result = ((code_uint << 32) | method_uint);
-  return result;
+  return GetSuccessValue(code, method);
 // Explicit artInvokeCommon template function declarations to please analysis tool.
 #define EXPLICIT_INVOKE_COMMON_TEMPLATE_DECL(type, access_check)                                \
   template SHARED_LOCKS_REQUIRED(Locks::mutator_lock_)                                          \
-  uint64_t artInvokeCommon<type, access_check>(uint32_t method_idx,                             \
-                                               mirror::Object* this_object,                     \
-                                               mirror::ArtMethod* caller_method,                \
-                                               Thread* self, mirror::ArtMethod** sp)            \
+  MethodAndCode artInvokeCommon<type, access_check>(uint32_t method_idx,                        \
+                                                    mirror::Object* this_object,                \
+                                                    mirror::ArtMethod* caller_method,           \
+                                                    Thread* self, mirror::ArtMethod** sp)       \
@@ -1672,57 +1722,57 @@
 // See comments in runtime_support_asm.S
-extern "C" uint64_t artInvokeInterfaceTrampolineWithAccessCheck(uint32_t method_idx,
-                                                                mirror::Object* this_object,
-                                                                mirror::ArtMethod* caller_method,
-                                                                Thread* self,
-                                                                mirror::ArtMethod** sp)
+extern "C" MethodAndCode artInvokeInterfaceTrampolineWithAccessCheck(uint32_t method_idx,
+                                                                     mirror::Object* this_object,
+                                                                     mirror::ArtMethod* caller_method,
+                                                                     Thread* self,
+                                                                     mirror::ArtMethod** sp)
     SHARED_LOCKS_REQUIRED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
   return artInvokeCommon<kInterface, true>(method_idx, this_object, caller_method, self, sp);
-extern "C" uint64_t artInvokeDirectTrampolineWithAccessCheck(uint32_t method_idx,
-                                                             mirror::Object* this_object,
-                                                             mirror::ArtMethod* caller_method,
-                                                             Thread* self,
-                                                             mirror::ArtMethod** sp)
+extern "C" MethodAndCode artInvokeDirectTrampolineWithAccessCheck(uint32_t method_idx,
+                                                                  mirror::Object* this_object,
+                                                                  mirror::ArtMethod* caller_method,
+                                                                  Thread* self,
+                                                                  mirror::ArtMethod** sp)
     SHARED_LOCKS_REQUIRED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
   return artInvokeCommon<kDirect, true>(method_idx, this_object, caller_method, self, sp);
-extern "C" uint64_t artInvokeStaticTrampolineWithAccessCheck(uint32_t method_idx,
-                                                             mirror::Object* this_object,
-                                                             mirror::ArtMethod* caller_method,
-                                                             Thread* self,
-                                                             mirror::ArtMethod** sp)
+extern "C" MethodAndCode artInvokeStaticTrampolineWithAccessCheck(uint32_t method_idx,
+                                                                  mirror::Object* this_object,
+                                                                  mirror::ArtMethod* caller_method,
+                                                                  Thread* self,
+                                                                  mirror::ArtMethod** sp)
     SHARED_LOCKS_REQUIRED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
   return artInvokeCommon<kStatic, true>(method_idx, this_object, caller_method, self, sp);
-extern "C" uint64_t artInvokeSuperTrampolineWithAccessCheck(uint32_t method_idx,
-                                                            mirror::Object* this_object,
-                                                            mirror::ArtMethod* caller_method,
-                                                            Thread* self,
-                                                            mirror::ArtMethod** sp)
+extern "C" MethodAndCode artInvokeSuperTrampolineWithAccessCheck(uint32_t method_idx,
+                                                                 mirror::Object* this_object,
+                                                                 mirror::ArtMethod* caller_method,
+                                                                 Thread* self,
+                                                                 mirror::ArtMethod** sp)
     SHARED_LOCKS_REQUIRED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
   return artInvokeCommon<kSuper, true>(method_idx, this_object, caller_method, self, sp);
-extern "C" uint64_t artInvokeVirtualTrampolineWithAccessCheck(uint32_t method_idx,
-                                                              mirror::Object* this_object,
-                                                              mirror::ArtMethod* caller_method,
-                                                              Thread* self,
-                                                              mirror::ArtMethod** sp)
+extern "C" MethodAndCode artInvokeVirtualTrampolineWithAccessCheck(uint32_t method_idx,
+                                                                   mirror::Object* this_object,
+                                                                   mirror::ArtMethod* caller_method,
+                                                                   Thread* self,
+                                                                   mirror::ArtMethod** sp)
     SHARED_LOCKS_REQUIRED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
   return artInvokeCommon<kVirtual, true>(method_idx, this_object, caller_method, self, sp);
 // Determine target of interface dispatch. This object is known non-null.
-extern "C" uint64_t artInvokeInterfaceTrampoline(mirror::ArtMethod* interface_method,
-                                                 mirror::Object* this_object,
-                                                 mirror::ArtMethod* caller_method,
-                                                 Thread* self, mirror::ArtMethod** sp)
+extern "C" MethodAndCode artInvokeInterfaceTrampoline(mirror::ArtMethod* interface_method,
+                                                      mirror::Object* this_object,
+                                                      mirror::ArtMethod* caller_method,
+                                                      Thread* self, mirror::ArtMethod** sp)
     SHARED_LOCKS_REQUIRED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
   mirror::ArtMethod* method;
   if (LIKELY(interface_method->GetDexMethodIndex() != DexFile::kDexNoIndex)) {
@@ -1731,7 +1781,7 @@
       FinishCalleeSaveFrameSetup(self, sp, Runtime::kRefsAndArgs);
       ThrowIncompatibleClassChangeErrorClassForInterfaceDispatch(interface_method, this_object,
-      return 0;  // Failure.
+      return GetFailureValue();  // Failure.
   } else {
     FinishCalleeSaveFrameSetup(self, sp, Runtime::kRefsAndArgs);
@@ -1828,7 +1878,7 @@
     if (UNLIKELY(method == nullptr)) {
-      return 0;  // Failure.
+      return GetFailureValue();  // Failure.
   const void* code = method->GetEntryPointFromQuickCompiledCode();
@@ -1836,15 +1886,8 @@
   // When we return, the caller will branch to this address, so it had better not be 0!
   DCHECK(code != nullptr) << "Code was NULL in method: " << PrettyMethod(method) << " location: "
       << MethodHelper(method).GetDexFile().GetLocation();
-#ifdef __LP64__
-  return 0;
-  uint32_t method_uint = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t>(method);
-  uint64_t code_uint = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t>(code);
-  uint64_t result = ((code_uint << 32) | method_uint);
-  return result;
+  return GetSuccessValue(code, method);
 }  // namespace art