Misc tools improvements
Rewrote compile-jar.sh in python to add ability to compile against
host BCP, compile multiple apks/dexs, launch with debugger and utilize
profiles more easily. Changed compile-jar.sh to be a wrapper around
this script.
compile-jar.py [-h] [--dex2oat DEX2OAT] [--debug] [--profman PROFMAN]
[--profile-file PROFILE | --profile-line PROFILE_LINE]
[--arch {arm,arm64,x86,x86_64,host64,host32}]
[--odex-file ODEX_FILE] [--save-profile SAVE_PROFILE]
DEX [DEX ...]
Added pylibdexfile.py a python wrapper around libdexfile_external for
scripting use. It can be used by 'include'ing it or interactively with
`python3 -i art/tools/pylibdexfile.py`. Currently it has support for
opening individual dexfiles (either from buffers or files) and opening
jars. It is also able to get a list of all methods referenced in the
dexfile. As libdexfile_external is expanded we could add to this if
Test: Manual
Test: ./art/tools/compile-jar.py /tmp/benchmarks.dex /tmp/ritz.jar --debug --odex-file /tmp/ritz.odex --dump-stats --profile-line 'HSLbenchmarks/common/java/BenchmarkBase;->measure()D' --profile-line 'HSLbenchmarks/common/java/SelfTimingBenchmarkBase;->measureFor(ZJ)D' -j1 --compiler-filter=speed-profile
Change-Id: I7bbbce6e68aef5a5fa1173960b0055bf5f76cd7f
diff --git a/tools/compile-jar.py b/tools/compile-jar.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1211e74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/compile-jar.py
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2021 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# This script runs dex2oat on the host to compile a provided JAR or APK.
+import argparse
+import shlex
+import subprocess
+import os
+import os.path
+def run_print(lst):
+ return " ".join(map(shlex.quote, lst))
+def parse_args():
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+ description="compile dex or jar files",
+ epilog="Unrecognized options are passed on to dex2oat unmodified.")
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "--dex2oat",
+ action="store",
+ default=os.path.expandvars("$ANDROID_HOST_OUT/bin/dex2oatd64"),
+ help="selects the dex2oat to use.")
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "--debug",
+ action="store_true",
+ default=False,
+ help="launches dex2oatd with lldb-server g :5039. Connect using vscode or remote lldb"
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "--profman",
+ action="store",
+ default=os.path.expandvars("$ANDROID_HOST_OUT/bin/profmand"),
+ help="selects the profman to use.")
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "--debug-profman",
+ action="store_true",
+ default=False,
+ help="launches profman with lldb-server g :5039. Connect using vscode or remote lldb"
+ )
+ profs = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
+ profs.add_argument(
+ "--profile-file",
+ action="store",
+ help="Use this profile file. Probably want to pass --compiler-filter=speed-profile with this."
+ )
+ profs.add_argument(
+ "--profile-line",
+ action="append",
+ default=[],
+ help="functions to add to a profile. Probably want to pass --compiler-filter=speed-profile with this. All functions are marked as 'hot'. Use --profile-file for more control."
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "--arch",
+ action="store",
+ choices=["arm", "arm64", "x86", "x86_64", "host64", "host32"],
+ default="host64",
+ help="architecture to compile for. Defaults to host64")
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "--odex-file",
+ action="store",
+ help="odex file to write. File discarded if not set",
+ default=None)
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "--save-profile",
+ action="store",
+ type=argparse.FileType("w"),
+ default=None,
+ help="File path to store the profile to")
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "dex_files", help="dex/jar files", nargs="+", metavar="DEX")
+ return parser.parse_known_args()
+def get_bcp_runtime_args(image, arch):
+ if arch != "host32" and arch != "host64":
+ args = [
+ "art/tools/host_bcp.sh",
+ os.path.expandvars(
+ "${{OUT}}/system/framework/oat/{}/services.odex".format(arch)),
+ "--use-first-dir"
+ ]
+ print("Running: {}".format(run_print(args)))
+ print("=START=======================================")
+ res = subprocess.run(args, capture_output=True, text=True)
+ print("=END=========================================")
+ res.check_returncode()
+ return res.stdout.split()
+ else:
+ # Host we just use the bcp locations for both.
+ res = open(
+ os.path.expandvars(
+ "$ANDROID_HOST_OUT/apex/art_boot_images/javalib/{}/boot.oat".format(
+ "x86" if arch == "host32" else "x86_64")), "rb").read()
+ bcp_tag = b"bootclasspath\0"
+ bcp_start = res.find(bcp_tag) + len(bcp_tag)
+ bcp = res[bcp_start:bcp_start + res[bcp_start:].find(b"\0")]
+ str_bcp = bcp.decode()
+ return [
+ "--runtime-arg", "-Xbootclasspath:{}".format(str_bcp), "--runtime-arg",
+ "-Xbootclasspath-locations:{}".format(str_bcp)
+ ]
+def fdfile(fd):
+ return "/proc/{}/fd/{}".format(os.getpid(), fd)
+def get_profile_args(args, location_base):
+ """Handle all the profile file options."""
+ if args.profile_file is None and len(args.profile_line) == 0:
+ return []
+ if args.debug_profman:
+ profman_args = ["lldb-server", "g", ":5039", "--", args.profman]
+ else:
+ profman_args = [args.profman]
+ if args.save_profile:
+ prof_out_fd = args.save_profile.fileno()
+ os.set_inheritable(prof_out_fd, True)
+ else:
+ prof_out_fd = os.memfd_create("reference_prof", flags=0)
+ if args.debug_profman:
+ profman_args.append("--reference-profile-file={}".format(
+ fdfile(prof_out_fd)))
+ else:
+ profman_args.append("--reference-profile-file-fd={}".format(prof_out_fd))
+ if args.profile_file:
+ profman_args.append("--create-profile-from={}".format(args.profile_file))
+ else:
+ prof_in_fd = os.memfd_create("input_prof", flags=0)
+ # Why on earth does fdopen take control of the fd and not mention it in the docs.
+ with os.fdopen(os.dup(prof_in_fd), "w") as prof_in:
+ for l in args.profile_line:
+ print(l, file=prof_in)
+ profman_args.append("--create-profile-from={}".format(fdfile(prof_in_fd)))
+ for f in args.dex_files:
+ profman_args.append("--apk={}".format(f))
+ profman_args.append("--dex-location={}".format(
+ os.path.join(location_base, os.path.basename(f))))
+ print("Running: {}".format(run_print(profman_args)))
+ print("=START=======================================")
+ subprocess.run(profman_args, close_fds=False).check_returncode()
+ print("=END=========================================")
+ if args.debug:
+ return ["--profile-file={}".format(fdfile(prof_out_fd))]
+ else:
+ return ["--profile-file={}".format(fdfile(prof_out_fd))]
+def main():
+ args, extra = parse_args()
+ if args.arch == "host32" or args.arch == "host64":
+ location_base = os.path.expandvars("${ANDROID_HOST_OUT}/framework/")
+ real_arch = "x86" if args.arch == "host32" else "x86_64"
+ boot_image = os.path.expandvars(
+ "$ANDROID_HOST_OUT/apex/art_boot_images/javalib/boot.art")
+ android_root = os.path.expandvars("$ANDROID_HOST_OUT")
+ for f in args.dex_files:
+ extra.append("--dex-location={}".format(
+ os.path.join(location_base, os.path.basename(f))))
+ extra.append("--dex-file={}".format(f))
+ else:
+ location_base = "/system/framework"
+ real_arch = args.arch
+ boot_image = os.path.expandvars(":".join([
+ "${OUT}/apex/com.android.art.debug/javalib/boot.art",
+ "${OUT}/system/framework/boot-framework.art"
+ ]))
+ android_root = os.path.expandvars("$OUT/system")
+ for f in args.dex_files:
+ extra.append("--dex-location={}".format(
+ os.path.join(location_base, os.path.basename(f))))
+ extra.append("--dex-file={}".format(f))
+ extra += get_bcp_runtime_args(boot_image, args.arch)
+ extra += get_profile_args(args, location_base)
+ extra.append("--instruction-set={}".format(real_arch))
+ extra.append("--boot-image={}".format(boot_image))
+ extra.append("--android-root={}".format(android_root))
+ extra += ["--runtime-arg", "-Xms64m", "--runtime-arg", "-Xmx512m"]
+ if args.odex_file is not None:
+ extra.append("--oat-file={}".format(args.odex_file))
+ else:
+ if args.debug:
+ raise Exception("Debug requires a real output file. :(")
+ extra.append("--oat-fd={}".format(os.memfd_create("odex_fd", flags=0)))
+ extra.append("--oat-location={}".format("/tmp/odex_fd.odex"))
+ extra.append("--output-vdex-fd={}".format(
+ os.memfd_create("vdex_fd", flags=0)))
+ pre_args = []
+ if args.debug:
+ pre_args = ["lldb-server", "g", ":5039", "--"]
+ pre_args.append(args.dex2oat)
+ print("Running: {}".format(run_print(pre_args + extra)))
+ print("=START=======================================")
+ subprocess.run(pre_args + extra, close_fds=False).check_returncode()
+ print("=END=========================================")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()