Fuse long and FP compare & condition on ARM in Optimizing.
- Stylistic changes in corresponding parts on the x86 and
x86-64 code generators.
- Update and improve the documentation of
Bug: 21120453
Change-Id: If144772046e7d21362c3c2086246cb7d011d49ce
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/code_generator_arm.cc b/compiler/optimizing/code_generator_arm.cc
index e3683ef..ff12329 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/code_generator_arm.cc
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/code_generator_arm.cc
@@ -334,7 +334,7 @@
#undef __
#define __ down_cast<ArmAssembler*>(GetAssembler())->
-inline Condition ARMCondition(IfCondition cond) {
+inline Condition ARMSignedOrFPCondition(IfCondition cond) {
switch (cond) {
case kCondEQ: return EQ;
case kCondNE: return NE;
@@ -342,24 +342,22 @@
case kCondLE: return LE;
case kCondGT: return GT;
case kCondGE: return GE;
- default:
- LOG(FATAL) << "Unknown if condition";
- return EQ; // Unreachable.
+ LOG(FATAL) << "Unreachable";
-inline Condition ARMOppositeCondition(IfCondition cond) {
+inline Condition ARMUnsignedCondition(IfCondition cond) {
switch (cond) {
- case kCondEQ: return NE;
- case kCondNE: return EQ;
- case kCondLT: return GE;
- case kCondLE: return GT;
- case kCondGT: return LE;
- case kCondGE: return LT;
- default:
- LOG(FATAL) << "Unknown if condition";
+ case kCondEQ: return EQ;
+ case kCondNE: return NE;
+ case kCondLT: return LO;
+ case kCondLE: return LS;
+ case kCondGT: return HI;
+ case kCondGE: return HS;
- return EQ; // Unreachable.
+ LOG(FATAL) << "Unreachable";
void CodeGeneratorARM::DumpCoreRegister(std::ostream& stream, int reg) const {
@@ -1008,6 +1006,142 @@
+void InstructionCodeGeneratorARM::GenerateCompareWithImmediate(Register left, int32_t right) {
+ ShifterOperand operand;
+ if (GetAssembler()->ShifterOperandCanHold(R0, left, CMP, right, &operand)) {
+ __ cmp(left, operand);
+ } else {
+ Register temp = IP;
+ __ LoadImmediate(temp, right);
+ __ cmp(left, ShifterOperand(temp));
+ }
+void InstructionCodeGeneratorARM::GenerateFPJumps(HCondition* cond,
+ Label* true_label,
+ Label* false_label) {
+ __ vmstat(); // transfer FP status register to ARM APSR.
+ if (cond->IsFPConditionTrueIfNaN()) {
+ __ b(true_label, VS); // VS for unordered.
+ } else if (cond->IsFPConditionFalseIfNaN()) {
+ __ b(false_label, VS); // VS for unordered.
+ }
+ __ b(true_label, ARMSignedOrFPCondition(cond->GetCondition()));
+void InstructionCodeGeneratorARM::GenerateLongComparesAndJumps(HCondition* cond,
+ Label* true_label,
+ Label* false_label) {
+ LocationSummary* locations = cond->GetLocations();
+ Location left = locations->InAt(0);
+ Location right = locations->InAt(1);
+ IfCondition if_cond = cond->GetCondition();
+ Register left_high = left.AsRegisterPairHigh<Register>();
+ Register left_low = left.AsRegisterPairLow<Register>();
+ IfCondition true_high_cond = if_cond;
+ IfCondition false_high_cond = cond->GetOppositeCondition();
+ Condition final_condition = ARMUnsignedCondition(if_cond);
+ // Set the conditions for the test, remembering that == needs to be
+ // decided using the low words.
+ switch (if_cond) {
+ case kCondEQ:
+ case kCondNE:
+ // Nothing to do.
+ break;
+ case kCondLT:
+ false_high_cond = kCondGT;
+ break;
+ case kCondLE:
+ true_high_cond = kCondLT;
+ break;
+ case kCondGT:
+ false_high_cond = kCondLT;
+ break;
+ case kCondGE:
+ true_high_cond = kCondGT;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (right.IsConstant()) {
+ int64_t value = right.GetConstant()->AsLongConstant()->GetValue();
+ int32_t val_low = Low32Bits(value);
+ int32_t val_high = High32Bits(value);
+ GenerateCompareWithImmediate(left_high, val_high);
+ if (if_cond == kCondNE) {
+ __ b(true_label, ARMSignedOrFPCondition(true_high_cond));
+ } else if (if_cond == kCondEQ) {
+ __ b(false_label, ARMSignedOrFPCondition(false_high_cond));
+ } else {
+ __ b(true_label, ARMSignedOrFPCondition(true_high_cond));
+ __ b(false_label, ARMSignedOrFPCondition(false_high_cond));
+ }
+ // Must be equal high, so compare the lows.
+ GenerateCompareWithImmediate(left_low, val_low);
+ } else {
+ Register right_high = right.AsRegisterPairHigh<Register>();
+ Register right_low = right.AsRegisterPairLow<Register>();
+ __ cmp(left_high, ShifterOperand(right_high));
+ if (if_cond == kCondNE) {
+ __ b(true_label, ARMSignedOrFPCondition(true_high_cond));
+ } else if (if_cond == kCondEQ) {
+ __ b(false_label, ARMSignedOrFPCondition(false_high_cond));
+ } else {
+ __ b(true_label, ARMSignedOrFPCondition(true_high_cond));
+ __ b(false_label, ARMSignedOrFPCondition(false_high_cond));
+ }
+ // Must be equal high, so compare the lows.
+ __ cmp(left_low, ShifterOperand(right_low));
+ }
+ // The last comparison might be unsigned.
+ __ b(true_label, final_condition);
+void InstructionCodeGeneratorARM::GenerateCompareTestAndBranch(HIf* if_instr,
+ HCondition* condition,
+ Label* true_target,
+ Label* false_target,
+ Label* always_true_target) {
+ LocationSummary* locations = condition->GetLocations();
+ Location left = locations->InAt(0);
+ Location right = locations->InAt(1);
+ // We don't want true_target as a nullptr.
+ if (true_target == nullptr) {
+ true_target = always_true_target;
+ }
+ bool falls_through = (false_target == nullptr);
+ // FP compares don't like null false_targets.
+ if (false_target == nullptr) {
+ false_target = codegen_->GetLabelOf(if_instr->IfFalseSuccessor());
+ }
+ Primitive::Type type = condition->InputAt(0)->GetType();
+ switch (type) {
+ case Primitive::kPrimLong:
+ GenerateLongComparesAndJumps(condition, true_target, false_target);
+ break;
+ case Primitive::kPrimFloat:
+ __ vcmps(left.AsFpuRegister<SRegister>(), right.AsFpuRegister<SRegister>());
+ GenerateFPJumps(condition, true_target, false_target);
+ break;
+ case Primitive::kPrimDouble:
+ __ vcmpd(FromLowSToD(left.AsFpuRegisterPairLow<SRegister>()),
+ FromLowSToD(right.AsFpuRegisterPairLow<SRegister>()));
+ GenerateFPJumps(condition, true_target, false_target);
+ break;
+ default:
+ LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected compare type " << type;
+ }
+ if (!falls_through) {
+ __ b(false_target);
+ }
void InstructionCodeGeneratorARM::GenerateTestAndBranch(HInstruction* instruction,
Label* true_target,
Label* false_target,
@@ -1033,25 +1167,27 @@
} else {
// Condition has not been materialized, use its inputs as the
// comparison and its condition as the branch condition.
+ Primitive::Type type =
+ cond->IsCondition() ? cond->InputAt(0)->GetType() : Primitive::kPrimInt;
+ // Is this a long or FP comparison that has been folded into the HCondition?
+ if (type == Primitive::kPrimLong || Primitive::IsFloatingPointType(type)) {
+ // Generate the comparison directly.
+ GenerateCompareTestAndBranch(instruction->AsIf(), cond->AsCondition(),
+ true_target, false_target, always_true_target);
+ return;
+ }
LocationSummary* locations = cond->GetLocations();
DCHECK(locations->InAt(0).IsRegister()) << locations->InAt(0);
Register left = locations->InAt(0).AsRegister<Register>();
- if (locations->InAt(1).IsRegister()) {
- __ cmp(left, ShifterOperand(locations->InAt(1).AsRegister<Register>()));
+ Location right = locations->InAt(1);
+ if (right.IsRegister()) {
+ __ cmp(left, ShifterOperand(right.AsRegister<Register>()));
} else {
- DCHECK(locations->InAt(1).IsConstant());
- HConstant* constant = locations->InAt(1).GetConstant();
- int32_t value = CodeGenerator::GetInt32ValueOf(constant);
- ShifterOperand operand;
- if (GetAssembler()->ShifterOperandCanHold(R0, left, CMP, value, &operand)) {
- __ cmp(left, operand);
- } else {
- Register temp = IP;
- __ LoadImmediate(temp, value);
- __ cmp(left, ShifterOperand(temp));
- }
+ DCHECK(right.IsConstant());
+ GenerateCompareWithImmediate(left, CodeGenerator::GetInt32ValueOf(right.GetConstant()));
- __ b(true_target, ARMCondition(cond->AsCondition()->GetCondition()));
+ __ b(true_target, ARMSignedOrFPCondition(cond->AsCondition()->GetCondition()));
if (false_target != nullptr) {
@@ -1104,37 +1240,88 @@
void LocationsBuilderARM::VisitCondition(HCondition* cond) {
LocationSummary* locations =
new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) LocationSummary(cond, LocationSummary::kNoCall);
- locations->SetInAt(0, Location::RequiresRegister());
- locations->SetInAt(1, Location::RegisterOrConstant(cond->InputAt(1)));
- if (cond->NeedsMaterialization()) {
- locations->SetOut(Location::RequiresRegister(), Location::kNoOutputOverlap);
+ // Handle the long/FP comparisons made in instruction simplification.
+ switch (cond->InputAt(0)->GetType()) {
+ case Primitive::kPrimLong:
+ locations->SetInAt(0, Location::RequiresRegister());
+ locations->SetInAt(1, Location::RegisterOrConstant(cond->InputAt(1)));
+ if (cond->NeedsMaterialization()) {
+ locations->SetOut(Location::RequiresRegister(), Location::kOutputOverlap);
+ }
+ break;
+ case Primitive::kPrimFloat:
+ case Primitive::kPrimDouble:
+ locations->SetInAt(0, Location::RequiresFpuRegister());
+ locations->SetInAt(1, Location::RequiresFpuRegister());
+ if (cond->NeedsMaterialization()) {
+ locations->SetOut(Location::RequiresRegister(), Location::kNoOutputOverlap);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ locations->SetInAt(0, Location::RequiresRegister());
+ locations->SetInAt(1, Location::RegisterOrConstant(cond->InputAt(1)));
+ if (cond->NeedsMaterialization()) {
+ locations->SetOut(Location::RequiresRegister(), Location::kNoOutputOverlap);
+ }
void InstructionCodeGeneratorARM::VisitCondition(HCondition* cond) {
- if (!cond->NeedsMaterialization()) return;
- LocationSummary* locations = cond->GetLocations();
- Register left = locations->InAt(0).AsRegister<Register>();
- if (locations->InAt(1).IsRegister()) {
- __ cmp(left, ShifterOperand(locations->InAt(1).AsRegister<Register>()));
- } else {
- DCHECK(locations->InAt(1).IsConstant());
- int32_t value = CodeGenerator::GetInt32ValueOf(locations->InAt(1).GetConstant());
- ShifterOperand operand;
- if (GetAssembler()->ShifterOperandCanHold(R0, left, CMP, value, &operand)) {
- __ cmp(left, operand);
- } else {
- Register temp = IP;
- __ LoadImmediate(temp, value);
- __ cmp(left, ShifterOperand(temp));
- }
+ if (!cond->NeedsMaterialization()) {
+ return;
- __ it(ARMCondition(cond->GetCondition()), kItElse);
- __ mov(locations->Out().AsRegister<Register>(), ShifterOperand(1),
- ARMCondition(cond->GetCondition()));
- __ mov(locations->Out().AsRegister<Register>(), ShifterOperand(0),
- ARMOppositeCondition(cond->GetCondition()));
+ LocationSummary* locations = cond->GetLocations();
+ Location left = locations->InAt(0);
+ Location right = locations->InAt(1);
+ Register out = locations->Out().AsRegister<Register>();
+ Label true_label, false_label;
+ switch (cond->InputAt(0)->GetType()) {
+ default: {
+ // Integer case.
+ if (right.IsRegister()) {
+ __ cmp(left.AsRegister<Register>(), ShifterOperand(right.AsRegister<Register>()));
+ } else {
+ DCHECK(right.IsConstant());
+ GenerateCompareWithImmediate(left.AsRegister<Register>(),
+ CodeGenerator::GetInt32ValueOf(right.GetConstant()));
+ }
+ __ it(ARMSignedOrFPCondition(cond->GetCondition()), kItElse);
+ __ mov(locations->Out().AsRegister<Register>(), ShifterOperand(1),
+ ARMSignedOrFPCondition(cond->GetCondition()));
+ __ mov(locations->Out().AsRegister<Register>(), ShifterOperand(0),
+ ARMSignedOrFPCondition(cond->GetOppositeCondition()));
+ return;
+ }
+ case Primitive::kPrimLong:
+ GenerateLongComparesAndJumps(cond, &true_label, &false_label);
+ break;
+ case Primitive::kPrimFloat:
+ __ vcmps(left.AsFpuRegister<SRegister>(), right.AsFpuRegister<SRegister>());
+ GenerateFPJumps(cond, &true_label, &false_label);
+ break;
+ case Primitive::kPrimDouble:
+ __ vcmpd(FromLowSToD(left.AsFpuRegisterPairLow<SRegister>()),
+ FromLowSToD(right.AsFpuRegisterPairLow<SRegister>()));
+ GenerateFPJumps(cond, &true_label, &false_label);
+ break;
+ }
+ // Convert the jumps into the result.
+ Label done_label;
+ // False case: result = 0.
+ __ Bind(&false_label);
+ __ LoadImmediate(out, 0);
+ __ b(&done_label);
+ // True case: result = 1.
+ __ Bind(&true_label);
+ __ LoadImmediate(out, 1);
+ __ Bind(&done_label);
void LocationsBuilderARM::VisitEqual(HEqual* comp) {
@@ -2913,7 +3100,7 @@
ShifterOperand(right.AsRegisterPairHigh<Register>())); // Signed compare.
__ b(&less, LT);
__ b(&greater, GT);
- // Do LoadImmediate before any `cmp`, as LoadImmediate might affect the status flags.
+ // Do LoadImmediate before the last `cmp`, as LoadImmediate might affect the status flags.
__ LoadImmediate(out, 0);
__ cmp(left.AsRegisterPairLow<Register>(),
ShifterOperand(right.AsRegisterPairLow<Register>())); // Unsigned compare.
@@ -2936,7 +3123,7 @@
LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected compare type " << type;
__ b(&done, EQ);
- __ b(&less, CC); // CC is for both: unsigned compare for longs and 'less than' for floats.
+ __ b(&less, LO); // LO is for both: unsigned compare for longs and 'less than' for floats.
__ Bind(&greater);
__ LoadImmediate(out, 1);
@@ -3710,7 +3897,7 @@
Register length = locations->InAt(1).AsRegister<Register>();
__ cmp(index, ShifterOperand(length));
- __ b(slow_path->GetEntryLabel(), CS);
+ __ b(slow_path->GetEntryLabel(), HS);
void CodeGeneratorARM::MarkGCCard(Register temp,