Add explicit compiler option to enable test-specific features.

We can no longer rely on checking the "" image name,
since we plan to remove it and use the shipped boot image.

This option enables test-specific features, such as $noinline$.

Test: ./art/ -r --optimizing --64
Bug: 147817558
Change-Id: Iadac6e1b0f46e83efd0551fb8462a6b268ad33d8
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/ b/compiler/optimizing/
index 24d6e65..05a0afa 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/
@@ -148,15 +148,14 @@
   DCHECK_NE(total_number_of_instructions_, 0u);
   DCHECK_NE(inlining_budget_, 0u);
-  // If we're compiling with a core image (which is only used for
-  // test purposes), honor inlining directives in method names:
+  // If we're compiling tests, honor inlining directives in method names:
   // - if a method's name contains the substring "$noinline$", do not
   //   inline that method;
   // - if a method's name contains the substring "$inline$", ensure
   //   that this method is actually inlined.
   // We limit the latter to AOT compilation, as the JIT may or may not inline
   // depending on the state of classes at runtime.
-  const bool honor_noinline_directives = codegen_->GetCompilerOptions().CompilingWithCoreImage();
+  const bool honor_noinline_directives = codegen_->GetCompilerOptions().CompileArtTest();
   const bool honor_inline_directives =
       honor_noinline_directives && Runtime::Current()->IsAotCompiler();