Move GcRoot JIT patching logic to its own file for arm64.

To re-use it for other compilers.

Change-Id: I56ab018364c94f394bb406c51f1e54dc72252dd8
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/ b/compiler/optimizing/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..76ba182
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2023 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "code_generation_data.h"
+#include "gc_root.h"
+#include "jit_patches_arm64.h"
+namespace art HIDDEN {
+namespace arm64 {
+vixl::aarch64::Literal<uint32_t>* JitPatchesARM64::DeduplicateUint32Literal(
+    uint32_t value) {
+  return uint32_literals_.GetOrCreate(
+      value,
+      [this, value]() {
+        return GetVIXLAssembler()->CreateLiteralDestroyedWithPool<uint32_t>(value);
+      });
+vixl::aarch64::Literal<uint64_t>* JitPatchesARM64::DeduplicateUint64Literal(
+    uint64_t value) {
+  return uint64_literals_.GetOrCreate(
+      value,
+      [this, value]() {
+        return GetVIXLAssembler()->CreateLiteralDestroyedWithPool<uint64_t>(value);
+      });
+static void PatchJitRootUse(uint8_t* code,
+                            const uint8_t* roots_data,
+                            vixl::aarch64::Literal<uint32_t>* literal,
+                            uint64_t index_in_table) {
+  uint32_t literal_offset = literal->GetOffset();
+  uintptr_t address =
+      reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(roots_data) + index_in_table * sizeof(GcRoot<mirror::Object>);
+  uint8_t* data = code + literal_offset;
+  reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(data)[0] = dchecked_integral_cast<uint32_t>(address);
+void JitPatchesARM64::EmitJitRootPatches(
+    uint8_t* code,
+    const uint8_t* roots_data,
+    const CodeGenerationData& code_generation_data) const {
+  for (const auto& entry : jit_string_patches_) {
+    const StringReference& string_reference = entry.first;
+    vixl::aarch64::Literal<uint32_t>* table_entry_literal = entry.second;
+    uint64_t index_in_table = code_generation_data.GetJitStringRootIndex(string_reference);
+    PatchJitRootUse(code, roots_data, table_entry_literal, index_in_table);
+  }
+  for (const auto& entry : jit_class_patches_) {
+    const TypeReference& type_reference = entry.first;
+    vixl::aarch64::Literal<uint32_t>* table_entry_literal = entry.second;
+    uint64_t index_in_table = code_generation_data.GetJitClassRootIndex(type_reference);
+    PatchJitRootUse(code, roots_data, table_entry_literal, index_in_table);
+  }
+vixl::aarch64::Literal<uint32_t>* JitPatchesARM64::DeduplicateBootImageAddressLiteral(
+    uint64_t address) {
+  return DeduplicateUint32Literal(dchecked_integral_cast<uint32_t>(address));
+vixl::aarch64::Literal<uint32_t>* JitPatchesARM64::DeduplicateJitStringLiteral(
+    const DexFile& dex_file,
+    dex::StringIndex string_index,
+    Handle<mirror::String> handle,
+    CodeGenerationData* code_generation_data) {
+  code_generation_data->ReserveJitStringRoot(StringReference(&dex_file, string_index), handle);
+  return jit_string_patches_.GetOrCreate(
+      StringReference(&dex_file, string_index),
+      [this]() {
+        return GetVIXLAssembler()->CreateLiteralDestroyedWithPool<uint32_t>(/* value= */ 0u);
+      });
+vixl::aarch64::Literal<uint32_t>* JitPatchesARM64::DeduplicateJitClassLiteral(
+    const DexFile& dex_file,
+    dex::TypeIndex type_index,
+    Handle<mirror::Class> handle,
+    CodeGenerationData* code_generation_data) {
+  code_generation_data->ReserveJitClassRoot(TypeReference(&dex_file, type_index), handle);
+  return jit_class_patches_.GetOrCreate(
+      TypeReference(&dex_file, type_index),
+      [this]() {
+        return GetVIXLAssembler()->CreateLiteralDestroyedWithPool<uint32_t>(/* value= */ 0u);
+      });
+}  // namespace arm64
+}  // namespace art