Fix pylint warnings in art_apex_test

* Don't shadow global variables
* Remove unnecessary semicolons
* Do not use `len()` to determine if a sequence is empty
* Replace some if statements with test
* Remove unused variables
* Remove useless super methods
* Switch to enumerate where possible
* Make some class members public
* Restrict exceptions coming from zip
* Remove not checked boolean function returns

* Long lines were untouched

Test: art/build/apex/
Change-Id: I247ee2ba5903ae69f478dbfc5517a39c3f5e9e0e
diff --git a/build/apex/ b/build/apex/
index 4fcc2cc..c25bd2d 100755
--- a/build/apex/
+++ b/build/apex/
@@ -24,15 +24,18 @@
 class FSObject:
   def __init__(self, name, is_dir, is_exec, is_symlink): = name
     self.is_dir = is_dir
     self.is_exec = is_exec
     self.is_symlink = is_symlink
   def __str__(self):
     return '%s(dir=%r,exec=%r,symlink=%r)' % (, self.is_dir, self.is_exec, self.is_symlink)
 class TargetApexProvider:
   def __init__(self, apex, tmpdir, debugfs):
     self._tmpdir = tmpdir
@@ -40,8 +43,8 @@
     self._folder_cache = {}
     self._payload = os.path.join(self._tmpdir, 'apex_payload.img')
     # Extract payload to tmpdir.
-    zip = zipfile.ZipFile(apex)
-    zip.extract('apex_payload.img', tmpdir)
+    apex_zip = zipfile.ZipFile(apex)
+    apex_zip.extract('apex_payload.img', tmpdir)
   def __del__(self):
     # Delete temps.
@@ -49,22 +52,22 @@
   def get(self, path):
-    dir, name = os.path.split(path)
-    if len(dir) == 0:
-      dir = '.'
-    map = self.read_dir(dir)
-    return map[name] if name in map else None
+    apex_dir, name = os.path.split(path)
+    if not apex_dir:
+      apex_dir = '.'
+    apex_map = self.read_dir(apex_dir)
+    return apex_map[name] if name in apex_map else None
-  def read_dir(self, dir):
-    if dir in self._folder_cache:
-      return self._folder_cache[dir]
+  def read_dir(self, apex_dir):
+    if apex_dir in self._folder_cache:
+      return self._folder_cache[apex_dir]
     # Cannot use check_output as it will annoy with stderr.
-    process = subprocess.Popen([self._debugfs, '-R', 'ls -l -p %s' % (dir), self._payload],
+    process = subprocess.Popen([self._debugfs, '-R', 'ls -l -p %s' % apex_dir, self._payload],
                                stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
-    stdout, stderr = process.communicate()
+    stdout, _ = process.communicate()
     res = str(stdout)
-    map = {}
+    apex_map = {}
     # Debugfs output looks like this:
     #   debugfs 1.44.4 (18-Aug-2018)
     #   /12/040755/0/2000/.//
@@ -88,30 +91,33 @@
       comps = line.split('/')
       if len(comps) != 8:
-        logging.warn('Could not break and parse line \'%s\'', line)
+        logging.warning('Could not break and parse line \'%s\'', line)
       bits = comps[2]
       name = comps[5]
       if len(bits) != 6:
-        logging.warn('Dont understand bits \'%s\'', bits)
+        logging.warning('Dont understand bits \'%s\'', bits)
-      is_dir = True if bits[1] == '4' else False
+      is_dir = bits[1] == '4'
       def is_exec_bit(ch):
-        return True if int(ch) & 1 == 1 else False
+        return int(ch) & 1 == 1
       is_exec = is_exec_bit(bits[3]) and is_exec_bit(bits[4]) and is_exec_bit(bits[5])
-      is_symlink = True if bits[1] == '2' else False
-      map[name] = FSObject(name, is_dir, is_exec, is_symlink)
-    self._folder_cache[dir] = map
-    return map
+      is_symlink = bits[1] == '2'
+      apex_map[name] = FSObject(name, is_dir, is_exec, is_symlink)
+    self._folder_cache[apex_dir] = apex_map
+    return apex_map
 class HostApexProvider:
   def __init__(self, apex, tmpdir):
     self._tmpdir = tmpdir
-    self._folder_cache = {}
+    self.folder_cache = {}
     self._payload = os.path.join(self._tmpdir, '')
     # Extract payload to tmpdir.
-    zip = zipfile.ZipFile(apex)
-    zip.extract('', tmpdir)
+    apex_zip = zipfile.ZipFile(apex)
+    apex_zip.extract('', tmpdir)
   def __del__(self):
     # Delete temps.
@@ -119,24 +125,24 @@
   def get(self, path):
-    dir, name = os.path.split(path)
-    if len(dir) == 0:
-      dir = ''
-    map = self.read_dir(dir)
-    return map[name] if name in map else None
+    apex_dir, name = os.path.split(path)
+    if not apex_dir:
+      apex_dir = ''
+    apex_map = self.read_dir(apex_dir)
+    return apex_map[name] if name in apex_map else None
-  def read_dir(self, dir):
-    if dir in self._folder_cache:
-      return self._folder_cache[dir]
-    if not self._folder_cache:
+  def read_dir(self, apex_dir):
+    if apex_dir in self.folder_cache:
+      return self.folder_cache[apex_dir]
+    if not self.folder_cache:
-    if dir in self._folder_cache:
-      return self._folder_cache[dir]
+    if apex_dir in self.folder_cache:
+      return self.folder_cache[apex_dir]
     return {}
   def parse_zip(self):
-    zip = zipfile.ZipFile(self._payload)
-    infos = zip.infolist()
+    apex_zip = zipfile.ZipFile(self._payload)
+    infos = apex_zip.infolist()
     for zipinfo in infos:
       path = zipinfo.filename
@@ -144,20 +150,21 @@
       assert path
       def get_octal(val, index):
-        return (val >> (index * 3)) & 0x7;
+        return (val >> (index * 3)) & 0x7
       def bits_is_exec(val):
         # TODO: Enforce group/other, too?
         return get_octal(val, 2) & 1 == 1
       is_zipinfo = True
       while path:
-        dir, base = os.path.split(path)
+        apex_dir, base = os.path.split(path)
         # TODO: If directories are stored, base will be empty.
-        if not dir in self._folder_cache:
-          self._folder_cache[dir] = {}
-        dir_map = self._folder_cache[dir]
-        if not base in dir_map:
+        if apex_dir not in self.folder_cache:
+          self.folder_cache[apex_dir] = {}
+        dir_map = self.folder_cache[apex_dir]
+        if base not in dir_map:
           if is_zipinfo:
             bits = (zipinfo.external_attr >> 16) & 0xFFFF
             is_dir = get_octal(bits, 4) == 4
@@ -169,7 +176,8 @@
             is_dir = True
           dir_map[base] = FSObject(base, is_dir, is_exec, is_symlink)
         is_zipinfo = False
-        path = dir
+        path = apex_dir
 # DO NOT USE DIRECTLY! This is an "abstract" base class.
 class Checker:
@@ -177,75 +185,68 @@
     self._provider = provider
     self._errors = 0
-  def fail(self, msg, *args):
+  def fail(self, msg, *fail_args):
     self._errors += 1
-    logging.error(msg, args)
+    logging.error(msg, fail_args)
   def error_count(self):
     return self._errors
   def reset_errors(self):
     self._errors = 0
   def is_file(self, file):
     fs_object = self._provider.get(file)
     if fs_object is None:
-      return (False, 'Could not find %s')
+      return False, 'Could not find %s'
     if fs_object.is_dir:
-      return (False, '%s is a directory')
-    return (True, '')
+      return False, '%s is a directory'
+    return True, ''
   def check_file(self, file):
     chk = self.is_file(file)
     if not chk[0]:[1], file)
     return chk[0]
   def check_no_file(self, file):
     chk = self.is_file(file)
     if chk[0]:'File %s does exist', file)
-    return not chk[0]
   def check_binary(self, file):
-    path = 'bin/%s' % (file)
+    path = 'bin/%s' % file
     if not self.check_file(path):
-      return False
+      return
     if not self._provider.get(path).is_exec:'%s is not executable', path)
-      return False
-    return True
   def check_binary_symlink(self, file):
-    path = 'bin/%s' % (file)
+    path = 'bin/%s' % file
     fs_object = self._provider.get(path)
     if fs_object is None:'Could not find %s', path)
-      return False
+      return
     if fs_object.is_dir:'%s is a directory', path)
-      return False
+      return
     if not fs_object.is_symlink:'%s is not a symlink', path)
-      return False
-    return True
   def check_single_library(self, file):
-    res1 = self.is_file('lib/%s' % (file))
-    res2 = self.is_file('lib64/%s' % (file))
+    res1 = self.is_file('lib/%s' % file)
+    res2 = self.is_file('lib64/%s' % file)
     if not res1[0] and not res2[0]:'Library missing: %s', file)
-      return False
-    return True
   def check_no_library(self, file):
-    res1 = self.is_file('lib/%s' % (file))
-    res2 = self.is_file('lib64/%s' % (file))
+    res1 = self.is_file('lib/%s' % file)
+    res2 = self.is_file('lib64/%s' % file)
     if res1[0] or res2[0]:'Library exists: %s', file)
-      return False
-    return True
   def check_java_library(self, file):
-    return self.check_file('javalib/%s' % (file))
+    return self.check_file('javalib/%s' % file)
   # Just here for docs purposes, even if it isn't good Python style.
@@ -263,71 +264,67 @@
 class Arch32Checker(Checker):
-  def __init__(self, provider):
-    super().__init__(provider)
   def check_multilib_binary(self, file):
-    return all([self.check_binary('%s32' % (file)),
-                self.check_no_file('bin/%s64' % (file)),
-                self.check_binary_symlink(file)])
+    self.check_binary('%s32' % file)
+    self.check_no_file('bin/%s64' % file)
+    self.check_binary_symlink(file)
   def check_library(self, file):
     # TODO: Use $TARGET_ARCH (e.g. check whether it is "arm" or "arm64") to improve
     # the precision of this test?
-    return all([self.check_file('lib/%s' % (file)), self.check_no_file('lib64/%s' % (file))])
+    self.check_file('lib/%s' % file)
+    self.check_no_file('lib64/%s' % file)
   def check_first_library(self, file):
-    return self.check_library(file)
+    self.check_library(file)
   def check_prefer32_binary(self, file):
-    return self.check_binary('%s32' % (file))
+    self.check_binary('%s32' % file)
 class Arch64Checker(Checker):
-  def __init__(self, provider):
-    super().__init__(provider)
   def check_multilib_binary(self, file):
-    return all([self.check_no_file('bin/%s32' % (file)),
-                self.check_binary('%s64' % (file)),
-                self.check_binary_symlink(file)])
+    self.check_no_file('bin/%s32' % file)
+    self.check_binary('%s64' % file)
+    self.check_binary_symlink(file)
   def check_library(self, file):
     # TODO: Use $TARGET_ARCH (e.g. check whether it is "arm" or "arm64") to improve
     # the precision of this test?
-    return all([self.check_no_file('lib/%s' % (file)), self.check_file('lib64/%s' % (file))])
+    self.check_no_file('lib/%s' % file)
+    self.check_file('lib64/%s' % file)
   def check_first_library(self, file):
-    return self.check_library(file)
+    self.check_library(file)
   def check_prefer32_binary(self, file):
-    return self.check_binary('%s64' % (file))
+    self.check_binary('%s64' % file)
 class MultilibChecker(Checker):
-  def __init__(self, provider):
-    super().__init__(provider)
   def check_multilib_binary(self, file):
-    return all([self.check_binary('%s32' % (file)),
-                self.check_binary('%s64' % (file)),
-                self.check_binary_symlink(file)])
+    self.check_binary('%s32' % file)
+    self.check_binary('%s64' % file)
+    self.check_binary_symlink(file)
   def check_library(self, file):
     # TODO: Use $TARGET_ARCH (e.g. check whether it is "arm" or "arm64") to improve
     # the precision of this test?
-    return all([self.check_file('lib/%s' % (file)), self.check_file('lib64/%s' % (file))])
+    self.check_file('lib/%s' % file)
+    self.check_file('lib64/%s' % file)
   def check_first_library(self, file):
-    return all([self.check_no_file('lib/%s' % (file)), self.check_file('lib64/%s' % (file))])
+    self.check_no_file('lib/%s' % file)
+    self.check_file('lib64/%s' % file)
   def check_prefer32_binary(self, file):
-    return self.check_binary('%s32' % (file))
+    self.check_binary('%s32' % file)
 class ReleaseChecker:
   def __init__(self, checker):
     self._checker = checker
   def __str__(self):
     return 'Release Checker'
@@ -392,9 +389,11 @@
 class ReleaseTargetChecker:
   def __init__(self, checker):
     self._checker = checker
   def __str__(self):
     return 'Release (Target) Checker'
@@ -407,9 +406,11 @@
 class ReleaseHostChecker:
   def __init__(self, checker):
-    self._checker = checker;
+    self._checker = checker
   def __str__(self):
     return 'Release (Host) Checker'
@@ -421,9 +422,11 @@
 class DebugChecker:
   def __init__(self, checker):
     self._checker = checker
   def __str__(self):
     return 'Debug Checker'
@@ -452,9 +455,11 @@
     # Check that the mounted image contains additional required debug libraries.
 class DebugTargetChecker:
   def __init__(self, checker):
     self._checker = checker
   def __str__(self):
     return 'Debug (Target) Checker'
@@ -463,124 +468,138 @@
-def print_list(provider):
-    def print_list_impl(provider, path):
-      map = provider.read_dir(path)
-      if map is None:
-        return
-      map = dict(map)
-      if '.' in map:
-        del map['.']
-      if '..' in map:
-        del map['..']
-      for (_, val) in sorted(map.items()):
-        new_path = os.path.join(path,
-        print(new_path)
-        if val.is_dir:
-          print_list_impl(provider, new_path)
-    print_list_impl(provider, '')
-def print_tree(provider, title):
-    def get_vertical(has_next_list):
-      str = ''
-      for v in has_next_list:
-        str += '%s   ' % ('│' if v else ' ')
-      return str
-    def get_last_vertical(last):
-      return '└── ' if last else '├── ';
-    def print_tree_impl(provider, path, has_next_list):
-      map = provider.read_dir(path)
-      if map is None:
-        return
-      map = dict(map)
-      if '.' in map:
-        del map['.']
-      if '..' in map:
-        del map['..']
-      key_list = list(sorted(map.keys()))
-      for i in range(0, len(key_list)):
-        val = map[key_list[i]]
-        prev = get_vertical(has_next_list)
-        last = get_last_vertical(i == len(key_list) - 1)
-        print('%s%s%s' % (prev, last,
-        if val.is_dir:
-          has_next_list.append(i < len(key_list) - 1)
-          print_tree_impl(provider, os.path.join(path,, has_next_list)
-          has_next_list.pop()
-    print('%s' % (title))
-    print_tree_impl(provider, '', [])
+class List:
+  def __init__(self, provider):
+    self._provider = provider
+    self._path = ''
+  def print_list(self):
+    apex_map = self._provider.read_dir(self._path)
+    if apex_map is None:
+      return
+    apex_map = dict(apex_map)
+    if '.' in apex_map:
+      del apex_map['.']
+    if '..' in apex_map:
+      del apex_map['..']
+    for (_, val) in sorted(apex_map.items()):
+      self._path = os.path.join(self._path,
+      print(self._path)
+      if val.is_dir:
+        self.print_list()
+class Tree:
+  def __init__(self, provider, title):
+    print('%s' % title)
+    self._provider = provider
+    self._path = ''
+    self._has_next_list = []
+  @staticmethod
+  def get_vertical(has_next_list):
+    string = ''
+    for v in has_next_list:
+      string += '%s   ' % ('│' if v else ' ')
+    return string
+  @staticmethod
+  def get_last_vertical(last):
+    return '└── ' if last else '├── '
+  def print_tree(self):
+    apex_map = self._provider.read_dir(self._path)
+    if apex_map is None:
+      return
+    apex_map = dict(apex_map)
+    if '.' in apex_map:
+      del apex_map['.']
+    if '..' in apex_map:
+      del apex_map['..']
+    key_list = list(sorted(apex_map.keys()))
+    for i, val in enumerate(key_list):
+      prev = self.get_vertical(self._has_next_list)
+      last = self.get_last_vertical(i == len(key_list) - 1)
+      print('%s%s%s' % (prev, last,
+      if val.is_dir:
+        self._has_next_list.append(i < len(key_list) - 1)
+        self._path = os.path.join(self._path,
+        self.print_tree()
+        self._has_next_list.pop()
 # Note: do not sys.exit early, for __del__ cleanup.
-def artApexTestMain(args):
-  if args.tree and args.debug:
+def art_apex_test_main(test_args):
+  if test_args.tree and test_args.debug:
     logging.error("Both of --tree and --debug set")
     return 1
-  if args.list and args.debug:
+  if test_args.list and test_args.debug:
     logging.error("Both of --list and --debug set")
     return 1
-  if args.list and args.tree:
+  if test_args.list and test_args.tree:
     logging.error("Both of --list and --tree set")
     return 1
-  if not args.tmpdir:
+  if not test_args.tmpdir:
     logging.error("Need a tmpdir.")
     return 1
-  if not and not args.debugfs:
+  if not and not test_args.debugfs:
     logging.error("Need debugfs.")
     return 1
-  if args.bitness not in ['32', '64', 'multilib', 'auto']:
+  if test_args.bitness not in ['32', '64', 'multilib', 'auto']:
     logging.error('--bitness needs to be one of 32|64|multilib|auto')
-    if
-      apex_provider = HostApexProvider(args.apex, args.tmpdir)
+    if
+      apex_provider = HostApexProvider(test_args.apex, test_args.tmpdir)
-      apex_provider = TargetApexProvider(args.apex, args.tmpdir, args.debugfs)
-  except Exception as e:
+      apex_provider = TargetApexProvider(test_args.apex, test_args.tmpdir, test_args.debugfs)
+  except (zipfile.BadZipFile, zipfile.LargeZipFile) as e:
     logging.error('Failed to create provider: %s', e)
     return 1
-  if args.tree:
-    print_tree(apex_provider, args.apex)
+  if test_args.tree:
+    Tree(apex_provider, test_args.apex).print_tree()
     return 0
-  if args.list:
-    print_list(apex_provider)
+  if test_args.list:
+    List(apex_provider).print_list()
     return 0
   checkers = []
-  if args.bitness == 'auto':
-    logging.warn('--bitness=auto, trying to autodetect. This may be incorrect!')
+  if test_args.bitness == 'auto':
+    logging.warning('--bitness=auto, trying to autodetect. This may be incorrect!')
     has_32 = apex_provider.get('lib') is not None
     has_64 = apex_provider.get('lib64') is not None
     if has_32 and has_64:
-      logging.warn('  Detected multilib')
-      args.bitness = 'multilib'
+      logging.warning('  Detected multilib')
+      test_args.bitness = 'multilib'
     elif has_32:
-      logging.warn('  Detected 32-only')
-      args.bitness = '32'
+      logging.warning('  Detected 32-only')
+      test_args.bitness = '32'
     elif has_64:
-      logging.warn('  Detected 64-only')
-      args.bitness = '64'
+      logging.warning('  Detected 64-only')
+      test_args.bitness = '64'
       logging.error('  Could not detect bitness, neither lib nor lib64 contained.')
-      print('%s' % (apex_provider._folder_cache))
+      print('%s' % apex_provider.folder_cache)
       return 1
-  if args.bitness == '32':
+  if test_args.bitness == '32':
     base_checker = Arch32Checker(apex_provider)
-  elif args.bitness == '64':
+  elif test_args.bitness == '64':
     base_checker = Arch64Checker(apex_provider)
-    assert args.bitness == 'multilib'
+    assert test_args.bitness == 'multilib'
     base_checker = MultilibChecker(apex_provider)
-  if
+  if
-  if args.debug:
+  if test_args.debug:
-  if args.debug and not
+  if test_args.debug and not
   failed = False
@@ -596,31 +615,32 @@
   return 1 if failed else 0
-def artApexTestDefault(parser):
-  if not 'ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT' in os.environ:
+def art_apex_test_default(test_parser):
+  if 'ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT' not in os.environ:
     logging.error('No-argument use requires ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT')
   product_out = os.environ['ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT']
-  if not 'ANDROID_HOST_OUT' in os.environ:
+  if 'ANDROID_HOST_OUT' not in os.environ:
     logging.error('No-argument use requires ANDROID_HOST_OUT')
   host_out = os.environ['ANDROID_HOST_OUT']
-  args = parser.parse_args(['dummy'])  # For consistency.
-  args.debugfs = '%s/bin/debugfs' % (host_out)
-  args.tmpdir = '.'
-  args.tree = False
-  args.list = False
-  args.bitness = 'auto'
+  test_args = test_parser.parse_args(['dummy'])  # For consistency.
+  test_args.debugfs = '%s/bin/debugfs' % host_out
+  test_args.tmpdir = '.'
+  test_args.tree = False
+  test_args.list = False
+  test_args.bitness = 'auto'
   failed = False
-  if not os.path.exists(args.debugfs):
+  if not os.path.exists(test_args.debugfs):
     logging.error("Cannot find debugfs (default path %s). Please build it, e.g., m debugfs",
-                  args.debugfs)
+                  test_args.debugfs)
   # TODO: Add host support
-  configs= [
+  configs = [
     {'name': '', 'debug': False, 'host': False},
     {'name': '', 'debug': True, 'host': False},
@@ -628,20 +648,19 @@
   for config in configs:['name'])
     # TODO: Host will need different path.
-    args.apex = '%s/system/apex/%s.apex' % (product_out, config['name'])
-    if not os.path.exists(args.apex):
+    test_args.apex = '%s/system/apex/%s.apex' % (product_out, config['name'])
+    if not os.path.exists(test_args.apex):
       failed = True
-      logging.error("Cannot find APEX %s. Please build it first.", args.apex)
+      logging.error("Cannot find APEX %s. Please build it first.", test_args.apex)
-    args.debug = config['debug']
- = config['host']
-    exit_code = artApexTestMain(args)
-    if exit_code != 0:
-      failed = True
+    test_args.debug = config['debug']
+ = config['host']
+    failed = art_apex_test_main(test_args) != 0
   if failed:
 if __name__ == "__main__":
   parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Check integrity of a Runtime APEX.')
@@ -660,12 +679,12 @@
   parser.add_argument('--bitness', help='Bitness to check, 32|64|multilib|auto', default='auto')
   if len(sys.argv) == 1:
-    artApexTestDefault(parser)
+    art_apex_test_default(parser)
     args = parser.parse_args()
     if args is None:
-    exit_code = artApexTestMain(args)
+    exit_code = art_apex_test_main(args)