Disable test 964 with no-image

It often times out due to the large number of classes involved in the
test. Since it doesn't test anything particularly interesting for the
no-image case we are disabling it to reduce flakiness.

Test: TEST_ART_RUN_TEST_NO_IMAGE=true mma -j40 test-art-host
Change-Id: I9e51481e52dd1eb332d7563795f490b0e97001a5
diff --git a/test/Android.run-test.mk b/test/Android.run-test.mk
index 96b984d..e22de7a 100644
--- a/test/Android.run-test.mk
+++ b/test/Android.run-test.mk
@@ -436,9 +436,11 @@
 # This test fails without an image.
+# 964 often times out due to the large number of classes it tries to compile.
   137-cfi \
-  138-duplicate-classes-check
+  138-duplicate-classes-check \
+  964-default-iface-init
 ifneq (,$(filter no-dex2oat,$(PREBUILD_TYPES)))
   ART_TEST_KNOWN_BROKEN += $(call all-run-test-names,$(TARGET_TYPES),$(RUN_TYPES),no-dex2oat, \