Ensure inlined static calls perform clinit checks in Optimizing.

Calls to static methods have implicit class initialization
(clinit) checks of the method's declaring class in
Optimizing.  However, when such a static call is inlined,
the implicit clinit check vanishes, possibly leading to an
incorrect behavior.

To ensure that inlining static methods does not change the
behavior of a program, add explicit class initialization
checks (art::HClinitCheck) as well as load class
instructions (art::HLoadClass) as last input of static
calls (art::HInvokeStaticOrDirect) in Optimizing' control
flow graphs, when the declaring class is reachable and not
known to be already initialized.  Then when considering the
inlining of a static method call, proceed only if the method
has no implicit clinit check requirement.

The added explicit clinit checks are already removed by the
art::PrepareForRegisterAllocation visitor.  This CL also
extends this visitor to turn explicit clinit checks from
static invokes into implicit ones after the inlining step,
by removing the added art::HLoadClass nodes mentioned

Change-Id: I9ba452b8bd09ae1fdd9a3797ef556e3e7e19c651
diff --git a/compiler/driver/compiler_driver.h b/compiler/driver/compiler_driver.h
index ce13a17..742e2e5 100644
--- a/compiler/driver/compiler_driver.h
+++ b/compiler/driver/compiler_driver.h
@@ -280,6 +280,18 @@
       ArtField* resolved_field, uint16_t field_idx, uint32_t* storage_index)
+  // Return whether the declaring class of `resolved_method` is
+  // available to `referrer_class`. If this is true, compute the type
+  // index of the declaring class in the referrer's dex file and
+  // return it through the out argument `storage_index`; otherwise
+  // return DexFile::kDexNoIndex through `storage_index`.
+  bool IsClassOfStaticMethodAvailableToReferrer(mirror::DexCache* dex_cache,
+                                                mirror::Class* referrer_class,
+                                                mirror::ArtMethod* resolved_method,
+                                                uint16_t method_idx,
+                                                uint32_t* storage_index)
+      SHARED_LOCKS_REQUIRED(Locks::mutator_lock_);
   // Is static field's in referrer's class?
   bool IsStaticFieldInReferrerClass(mirror::Class* referrer_class, ArtField* resolved_field)
@@ -455,6 +467,33 @@
+  // Return whether the declaring class of `resolved_member` is
+  // available to `referrer_class` for read or write access using two
+  // Boolean values returned as a pair. If is true at least for read
+  // access, compute the type index of the declaring class in the
+  // referrer's dex file and return it through the out argument
+  // `storage_index`; otherwise return DexFile::kDexNoIndex through
+  // `storage_index`.
+  template <typename ArtMember>
+  std::pair<bool, bool> IsClassOfStaticMemberAvailableToReferrer(mirror::DexCache* dex_cache,
+                                                                 mirror::Class* referrer_class,
+                                                                 ArtMember* resolved_member,
+                                                                 uint16_t member_idx,
+                                                                 uint32_t* storage_index)
+      SHARED_LOCKS_REQUIRED(Locks::mutator_lock_);
+  // Can `referrer_class` access the resolved `member`?
+  // Dispatch call to mirror::Class::CanAccessResolvedField or
+  // mirror::Class::CanAccessResolvedMember depending on the value of
+  // ArtMember.
+  template <typename ArtMember>
+  static bool CanAccessResolvedMember(mirror::Class* referrer_class,
+                                      mirror::Class* access_to,
+                                      ArtMember* member,
+                                      mirror::DexCache* dex_cache,
+                                      uint32_t field_idx)
+      SHARED_LOCKS_REQUIRED(Locks::mutator_lock_);
   // These flags are internal to CompilerDriver for collecting INVOKE resolution statistics.
   // The only external contract is that unresolved method has flags 0 and resolved non-0.
   enum {