ART-tests: Remove DX-dependency from 530-checker-lse

The test relied on DX-specific code patterns and was failing with D8.
This CL moves the compiler-sensitive test cases to smali code and enables

Test: art/ --host -r -b -t 530-checker-lse
tested with --target and --gcstress locally.

Bug: 65168732
Change-Id: I1d5ef4545456a6b5c6bae6954dba76766fa2a5db
diff --git a/test/530-checker-lse/build b/test/530-checker-lse/build
deleted file mode 100755
index 10ffcc5..0000000
--- a/test/530-checker-lse/build
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2017 The Android Open Source Project
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# See b/65168732
-export USE_D8=false
-./default-build "$@"
diff --git a/test/530-checker-lse/smali/Main.smali b/test/530-checker-lse/smali/Main.smali
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2678017
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/530-checker-lse/smali/Main.smali
@@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+.class public LMain2;
+.super Ljava/lang/Object;
+.source ""
+# direct methods
+## CHECK-START: int Main2.test4(TestClass, boolean) load_store_elimination (before)
+## CHECK: InstanceFieldSet
+## CHECK: InstanceFieldGet
+## CHECK: Return
+## CHECK: InstanceFieldSet
+## CHECK-START: int Main2.test4(TestClass, boolean) load_store_elimination (after)
+## CHECK: InstanceFieldSet
+## CHECK-NOT: NullCheck
+## CHECK-NOT: InstanceFieldGet
+## CHECK: Return
+## CHECK: InstanceFieldSet
+# Set and merge the same value in two branches.
+# Original java source:
+#     static int test4(TestClass obj, boolean b) {
+#       if (b) {
+#         obj.i = 1;
+#       } else {
+#         obj.i = 1;
+#       }
+#       return obj.i;
+#     }
+.method public static test4(LTestClass;Z)I
+    .registers 3
+    .param p0, "obj"    # LTestClass;
+    .param p1, "b"    # Z
+    .prologue
+    const/4 v0, 0x1
+    .line 185
+    if-eqz p1, :cond_8
+    .line 186
+    iput v0, p0, LTestClass;->i:I
+    .line 190
+    :goto_5
+    iget v0, p0, LTestClass;->i:I
+    return v0
+    .line 188
+    :cond_8
+    iput v0, p0, LTestClass;->i:I
+    goto :goto_5
+.end method
+## CHECK-START: int Main2.test5(TestClass, boolean) load_store_elimination (before)
+## CHECK: InstanceFieldSet
+## CHECK: InstanceFieldGet
+## CHECK: Return
+## CHECK: InstanceFieldSet
+## CHECK-START: int Main2.test5(TestClass, boolean) load_store_elimination (after)
+## CHECK: InstanceFieldSet
+## CHECK: InstanceFieldGet
+## CHECK: Return
+## CHECK: InstanceFieldSet
+# Set and merge different values in two branches.
+# Original java source:
+#     static int test5(TestClass obj, boolean b) {
+#       if (b) {
+#         obj.i = 1;
+#       } else {
+#         obj.i = 2;
+#       }
+#       return obj.i;
+#     }
+.method public static test5(LTestClass;Z)I
+    .registers 3
+    .param p0, "obj"    # LTestClass;
+    .param p1, "b"    # Z
+    .prologue
+    .line 207
+    if-eqz p1, :cond_8
+    .line 208
+    const/4 v0, 0x1
+    iput v0, p0, LTestClass;->i:I
+    .line 212
+    :goto_5
+    iget v0, p0, LTestClass;->i:I
+    return v0
+    .line 210
+    :cond_8
+    const/4 v0, 0x2
+    iput v0, p0, LTestClass;->i:I
+    goto :goto_5
+.end method
+## CHECK-START: int Main2.test23(boolean) load_store_elimination (before)
+## CHECK: NewInstance
+## CHECK: InstanceFieldSet
+## CHECK: InstanceFieldGet
+## CHECK: InstanceFieldSet
+## CHECK: InstanceFieldGet
+## CHECK: Return
+## CHECK: InstanceFieldGet
+## CHECK: InstanceFieldSet
+## CHECK-START: int Main2.test23(boolean) load_store_elimination (after)
+## CHECK: NewInstance
+## CHECK-NOT: InstanceFieldSet
+## CHECK-NOT: InstanceFieldGet
+## CHECK: InstanceFieldSet
+## CHECK: InstanceFieldGet
+## CHECK: Return
+## CHECK-NOT: InstanceFieldGet
+## CHECK: InstanceFieldSet
+# Test store elimination on merging.
+# Original java source:
+#     static int test23(boolean b) {
+#       TestClass obj = new TestClass();
+#       obj.i = 3;      // This store can be eliminated since the value flows into each branch.
+#       if (b) {
+#         obj.i += 1;   // This store cannot be eliminated due to the merge later.
+#       } else {
+#         obj.i += 2;   // This store cannot be eliminated due to the merge later.
+#       }
+#       return obj.i;
+#     }
+.method public static test23(Z)I
+    .registers 3
+    .param p0, "b"    # Z
+    .prologue
+    .line 582
+    new-instance v0, LTestClass;
+    invoke-direct {v0}, LTestClass;-><init>()V
+    .line 583
+    .local v0, "obj":LTestClass;
+    const/4 v1, 0x3
+    iput v1, v0, LTestClass;->i:I
+    .line 584
+    if-eqz p0, :cond_13
+    .line 585
+    iget v1, v0, LTestClass;->i:I
+    add-int/lit8 v1, v1, 0x1
+    iput v1, v0, LTestClass;->i:I
+    .line 589
+    :goto_10
+    iget v1, v0, LTestClass;->i:I
+    return v1
+    .line 587
+    :cond_13
+    iget v1, v0, LTestClass;->i:I
+    add-int/lit8 v1, v1, 0x2
+    iput v1, v0, LTestClass;->i:I
+    goto :goto_10
+.end method
+## CHECK-START: float Main2.test24() load_store_elimination (before)
+## CHECK-DAG:     <<True:i\d+>>     IntConstant 1
+## CHECK-DAG:     <<Float8:f\d+>>   FloatConstant 8
+## CHECK-DAG:     <<Float42:f\d+>>  FloatConstant 42
+## CHECK-DAG:     <<Obj:l\d+>>      NewInstance
+## CHECK-DAG:                       InstanceFieldSet [<<Obj>>,<<True>>]
+## CHECK-DAG:                       InstanceFieldSet [<<Obj>>,<<Float8>>]
+## CHECK-DAG:     <<GetTest:z\d+>>  InstanceFieldGet [<<Obj>>]
+## CHECK-DAG:     <<GetField:f\d+>> InstanceFieldGet [<<Obj>>]
+## CHECK-DAG:     <<Select:f\d+>>   Select [<<Float42>>,<<GetField>>,<<GetTest>>]
+## CHECK-DAG:                       Return [<<Select>>]
+## CHECK-START: float Main2.test24() load_store_elimination (after)
+## CHECK-DAG:     <<True:i\d+>>     IntConstant 1
+## CHECK-DAG:     <<Float8:f\d+>>   FloatConstant 8
+## CHECK-DAG:     <<Float42:f\d+>>  FloatConstant 42
+## CHECK-DAG:     <<Select:f\d+>>   Select [<<Float42>>,<<Float8>>,<<True>>]
+## CHECK-DAG:                       Return [<<Select>>]
+# Original java source:
+#     static float test24() {
+#       float a = 42.0f;
+#       TestClass3 obj = new TestClass3();
+#       if (obj.test1) {
+#         a = obj.floatField;
+#       }
+#       return a;
+#     }
+.method public static test24()F
+    .registers 3
+    .prologue
+    .line 612
+    const/high16 v0, 0x42280000    # 42.0f
+    .line 613
+    .local v0, "a":F
+    new-instance v1, LTestClass3;
+    invoke-direct {v1}, LTestClass3;-><init>()V
+    .line 614
+    .local v1, "obj":LTestClass3;
+    iget-boolean v2, v1, LTestClass3;->test1:Z
+    if-eqz v2, :cond_d
+    .line 615
+    iget v0, v1, LTestClass3;->floatField:F
+    .line 617
+    :cond_d
+    return v0
+.end method
diff --git a/test/530-checker-lse/src/ b/test/530-checker-lse/src/
index 93c1538..bd1744c 100644
--- a/test/530-checker-lse/src/
+++ b/test/530-checker-lse/src/
@@ -14,6 +14,8 @@
  * limitations under the License.
+import java.lang.reflect.Method;
 class Circle {
   Circle(double radius) {
     this.radius = radius;
@@ -167,51 +169,6 @@
     return obj.i + obj1.j + obj2.i + obj2.j;
-  /// CHECK-START: int Main.test4(TestClass, boolean) load_store_elimination (before)
-  /// CHECK: InstanceFieldSet
-  /// CHECK: InstanceFieldGet
-  /// CHECK: Return
-  /// CHECK: InstanceFieldSet
-  /// CHECK-START: int Main.test4(TestClass, boolean) load_store_elimination (after)
-  /// CHECK: InstanceFieldSet
-  /// CHECK-NOT: NullCheck
-  /// CHECK-NOT: InstanceFieldGet
-  /// CHECK: Return
-  /// CHECK: InstanceFieldSet
-  // Set and merge the same value in two branches.
-  static int test4(TestClass obj, boolean b) {
-    if (b) {
-      obj.i = 1;
-    } else {
-      obj.i = 1;
-    }
-    return obj.i;
-  }
-  /// CHECK-START: int Main.test5(TestClass, boolean) load_store_elimination (before)
-  /// CHECK: InstanceFieldSet
-  /// CHECK: InstanceFieldGet
-  /// CHECK: Return
-  /// CHECK: InstanceFieldSet
-  /// CHECK-START: int Main.test5(TestClass, boolean) load_store_elimination (after)
-  /// CHECK: InstanceFieldSet
-  /// CHECK: InstanceFieldGet
-  /// CHECK: Return
-  /// CHECK: InstanceFieldSet
-  // Set and merge different values in two branches.
-  static int test5(TestClass obj, boolean b) {
-    if (b) {
-      obj.i = 1;
-    } else {
-      obj.i = 2;
-    }
-    return obj.i;
-  }
   /// CHECK-START: int Main.test6(TestClass, TestClass, boolean) load_store_elimination (before)
   /// CHECK: InstanceFieldSet
   /// CHECK: InstanceFieldSet
@@ -557,66 +514,6 @@
     return sum;
-  /// CHECK-START: int Main.test23(boolean) load_store_elimination (before)
-  /// CHECK: NewInstance
-  /// CHECK: InstanceFieldSet
-  /// CHECK: InstanceFieldGet
-  /// CHECK: InstanceFieldSet
-  /// CHECK: InstanceFieldGet
-  /// CHECK: Return
-  /// CHECK: InstanceFieldGet
-  /// CHECK: InstanceFieldSet
-  /// CHECK-START: int Main.test23(boolean) load_store_elimination (after)
-  /// CHECK: NewInstance
-  /// CHECK-NOT: InstanceFieldSet
-  /// CHECK-NOT: InstanceFieldGet
-  /// CHECK: InstanceFieldSet
-  /// CHECK: InstanceFieldGet
-  /// CHECK: Return
-  /// CHECK-NOT: InstanceFieldGet
-  /// CHECK: InstanceFieldSet
-  // Test store elimination on merging.
-  static int test23(boolean b) {
-    TestClass obj = new TestClass();
-    obj.i = 3;      // This store can be eliminated since the value flows into each branch.
-    if (b) {
-      obj.i += 1;   // This store cannot be eliminated due to the merge later.
-    } else {
-      obj.i += 2;   // This store cannot be eliminated due to the merge later.
-    }
-    return obj.i;
-  }
-  /// CHECK-START: float Main.test24() load_store_elimination (before)
-  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<True:i\d+>>     IntConstant 1
-  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Float8:f\d+>>   FloatConstant 8
-  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Float42:f\d+>>  FloatConstant 42
-  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Obj:l\d+>>      NewInstance
-  /// CHECK-DAG:                       InstanceFieldSet [<<Obj>>,<<True>>]
-  /// CHECK-DAG:                       InstanceFieldSet [<<Obj>>,<<Float8>>]
-  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<GetTest:z\d+>>  InstanceFieldGet [<<Obj>>]
-  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<GetField:f\d+>> InstanceFieldGet [<<Obj>>]
-  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Select:f\d+>>   Select [<<Float42>>,<<GetField>>,<<GetTest>>]
-  /// CHECK-DAG:                       Return [<<Select>>]
-  /// CHECK-START: float Main.test24() load_store_elimination (after)
-  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<True:i\d+>>     IntConstant 1
-  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Float8:f\d+>>   FloatConstant 8
-  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Float42:f\d+>>  FloatConstant 42
-  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Select:f\d+>>   Select [<<Float42>>,<<Float8>>,<<True>>]
-  /// CHECK-DAG:                       Return [<<Select>>]
-  static float test24() {
-    float a = 42.0f;
-    TestClass3 obj = new TestClass3();
-    if (obj.test1) {
-      a = obj.floatField;
-    }
-    return a;
-  }
   /// CHECK-START: void Main.testFinalizable() load_store_elimination (before)
   /// CHECK: NewInstance
   /// CHECK: InstanceFieldSet
@@ -1275,7 +1172,14 @@
-  public static void main(String[] args) {
+  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
+    Class main2 = Class.forName("Main2");
+    Method test4 = main2.getMethod("test4", TestClass.class, boolean.class);
+    Method test5 = main2.getMethod("test5", TestClass.class, boolean.class);
+    Method test23 = main2.getMethod("test23", boolean.class);
+    Method test24 = main2.getMethod("test24");
     assertDoubleEquals(Math.PI * Math.PI * Math.PI, calcCircleArea(Math.PI));
     assertIntEquals(test1(new TestClass(), new TestClass()), 3);
     assertIntEquals(test2(new TestClass()), 1);
@@ -1283,10 +1187,10 @@
     TestClass obj2 = new TestClass(); = obj2;
     assertIntEquals(test3(obj1), 10);
-    assertIntEquals(test4(new TestClass(), true), 1);
-    assertIntEquals(test4(new TestClass(), false), 1);
-    assertIntEquals(test5(new TestClass(), true), 1);
-    assertIntEquals(test5(new TestClass(), false), 2);
+    assertIntEquals((int)test4.invoke(null, new TestClass(), true), 1);
+    assertIntEquals((int)test4.invoke(null, new TestClass(), false), 1);
+    assertIntEquals((int)test5.invoke(null, new TestClass(), true), 1);
+    assertIntEquals((int)test5.invoke(null, new TestClass(), false), 2);
     assertIntEquals(test6(new TestClass(), new TestClass(), true), 4);
     assertIntEquals(test6(new TestClass(), new TestClass(), false), 2);
     assertIntEquals(test7(new TestClass()), 1);
@@ -1312,9 +1216,9 @@
     assertFloatEquals(test20().i, 0);
     test21(new TestClass());
     assertIntEquals(test22(), 13);
-    assertIntEquals(test23(true), 4);
-    assertIntEquals(test23(false), 5);
-    assertFloatEquals(test24(), 8.0f);
+    assertIntEquals((int)test23.invoke(null, true), 4);
+    assertIntEquals((int)test23.invoke(null, false), 5);
+    assertFloatEquals((float)test24.invoke(null), 8.0f);
     assertIntEquals($noinline$testHSelect(true), 0xdead);
     int[] array = {2, 5, 9, -1, -3, 10, 8, 4};