Limit odrefresh progress percent to 90.

The boot animation will handle the finish to a 100.

Test: boot after an ART update
Change-Id: I5e7691ebcc506ba971a28b546c934aab818d522f
diff --git a/odrefresh/ b/odrefresh/
index 7ea0105..974b3c6 100644
--- a/odrefresh/
+++ b/odrefresh/
@@ -1262,7 +1262,9 @@
   void ReportNextBootAnimationProgress(uint32_t current_compilation) const {
     uint32_t number_of_compilations =
         config_.GetBootExtensionIsas().size() + systemserver_compilable_jars_.size();
-    uint32_t value = (100 * current_compilation) / number_of_compilations;
+    // We arbitrarly show progress until 90%, expecting that our compilations
+    // take a large chunk of boot time.
+    uint32_t value = (90 * current_compilation) / number_of_compilations;
     android::base::SetProperty("service.bootanim.progress", std::to_string(value));