Support passing arguments to invoke-static* instructions.
- Stop using the frame pointer for accessing locals.
- Stop emulating a stack when doing code generation. Instead,
rely on dex register model, where instructions only reference
Change-Id: Id51bd7d33ac430cb87a53c9f4b0c864eeb1006f9
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/ b/compiler/optimizing/
index 1764486..7b0a087 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/
@@ -26,45 +26,54 @@
namespace art {
namespace x86 {
+static constexpr int kNumberOfPushedRegistersAtEntry = 1;
+static constexpr int kCurrentMethodStackOffset = 0;
+InstructionCodeGeneratorX86::InstructionCodeGeneratorX86(HGraph* graph, CodeGeneratorX86* codegen)
+ : HGraphVisitor(graph),
+ assembler_(codegen->GetAssembler()),
+ codegen_(codegen) {}
void CodeGeneratorX86::GenerateFrameEntry() {
// Create a fake register to mimic Quick.
static const int kFakeReturnRegister = 8;
core_spill_mask_ |= (1 << kFakeReturnRegister);
- // We're currently always using EBP, which is callee-saved in Quick.
- core_spill_mask_ |= (1 << EBP);
- __ pushl(EBP);
- __ movl(EBP, ESP);
- // Add the current ART method to the frame size, the return pc, and EBP.
- SetFrameSize(RoundUp(GetFrameSize() + 3 * kWordSize, kStackAlignment));
- // The PC and EBP have already been pushed on the stack.
- __ subl(ESP, Immediate(GetFrameSize() - 2 * kWordSize));
+ // Add the current ART method to the frame size and the return PC.
+ SetFrameSize(RoundUp(GetFrameSize() + 2 * kWordSize, kStackAlignment));
+ // The return PC has already been pushed on the stack.
+ __ subl(ESP, Immediate(GetFrameSize() - kNumberOfPushedRegistersAtEntry * kWordSize));
__ movl(Address(ESP, 0), EAX);
void CodeGeneratorX86::GenerateFrameExit() {
- __ movl(ESP, EBP);
- __ popl(EBP);
+ __ addl(ESP, Immediate(GetFrameSize() - kNumberOfPushedRegistersAtEntry * kWordSize));
void CodeGeneratorX86::Bind(Label* label) {
__ Bind(label);
-void CodeGeneratorX86::Push(HInstruction* instruction, Location location) {
- __ pushl(location.reg<Register>());
void InstructionCodeGeneratorX86::LoadCurrentMethod(Register reg) {
- __ movl(reg, Address(ESP, 0));
+ __ movl(reg, Address(ESP, kCurrentMethodStackOffset));
-void CodeGeneratorX86::Move(HInstruction* instruction, Location location) {
- HIntConstant* constant = instruction->AsIntConstant();
- if (constant != nullptr) {
- __ movl(location.reg<Register>(), Immediate(constant->GetValue()));
+int32_t CodeGeneratorX86::GetStackSlot(HLocal* local) const {
+ return (GetGraph()->GetMaximumNumberOfOutVRegs() + local->GetRegNumber()) * kWordSize;
+void CodeGeneratorX86::Move(HInstruction* instruction, Location location, HInstruction* move_for) {
+ if (instruction->AsIntConstant() != nullptr) {
+ __ movl(location.reg<Register>(), Immediate(instruction->AsIntConstant()->GetValue()));
+ } else if (instruction->AsLoadLocal() != nullptr) {
+ __ movl(location.reg<Register>(),
+ Address(ESP, GetStackSlot(instruction->AsLoadLocal()->GetLocal())));
} else {
- __ popl(location.reg<Register>());
+ // This can currently only happen when the instruction that requests the move
+ // is the next to be compiled.
+ DCHECK_EQ(instruction->GetNext(), move_for);
+ __ movl(location.reg<Register>(),
+ instruction->GetLocations()->Out().reg<Register>());
@@ -117,20 +126,11 @@
void LocationsBuilderX86::VisitLoadLocal(HLoadLocal* local) {
- LocationSummary* locations = new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) LocationSummary(local);
- locations->SetOut(Location(EAX));
- local->SetLocations(locations);
-static int32_t GetStackSlot(HLocal* local) {
- // We are currently using EBP to access locals, so the offset must be negative.
- // +1 for going backwards, +1 for the method pointer.
- return (local->GetRegNumber() + 2) * -kWordSize;
+ local->SetLocations(nullptr);
void InstructionCodeGeneratorX86::VisitLoadLocal(HLoadLocal* load) {
- __ movl(load->GetLocations()->Out().reg<Register>(),
- Address(EBP, GetStackSlot(load->GetLocal())));
+ // Nothing to do, this is driven by the code generator.
void LocationsBuilderX86::VisitStoreLocal(HStoreLocal* local) {
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@
void InstructionCodeGeneratorX86::VisitStoreLocal(HStoreLocal* store) {
- __ movl(Address(EBP, GetStackSlot(store->GetLocal())),
+ __ movl(Address(ESP, codegen_->GetStackSlot(store->GetLocal())),
@@ -187,9 +187,48 @@
__ ret();
+static constexpr Register kParameterCoreRegisters[] = { ECX, EDX, EBX };
+static constexpr int kParameterCoreRegistersLength = arraysize(kParameterCoreRegisters);
+class InvokeStaticCallingConvention : public CallingConvention<Register> {
+ public:
+ InvokeStaticCallingConvention()
+ : CallingConvention(kParameterCoreRegisters, kParameterCoreRegistersLength) {}
+ private:
+ DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(InvokeStaticCallingConvention);
+void LocationsBuilderX86::VisitPushArgument(HPushArgument* argument) {
+ LocationSummary* locations = new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) LocationSummary(argument);
+ InvokeStaticCallingConvention calling_convention;
+ if (argument->GetArgumentIndex() < calling_convention.GetNumberOfRegisters()) {
+ Location location = Location(calling_convention.GetRegisterAt(argument->GetArgumentIndex()));
+ locations->SetInAt(0, location);
+ locations->SetOut(location);
+ } else {
+ locations->SetInAt(0, Location(EAX));
+ }
+ argument->SetLocations(locations);
+void InstructionCodeGeneratorX86::VisitPushArgument(HPushArgument* argument) {
+ uint8_t argument_index = argument->GetArgumentIndex();
+ InvokeStaticCallingConvention calling_convention;
+ size_t parameter_registers = calling_convention.GetNumberOfRegisters();
+ if (argument_index >= parameter_registers) {
+ uint8_t offset = calling_convention.GetStackOffsetOf(argument_index);
+ __ movl(Address(ESP, offset),
+ argument->GetLocations()->InAt(0).reg<Register>());
+ } else {
+ DCHECK_EQ(argument->GetLocations()->Out().reg<Register>(),
+ argument->GetLocations()->InAt(0).reg<Register>());
+ }
void LocationsBuilderX86::VisitInvokeStatic(HInvokeStatic* invoke) {
LocationSummary* locations = new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) LocationSummary(invoke);
- CHECK_EQ(invoke->InputCount(), 0);