Reformat Checker according to recent Google styleguide

Test: art/tools/checker/
Test: Run any Checker test with atest or mts
Change-Id: I0452429fa43356d93ca748879bad14ef23609f40
diff --git a/tools/checker/ b/tools/checker/
index 78bd585..1e03141 100755
--- a/tools/checker/
+++ b/tools/checker/
@@ -17,13 +17,14 @@
 import argparse
 import os
-from common.archs                     import archs_list
-from common.logger                    import Logger
-from file_format.c1visualizer.parser  import ParseC1visualizerStream
-from file_format.checker.parser       import ParseCheckerStream
-from match.file                       import MatchFiles
+from common.archs import archs_list
+from common.logger import Logger
+from file_format.c1visualizer.parser import parse_c1_visualizer_stream
+from file_format.checker.parser import parse_checker_stream
+from match.file import match_files
-def ParseArguments():
+def parse_arguments():
   parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
                       help="text file the checks should be verified against")
@@ -48,27 +49,27 @@
   return parser.parse_args()
-def ListPasses(outputFilename):
-  c1File = ParseC1visualizerStream(outputFilename, open(outputFilename, "r"))
-  for compiler_pass in c1File.passes:
+def list_passes(output_filename):
+  c1_file = parse_c1_visualizer_stream(output_filename, open(output_filename, "r"))
+  for compiler_pass in c1_file.passes:
-def DumpPass(outputFilename, passName):
-  c1File = ParseC1visualizerStream(outputFilename, open(outputFilename, "r"))
-  compiler_pass = c1File.findPass(passName)
+def dump_pass(output_filename, pass_name):
+  c1_file = parse_c1_visualizer_stream(output_filename, open(output_filename, "r"))
+  compiler_pass = c1_file.find_pass(pass_name)
   if compiler_pass:
-    maxLineNo = compiler_pass.startLineNo + len(compiler_pass.body)
-    lenLineNo = len(str(maxLineNo)) + 2
-    curLineNo = compiler_pass.startLineNo
+    max_line_no = compiler_pass.start_line_no + len(compiler_pass.body)
+    len_line_no = len(str(max_line_no)) + 2
+    cur_line_no = compiler_pass.start_line_no
     for line in compiler_pass.body:
-      Logger.log((str(curLineNo) + ":").ljust(lenLineNo) + line)
-      curLineNo += 1
+      Logger.log((str(cur_line_no) + ":").ljust(len_line_no) + line)
+      cur_line_no += 1
-"Pass \"" + passName + "\" not found in the output")
+'Pass "{}" not found in the output'.format(pass_name))
-def FindCheckerFiles(path):
+def find_checker_files(path):
   """ Returns a list of files to scan for check annotations in the given path.
       Path to a file is returned as a single-element list, directories are
       recursively traversed and all '.java' and '.smali' files returned.
@@ -76,39 +77,39 @@
   if not path:"No source path provided")
   elif os.path.isfile(path):
-    return [ path ]
+    return [path]
   elif os.path.isdir(path):
-    foundFiles = []
+    found_files = []
     for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
       for file in files:
         extension = os.path.splitext(file)[1]
         if extension in [".java", ".smali"]:
-          foundFiles.append(os.path.join(root, file))
-    return foundFiles
+          found_files.append(os.path.join(root, file))
+    return found_files
-"Source path \"" + path + "\" not found")
+'Source path "{}" not found'.format(path))
-def RunTests(checkPrefix, checkPath, outputFilename, targetArch, debuggableMode, printCfg):
-  c1File = ParseC1visualizerStream(outputFilename, open(outputFilename, "r"))
-  for checkFilename in FindCheckerFiles(checkPath):
-    checkerFile = ParseCheckerStream(os.path.basename(checkFilename),
-                                     checkPrefix,
-                                     open(checkFilename, "r"),
-                                     targetArch)
-    MatchFiles(checkerFile, c1File, targetArch, debuggableMode, printCfg)
+def run_tests(check_prefix, check_path, output_filename, target_arch, debuggable_mode, print_cfg):
+  c1_file = parse_c1_visualizer_stream(output_filename, open(output_filename, "r"))
+  for check_filename in find_checker_files(check_path):
+    checker_file = parse_checker_stream(os.path.basename(check_filename),
+                                        check_prefix,
+                                        open(check_filename, "r"),
+                                        target_arch)
+    match_files(checker_file, c1_file, target_arch, debuggable_mode, print_cfg)
 if __name__ == "__main__":
-  args = ParseArguments()
+  args = parse_arguments()
   if args.quiet:
     Logger.Verbosity = Logger.Level.ERROR
   if args.list_passes:
-    ListPasses(args.tested_file)
+    list_passes(args.tested_file)
   elif args.dump_pass:
-    DumpPass(args.tested_file, args.dump_pass)
+    dump_pass(args.tested_file, args.dump_pass)
-    RunTests(args.check_prefix, args.source_path, args.tested_file, args.arch, args.debuggable,
-             args.print_cfg)
+    run_tests(args.check_prefix, args.source_path, args.tested_file, args.arch, args.debuggable,
+              args.print_cfg)
diff --git a/tools/checker/common/ b/tools/checker/common/
index 9628c88..6781fbf 100644
--- a/tools/checker/common/
+++ b/tools/checker/common/
@@ -12,4 +12,4 @@
 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 # limitations under the License.
-archs_list = ['ARM', 'ARM64', 'X86', 'X86_64']
+archs_list = ["ARM", "ARM64", "X86", "X86_64"]
diff --git a/tools/checker/common/ b/tools/checker/common/
index e016867..3a29ce3 100644
--- a/tools/checker/common/
+++ b/tools/checker/common/
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 # limitations under the License.
 class ImmutableDict(dict):
   def __setitem__(self, key, value):
     raise RuntimeError("Cannot modify ImmutableDict")
@@ -19,7 +20,7 @@
   def __delitem__(self, key):
     raise RuntimeError("Cannot modify ImmutableDict")
-  def copyWith(self, key, value):
-    newDict = ImmutableDict(self)
-    dict.__setitem__(newDict, key, value)
-    return newDict
+  def copy_with(self, key, value):
+    new_dict = ImmutableDict(self)
+    dict.__setitem__(new_dict, key, value)
+    return new_dict
diff --git a/tools/checker/common/ b/tools/checker/common/
index 67bb674..1a65c73 100644
--- a/tools/checker/common/
+++ b/tools/checker/common/
@@ -18,56 +18,49 @@
 class Logger:
   class Level(enum.IntEnum):
-    NO_OUTPUT = 0
-    ERROR = 1
-    INFO = 2
+    NO_OUTPUT, ERROR, INFO = range(3)
   class Color(enum.Enum):
-    DEFAULT = 0
-    BLUE = 1
-    GRAY = 2
-    PURPLE = 3
-    RED = 4
-    GREEN = 5
-    def terminalCode(color, out=sys.stdout):
+    def terminal_code(color, out=sys.stdout):
       if not out.isatty():
-        return ''
+        return ""
       elif color == Logger.Color.BLUE:
-        return '\033[94m'
+        return "\033[94m"
       elif color == Logger.Color.GRAY:
-        return '\033[37m'
+        return "\033[37m"
       elif color == Logger.Color.PURPLE:
-        return '\033[95m'
+        return "\033[95m"
       elif color == Logger.Color.RED:
-        return '\033[91m'
+        return "\033[91m"
       elif color == Logger.Color.GREEN:
-        return '\033[32m'
+        return "\033[32m"
-        return '\033[0m'
+        return "\033[0m"
   Verbosity = Level.INFO
-  def log(content, level=Level.INFO, color=Color.DEFAULT, newLine=True, out=sys.stdout):
+  def log(content, level=Level.INFO, color=Color.DEFAULT, new_line=True, out=sys.stdout):
     if level <= Logger.Verbosity:
-      content = Logger.Color.terminalCode(color, out) + str(content) + \
-             Logger.Color.terminalCode(Logger.Color.DEFAULT, out)
-      if newLine:
+      content = "{}{}{}".format(Logger.Color.terminal_code(color, out), content,
+                                Logger.Color.terminal_code(Logger.Color.DEFAULT, out))
+      if new_line:
         print(content, file=out)
         print(content, end="", file=out)
-  def fail(msg, file=None, line=-1, lineText=None, variables=None):
-    Logger.log("error: ", Logger.Level.ERROR, color=Logger.Color.RED, newLine=False, out=sys.stderr)
+  def fail(msg, file=None, line=-1, line_text=None, variables=None):
+    Logger.log("error: ", Logger.Level.ERROR, color=Logger.Color.RED, new_line=False,
+               out=sys.stderr)
     Logger.log(msg, Logger.Level.ERROR, out=sys.stderr)
-    if lineText:
+    if line_text:
       loc = ""
       if file:
         loc += file + ":"
@@ -75,33 +68,33 @@
         loc += str(line) + ":"
       if loc:
         loc += " "
-      Logger.log(loc, Logger.Level.ERROR, color=Logger.Color.GRAY, newLine=False, out=sys.stderr)
-      Logger.log(lineText, Logger.Level.ERROR, out=sys.stderr)
+      Logger.log(loc, Logger.Level.ERROR, color=Logger.Color.GRAY, new_line=False,
+                 out=sys.stderr)
+      Logger.log(line_text, Logger.Level.ERROR, out=sys.stderr)
     if variables:
-      longestName = 0
-      for var in variables:
-        longestName = max(longestName, len(var))
+      longest_name = max(len(var) for var in variables)
       for var in collections.OrderedDict(sorted(variables.items())):
-        padding = ' ' * (longestName - len(var))
-        Logger.log(var, Logger.Level.ERROR, color=Logger.Color.GREEN, newLine=False, out=sys.stderr)
-        Logger.log(padding, Logger.Level.ERROR, newLine=False, out=sys.stderr)
-        Logger.log(" = ", Logger.Level.ERROR, newLine=False, out=sys.stderr)
+        padding = " " * (longest_name - len(var))
+        Logger.log(var, Logger.Level.ERROR, color=Logger.Color.GREEN, new_line=False,
+                   out=sys.stderr)
+        Logger.log(padding, Logger.Level.ERROR, new_line=False, out=sys.stderr)
+        Logger.log(" = ", Logger.Level.ERROR, new_line=False, out=sys.stderr)
         Logger.log(variables[var], Logger.Level.ERROR, out=sys.stderr)
-  def startTest(name):
-    Logger.log("TEST ", color=Logger.Color.PURPLE, newLine=False)
-    Logger.log(name + "... ", newLine=False)
+  def start_test(name):
+    Logger.log("TEST ", color=Logger.Color.PURPLE, new_line=False)
+    Logger.log(name + "... ", new_line=False)
-  def testPassed():
+  def test_passed():
     Logger.log("PASS", color=Logger.Color.BLUE)
-  def testFailed(msg, statement, variables):
+  def test_failed(msg, statement, variables):
     Logger.log("FAIL", color=Logger.Color.RED)
-, statement.fileName, statement.lineNo, statement.originalText, variables)
+, statement.filename, statement.line_no, statement.original_text, variables)
diff --git a/tools/checker/common/ b/tools/checker/common/
index e44c84d..81bd2a8 100644
--- a/tools/checker/common/
+++ b/tools/checker/common/
@@ -16,11 +16,11 @@
   """ Object equality via equality of dictionaries. """
   def __eq__(self, other):
-    return isinstance(other, self.__class__) \
-       and self.__dict__ == other.__dict__
+    return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.__dict__ == other.__dict__
 class PrintableMixin:
   """ Prints object as name-dictionary pair. """
   def __repr__(self):
-    return '<{}: {}>'.format(type(self).__name__, str(self.__dict__))
+    return "<{}: {}>".format(type(self).__name__, str(self.__dict__))
diff --git a/tools/checker/file_format/c1visualizer/ b/tools/checker/file_format/c1visualizer/
index e8a6ac8..55efbd7 100644
--- a/tools/checker/file_format/c1visualizer/
+++ b/tools/checker/file_format/c1visualizer/
@@ -12,20 +12,22 @@
 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 # limitations under the License.
-from common.logger                   import Logger
-from file_format.common              import SplitStream
+from common.logger import Logger
+from file_format.common import split_stream
 from file_format.c1visualizer.struct import C1visualizerFile, C1visualizerPass
 import re
 class C1ParserState:
-  OutsideBlock, InsideCompilationBlock, StartingCfgBlock, InsideCfgBlock = range(4)
   def __init__(self):
-    self.currentState = C1ParserState.OutsideBlock
-    self.lastMethodName = None
+    self.current_state = C1ParserState.OUTSIDE_BLOCK
+    self.last_method_name = None
-def __parseC1Line(c1File, line, lineNo, state, fileName):
+def _parse_c1_line(c1_file, line, line_no, state, filename):
   """ This function is invoked on each line of the output file and returns
       a triplet which instructs the parser how the line should be handled. If the
       line is to be included in the current group, it is returned in the first
@@ -34,79 +36,80 @@
       function prototype compatible with `SplitStream` and is always set to
       `None` here.
-  if state.currentState == C1ParserState.StartingCfgBlock:
+  if state.current_state == C1ParserState.STARTING_CFG_BLOCK:
     # Previous line started a new 'cfg' block which means that this one must
     # contain the name of the pass (this is enforced by C1visualizer).
-    if re.match(r"name\s+\"[^\"]+\"", line):
+    if re.match(r'name\s+"[^"]+"', line):
       # Extract the pass name, prepend it with the name of the method and
       # return as the beginning of a new group.
-      state.currentState = C1ParserState.InsideCfgBlock
-      return (None, state.lastMethodName + " " + line.split("\"")[1], None)
+      state.current_state = C1ParserState.INSIDE_CFG_BLOCK
+      return None, state.last_method_name + " " + line.split('"')[1], None
-"Expected output group name", fileName, lineNo)
+"Expected output group name", filename, line_no)
-  elif state.currentState == C1ParserState.InsideCfgBlock:
+  elif state.current_state == C1ParserState.INSIDE_CFG_BLOCK:
     if line == "end_cfg":
-      state.currentState = C1ParserState.OutsideBlock
-      return (None, None, None)
+      state.current_state = C1ParserState.OUTSIDE_BLOCK
+      return None, None, None
-      return (line, None, None)
+      return line, None, None
-  elif state.currentState == C1ParserState.InsideCompilationBlock:
+  elif state.current_state == C1ParserState.INSIDE_COMPILATION_BLOCK:
     # Search for the method's name. Format: method "<name>"
-    if re.match(r"method\s+\"[^\"]*\"", line):
-      methodName = line.split("\"")[1].strip()
-      if not methodName:
-"Empty method name in output", fileName, lineNo)
+    if re.match(r'method\s+"[^"]*"', line):
+      method_name = line.split('"')[1].strip()
+      if not method_name:
+"Empty method name in output", filename, line_no)
-      m ="isa_features:([\w,-]+)", methodName)
-      if (m):
-        rawFeatures =",")
-        # Create a map of features in the form {featureName: isEnabled}.
+      match ="isa_features:([\w,-]+)", method_name)
+      if match:
+        raw_features =",")
+        # Create a map of features in the form {feature_name: is_enabled}.
         features = {}
-        for rf in rawFeatures:
-          featureName = rf
-          isEnabled = True
+        for rf in raw_features:
+          feature_name = rf
+          is_enabled = True
           # A '-' in front of the feature name indicates that the feature wasn't enabled at compile
           # time.
-          if rf[0] == '-':
-            featureName = rf[1:]
-            isEnabled = False
-          features[featureName] = isEnabled
+          if rf[0] == "-":
+            feature_name = rf[1:]
+            is_enabled = False
+          features[feature_name] = is_enabled
-        c1File.setISAFeatures(features)
+        c1_file.set_isa_features(features)
-        state.lastMethodName = methodName
+        state.last_method_name = method_name
     elif line == "end_compilation":
-      state.currentState = C1ParserState.OutsideBlock
-    return (None, None, None)
+      state.current_state = C1ParserState.OUTSIDE_BLOCK
+    return None, None, None
-    assert state.currentState == C1ParserState.OutsideBlock
+    assert state.current_state == C1ParserState.OUTSIDE_BLOCK
     if line == "begin_cfg":
       # The line starts a new group but we'll wait until the next line from
       # which we can extract the name of the pass.
-      if state.lastMethodName is None:
-"Expected method header", fileName, lineNo)
-      state.currentState = C1ParserState.StartingCfgBlock
-      return (None, None, None)
+      if state.last_method_name is None:
+"Expected method header", filename, line_no)
+      state.current_state = C1ParserState.STARTING_CFG_BLOCK
+      return None, None, None
     elif line == "begin_compilation":
-      state.currentState = C1ParserState.InsideCompilationBlock
-      return (None, None, None)
+      state.current_state = C1ParserState.INSIDE_COMPILATION_BLOCK
+      return None, None, None
-"C1visualizer line not inside a group", fileName, lineNo)
+"C1visualizer line not inside a group", filename, line_no)
-def ParseC1visualizerStream(fileName, stream):
-  c1File = C1visualizerFile(fileName)
+def parse_c1_visualizer_stream(filename, stream):
+  c1_file = C1visualizerFile(filename)
   state = C1ParserState()
-  def fnProcessLine(line, lineNo):
-    return __parseC1Line(c1File, line, lineNo, state, c1File.baseFileName)
+  def fn_process_line(line, line_no):
+    return _parse_c1_line(c1_file, line, line_no, state, c1_file.base_file_name)
-  def fnLineOutsideChunk(line, lineNo):
-"C1visualizer line not inside a group", c1File.baseFileName, lineNo)
-  for passName, passLines, startLineNo, testArch in \
-      SplitStream(stream, fnProcessLine, fnLineOutsideChunk):
-    C1visualizerPass(c1File, passName, passLines, startLineNo + 1)
-  return c1File
+  def fn_line_outside_chunk(line, line_no):
+"C1visualizer line not inside a group", c1_file.base_file_name, line_no)
+  for pass_name, pass_lines, start_line_no, test_arch in split_stream(stream, fn_process_line,
+                                                                      fn_line_outside_chunk):
+    C1visualizerPass(c1_file, pass_name, pass_lines, start_line_no + 1)
+  return c1_file
diff --git a/tools/checker/file_format/c1visualizer/ b/tools/checker/file_format/c1visualizer/
index 5925da9..9428a0e 100644
--- a/tools/checker/file_format/c1visualizer/
+++ b/tools/checker/file_format/c1visualizer/
@@ -15,55 +15,54 @@
 import os
 from common.immutables import ImmutableDict
-from common.logger     import Logger
-from common.mixins     import PrintableMixin
+from common.logger import Logger
+from common.mixins import PrintableMixin
 class C1visualizerFile(PrintableMixin):
-  def __init__(self, fileName):
-    self.baseFileName = os.path.basename(fileName)
-    self.fullFileName = fileName
+  def __init__(self, filename):
+    self.base_file_name = os.path.basename(filename)
+    self.full_file_name = filename
     self.passes = []
-    self.instructionSetFeatures = ImmutableDict()
+    self.instruction_set_features = ImmutableDict()
-  def setISAFeatures(self, features):
-    self.instructionSetFeatures = ImmutableDict(features)
+  def set_isa_features(self, features):
+    self.instruction_set_features = ImmutableDict(features)
-  def addPass(self, new_pass):
+  def add_pass(self, new_pass):
-  def findPass(self, name):
+  def find_pass(self, name):
     for entry in self.passes:
       if == name:
         return entry
     return None
   def __eq__(self, other):
-    return isinstance(other, self.__class__) \
-       and self.passes == other.passes \
-       and self.instructionSetFeatures == other.instructionSetFeatures
+    return (isinstance(other, self.__class__)
+            and self.passes == other.passes
+            and self.instruction_set_features == other.instruction_set_features)
 class C1visualizerPass(PrintableMixin):
-  def __init__(self, parent, name, body, startLineNo):
+  def __init__(self, parent, name, body, start_line_no):
     self.parent = parent = name
     self.body = body
-    self.startLineNo = startLineNo
+    self.start_line_no = start_line_no
     if not
-"C1visualizer pass does not have a name", self.fileName, self.startLineNo)
+"C1visualizer pass does not have a name", self.filename, self.start_line_no)
     if not self.body:
-"C1visualizer pass does not have a body", self.fileName, self.startLineNo)
+"C1visualizer pass does not have a body", self.filename, self.start_line_no)
-    self.parent.addPass(self)
+    self.parent.add_pass(self)
-  def fileName(self):
-    return self.parent.baseFileName
+  def filename(self):
+    return self.parent.base_file_name
   def __eq__(self, other):
-    return isinstance(other, self.__class__) \
-       and == \
-       and self.body == other.body
+    return (isinstance(other, self.__class__)
+            and ==
+            and self.body == other.body)
diff --git a/tools/checker/file_format/c1visualizer/ b/tools/checker/file_format/c1visualizer/
index a118a92..8c3cce4 100644
--- a/tools/checker/file_format/c1visualizer/
+++ b/tools/checker/file_format/c1visualizer/
@@ -14,34 +14,35 @@
 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 # limitations under the License.
-from common.immutables               import ImmutableDict
-from file_format.c1visualizer.parser import ParseC1visualizerStream
+from common.immutables import ImmutableDict
+from file_format.c1visualizer.parser import parse_c1_visualizer_stream
 from file_format.c1visualizer.struct import C1visualizerFile, C1visualizerPass
 import io
 import unittest
 class C1visualizerParser_Test(unittest.TestCase):
-  def createFile(self, data):
+  def create_file(self, data):
     """ Creates an instance of CheckerFile from provided info.
     Data format: ( [ <isa-feature>, ... ],
                    [ ( <case-name>, [ ( <text>, <assert-variant> ), ... ] ), ... ]
-    c1File = C1visualizerFile("<c1_file>")
-    c1File.instructionSetFeatures = data[0]
-    for passEntry in data[1]:
-      passName = passEntry[0]
-      passBody = passEntry[1]
-      c1Pass = C1visualizerPass(c1File, passName, passBody, 0)
-    return c1File
+    c1_file = C1visualizerFile("<c1_file>")
+    c1_file.instruction_set_features = data[0]
+    for pass_entry in data[1]:
+      pass_name = pass_entry[0]
+      pass_body = pass_entry[1]
+      c1_pass = C1visualizerPass(c1_file, pass_name, pass_body, 0)
+    return c1_file
-  def assertParsesTo(self, c1Text, expectedData):
-    expectedFile = self.createFile(expectedData)
-    actualFile = ParseC1visualizerStream("<c1_file>", io.StringIO(c1Text))
-    return self.assertEqual(expectedFile, actualFile)
+  def assertParsesTo(self, c1_text, expected_data):
+    expected_file = self.create_file(expected_data)
+    actual_file = parse_c1_visualizer_stream("<c1_file>", io.StringIO(c1_text))
+    return self.assertEqual(expected_file, actual_file)
   def test_EmptyFile(self):
     self.assertParsesTo("", (ImmutableDict(), []))
@@ -58,8 +59,8 @@
-      ( ImmutableDict(), [
-        ( "MyMethod pass1", [ "foo", "bar" ] )
+      (ImmutableDict(), [
+        ("MyMethod pass1", ["foo", "bar"])
   def test_MultipleGroups(self):
@@ -81,9 +82,9 @@
-      ( ImmutableDict(), [
-        ( "MyMethod1 pass1", [ "foo", "bar" ] ),
-        ( "MyMethod1 pass2", [ "abc", "def" ] )
+      (ImmutableDict(), [
+        ("MyMethod1 pass1", ["foo", "bar"]),
+        ("MyMethod1 pass2", ["abc", "def"])
@@ -108,9 +109,9 @@
-      ( ImmutableDict(), [
-        ( "MyMethod1 pass1", [ "foo", "bar" ] ),
-        ( "MyMethod2 pass2", [ "abc", "def" ] )
+      (ImmutableDict(), [
+        ("MyMethod1 pass1", ["foo", "bar"]),
+        ("MyMethod2 pass2", ["abc", "def"])
   def test_InstructionSetFeatures(self):
@@ -122,7 +123,7 @@
           date 1234
-      ( ImmutableDict({"feature1": True, "feature2": False}), []))
+      (ImmutableDict({"feature1": True, "feature2": False}), []))
@@ -141,8 +142,8 @@
-      ( ImmutableDict({"feature1": True, "feature2": False}), [
-        ( "MyMethod1 pass1", [ "foo", "bar" ] )
+      (ImmutableDict({"feature1": True, "feature2": False}), [
+        ("MyMethod1 pass1", ["foo", "bar"])
@@ -152,7 +153,7 @@
           date 1234
-      ( ImmutableDict({"feature1": True, "feature2": False}), []))
+      (ImmutableDict({"feature1": True, "feature2": False}), []))
@@ -171,6 +172,6 @@
-      ( ImmutableDict({"feature1": True, "feature2": False}), [
-        ( "MyMethod1 pass1", [ "foo", "bar" ] )
+      (ImmutableDict({"feature1": True, "feature2": False}), [
+        ("MyMethod1 pass1", ["foo", "bar"])
diff --git a/tools/checker/file_format/checker/ b/tools/checker/file_format/checker/
index c42d7de..a2c52d3 100644
--- a/tools/checker/file_format/checker/
+++ b/tools/checker/file_format/checker/
@@ -12,65 +12,68 @@
 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 # limitations under the License.
-from common.archs               import archs_list
-from common.logger              import Logger
-from file_format.common         import SplitStream
+from common.archs import archs_list
+from common.logger import Logger
+from file_format.common import split_stream
 from file_format.checker.struct import CheckerFile, TestCase, TestStatement, TestExpression
 import re
-def __isCheckerLine(line):
+def _is_checker_line(line):
   return line.startswith("///") or line.startswith("##")
-def __extractLine(prefix, line, arch = None, debuggable = False):
+def _extract_line(prefix, line, arch=None, debuggable=False):
   """ Attempts to parse a check line. The regex searches for a comment symbol
       followed by the CHECK keyword, given attribute and a colon at the very
       beginning of the line. Whitespaces are ignored.
-  rIgnoreWhitespace = r"\s*"
-  rCommentSymbols = [r"///", r"##"]
-  arch_specifier = r"-%s" % arch if arch is not None else r""
-  dbg_specifier = r"-DEBUGGABLE" if debuggable else r""
-  regexPrefix = rIgnoreWhitespace + \
-                r"(" + r"|".join(rCommentSymbols) + r")" + \
-                rIgnoreWhitespace + \
-                prefix + arch_specifier + dbg_specifier + r":"
+  r_ignore_whitespace = r"\s*"
+  r_comment_symbols = ["///", "##"]
+  arch_specifier = "-{}".format(arch) if arch is not None else ""
+  dbg_specifier = "-DEBUGGABLE" if debuggable else ""
+  regex_prefix = (r_ignore_whitespace +
+                  "(" + "|".join(r_comment_symbols) + ")"
+                  + r_ignore_whitespace + prefix + arch_specifier + dbg_specifier + ":")
   # The 'match' function succeeds only if the pattern is matched at the
   # beginning of the line.
-  match = re.match(regexPrefix, line)
+  match = re.match(regex_prefix, line)
   if match is not None:
     return line[match.end():].strip()
     return None
-def __preprocessLineForStart(prefix, line, targetArch):
+def _preprocess_line_for_start(prefix, line, target_arch):
   """ This function modifies a CHECK-START-{x,y,z} into a matching
       CHECK-START-y line for matching targetArch y. If no matching
       architecture is found, CHECK-START-x is returned arbitrarily
       to ensure all following check lines are put into a test that
       is skipped. Any other line is left unmodified.
-  if targetArch is not None:
+  if target_arch is not None:
     if prefix in line:
       # Find { } on the line and assume that defines the set.
-      s = line.find('{')
-      e = line.find('}')
-      if 0 < s and s < e:
-        archs = line[s+1:e].split(',')
+      s = line.find("{")
+      e = line.find("}")
+      if 0 < s < e:
+        archs = line[s + 1:e].split(",")
         # First verify that every archs is valid. Return the
         # full line on failure to prompt error back to user.
         for arch in archs:
-          if not arch in archs_list:
+          if arch not in archs_list:
             return line
         # Now accept matching arch or arbitrarily return first.
-        if targetArch in archs:
-          return line[:s] + targetArch + line[e + 1:]
+        if target_arch in archs:
+          return line[:s] + target_arch + line[e + 1:]
           return line[:s] + archs[0] + line[e + 1:]
   return line
-def __processLine(line, lineNo, prefix, fileName, targetArch):
+def _process_line(line, line_no, prefix, filename, target_arch):
   """ This function is invoked on each line of the check file and returns a triplet
       which instructs the parser how the line should be handled. If the line is
       to be included in the current check group, it is returned in the first
@@ -78,152 +81,160 @@
       returned in the second value. The third value indicates whether the line
       contained an architecture-specific suffix.
-  if not __isCheckerLine(line):
+  if not _is_checker_line(line):
     return None, None, None
   # Lines beginning with 'CHECK-START' start a new test case.
   # We currently only consider the architecture suffix(es) in "CHECK-START" lines.
   for debuggable in [True, False]:
-    sline = __preprocessLineForStart(prefix + "-START", line, targetArch)
+    sline = _preprocess_line_for_start(prefix + "-START", line, target_arch)
     for arch in [None] + archs_list:
-      startLine = __extractLine(prefix + "-START", sline, arch, debuggable)
-      if startLine is not None:
-        return None, startLine, (arch, debuggable)
+      start_line = _extract_line(prefix + "-START", sline, arch, debuggable)
+      if start_line is not None:
+        return None, start_line, (arch, debuggable)
   # Lines starting only with 'CHECK' are matched in order.
-  plainLine = __extractLine(prefix, line)
-  if plainLine is not None:
-    return (plainLine, TestStatement.Variant.InOrder, lineNo), None, None
+  plain_line = _extract_line(prefix, line)
+  if plain_line is not None:
+    return (plain_line, TestStatement.Variant.IN_ORDER, line_no), None, None
   # 'CHECK-NEXT' lines are in-order but must match the very next line.
-  nextLine = __extractLine(prefix + "-NEXT", line)
-  if nextLine is not None:
-    return (nextLine, TestStatement.Variant.NextLine, lineNo), None, None
+  next_line = _extract_line(prefix + "-NEXT", line)
+  if next_line is not None:
+    return (next_line, TestStatement.Variant.NEXT_LINE, line_no), None, None
   # 'CHECK-DAG' lines are no-order statements.
-  dagLine = __extractLine(prefix + "-DAG", line)
-  if dagLine is not None:
-    return (dagLine, TestStatement.Variant.DAG, lineNo), None, None
+  dag_line = _extract_line(prefix + "-DAG", line)
+  if dag_line is not None:
+    return (dag_line, TestStatement.Variant.DAG, line_no), None, None
   # 'CHECK-NOT' lines are no-order negative statements.
-  notLine = __extractLine(prefix + "-NOT", line)
-  if notLine is not None:
-    return (notLine, TestStatement.Variant.Not, lineNo), None, None
+  not_line = _extract_line(prefix + "-NOT", line)
+  if not_line is not None:
+    return (not_line, TestStatement.Variant.NOT, line_no), None, None
   # 'CHECK-EVAL' lines evaluate a Python expression.
-  evalLine = __extractLine(prefix + "-EVAL", line)
-  if evalLine is not None:
-    return (evalLine, TestStatement.Variant.Eval, lineNo), None, None
+  eval_line = _extract_line(prefix + "-EVAL", line)
+  if eval_line is not None:
+    return (eval_line, TestStatement.Variant.EVAL, line_no), None, None
   # 'CHECK-IF' lines mark the beginning of a block that will be executed
   # only if the Python expression that follows evaluates to true.
-  ifLine = __extractLine(prefix + "-IF", line)
-  if ifLine is not None:
-    return (ifLine, TestStatement.Variant.If, lineNo), None, None
+  if_line = _extract_line(prefix + "-IF", line)
+  if if_line is not None:
+    return (if_line, TestStatement.Variant.IF, line_no), None, None
   # 'CHECK-ELIF' lines mark the beginning of an `else if` branch of a CHECK-IF block.
-  elifLine = __extractLine(prefix + "-ELIF", line)
-  if elifLine is not None:
-    return (elifLine, TestStatement.Variant.Elif, lineNo), None, None
+  elif_line = _extract_line(prefix + "-ELIF", line)
+  if elif_line is not None:
+    return (elif_line, TestStatement.Variant.ELIF, line_no), None, None
   # 'CHECK-ELSE' lines mark the beginning of the `else` branch of a CHECK-IF block.
-  elseLine = __extractLine(prefix + "-ELSE", line)
-  if elseLine is not None:
-    return (elseLine, TestStatement.Variant.Else, lineNo), None, None
+  else_line = _extract_line(prefix + "-ELSE", line)
+  if else_line is not None:
+    return (else_line, TestStatement.Variant.ELSE, line_no), None, None
   # 'CHECK-FI' lines mark the end of a CHECK-IF block.
-  fiLine = __extractLine(prefix + "-FI", line)
-  if fiLine is not None:
-    return (fiLine, TestStatement.Variant.Fi, lineNo), None, None
+  fi_line = _extract_line(prefix + "-FI", line)
+  if fi_line is not None:
+    return (fi_line, TestStatement.Variant.FI, line_no), None, None
-"Checker statement could not be parsed: '" + line + "'", fileName, lineNo)
+"Checker statement could not be parsed: '" + line + "'", filename, line_no)
-def __isMatchAtStart(match):
+def _is_match_at_start(match):
   """ Tests if the given Match occurred at the beginning of the line. """
   return (match is not None) and (match.start() == 0)
-def __firstMatch(matches, string):
+def _first_match(matches, string):
   """ Takes in a list of Match objects and returns the minimal start point among
       them. If there aren't any successful matches it returns the length of
       the searched string.
-  starts = map(lambda m: len(string) if m is None else m.start(), matches)
-  return min(starts)
+  return min(len(string) if m is None else m.start() for m in matches)
-def ParseCheckerStatement(parent, line, variant, lineNo):
+def parse_checker_statement(parent, line, variant, line_no):
   """ This method parses the content of a check line stripped of the initial
       comment symbol and the CHECK-* keyword.
-  statement = TestStatement(parent, variant, line, lineNo)
+  statement = TestStatement(parent, variant, line, line_no)
-  if statement.isNoContentStatement() and line:
-"Expected empty statement: '" + line + "'", statement.fileName, statement.lineNo)
+  if statement.is_no_content_statement() and line:
+"Expected empty statement: '{}'".format(line), statement.filename,
+                statement.line_no)
   # Loop as long as there is something to parse.
   while line:
     # Search for the nearest occurrence of the special markers.
-    if statement.isEvalContentStatement():
+    if statement.is_eval_content_statement():
       # The following constructs are not supported in CHECK-EVAL, -IF and -ELIF lines
-      matchWhitespace = None
-      matchPattern = None
-      matchVariableDefinition = None
+      match_whitespace = None
+      match_pattern = None
+      match_variable_definition = None
-      matchWhitespace ="\s+", line)
-      matchPattern =, line)
-      matchVariableDefinition =, line)
-    matchVariableReference =, line)
+      match_whitespace ="\s+", line)
+      match_pattern =, line)
+      match_variable_definition =, line)
+    match_variable_reference =, line)
     # If one of the above was identified at the current position, extract them
     # from the line, parse them and add to the list of line parts.
-    if __isMatchAtStart(matchWhitespace):
+    if _is_match_at_start(match_whitespace):
       # A whitespace in the check line creates a new separator of line parts.
       # This allows for ignored output between the previous and next parts.
-      line = line[matchWhitespace.end():]
-      statement.addExpression(TestExpression.createSeparator())
-    elif __isMatchAtStart(matchPattern):
-      pattern = line[0:matchPattern.end()]
+      line = line[match_whitespace.end():]
+      statement.add_expression(TestExpression.create_separator())
+    elif _is_match_at_start(match_pattern):
+      pattern = line[0:match_pattern.end()]
       pattern = pattern[2:-2]
-      line = line[matchPattern.end():]
-      statement.addExpression(TestExpression.createPattern(pattern))
-    elif __isMatchAtStart(matchVariableReference):
-      var = line[0:matchVariableReference.end()]
-      line = line[matchVariableReference.end():]
+      line = line[match_pattern.end():]
+      statement.add_expression(TestExpression.create_pattern(pattern))
+    elif _is_match_at_start(match_variable_reference):
+      var = line[0:match_variable_reference.end()]
+      line = line[match_variable_reference.end():]
       name = var[2:-2]
-      statement.addExpression(TestExpression.createVariableReference(name))
-    elif __isMatchAtStart(matchVariableDefinition):
-      var = line[0:matchVariableDefinition.end()]
-      line = line[matchVariableDefinition.end():]
-      colonPos = var.find(":")
-      name = var[2:colonPos]
-      body = var[colonPos+1:-2]
-      statement.addExpression(TestExpression.createVariableDefinition(name, body))
+      statement.add_expression(TestExpression.create_variable_reference(name))
+    elif _is_match_at_start(match_variable_definition):
+      var = line[0:match_variable_definition.end()]
+      line = line[match_variable_definition.end():]
+      colon_pos = var.find(":")
+      name = var[2:colon_pos]
+      body = var[colon_pos + 1:-2]
+      statement.add_expression(TestExpression.create_variable_definition(name, body))
       # If we're not currently looking at a special marker, this is a plain
       # text match all the way until the first special marker (or the end
       # of the line).
-      firstMatch = __firstMatch([ matchWhitespace,
-                                  matchPattern,
-                                  matchVariableReference,
-                                  matchVariableDefinition ],
-                                line)
-      text = line[0:firstMatch]
-      line = line[firstMatch:]
-      if statement.isEvalContentStatement():
-        statement.addExpression(TestExpression.createPlainText(text))
+      first_match = _first_match([match_whitespace,
+                                  match_pattern,
+                                  match_variable_reference,
+                                  match_variable_definition],
+                                 line)
+      text = line[0:first_match]
+      line = line[first_match:]
+      if statement.is_eval_content_statement():
+        statement.add_expression(TestExpression.create_plain_text(text))
-        statement.addExpression(TestExpression.createPatternFromPlainText(text))
+        statement.add_expression(TestExpression.create_pattern_from_plain_text(text))
   return statement
-def ParseCheckerStream(fileName, prefix, stream, targetArch = None):
-  checkerFile = CheckerFile(fileName)
-  fnProcessLine = lambda line, lineNo: __processLine(line, lineNo, prefix, fileName, targetArch)
-  fnLineOutsideChunk = lambda line, lineNo: \
-"Checker line not inside a group", fileName, lineNo)
-  for caseName, caseLines, startLineNo, testData in \
-      SplitStream(stream, fnProcessLine, fnLineOutsideChunk):
-    testArch = testData[0]
-    forDebuggable = testData[1]
-    testCase = TestCase(checkerFile, caseName, startLineNo, testArch, forDebuggable)
-    for caseLine in caseLines:
-      ParseCheckerStatement(testCase, caseLine[0], caseLine[1], caseLine[2])
-  return checkerFile
+def parse_checker_stream(file_name, prefix, stream, target_arch=None):
+  checker_file = CheckerFile(file_name)
+  def fn_process_line(line, line_no):
+    return _process_line(line, line_no, prefix, file_name, target_arch)
+  def fn_line_outside_chunk(line, line_no):
+"Checker line not inside a group", file_name, line_no)
+  for case_name, case_lines, start_line_no, test_data in split_stream(stream, fn_process_line,
+                                                                      fn_line_outside_chunk):
+    test_arch = test_data[0]
+    for_debuggable = test_data[1]
+    test_case = TestCase(checker_file, case_name, start_line_no, test_arch, for_debuggable)
+    for case_line in case_lines:
+      parse_checker_statement(test_case, case_line[0], case_line[1], case_line[2])
+  return checker_file
diff --git a/tools/checker/file_format/checker/ b/tools/checker/file_format/checker/
index 540badc..f9242c4 100644
--- a/tools/checker/file_format/checker/
+++ b/tools/checker/file_format/checker/
@@ -12,136 +12,137 @@
 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 # limitations under the License.
+import enum
 from common.logger import Logger
 from common.mixins import EqualityMixin, PrintableMixin
 import re
 class CheckerFile(PrintableMixin):
-  def __init__(self, fileName):
-    self.fileName = fileName
-    self.testCases = []
+  def __init__(self, filename):
+    self.file_name = filename
+    self.test_cases = []
-  def addTestCase(self, new_test_case):
-    self.testCases.append(new_test_case)
+  def add_test_case(self, new_test_case):
+    self.test_cases.append(new_test_case)
-  def testCasesForArch(self, targetArch):
-    return [t for t in self.testCases if t.testArch == targetArch]
+  def test_cases_for_arch(self, target_arch):
+    return [t for t in self.test_cases if t.test_arch == target_arch]
   def __eq__(self, other):
-    return isinstance(other, self.__class__) \
-       and self.testCases == other.testCases
+    return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.test_cases == other.test_cases
 class TestCase(PrintableMixin):
-  def __init__(self, parent, name, startLineNo, testArch = None, forDebuggable = False):
+  def __init__(self, parent, name, start_line_no, test_arch=None, for_debuggable=False):
     assert isinstance(parent, CheckerFile)
     self.parent = parent = name
     self.statements = []
-    self.startLineNo = startLineNo
-    self.testArch = testArch
-    self.forDebuggable = forDebuggable
+    self.start_line_no = start_line_no
+    self.test_arch = test_arch
+    self.for_debuggable = for_debuggable
     if not
-"Test case does not have a name", self.fileName, self.startLineNo)
+"Test case does not have a name", self.filename, self.start_line_no)
-    self.parent.addTestCase(self)
+    self.parent.add_test_case(self)
-  def fileName(self):
-    return self.parent.fileName
+  def filename(self):
+    return self.parent.file_name
-  def addStatement(self, new_statement):
+  def add_statement(self, new_statement):
   def __eq__(self, other):
-    return isinstance(other, self.__class__) \
-       and == \
-       and self.statements == other.statements
+    return (isinstance(other, self.__class__)
+            and ==
+            and self.statements == other.statements)
 class TestStatement(PrintableMixin):
-  class Variant(object):
+  class Variant(enum.IntEnum):
     """Supported types of statements."""
-    InOrder, NextLine, DAG, Not, Eval, If, Elif, Else, Fi = range(9)
-  def __init__(self, parent, variant, originalText, lineNo):
+  def __init__(self, parent, variant, original_text, line_no):
     assert isinstance(parent, TestCase)
     self.parent = parent
     self.variant = variant
     self.expressions = []
-    self.lineNo = lineNo
-    self.originalText = originalText
+    self.line_no = line_no
+    self.original_text = original_text
-    self.parent.addStatement(self)
+    self.parent.add_statement(self)
-  def fileName(self):
-    return self.parent.fileName
+  def filename(self):
+    return self.parent.filename
-  def isPatternMatchContentStatement(self):
-    return self.variant in [ TestStatement.Variant.InOrder,
-                             TestStatement.Variant.NextLine,
-                             TestStatement.Variant.DAG,
-                             TestStatement.Variant.Not ]
+  def is_pattern_match_content_statement(self):
+    return self.variant in [TestStatement.Variant.IN_ORDER,
+                            TestStatement.Variant.NEXT_LINE,
+                            TestStatement.Variant.DAG,
+                            TestStatement.Variant.NOT]
-  def isEvalContentStatement(self):
-    return self.variant in [ TestStatement.Variant.Eval,
-                             TestStatement.Variant.If,
-                             TestStatement.Variant.Elif ]
+  def is_eval_content_statement(self):
+    return self.variant in [TestStatement.Variant.EVAL,
+                            TestStatement.Variant.IF,
+                            TestStatement.Variant.ELIF]
-  def isNoContentStatement(self):
-    return self.variant in [ TestStatement.Variant.Else,
-                             TestStatement.Variant.Fi ]
+  def is_no_content_statement(self):
+    return self.variant in [TestStatement.Variant.ELSE,
+                            TestStatement.Variant.FI]
-  def addExpression(self, new_expression):
+  def add_expression(self, new_expression):
     assert isinstance(new_expression, TestExpression)
-    if self.variant == TestStatement.Variant.Not:
-      if new_expression.variant == TestExpression.Variant.VarDef:
-"CHECK-NOT lines cannot define variables", self.fileName, self.lineNo)
+    if self.variant == TestStatement.Variant.NOT:
+      if new_expression.variant == TestExpression.Variant.VAR_DEF:
+"CHECK-NOT lines cannot define variables", self.filename, self.line_no)
-  def toRegex(self):
+  def to_regex(self):
     """ Returns a regex pattern for this entire statement. Only used in tests. """
     regex = ""
     for expression in self.expressions:
-      if expression.variant == TestExpression.Variant.Separator:
+      if expression.variant == TestExpression.Variant.SEPARATOR:
         regex = regex + ", "
         regex = regex + "(" + expression.text + ")"
     return regex
   def __eq__(self, other):
-    return isinstance(other, self.__class__) \
-       and self.variant == other.variant \
-       and self.expressions == other.expressions
+    return (isinstance(other, self.__class__)
+            and self.variant == other.variant
+            and self.expressions == other.expressions)
 class TestExpression(EqualityMixin, PrintableMixin):
-  class Variant(object):
+  class Variant:
     """Supported language constructs."""
-    PlainText, Pattern, VarRef, VarDef, Separator = range(5)
-  class Regex(object):
-    rName = r"([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*)"
-    rRegex = r"(.+?)"
-    rPatternStartSym = r"(\{\{)"
-    rPatternEndSym = r"(\}\})"
-    rVariableStartSym = r"(<<)"
-    rVariableEndSym = r"(>>)"
-    rVariableSeparator = r"(:)"
-    rVariableDefinitionBody = rName + rVariableSeparator + rRegex
+  class Regex:
+    R_NAME = r"([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*)"
+    R_REGEX = r"(.+?)"
+    R_PATTERN_START_SYM = r"(\{\{)"
+    R_PATTERN_END_SYM = r"(\}\})"
+    R_VARIABLE_START_SYM = r"(<<)"
+    R_VARIABLE_END_SYM = r"(>>)"
-    regexPattern = rPatternStartSym + rRegex + rPatternEndSym
-    regexVariableReference = rVariableStartSym + rName + rVariableEndSym
-    regexVariableDefinition = rVariableStartSym + rVariableDefinitionBody + rVariableEndSym
+                                 + R_VARIABLE_END_SYM)
   def __init__(self, variant, name, text):
     self.variant = variant
@@ -149,33 +150,33 @@
     self.text = text
   def __eq__(self, other):
-    return isinstance(other, self.__class__) \
-       and self.variant == other.variant \
-       and == \
-       and self.text == other.text
+    return (isinstance(other, self.__class__)
+            and self.variant == other.variant
+            and ==
+            and self.text == other.text)
-  def createSeparator():
-    return TestExpression(TestExpression.Variant.Separator, None, None)
+  def create_separator():
+    return TestExpression(TestExpression.Variant.SEPARATOR, None, None)
-  def createPlainText(text):
-    return TestExpression(TestExpression.Variant.PlainText, None, text)
+  def create_plain_text(text):
+    return TestExpression(TestExpression.Variant.PLAIN_TEXT, None, text)
-  def createPatternFromPlainText(text):
-    return TestExpression(TestExpression.Variant.Pattern, None, re.escape(text))
+  def create_pattern_from_plain_text(text):
+    return TestExpression(TestExpression.Variant.PATTERN, None, re.escape(text))
-  def createPattern(pattern):
-    return TestExpression(TestExpression.Variant.Pattern, None, pattern)
+  def create_pattern(pattern):
+    return TestExpression(TestExpression.Variant.PATTERN, None, pattern)
-  def createVariableReference(name):
-    assert re.match(TestExpression.Regex.rName, name)
-    return TestExpression(TestExpression.Variant.VarRef, name, None)
+  def create_variable_reference(name):
+    assert re.match(TestExpression.Regex.R_NAME, name)
+    return TestExpression(TestExpression.Variant.VAR_REF, name, None)
-  def createVariableDefinition(name, pattern):
-    assert re.match(TestExpression.Regex.rName, name)
-    return TestExpression(TestExpression.Variant.VarDef, name, pattern)
+  def create_variable_definition(name, pattern):
+    assert re.match(TestExpression.Regex.R_NAME, name)
+    return TestExpression(TestExpression.Variant.VAR_DEF, name, pattern)
diff --git a/tools/checker/file_format/checker/ b/tools/checker/file_format/checker/
index 4c61664..dd440d6 100644
--- a/tools/checker/file_format/checker/
+++ b/tools/checker/file_format/checker/
@@ -14,8 +14,8 @@
 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 # limitations under the License.
-from common.archs               import archs_list
-from file_format.checker.parser import ParseCheckerStream
+from common.archs import archs_list
+from file_format.checker.parser import parse_checker_stream
 from file_format.checker.struct import CheckerFile, TestCase, TestStatement, TestExpression
 import io
@@ -23,25 +23,26 @@
 CheckerException = SystemExit
 class CheckerParser_PrefixTest(unittest.TestCase):
-  def tryParse(self, string):
-    checkerText = "/// CHECK-START: pass\n" + string
-    return ParseCheckerStream("<test-file>", "CHECK", io.StringIO(checkerText))
+  def try_parse(self, string):
+    checker_text = "/// CHECK-START: pass\n" + string
+    return parse_checker_stream("<test-file>", "CHECK", io.StringIO(checker_text))
   def assertParses(self, string):
-    checkFile = self.tryParse(string)
-    self.assertEqual(len(checkFile.testCases), 1)
-    self.assertNotEqual(len(checkFile.testCases[0].statements), 0)
+    check_file = self.try_parse(string)
+    self.assertEqual(len(check_file.test_cases), 1)
+    self.assertNotEqual(len(check_file.test_cases[0].statements), 0)
   def assertIgnored(self, string):
-    checkFile = self.tryParse(string)
-    self.assertEqual(len(checkFile.testCases), 1)
-    self.assertEqual(len(checkFile.testCases[0].statements), 0)
+    check_file = self.try_parse(string)
+    self.assertEqual(len(check_file.test_cases), 1)
+    self.assertEqual(len(check_file.test_cases[0].statements), 0)
   def assertInvalid(self, string):
     with self.assertRaises(CheckerException):
-      self.tryParse(string)
+      self.try_parse(string)
   def test_ValidFormat(self):
@@ -72,47 +73,48 @@
     self.assertParses("    ///CHECK: foo")
     self.assertParses("///    CHECK: foo")
 class CheckerParser_TestExpressionTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  def parse_statement(self, string, variant=""):
+    checker_text = ("/// CHECK-START: pass\n" +
+                    "/// CHECK" + variant + ": " + string)
+    checker_file = parse_checker_stream("<test-file>", "CHECK", io.StringIO(checker_text))
+    self.assertEqual(len(checker_file.test_cases), 1)
+    test_case = checker_file.test_cases[0]
+    self.assertEqual(len(test_case.statements), 1)
+    return test_case.statements[0]
-  def parseStatement(self, string, variant=""):
-    checkerText = ("/// CHECK-START: pass\n" +
-                   "/// CHECK" + variant + ": " + string)
-    checkerFile = ParseCheckerStream("<test-file>", "CHECK", io.StringIO(checkerText))
-    self.assertEqual(len(checkerFile.testCases), 1)
-    testCase = checkerFile.testCases[0]
-    self.assertEqual(len(testCase.statements), 1)
-    return testCase.statements[0]
-  def parseExpression(self, string):
-    line = self.parseStatement(string)
+  def parse_expression(self, string):
+    line = self.parse_statement(string)
     self.assertEqual(1, len(line.expressions))
     return line.expressions[0]
   def assertEqualsRegex(self, string, expected):
-    self.assertEqual(expected, self.parseStatement(string).toRegex())
+    self.assertEqual(expected, self.parse_statement(string).to_regex())
   def assertEqualsText(self, string, text):
-    self.assertEqual(self.parseExpression(string), TestExpression.createPatternFromPlainText(text))
+    self.assertEqual(self.parse_expression(string),
+                     TestExpression.create_pattern_from_plain_text(text))
   def assertEqualsPattern(self, string, pattern):
-    self.assertEqual(self.parseExpression(string), TestExpression.createPattern(pattern))
+    self.assertEqual(self.parse_expression(string), TestExpression.create_pattern(pattern))
   def assertEqualsVarRef(self, string, name):
-    self.assertEqual(self.parseExpression(string), TestExpression.createVariableReference(name))
+    self.assertEqual(self.parse_expression(string), TestExpression.create_variable_reference(name))
   def assertEqualsVarDef(self, string, name, pattern):
-    self.assertEqual(self.parseExpression(string),
-                     TestExpression.createVariableDefinition(name, pattern))
+    self.assertEqual(self.parse_expression(string),
+                     TestExpression.create_variable_definition(name, pattern))
   def assertVariantNotEqual(self, string, variant):
-    self.assertNotEqual(variant, self.parseExpression(string).variant)
+    self.assertNotEqual(variant, self.parse_expression(string).variant)
   # Test that individual parts of the line are recognized
   def test_TextOnly(self):
     self.assertEqualsText("foo", "foo")
     self.assertEqualsText("  foo  ", "foo")
-    self.assertEqualsRegex("f$o^o", "(f\$o\^o)")
+    self.assertEqualsRegex("f$o^o", "(f\\$o\\^o)")
   def test_PatternOnly(self):
     self.assertEqualsPattern("{{a?b.c}}", "a?b.c")
@@ -167,16 +169,16 @@
   def test_Empty(self):
     self.assertEqualsText("{{}}", "{{}}")
-    self.assertVariantNotEqual("<<>>", TestExpression.Variant.VarRef)
-    self.assertVariantNotEqual("<<:>>", TestExpression.Variant.VarDef)
+    self.assertVariantNotEqual("<<>>", TestExpression.Variant.VAR_REF)
+    self.assertVariantNotEqual("<<:>>", TestExpression.Variant.VAR_DEF)
   def test_InvalidVarName(self):
-    self.assertVariantNotEqual("<<0ABC>>", TestExpression.Variant.VarRef)
-    self.assertVariantNotEqual("<<AB=C>>", TestExpression.Variant.VarRef)
-    self.assertVariantNotEqual("<<ABC=>>", TestExpression.Variant.VarRef)
-    self.assertVariantNotEqual("<<0ABC:abc>>", TestExpression.Variant.VarDef)
-    self.assertVariantNotEqual("<<AB=C:abc>>", TestExpression.Variant.VarDef)
-    self.assertVariantNotEqual("<<ABC=:abc>>", TestExpression.Variant.VarDef)
+    self.assertVariantNotEqual("<<0ABC>>", TestExpression.Variant.VAR_REF)
+    self.assertVariantNotEqual("<<AB=C>>", TestExpression.Variant.VAR_REF)
+    self.assertVariantNotEqual("<<ABC=>>", TestExpression.Variant.VAR_REF)
+    self.assertVariantNotEqual("<<0ABC:abc>>", TestExpression.Variant.VAR_DEF)
+    self.assertVariantNotEqual("<<AB=C:abc>>", TestExpression.Variant.VAR_DEF)
+    self.assertVariantNotEqual("<<ABC=:abc>>", TestExpression.Variant.VAR_DEF)
   def test_BodyMatchNotGreedy(self):
     self.assertEqualsRegex("{{abc}}{{def}}", "(abc)(def)")
@@ -184,36 +186,36 @@
   def test_NoVarDefsInNotChecks(self):
     with self.assertRaises(CheckerException):
-      self.parseStatement("<<ABC:abc>>", "-NOT")
+      self.parse_statement("<<ABC:abc>>", "-NOT")
 class CheckerParser_FileLayoutTest(unittest.TestCase):
   # Creates an instance of CheckerFile from provided info.
   # Data format: [ ( <case-name>, [ ( <text>, <assert-variant> ), ... ] ), ... ]
-  def createFile(self, caseList):
-    testFile = CheckerFile("<test_file>")
-    for caseEntry in caseList:
-      caseName = caseEntry[0]
-      testCase = TestCase(testFile, caseName, 0)
-      statementList = caseEntry[1]
-      for statementEntry in statementList:
+  def create_file(self, case_list):
+    test_file = CheckerFile("<test_file>")
+    for caseEntry in case_list:
+      case_name = caseEntry[0]
+      test_case = TestCase(test_file, case_name, 0)
+      statement_list = caseEntry[1]
+      for statementEntry in statement_list:
         content = statementEntry[0]
         variant = statementEntry[1]
-        statement = TestStatement(testCase, variant, content, 0)
-        if statement.isEvalContentStatement():
-          statement.addExpression(TestExpression.createPlainText(content))
-        elif statement.isPatternMatchContentStatement():
-          statement.addExpression(TestExpression.createPatternFromPlainText(content))
-    return testFile
+        statement = TestStatement(test_case, variant, content, 0)
+        if statement.is_eval_content_statement():
+          statement.add_expression(TestExpression.create_plain_text(content))
+        elif statement.is_pattern_match_content_statement():
+          statement.add_expression(TestExpression.create_pattern_from_plain_text(content))
+    return test_file
-  def assertParsesTo(self, checkerText, expectedData):
-    expectedFile = self.createFile(expectedData)
-    actualFile = self.parse(checkerText)
-    return self.assertEqual(expectedFile, actualFile)
+  def assertParsesTo(self, checker_text, expected_data):
+    expected_file = self.create_file(expected_data)
+    actual_file = self.parse(checker_text)
+    return self.assertEqual(expected_file, actual_file)
-  def parse(self, checkerText):
-    return ParseCheckerStream("<test_file>", "CHECK", io.StringIO(checkerText))
+  def parse(self, checker_text):
+    return parse_checker_stream("<test_file>", "CHECK", io.StringIO(checker_text))
   def test_EmptyFile(self):
     self.assertParsesTo("", [])
@@ -225,8 +227,8 @@
         /// CHECK:  foo
         /// CHECK:    bar
-      [ ( "Example Group", [ ("foo", TestStatement.Variant.InOrder),
-                             ("bar", TestStatement.Variant.InOrder) ] ) ])
+      [("Example Group", [("foo", TestStatement.Variant.IN_ORDER),
+                          ("bar", TestStatement.Variant.IN_ORDER)])])
   def test_MultipleGroups(self):
@@ -238,10 +240,10 @@
         /// CHECK: abc
         /// CHECK: def
-      [ ( "Example Group1", [ ("foo", TestStatement.Variant.InOrder),
-                              ("bar", TestStatement.Variant.InOrder) ] ),
-        ( "Example Group2", [ ("abc", TestStatement.Variant.InOrder),
-                              ("def", TestStatement.Variant.InOrder) ] ) ])
+      [("Example Group1", [("foo", TestStatement.Variant.IN_ORDER),
+                           ("bar", TestStatement.Variant.IN_ORDER)]),
+       ("Example Group2", [("abc", TestStatement.Variant.IN_ORDER),
+                           ("def", TestStatement.Variant.IN_ORDER)])])
   def test_StatementVariants(self):
@@ -260,18 +262,18 @@
         /// CHECK-ELSE:
         /// CHECK-FI:
-      [ ( "Example Group", [ ("foo1", TestStatement.Variant.InOrder),
-                             ("foo2", TestStatement.Variant.InOrder),
-                             ("foo3", TestStatement.Variant.NextLine),
-                             ("foo4", TestStatement.Variant.NextLine),
-                             ("bar", TestStatement.Variant.Not),
-                             ("abc", TestStatement.Variant.DAG),
-                             ("def", TestStatement.Variant.DAG),
-                             ("x > y", TestStatement.Variant.Eval),
-                             ("x < y", TestStatement.Variant.If),
-                             ("x == y", TestStatement.Variant.Elif),
-                             (None, TestStatement.Variant.Else),
-                             (None, TestStatement.Variant.Fi) ] ) ])
+      [("Example Group", [("foo1", TestStatement.Variant.IN_ORDER),
+                          ("foo2", TestStatement.Variant.IN_ORDER),
+                          ("foo3", TestStatement.Variant.NEXT_LINE),
+                          ("foo4", TestStatement.Variant.NEXT_LINE),
+                          ("bar", TestStatement.Variant.NOT),
+                          ("abc", TestStatement.Variant.DAG),
+                          ("def", TestStatement.Variant.DAG),
+                          ("x > y", TestStatement.Variant.EVAL),
+                          ("x < y", TestStatement.Variant.IF),
+                          ("x == y", TestStatement.Variant.ELIF),
+                          (None, TestStatement.Variant.ELSE),
+                          (None, TestStatement.Variant.FI)])])
   def test_NoContentStatements(self):
     with self.assertRaises(CheckerException):
@@ -287,9 +289,9 @@
           /// CHECK-FI:      foo
-class CheckerParser_SuffixTests(unittest.TestCase):
-  noarch_block = """
+class CheckerParser_SuffixTests(unittest.TestCase):
                   /// CHECK-START: Group
                   /// CHECK:       foo
                   /// CHECK-NEXT:  bar
@@ -302,7 +304,7 @@
                   /// CHECK-FI:
-  arch_block = """
+  ARCH_BLOCK = """
                   /// CHECK-START-{test_arch}: Group
                   /// CHECK:       foo
                   /// CHECK-NEXT:  bar
@@ -315,88 +317,89 @@
                   /// CHECK-FI:
-  def parse(self, checkerText):
-    return ParseCheckerStream("<test_file>", "CHECK", io.StringIO(checkerText))
+  def parse(self, checker_text):
+    return parse_checker_stream("<test_file>", "CHECK", io.StringIO(checker_text))
   def test_NonArchTests(self):
     for arch in [None] + archs_list:
-      checkerFile = self.parse(self.noarch_block)
-      self.assertEqual(len(checkerFile.testCases), 1)
-      self.assertEqual(len(checkerFile.testCases[0].statements), 9)
+      checker_file = self.parse(self.NOARCH_BLOCK)
+      self.assertEqual(len(checker_file.test_cases), 1)
+      self.assertEqual(len(checker_file.test_cases[0].statements), 9)
   def test_IgnoreNonTargetArch(self):
-    for targetArch in archs_list:
-      for testArch in [a for a in archs_list if a != targetArch]:
-        checkerText = self.arch_block.format(test_arch = testArch)
-        checkerFile = self.parse(checkerText)
-        self.assertEqual(len(checkerFile.testCases), 1)
-        self.assertEqual(len(checkerFile.testCasesForArch(testArch)), 1)
-        self.assertEqual(len(checkerFile.testCasesForArch(targetArch)), 0)
+    for target_arch in archs_list:
+      for test_arch in [a for a in archs_list if a != target_arch]:
+        checker_text = self.ARCH_BLOCK.format(test_arch=test_arch)
+        checker_file = self.parse(checker_text)
+        self.assertEqual(len(checker_file.test_cases), 1)
+        self.assertEqual(len(checker_file.test_cases_for_arch(test_arch)), 1)
+        self.assertEqual(len(checker_file.test_cases_for_arch(target_arch)), 0)
   def test_Arch(self):
     for arch in archs_list:
-      checkerText = self.arch_block.format(test_arch = arch)
-      checkerFile = self.parse(checkerText)
-      self.assertEqual(len(checkerFile.testCases), 1)
-      self.assertEqual(len(checkerFile.testCasesForArch(arch)), 1)
-      self.assertEqual(len(checkerFile.testCases[0].statements), 9)
+      checker_text = self.ARCH_BLOCK.format(test_arch=arch)
+      checker_file = self.parse(checker_text)
+      self.assertEqual(len(checker_file.test_cases), 1)
+      self.assertEqual(len(checker_file.test_cases_for_arch(arch)), 1)
+      self.assertEqual(len(checker_file.test_cases[0].statements), 9)
   def test_NoDebugAndArch(self):
-    testCase = self.parse("""
+    test_case = self.parse("""
         /// CHECK-START: Group
         /// CHECK: foo
-        """).testCases[0]
-    self.assertFalse(testCase.forDebuggable)
-    self.assertEqual(testCase.testArch, None)
+        """).test_cases[0]
+    self.assertFalse(test_case.for_debuggable)
+    self.assertEqual(test_case.test_arch, None)
   def test_SetDebugNoArch(self):
-    testCase = self.parse("""
+    test_case = self.parse("""
         /// CHECK-START-DEBUGGABLE: Group
         /// CHECK: foo
-        """).testCases[0]
-    self.assertTrue(testCase.forDebuggable)
-    self.assertEqual(testCase.testArch, None)
+        """).test_cases[0]
+    self.assertTrue(test_case.for_debuggable)
+    self.assertEqual(test_case.test_arch, None)
   def test_NoDebugSetArch(self):
-    testCase = self.parse("""
+    test_case = self.parse("""
         /// CHECK-START-ARM: Group
         /// CHECK: foo
-        """).testCases[0]
-    self.assertFalse(testCase.forDebuggable)
-    self.assertEqual(testCase.testArch, "ARM")
+        """).test_cases[0]
+    self.assertFalse(test_case.for_debuggable)
+    self.assertEqual(test_case.test_arch, "ARM")
   def test_SetDebugAndArch(self):
-    testCase = self.parse("""
+    test_case = self.parse("""
         /// CHECK: foo
-        """).testCases[0]
-    self.assertTrue(testCase.forDebuggable)
-    self.assertEqual(testCase.testArch, "ARM")
+        """).test_cases[0]
+    self.assertTrue(test_case.for_debuggable)
+    self.assertEqual(test_case.test_arch, "ARM")
 class CheckerParser_EvalTests(unittest.TestCase):
-  def parseTestCase(self, string):
-    checkerText = "/// CHECK-START: pass\n" + string
-    checkerFile = ParseCheckerStream("<test-file>", "CHECK", io.StringIO(checkerText))
-    self.assertEqual(len(checkerFile.testCases), 1)
-    return checkerFile.testCases[0]
+  def parse_test_case(self, string):
+    checker_text = "/// CHECK-START: pass\n" + string
+    checker_file = parse_checker_stream("<test-file>", "CHECK", io.StringIO(checker_text))
+    self.assertEqual(len(checker_file.test_cases), 1)
+    return checker_file.test_cases[0]
-  def parseExpressions(self, string):
-    testCase = self.parseTestCase("/// CHECK-EVAL: " + string)
-    self.assertEqual(len(testCase.statements), 1)
-    statement = testCase.statements[0]
-    self.assertEqual(statement.variant, TestStatement.Variant.Eval)
-    self.assertEqual(statement.originalText, string)
+  def parse_expressions(self, string):
+    test_case = self.parse_test_case("/// CHECK-EVAL: " + string)
+    self.assertEqual(len(test_case.statements), 1)
+    statement = test_case.statements[0]
+    self.assertEqual(statement.variant, TestStatement.Variant.EVAL)
+    self.assertEqual(statement.original_text, string)
     return statement.expressions
   def assertParsesToPlainText(self, text):
-    testCase = self.parseTestCase("/// CHECK-EVAL: " + text)
-    self.assertEqual(len(testCase.statements), 1)
-    statement = testCase.statements[0]
-    self.assertEqual(statement.variant, TestStatement.Variant.Eval)
-    self.assertEqual(statement.originalText, text)
+    test_case = self.parse_test_case("/// CHECK-EVAL: " + text)
+    self.assertEqual(len(test_case.statements), 1)
+    statement = test_case.statements[0]
+    self.assertEqual(statement.variant, TestStatement.Variant.EVAL)
+    self.assertEqual(statement.original_text, text)
     self.assertEqual(len(statement.expressions), 1)
     expression = statement.expressions[0]
-    self.assertEqual(expression.variant, TestExpression.Variant.PlainText)
+    self.assertEqual(expression.variant, TestExpression.Variant.PLAIN_TEXT)
     self.assertEqual(expression.text, text)
   def test_PlainText(self):
@@ -407,25 +410,25 @@
   def test_VariableReference(self):
-    self.assertEqual(self.parseExpressions("<<ABC>>"),
-                     [ TestExpression.createVariableReference("ABC") ])
-    self.assertEqual(self.parseExpressions("123<<ABC>>"),
-                     [ TestExpression.createPlainText("123"),
-                       TestExpression.createVariableReference("ABC") ])
-    self.assertEqual(self.parseExpressions("123  <<ABC>>"),
-                     [ TestExpression.createPlainText("123  "),
-                       TestExpression.createVariableReference("ABC") ])
-    self.assertEqual(self.parseExpressions("<<ABC>>XYZ"),
-                     [ TestExpression.createVariableReference("ABC"),
-                       TestExpression.createPlainText("XYZ") ])
-    self.assertEqual(self.parseExpressions("<<ABC>>   XYZ"),
-                     [ TestExpression.createVariableReference("ABC"),
-                       TestExpression.createPlainText("   XYZ") ])
-    self.assertEqual(self.parseExpressions("123<<ABC>>XYZ"),
-                     [ TestExpression.createPlainText("123"),
-                       TestExpression.createVariableReference("ABC"),
-                       TestExpression.createPlainText("XYZ") ])
-    self.assertEqual(self.parseExpressions("123 <<ABC>>  XYZ"),
-                     [ TestExpression.createPlainText("123 "),
-                       TestExpression.createVariableReference("ABC"),
-                       TestExpression.createPlainText("  XYZ") ])
+    self.assertEqual(self.parse_expressions("<<ABC>>"),
+                     [TestExpression.create_variable_reference("ABC")])
+    self.assertEqual(self.parse_expressions("123<<ABC>>"),
+                     [TestExpression.create_plain_text("123"),
+                      TestExpression.create_variable_reference("ABC")])
+    self.assertEqual(self.parse_expressions("123  <<ABC>>"),
+                     [TestExpression.create_plain_text("123  "),
+                      TestExpression.create_variable_reference("ABC")])
+    self.assertEqual(self.parse_expressions("<<ABC>>XYZ"),
+                     [TestExpression.create_variable_reference("ABC"),
+                      TestExpression.create_plain_text("XYZ")])
+    self.assertEqual(self.parse_expressions("<<ABC>>   XYZ"),
+                     [TestExpression.create_variable_reference("ABC"),
+                      TestExpression.create_plain_text("   XYZ")])
+    self.assertEqual(self.parse_expressions("123<<ABC>>XYZ"),
+                     [TestExpression.create_plain_text("123"),
+                      TestExpression.create_variable_reference("ABC"),
+                      TestExpression.create_plain_text("XYZ")])
+    self.assertEqual(self.parse_expressions("123 <<ABC>>  XYZ"),
+                     [TestExpression.create_plain_text("123 "),
+                      TestExpression.create_variable_reference("ABC"),
+                      TestExpression.create_plain_text("  XYZ")])
diff --git a/tools/checker/file_format/ b/tools/checker/file_format/
index 4931550..3127321 100644
--- a/tools/checker/file_format/
+++ b/tools/checker/file_format/
@@ -12,7 +12,8 @@
 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 # limitations under the License.
-def SplitStream(stream, fnProcessLine, fnLineOutsideChunk):
+def split_stream(stream, fn_process_line, fn_line_outside_chunk):
   """ Reads the given input stream and splits it into chunks based on
       information extracted from individual lines.
@@ -24,12 +25,12 @@
    - fnLineOutsideChunk: Called on attempt to attach data prior to creating
      a chunk.
-  lineNo = 0
-  allChunks = []
-  currentChunk = None
+  line_no = 0
+  all_chunks = []
+  current_chunk = None
   for line in stream:
-    lineNo += 1
+    line_no += 1
     line = line.strip()
     if not line:
@@ -37,15 +38,15 @@
     # Let the child class process the line and return information about it.
     # The _processLine method can modify the content of the line (or delete it
     # entirely) and specify whether it starts a new group.
-    processedLine, newChunkName, testArch = fnProcessLine(line, lineNo)
+    processed_line, new_chunk_name, test_arch = fn_process_line(line, line_no)
     # Currently, only a full chunk can be specified as architecture-specific.
-    assert testArch is None or newChunkName is not None
-    if newChunkName is not None:
-      currentChunk = (newChunkName, [], lineNo, testArch)
-      allChunks.append(currentChunk)
-    if processedLine is not None:
-      if currentChunk is not None:
-        currentChunk[1].append(processedLine)
+    assert test_arch is None or new_chunk_name is not None
+    if new_chunk_name is not None:
+      current_chunk = (new_chunk_name, [], line_no, test_arch)
+      all_chunks.append(current_chunk)
+    if processed_line is not None:
+      if current_chunk is not None:
+        current_chunk[1].append(processed_line)
-        fnLineOutsideChunk(line, lineNo)
-  return allChunks
+        fn_line_outside_chunk(line, line_no)
+  return all_chunks
diff --git a/tools/checker/match/ b/tools/checker/match/
index 6f36313..1df8324 100644
--- a/tools/checker/match/
+++ b/tools/checker/match/
@@ -17,21 +17,24 @@
 from common.immutables import ImmutableDict
 from common.logger import Logger
 from file_format.checker.struct import TestStatement
-from match.line import MatchLines, EvaluateLine
+from match.line import match_lines, evaluate_line
 MatchScope = namedtuple("MatchScope", ["start", "end"])
 MatchInfo = namedtuple("MatchInfo", ["scope", "variables"])
 class MatchFailedException(Exception):
-  def __init__(self, statement, lineNo, variables):
+  def __init__(self, statement, line_no, variables):
     self.statement = statement
-    self.lineNo = lineNo
+    self.line_no = line_no
     self.variables = variables
 class BadStructureException(Exception):
-  def __init__(self, msg, lineNo):
+  def __init__(self, msg, line_no):
     self.msg = msg
-    self.lineNo = lineNo
+    self.line_no = line_no
 class IfStack:
@@ -41,11 +44,11 @@
   statements, and consequently update the stack with new information.
   The following elements can appear on the stack:
-  - BranchTaken: a branch is taken if its condition evaluates to true and
+  - BRANCH_TAKEN: a branch is taken if its condition evaluates to true and
     its parent branch was also previously taken.
-  - BranchNotTakenYet: the branch's parent was taken, but this branch wasn't as its
+  - BRANCH_NOT_TAKEN_YET: the branch's parent was taken, but this branch wasn't as its
     condition did not evaluate to true.
-  - BranchNotTaken: a branch is not taken when its parent was either NotTaken or NotTakenYet.
+  - BRANCH_NOT_TAKEN: a branch is not taken when its parent was either NotTaken or NotTakenYet.
     It doesn't matter if the condition would evaluate to true, that's not even checked.
   CHECK-IF is the only instruction that pushes a new element on the stack. CHECK-ELIF
@@ -54,110 +57,111 @@
   processed just by looking at the top of the stack.
   CHECK-FI will pop the last element.
-  `BranchTaken`, `BranchNotTaken`, `BranchNotTakenYet` are implemented as positive integers.
-  Negated values of `BranchTaken` and `BranchNotTaken` may be appear; `-BranchTaken` and
-  `-BranchNotTaken` have the same meaning as `BranchTaken` and `BranchNotTaken`
+  `BRANCH_TAKEN`, `BRANCH_NOT_TAKEN`, `BRANCH_NOT_TAKEN_YET` are implemented as positive integers.
+  Negated values of `BRANCH_TAKEN` and `BRANCH_NOT_TAKEN` may be appear; `-BRANCH_TAKEN` and
+  `-BRANCH_NOT_TAKEN` have the same meaning as `BRANCH_TAKEN` and `BRANCH_NOT_TAKEN`
   (respectively), but they indicate that we went past the ELSE branch. Knowing that, we can
   output a precise error message if the user creates a malformed branching structure.
-  BranchTaken, BranchNotTaken, BranchNotTakenYet = range(1, 4)
   def __init__(self):
     self.stack = []
-  def CanExecute(self):
+  def can_execute(self):
     Returns true if we're not in any branch, or the branch we're
     currently in was taken.
-    if self.__isEmpty():
+    if self._is_empty():
       return True
-    return abs(self.__peek()) == IfStack.BranchTaken
+    return abs(self._peek()) == IfStack.BRANCH_TAKEN
-  def Handle(self, statement, variables):
+  def handle(self, statement, variables):
     This function is invoked if the cursor is pointing to a
     CHECK-[IF, ELIF, ELSE, FI] line.
     variant = statement.variant
-    if variant is TestStatement.Variant.If:
-      self.__if(statement, variables)
-    elif variant is TestStatement.Variant.Elif:
-      self.__elif(statement, variables)
-    elif variant is TestStatement.Variant.Else:
-      self.__else(statement)
+    if variant is TestStatement.Variant.IF:
+      self._if(statement, variables)
+    elif variant is TestStatement.Variant.ELIF:
+      self._elif(statement, variables)
+    elif variant is TestStatement.Variant.ELSE:
+      self._else(statement)
-      assert variant is TestStatement.Variant.Fi
-      self.__fi(statement)
+      assert variant is TestStatement.Variant.FI
+      self._fi(statement)
-  def Eof(self):
+  def eof(self):
     The last line the cursor points to is always EOF.
-    if not self.__isEmpty():
+    if not self._is_empty():
       raise BadStructureException("Missing CHECK-FI", -1)
-  def __isEmpty(self):
-    return len(self.stack) == 0
+  def _is_empty(self):
+    return not self.stack
-  def __if(self, statement, variables):
-    if not self.__isEmpty() and abs(self.__peek()) in [ IfStack.BranchNotTaken,
-                                                        IfStack.BranchNotTakenYet ]:
-      self.__push(IfStack.BranchNotTaken)
-    elif EvaluateLine(statement, variables):
-      self.__push(IfStack.BranchTaken)
+  def _if(self, statement, variables):
+    if not self._is_empty() and abs(self._peek()) in [IfStack.BRANCH_NOT_TAKEN,
+                                                      IfStack.BRANCH_NOT_TAKEN_YET]:
+      self._push(IfStack.BRANCH_NOT_TAKEN)
+    elif evaluate_line(statement, variables):
+      self._push(IfStack.BRANCH_TAKEN)
-      self.__push(IfStack.BranchNotTakenYet)
+      self._push(IfStack.BRANCH_NOT_TAKEN_YET)
-  def __elif(self, statement, variables):
-    if self.__isEmpty():
+  def _elif(self, statement, variables):
+    if self._is_empty():
       raise BadStructureException("CHECK-ELIF must be after CHECK-IF or CHECK-ELIF",
-                                  statement.lineNo)
-    if self.__peek() < 0:
-      raise BadStructureException("CHECK-ELIF cannot be after CHECK-ELSE", statement.lineNo)
-    if self.__peek() == IfStack.BranchTaken:
-      self.__setLast(IfStack.BranchNotTaken)
-    elif self.__peek() == IfStack.BranchNotTakenYet:
-      if EvaluateLine(statement, variables):
-        self.__setLast(IfStack.BranchTaken)
+                                  statement.line_no)
+    if self._peek() < 0:
+      raise BadStructureException("CHECK-ELIF cannot be after CHECK-ELSE", statement.line_no)
+    if self._peek() == IfStack.BRANCH_TAKEN:
+      self._set_last(IfStack.BRANCH_NOT_TAKEN)
+    elif self._peek() == IfStack.BRANCH_NOT_TAKEN_YET:
+      if evaluate_line(statement, variables):
+        self._set_last(IfStack.BRANCH_TAKEN)
       # else, the CHECK-ELIF condition is False, so do nothing: the last element on the stack is
-      # already set to BranchNotTakenYet.
+      # already set to BRANCH_NOT_TAKEN_YET.
-      assert self.__peek() == IfStack.BranchNotTaken
+      assert self._peek() == IfStack.BRANCH_NOT_TAKEN
-  def __else(self, statement):
-    if self.__isEmpty():
+  def _else(self, statement):
+    if self._is_empty():
       raise BadStructureException("CHECK-ELSE must be after CHECK-IF or CHECK-ELIF",
-                                  statement.lineNo)
-    if self.__peek() < 0:
-      raise BadStructureException("Consecutive CHECK-ELSE statements", statement.lineNo)
-    if self.__peek() in [ IfStack.BranchTaken, IfStack.BranchNotTaken ]:
-      # Notice that we're setting -BranchNotTaken rather that BranchNotTaken as we went past the
+                                  statement.line_no)
+    if self._peek() < 0:
+      raise BadStructureException("Consecutive CHECK-ELSE statements", statement.line_no)
+    if self._peek() in [IfStack.BRANCH_TAKEN, IfStack.BRANCH_NOT_TAKEN]:
+      # Notice that we're setting -BRANCH_NOT_TAKEN rather that BRANCH_NOT_TAKEN as we went past the
       # ELSE branch.
-      self.__setLast(-IfStack.BranchNotTaken)
+      self._set_last(-IfStack.BRANCH_NOT_TAKEN)
-      assert self.__peek() == IfStack.BranchNotTakenYet
-      # Setting -BranchTaken rather BranchTaken for the same reason.
-      self.__setLast(-IfStack.BranchTaken)
+      assert self._peek() == IfStack.BRANCH_NOT_TAKEN_YET
+      # Setting -BRANCH_TAKEN rather BRANCH_TAKEN for the same reason.
+      self._set_last(-IfStack.BRANCH_TAKEN)
-  def __fi(self, statement):
-    if self.__isEmpty():
-      raise BadStructureException("CHECK-FI does not have a matching CHECK-IF", statement.lineNo)
+  def _fi(self, statement):
+    if self._is_empty():
+      raise BadStructureException("CHECK-FI does not have a matching CHECK-IF", statement.line_no)
-  def __peek(self):
-    assert not self.__isEmpty()
+  def _peek(self):
+    assert not self._is_empty()
     return self.stack[-1]
-  def __push(self, element):
+  def _push(self, element):
-  def __setLast(self, element):
+  def _set_last(self, element):
     self.stack[-1] = element
-def findMatchingLine(statement, c1Pass, scope, variables, excludeLines=[]):
-  """ Finds the first line in `c1Pass` which matches `statement`.
+def find_matching_line(statement, c1_pass, scope, variables, exclude_lines=[]):
+  """ Finds the first line in `c1_pass` which matches `statement`.
   Scan only lines numbered between `scope.start` and `scope.end` and not on the
   `excludeLines` list.
@@ -168,33 +172,35 @@
   Raises MatchFailedException if no such `c1Pass` line can be found.
   for i in range(scope.start, scope.end):
-    if i in excludeLines: continue
-    newVariables = MatchLines(statement, c1Pass.body[i], variables)
-    if newVariables is not None:
-      return MatchInfo(MatchScope(i, i), newVariables)
+    if i in exclude_lines:
+      continue
+    new_variables = match_lines(statement, c1_pass.body[i], variables)
+    if new_variables is not None:
+      return MatchInfo(MatchScope(i, i), new_variables)
   raise MatchFailedException(statement, scope.start, variables)
-class ExecutionState(object):
-  def __init__(self, c1Pass, variables={}):
-    self.cursor = 0
-    self.c1Pass = c1Pass
-    self.c1Length = len(c1Pass.body)
-    self.variables = ImmutableDict(variables)
-    self.dagQueue = []
-    self.notQueue = []
-    self.ifStack = IfStack()
-    self.lastVariant = None
-  def moveCursor(self, match):
+class ExecutionState(object):
+  def __init__(self, c1_pass, variables={}):
+    self.cursor = 0
+    self.c1_pass = c1_pass
+    self.c1_length = len(c1_pass.body)
+    self.variables = ImmutableDict(variables)
+    self.dag_queue = []
+    self.not_queue = []
+    self.if_stack = IfStack()
+    self.last_variant = None
+  def move_cursor(self, match):
     assert self.cursor <= match.scope.end
     # Handle any pending NOT statements before moving the cursor
-    self.handleNotQueue(MatchScope(self.cursor, match.scope.start))
+    self.handle_not_queue(MatchScope(self.cursor, match.scope.start))
     self.cursor = match.scope.end + 1
     self.variables = match.variables
-  def handleDagQueue(self, scope):
+  def handle_dag_queue(self, scope):
     """ Attempts to find matching `c1Pass` lines for a group of DAG statements.
     Statements are matched in the list order and variable values propagated. Only
@@ -205,154 +211,156 @@
     Raises MatchFailedException when a statement cannot be satisfied.
-    if not self.dagQueue:
+    if not self.dag_queue:
-    matchedLines = []
+    matched_lines = []
     variables = self.variables
-    for statement in self.dagQueue:
+    for statement in self.dag_queue:
       assert statement.variant == TestStatement.Variant.DAG
-      match = findMatchingLine(statement, self.c1Pass, scope, variables, matchedLines)
+      match = find_matching_line(statement, self.c1_pass, scope, variables, matched_lines)
       variables = match.variables
       assert match.scope.start == match.scope.end
-      assert match.scope.start not in matchedLines
-      matchedLines.append(match.scope.start)
+      assert match.scope.start not in matched_lines
+      matched_lines.append(match.scope.start)
-    match = MatchInfo(MatchScope(min(matchedLines), max(matchedLines)), variables)
-    self.dagQueue = []
-    self.moveCursor(match)
+    match = MatchInfo(MatchScope(min(matched_lines), max(matched_lines)), variables)
+    self.dag_queue = []
+    self.move_cursor(match)
-  def handleNotQueue(self, scope):
+  def handle_not_queue(self, scope):
     """ Verifies that none of the given NOT statements matches a line inside
         the given `scope` of `c1Pass` lines.
     Raises MatchFailedException if a statement matches a line in the scope.
-    for statement in self.notQueue:
-      assert statement.variant == TestStatement.Variant.Not
+    for statement in self.not_queue:
+      assert statement.variant == TestStatement.Variant.NOT
       for i in range(scope.start, scope.end):
-        if MatchLines(statement, self.c1Pass.body[i], self.variables) is not None:
+        if match_lines(statement, self.c1_pass.body[i], self.variables) is not None:
           raise MatchFailedException(statement, i, self.variables)
-    self.notQueue = []
+    self.not_queue = []
-  def handleEOF(self):
+  def handle_eof(self):
     """ EOF marker always moves the cursor to the end of the file."""
-    match = MatchInfo(MatchScope(self.c1Length, self.c1Length), None)
-    self.moveCursor(match)
+    match = MatchInfo(MatchScope(self.c1_length, self.c1_length), None)
+    self.move_cursor(match)
-  def handleInOrder(self, statement):
+  def handle_in_order(self, statement):
     """ Single in-order statement. Find the first line that matches and move
         the cursor to the subsequent line.
     Raises MatchFailedException if no such line can be found.
-    scope = MatchScope(self.cursor, self.c1Length)
-    match = findMatchingLine(statement, self.c1Pass, scope, self.variables)
-    self.moveCursor(match)
+    scope = MatchScope(self.cursor, self.c1_length)
+    match = find_matching_line(statement, self.c1_pass, scope, self.variables)
+    self.move_cursor(match)
-  def handleNextLine(self, statement):
+  def handle_next_line(self, statement):
     """ Single next-line statement. Test if the current line matches and move
         the cursor to the next line if it does.
     Raises MatchFailedException if the current line does not match.
-    if self.lastVariant not in [ TestStatement.Variant.InOrder, TestStatement.Variant.NextLine ]:
+    if self.last_variant not in [TestStatement.Variant.IN_ORDER, TestStatement.Variant.NEXT_LINE]:
       raise BadStructureException("A next-line statement can only be placed "
-                  "after an in-order statement or another next-line statement.",
-                  statement.lineNo)
+                                  "after an in-order statement or another next-line statement.",
+                                  statement.line_no)
     scope = MatchScope(self.cursor, self.cursor + 1)
-    match = findMatchingLine(statement, self.c1Pass, scope, self.variables)
-    self.moveCursor(match)
+    match = find_matching_line(statement, self.c1_pass, scope, self.variables)
+    self.move_cursor(match)
-  def handleEval(self, statement):
+  def handle_eval(self, statement):
     """ Evaluates the statement in the current context.
     Raises MatchFailedException if the expression evaluates to False.
-    if not EvaluateLine(statement, self.variables):
+    if not evaluate_line(statement, self.variables):
       raise MatchFailedException(statement, self.cursor, self.variables)
   def handle(self, statement):
     variant = None if statement is None else statement.variant
-    if variant in [ TestStatement.Variant.If,
-                    TestStatement.Variant.Elif,
-                    TestStatement.Variant.Else,
-                    TestStatement.Variant.Fi ]:
-      self.ifStack.Handle(statement, self.variables)
+    if variant in [TestStatement.Variant.IF,
+                   TestStatement.Variant.ELIF,
+                   TestStatement.Variant.ELSE,
+                   TestStatement.Variant.FI]:
+      self.if_stack.handle(statement, self.variables)
     if variant is None:
-      self.ifStack.Eof()
+      self.if_stack.eof()
-    if not self.ifStack.CanExecute():
+    if not self.if_stack.can_execute():
     # First non-DAG statement always triggers execution of any preceding
     # DAG statements.
     if variant is not TestStatement.Variant.DAG:
-      self.handleDagQueue(MatchScope(self.cursor, self.c1Length))
+      self.handle_dag_queue(MatchScope(self.cursor, self.c1_length))
     if variant is None:
-      self.handleEOF()
-    elif variant is TestStatement.Variant.InOrder:
-      self.handleInOrder(statement)
-    elif variant is TestStatement.Variant.NextLine:
-      self.handleNextLine(statement)
+      self.handle_eof()
+    elif variant is TestStatement.Variant.IN_ORDER:
+      self.handle_in_order(statement)
+    elif variant is TestStatement.Variant.NEXT_LINE:
+      self.handle_next_line(statement)
     elif variant is TestStatement.Variant.DAG:
-      self.dagQueue.append(statement)
-    elif variant is TestStatement.Variant.Not:
-      self.notQueue.append(statement)
+      self.dag_queue.append(statement)
+    elif variant is TestStatement.Variant.NOT:
+      self.not_queue.append(statement)
-      assert variant is TestStatement.Variant.Eval
-      self.handleEval(statement)
+      assert variant is TestStatement.Variant.EVAL
+      self.handle_eval(statement)
-    self.lastVariant = variant
+    self.last_variant = variant
-def MatchTestCase(testCase, c1Pass, instructionSetFeatures):
+def match_test_case(test_case, c1_pass, instruction_set_features):
   """ Runs a test case against a C1visualizer graph dump.
   Raises MatchFailedException when a statement cannot be satisfied.
-  assert ==
+  assert ==
-  initialVariables = {"ISA_FEATURES": instructionSetFeatures}
-  state = ExecutionState(c1Pass, initialVariables)
-  testStatements = testCase.statements + [ None ]
-  for statement in testStatements:
+  initial_variables = {"ISA_FEATURES": instruction_set_features}
+  state = ExecutionState(c1_pass, initial_variables)
+  test_statements = test_case.statements + [None]
+  for statement in test_statements:
-def MatchFiles(checkerFile, c1File, targetArch, debuggableMode, printCfg):
-  for testCase in checkerFile.testCases:
-    if testCase.testArch not in [None, targetArch]:
+def match_files(checker_file, c1_file, target_arch, debuggable_mode, print_cfg):
+  for test_case in checker_file.test_cases:
+    if test_case.test_arch not in [None, target_arch]:
-    if testCase.forDebuggable != debuggableMode:
+    if test_case.for_debuggable != debuggable_mode:
     # TODO: Currently does not handle multiple occurrences of the same group
     # name, e.g. when a pass is run multiple times. It will always try to
     # match a check group against the first output group of the same name.
-    c1Pass = c1File.findPass(
-    if c1Pass is None:
-      with open(c1File.fullFileName) as cfgFile:
-        Logger.log(''.join(cfgFile), Logger.Level.ERROR)
+    c1_pass = c1_file.find_pass(
+    if c1_pass is None:
+      with open(c1_file.full_file_name) as cfg_file:
+        Logger.log("".join(cfg_file), Logger.Level.ERROR)"Test case not found in the CFG file",
-                  testCase.fullFileName, testCase.startLineNo,
+                  test_case.full_file_name, test_case.start_line_no,
-    Logger.startTest(
+    Logger.start_test(
-      MatchTestCase(testCase, c1Pass, c1File.instructionSetFeatures)
-      Logger.testPassed()
+      match_test_case(test_case, c1_pass, c1_file.instruction_set_features)
+      Logger.test_passed()
     except MatchFailedException as e:
-      lineNo = c1Pass.startLineNo + e.lineNo
-      if e.statement.variant == TestStatement.Variant.Not:
+      line_no = c1_pass.start_line_no + e.line_no
+      if e.statement.variant == TestStatement.Variant.NOT:
         msg = "NOT statement matched line {}"
         msg = "Statement could not be matched starting from line {}"
-      msg = msg.format(lineNo)
-      if printCfg:
-        with open(c1File.fullFileName) as cfgFile:
-          Logger.log(''.join(cfgFile), Logger.Level.Error)
-      Logger.testFailed(msg, e.statement, e.variables)
+      msg = msg.format(line_no)
+      if print_cfg:
+        with open(c1_file.full_file_name) as cfg_file:
+          Logger.log("".join(cfg_file), Logger.Level.ERROR)
+      Logger.test_failed(msg, e.statement, e.variables)
diff --git a/tools/checker/match/ b/tools/checker/match/
index 91450a5..f6fa92f 100644
--- a/tools/checker/match/
+++ b/tools/checker/match/
@@ -12,106 +12,117 @@
 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 # limitations under the License.
-from common.logger              import Logger
+from common.logger import Logger
 from file_format.checker.struct import TestExpression, TestStatement
+# Required for eval.
 import os
 import re
-def headAndTail(list):
+def head_and_tail(list):
   return list[0], list[1:]
-def splitAtSeparators(expressions):
-  """ Splits a list of TestExpressions at separators. """
-  splitExpressions = []
-  wordStart = 0
-  for index, expression in enumerate(expressions):
-    if expression.variant == TestExpression.Variant.Separator:
-      splitExpressions.append(expressions[wordStart:index])
-      wordStart = index + 1
-  splitExpressions.append(expressions[wordStart:])
-  return splitExpressions
-def getVariable(name, variables, pos):
+def split_at_separators(expressions):
+  """ Splits a list of TestExpressions at separators. """
+  split_expressions = []
+  word_start = 0
+  for index, expression in enumerate(expressions):
+    if expression.variant == TestExpression.Variant.SEPARATOR:
+      split_expressions.append(expressions[word_start:index])
+      word_start = index + 1
+  split_expressions.append(expressions[word_start:])
+  return split_expressions
+def get_variable(name, variables, pos):
   if name in variables:
     return variables[name]
-    Logger.testFailed("Missing definition of variable \"{}\"".format(name), pos, variables)
+    Logger.test_failed('Missing definition of variable "{}"'.format(name), pos, variables)
-def setVariable(name, value, variables, pos):
+def set_variable(name, value, variables, pos):
   if name not in variables:
-    return variables.copyWith(name, value)
+    return variables.copy_with(name, value)
-    Logger.testFailed("Multiple definitions of variable \"{}\"".format(name), pos, variables)
+    Logger.test_failed('Multiple definitions of variable "{}"'.format(name), pos, variables)
-def matchWords(checkerWord, stringWord, variables, pos):
+def match_words(checker_word, string_word, variables, pos):
   """ Attempts to match a list of TestExpressions against a string.
       Returns updated variable dictionary if successful and None otherwise.
-  for expression in checkerWord:
+  for expression in checker_word:
     # If `expression` is a variable reference, replace it with the value.
-    if expression.variant == TestExpression.Variant.VarRef:
-      pattern = re.escape(getVariable(, variables, pos))
+    if expression.variant == TestExpression.Variant.VAR_REF:
+      pattern = re.escape(get_variable(, variables, pos))
       pattern = expression.text
     # Match the expression's regex pattern against the remainder of the word.
     # Note: re.match will succeed only if matched from the beginning.
-    match = re.match(pattern, stringWord)
+    match = re.match(pattern, string_word)
     if not match:
       return None
     # If `expression` was a variable definition, set the variable's value.
-    if expression.variant == TestExpression.Variant.VarDef:
-      variables = setVariable(, stringWord[:match.end()], variables, pos)
+    if expression.variant == TestExpression.Variant.VAR_DEF:
+      variables = set_variable(, string_word[:match.end()], variables, pos)
     # Move cursor by deleting the matched characters.
-    stringWord = stringWord[match.end():]
+    string_word = string_word[match.end():]
   # Make sure the entire word matched, i.e. `stringWord` is empty.
-  if stringWord:
+  if string_word:
     return None
   return variables
-def MatchLines(checkerLine, stringLine, variables):
+def match_lines(checker_line, string_line, variables):
   """ Attempts to match a CHECK line against a string. Returns variable state
       after the match if successful and None otherwise.
-  assert checkerLine.variant != TestStatement.Variant.Eval
+  assert checker_line.variant != TestStatement.Variant.EVAL
-  checkerWords = splitAtSeparators(checkerLine.expressions)
-  stringWords = stringLine.split()
+  checker_words = split_at_separators(checker_line.expressions)
+  string_words = string_line.split()
-  while checkerWords:
+  while checker_words:
     # Get the next run of TestExpressions which must match one string word.
-    checkerWord, checkerWords = headAndTail(checkerWords)
+    checker_word, checker_words = head_and_tail(checker_words)
     # Keep reading words until a match is found.
-    wordMatched = False
-    while stringWords:
-      stringWord, stringWords = headAndTail(stringWords)
-      newVariables = matchWords(checkerWord, stringWord, variables, checkerLine)
-      if newVariables is not None:
-        wordMatched = True
-        variables = newVariables
+    word_matched = False
+    while string_words:
+      string_word, string_words = head_and_tail(string_words)
+      new_variables = match_words(checker_word, string_word, variables, checker_line)
+      if new_variables is not None:
+        word_matched = True
+        variables = new_variables
-    if not wordMatched:
+    if not word_matched:
       return None
   # All TestExpressions matched. Return new variable state.
   return variables
-def getEvalText(expression, variables, pos):
-  if expression.variant == TestExpression.Variant.PlainText:
+def get_eval_text(expression, variables, pos):
+  if expression.variant == TestExpression.Variant.PLAIN_TEXT:
     return expression.text
-    assert expression.variant == TestExpression.Variant.VarRef
-    return getVariable(, variables, pos)
+    assert expression.variant == TestExpression.Variant.VAR_REF
+    return get_variable(, variables, pos)
-def EvaluateLine(checkerLine, variables):
-  assert checkerLine.isEvalContentStatement()
+def evaluate_line(checker_line, variables):
+  assert checker_line.is_eval_content_statement()
+  # Required for eval.
   hasIsaFeature = lambda feature: variables["ISA_FEATURES"].get(feature, False)
-  eval_string = "".join(map(lambda expr: getEvalText(expr, variables, checkerLine),
-                            checkerLine.expressions))
+  eval_string = "".join(get_eval_text(expr,
+                                      variables,
+                                      checker_line) for expr in checker_line.expressions)
   return eval(eval_string)
diff --git a/tools/checker/match/ b/tools/checker/match/
index 5e43fa0..adebd6d 100644
--- a/tools/checker/match/
+++ b/tools/checker/match/
@@ -12,34 +12,36 @@
 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 # limitations under the License.
-from common.immutables               import ImmutableDict
-from file_format.c1visualizer.parser import ParseC1visualizerStream
-from file_format.checker.parser      import ParseCheckerStream, ParseCheckerStatement
-from file_format.checker.struct      import CheckerFile, TestCase, TestStatement
-from match.file                      import MatchTestCase, MatchFailedException, \
-                                            BadStructureException
-from match.line                      import MatchLines
+from common.immutables import ImmutableDict
+from file_format.c1visualizer.parser import parse_c1_visualizer_stream
+from file_format.checker.parser import parse_checker_stream, parse_checker_statement
+from file_format.checker.struct import CheckerFile, TestCase, TestStatement
+from match.file import match_test_case, MatchFailedException, BadStructureException
+from match.line import match_lines
 import io
 import unittest
 CheckerException = SystemExit
 class MatchLines_Test(unittest.TestCase):
-  def createTestStatement(self, checkerString):
-    checkerFile = CheckerFile("<checker-file>")
-    testCase = TestCase(checkerFile, "TestMethod TestPass", 0)
-    return ParseCheckerStatement(testCase, checkerString, TestStatement.Variant.InOrder, 0)
+  def create_test_statement(self, checker_string):
+    checker_file = CheckerFile("<checker-file>")
+    test_case = TestCase(checker_file, "TestMethod TestPass", 0)
+    return parse_checker_statement(test_case, checker_string, TestStatement.Variant.IN_ORDER, 0)
-  def tryMatch(self, checkerString, c1String, varState={}):
-    return MatchLines(self.createTestStatement(checkerString), c1String, ImmutableDict(varState))
+  def try_match(self, checker_string, c1_string, var_state={}):
+    return match_lines(self.create_test_statement(checker_string),
+                       c1_string,
+                       ImmutableDict(var_state))
-  def assertMatches(self, checkerString, c1String, varState={}):
-    self.assertIsNotNone(self.tryMatch(checkerString, c1String, varState))
+  def assertMatches(self, checker_string, c1_string, var_state={}):
+    self.assertIsNotNone(self.try_match(checker_string, c1_string, var_state))
-  def assertDoesNotMatch(self, checkerString, c1String, varState={}):
-    self.assertIsNone(self.tryMatch(checkerString, c1String, varState))
+  def assertDoesNotMatch(self, checker_string, c1_string, var_state={}):
+    self.assertIsNone(self.try_match(checker_string, c1_string, var_state))
   def test_TextAndWhitespace(self):
     self.assertMatches("foo", "foo")
@@ -67,16 +69,16 @@
     self.assertDoesNotMatch("foo<<X>>bar", "foobar", {"X": "A"})
     self.assertDoesNotMatch("foo<<X>>bar", "foo bar", {"X": "A"})
     with self.assertRaises(CheckerException):
-      self.tryMatch("foo<<X>>bar", "foobar", {})
+      self.try_match("foo<<X>>bar", "foobar", {})
   def test_VariableDefinition(self):
     self.assertMatches("foo<<X:A|B>>bar", "fooAbar")
     self.assertMatches("foo<<X:A|B>>bar", "fooBbar")
     self.assertDoesNotMatch("foo<<X:A|B>>bar", "fooCbar")
-    env = self.tryMatch("foo<<X:A.*B>>bar", "fooABbar", {})
+    env = self.try_match("foo<<X:A.*B>>bar", "fooABbar", {})
     self.assertEqual(env, {"X": "AB"})
-    env = self.tryMatch("foo<<X:A.*B>>bar", "fooAxxBbar", {})
+    env = self.try_match("foo<<X:A.*B>>bar", "fooAxxBbar", {})
     self.assertEqual(env, {"X": "AxxB"})
     self.assertMatches("foo<<X:A|B>>bar<<X>>baz", "fooAbarAbaz")
@@ -85,7 +87,7 @@
   def test_NoVariableRedefinition(self):
     with self.assertRaises(CheckerException):
-      self.tryMatch("<<X:...>><<X>><<X:...>><<X>>", "foofoobarbar")
+      self.try_match("<<X:...>><<X>><<X:...>><<X>>", "foofoobarbar")
   def test_EnvNotChangedOnPartialMatch(self):
     env = {"Y": "foo"}
@@ -99,61 +101,59 @@
 class MatchFiles_Test(unittest.TestCase):
-  def assertMatches(self, checkerString, c1String, isa=None, instructionSetFeatures=None):
-    checkerString = \
+  def assertMatches(self, checker_string, c1_string, isa=None, instruction_set_features=None):
+    checker_string = \
         /// CHECK-START: MyMethod MyPass
-      """ + checkerString
-    metaData = ""
+      """ + checker_string
+    meta_data = ""
     if isa:
-      metaData += "isa:" + isa
+      meta_data += "isa:" + isa
-    if instructionSetFeatures:
-      if metaData:
-        metaData += " "
+    if instruction_set_features:
+      if meta_data:
+        meta_data += " "
-      joinedFeatures = ",".join(map(lambda feature: feature
-                                                    if instructionSetFeatures[feature]
-                                                    else "-" + feature,
-                                    instructionSetFeatures))
-      metaData += "isa_features:" + joinedFeatures
+      joined_features = ",".join(
+        name if present else "-" + name for name, present in instruction_set_features.items())
+      meta_data += "isa_features:" + joined_features
-    metaDataString = ""
-    if metaData:
-      metaDataString = \
+    meta_data_string = ""
+    if meta_data:
+      meta_data_string = \
             name "%s"
             method "%s"
             date 1234
-        """ % (metaData, metaData)
-    c1String = metaDataString + \
-      """
-        begin_compilation
-          name "MyMethod"
-          method "MyMethod"
-          date 1234
-        end_compilation
-        begin_cfg
-          name "MyPass"
-      """ + c1String + \
-      """
-        end_cfg
-      """
-    checkerFile = ParseCheckerStream("<test-file>", "CHECK", io.StringIO(checkerString))
-    c1File = ParseC1visualizerStream("<c1-file>", io.StringIO(c1String))
-    assert len(checkerFile.testCases) == 1
-    assert len(c1File.passes) == 1
-    MatchTestCase(checkerFile.testCases[0], c1File.passes[0], c1File.instructionSetFeatures)
+        """ % (meta_data, meta_data)
+    c1_string = meta_data_string + \
+               """
+                 begin_compilation
+                   name "MyMethod"
+                   method "MyMethod"
+                   date 1234
+                 end_compilation
+                 begin_cfg
+                   name "MyPass"
+               """ + c1_string + \
+               """
+                 end_cfg
+               """
+    checker_file = parse_checker_stream("<test-file>", "CHECK", io.StringIO(checker_string))
+    c1_file = parse_c1_visualizer_stream("<c1-file>", io.StringIO(c1_string))
+    assert len(checker_file.test_cases) == 1
+    assert len(c1_file.passes) == 1
+    match_test_case(checker_file.test_cases[0], c1_file.passes[0], c1_file.instruction_set_features)
-  def assertDoesNotMatch(self, checkerString, c1String, isa=None, instructionSetFeatures=None):
+  def assertDoesNotMatch(self, checker_string, c1_string, isa=None, instruction_set_features=None):
     with self.assertRaises(MatchFailedException):
-      self.assertMatches(checkerString, c1String, isa, instructionSetFeatures)
+      self.assertMatches(checker_string, c1_string, isa, instruction_set_features)
-  def assertBadStructure(self, checkerString, c1String):
+  def assertBadStructure(self, checker_string, c1_string):
     with self.assertRaises(BadStructureException):
-      self.assertMatches(checkerString, c1String)
+      self.assertMatches(checker_string, c1_string)
   def test_Text(self):
     self.assertMatches("/// CHECK: foo bar", "foo bar")
@@ -165,34 +165,34 @@
   def test_Variables(self):
-    """
-      /// CHECK: foo<<X:.>>bar
-      /// CHECK: abc<<X>>def
-    """,
-    """
-      foo0bar
-      abc0def
-    """)
+      """
+        /// CHECK: foo<<X:.>>bar
+        /// CHECK: abc<<X>>def
+      """,
+      """
+        foo0bar
+        abc0def
+      """)
-    """
-      /// CHECK: foo<<X:([0-9]+)>>bar
-      /// CHECK: abc<<X>>def
-      /// CHECK: ### <<X>> ###
-    """,
-    """
-      foo1234bar
-      abc1234def
-      ### 1234 ###
-    """)
+      """
+        /// CHECK: foo<<X:([0-9]+)>>bar
+        /// CHECK: abc<<X>>def
+        /// CHECK: ### <<X>> ###
+      """,
+      """
+        foo1234bar
+        abc1234def
+        ### 1234 ###
+      """)
-    """
-      /// CHECK: foo<<X:([0-9]+)>>bar
-      /// CHECK: abc<<X>>def
-    """,
-    """
-      foo1234bar
-      abc1235def
-    """)
+      """
+        /// CHECK: foo<<X:([0-9]+)>>bar
+        /// CHECK: abc<<X>>def
+      """,
+      """
+        foo1234bar
+        abc1235def
+      """)
   def test_WholeWordMustMatch(self):
     self.assertMatches("/// CHECK: b{{.}}r", "abc bar def")
@@ -202,248 +202,248 @@
   def test_InOrderStatements(self):
-    """
-      /// CHECK: foo
-      /// CHECK: bar
-    """,
-    """
-      foo
-      bar
-    """)
+      """
+        /// CHECK: foo
+        /// CHECK: bar
+      """,
+      """
+        foo
+        bar
+      """)
-    """
-      /// CHECK: foo
-      /// CHECK: bar
-    """,
-    """
-      bar
-      foo
-    """)
+      """
+        /// CHECK: foo
+        /// CHECK: bar
+      """,
+      """
+        bar
+        foo
+      """)
   def test_NextLineStatements(self):
-    """
-      /// CHECK:      foo
-      /// CHECK-NEXT: bar
-      /// CHECK-NEXT: abc
-      /// CHECK:      def
-    """,
-    """
-      foo
-      bar
-      abc
-      def
-    """)
+      """
+        /// CHECK:      foo
+        /// CHECK-NEXT: bar
+        /// CHECK-NEXT: abc
+        /// CHECK:      def
+      """,
+      """
+        foo
+        bar
+        abc
+        def
+      """)
-    """
-      /// CHECK:      foo
-      /// CHECK-NEXT: bar
-      /// CHECK:      def
-    """,
-    """
-      foo
-      bar
-      abc
-      def
-    """)
+      """
+        /// CHECK:      foo
+        /// CHECK-NEXT: bar
+        /// CHECK:      def
+      """,
+      """
+        foo
+        bar
+        abc
+        def
+      """)
-    """
-      /// CHECK:      foo
-      /// CHECK-NEXT: bar
-    """,
-    """
-      foo
-      abc
-      bar
-    """)
+      """
+        /// CHECK:      foo
+        /// CHECK-NEXT: bar
+      """,
+      """
+        foo
+        abc
+        bar
+      """)
-    """
-      /// CHECK:      foo
-      /// CHECK-NEXT: bar
-    """,
-    """
-      bar
-      foo
-      abc
-    """)
+      """
+        /// CHECK:      foo
+        /// CHECK-NEXT: bar
+      """,
+      """
+        bar
+        foo
+        abc
+      """)
   def test_DagStatements(self):
-    """
-      /// CHECK-DAG: foo
-      /// CHECK-DAG: bar
-    """,
-    """
-      foo
-      bar
-    """)
+      """
+        /// CHECK-DAG: foo
+        /// CHECK-DAG: bar
+      """,
+      """
+        foo
+        bar
+      """)
-    """
-      /// CHECK-DAG: foo
-      /// CHECK-DAG: bar
-    """,
-    """
-      bar
-      foo
-    """)
+      """
+        /// CHECK-DAG: foo
+        /// CHECK-DAG: bar
+      """,
+      """
+        bar
+        foo
+      """)
   def test_DagStatementsScope(self):
-    """
-      /// CHECK:     foo
-      /// CHECK-DAG: abc
-      /// CHECK-DAG: def
-      /// CHECK:     bar
-    """,
-    """
-      foo
-      def
-      abc
-      bar
-    """)
+      """
+        /// CHECK:     foo
+        /// CHECK-DAG: abc
+        /// CHECK-DAG: def
+        /// CHECK:     bar
+      """,
+      """
+        foo
+        def
+        abc
+        bar
+      """)
-    """
-      /// CHECK:     foo
-      /// CHECK-DAG: abc
-      /// CHECK-DAG: def
-      /// CHECK:     bar
-    """,
-    """
-      foo
-      abc
-      bar
-      def
-    """)
+      """
+        /// CHECK:     foo
+        /// CHECK-DAG: abc
+        /// CHECK-DAG: def
+        /// CHECK:     bar
+      """,
+      """
+        foo
+        abc
+        bar
+        def
+      """)
-    """
-      /// CHECK:     foo
-      /// CHECK-DAG: abc
-      /// CHECK-DAG: def
-      /// CHECK:     bar
-    """,
-    """
-      foo
-      def
-      bar
-      abc
-    """)
+      """
+        /// CHECK:     foo
+        /// CHECK-DAG: abc
+        /// CHECK-DAG: def
+        /// CHECK:     bar
+      """,
+      """
+        foo
+        def
+        bar
+        abc
+      """)
   def test_NotStatements(self):
-    """
-      /// CHECK-NOT: foo
-    """,
-    """
-      abc
-      def
-    """)
+      """
+        /// CHECK-NOT: foo
+      """,
+      """
+        abc
+        def
+      """)
-    """
-      /// CHECK-NOT: foo
-    """,
-    """
-      abc foo
-      def
-    """)
+      """
+        /// CHECK-NOT: foo
+      """,
+      """
+        abc foo
+        def
+      """)
-    """
-      /// CHECK-NOT: foo
-      /// CHECK-NOT: bar
-    """,
-    """
-      abc
-      def bar
-    """)
+      """
+        /// CHECK-NOT: foo
+        /// CHECK-NOT: bar
+      """,
+      """
+        abc
+        def bar
+      """)
   def test_NotStatementsScope(self):
-    """
-      /// CHECK:     abc
-      /// CHECK-NOT: foo
-      /// CHECK:     def
-    """,
-    """
-      abc
-      def
-    """)
+      """
+        /// CHECK:     abc
+        /// CHECK-NOT: foo
+        /// CHECK:     def
+      """,
+      """
+        abc
+        def
+      """)
-    """
-      /// CHECK:     abc
-      /// CHECK-NOT: foo
-      /// CHECK:     def
-    """,
-    """
-      abc
-      def
-      foo
-    """)
+      """
+        /// CHECK:     abc
+        /// CHECK-NOT: foo
+        /// CHECK:     def
+      """,
+      """
+        abc
+        def
+        foo
+      """)
-    """
-      /// CHECK:     abc
-      /// CHECK-NOT: foo
-      /// CHECK:     def
-    """,
-    """
-      abc
-      foo
-      def
-    """)
+      """
+        /// CHECK:     abc
+        /// CHECK-NOT: foo
+        /// CHECK:     def
+      """,
+      """
+        abc
+        foo
+        def
+      """)
-    """
-      /// CHECK-NOT:  foo
-      /// CHECK-EVAL: 1 + 1 == 2
-      /// CHECK:      bar
-    """,
-    """
-      foo
-      abc
-      bar
-    """);
+      """
+        /// CHECK-NOT:  foo
+        /// CHECK-EVAL: 1 + 1 == 2
+        /// CHECK:      bar
+      """,
+      """
+        foo
+        abc
+        bar
+      """)
-    """
-      /// CHECK-DAG:  bar
-      /// CHECK-DAG:  abc
-      /// CHECK-NOT:  foo
-    """,
-    """
-      foo
-      abc
-      bar
-    """);
+      """
+        /// CHECK-DAG:  bar
+        /// CHECK-DAG:  abc
+        /// CHECK-NOT:  foo
+      """,
+      """
+        foo
+        abc
+        bar
+      """)
-    """
-      /// CHECK-DAG:  abc
-      /// CHECK-DAG:  foo
-      /// CHECK-NOT:  bar
-    """,
-    """
-      foo
-      abc
-      bar
-    """);
+      """
+        /// CHECK-DAG:  abc
+        /// CHECK-DAG:  foo
+        /// CHECK-NOT:  bar
+      """,
+      """
+        foo
+        abc
+        bar
+      """)
   def test_LineOnlyMatchesOnce(self):
-    """
-      /// CHECK-DAG: foo
-      /// CHECK-DAG: foo
-    """,
-    """
-      foo
-      abc
-      foo
-    """)
+      """
+        /// CHECK-DAG: foo
+        /// CHECK-DAG: foo
+      """,
+      """
+        foo
+        abc
+        foo
+      """)
-    """
-      /// CHECK-DAG: foo
-      /// CHECK-DAG: foo
-    """,
-    """
-      foo
-      abc
-      bar
-    """)
+      """
+        /// CHECK-DAG: foo
+        /// CHECK-DAG: foo
+      """,
+      """
+        foo
+        abc
+        bar
+      """)
   def test_EvalStatements(self):
     self.assertMatches("/// CHECK-EVAL: True", "foo")
@@ -456,7 +456,7 @@
                        /// CHECK-DAG: <<X:\d+>> <<Y:\d+>>
                        /// CHECK-EVAL: <<X>> > <<Y>>
-    self.assertMatches(twoVarTestCase, "42 41");
+    self.assertMatches(twoVarTestCase, "42 41")
     self.assertDoesNotMatch(twoVarTestCase, "42 43")
   def test_MisplacedNext(self):
@@ -498,378 +498,378 @@
   def test_EnvVariableEval(self):
-    """
-      /// CHECK-IF: os.environ.get('MARTY_MCFLY') != '89mph!'
-      /// CHECK-FI:
-    """,
-    """
-    foo
-    """
+      """
+        /// CHECK-IF: os.environ.get('MARTY_MCFLY') != '89mph!'
+        /// CHECK-FI:
+      """,
+      """
+      foo
+      """
-    """
-      /// CHECK-EVAL: os.environ.get('MARTY_MCFLY') != '89mph!'
-    """,
-    """
-    foo
-    """
+      """
+        /// CHECK-EVAL: os.environ.get('MARTY_MCFLY') != '89mph!'
+      """,
+      """
+      foo
+      """
   def test_IfStatements(self):
-    """
-      /// CHECK: foo1
-      /// CHECK-IF: True
-      ///   CHECK-NEXT: foo2
-      /// CHECK-FI:
-      /// CHECK-NEXT: foo3
-      /// CHECK-NEXT: bar
-    """,
-    """
-    foo1
-    foo2
-    foo3
-    bar
-    """)
+      """
+        /// CHECK: foo1
+        /// CHECK-IF: True
+        ///   CHECK-NEXT: foo2
+        /// CHECK-FI:
+        /// CHECK-NEXT: foo3
+        /// CHECK-NEXT: bar
+      """,
+      """
+      foo1
+      foo2
+      foo3
+      bar
+      """)
-    """
-      /// CHECK: foo1
-      /// CHECK-IF: False
-      ///   CHECK-NEXT:    foo2
-      /// CHECK-FI:
-      /// CHECK-NEXT:    bar
-    """,
-    """
-    foo1
-    bar
-    """)
+      """
+        /// CHECK: foo1
+        /// CHECK-IF: False
+        ///   CHECK-NEXT:    foo2
+        /// CHECK-FI:
+        /// CHECK-NEXT:    bar
+      """,
+      """
+      foo1
+      bar
+      """)
-    """
-      /// CHECK: foo1
-      /// CHECK-IF: True
-      ///   CHECK-DAG:    foo2
-      /// CHECK-FI:
-      /// CHECK-DAG:    bar
-      /// CHECK: foo3
-    """,
-    """
-    foo1
-    bar
-    foo2
-    foo3
-    """)
+      """
+        /// CHECK: foo1
+        /// CHECK-IF: True
+        ///   CHECK-DAG:    foo2
+        /// CHECK-FI:
+        /// CHECK-DAG:    bar
+        /// CHECK: foo3
+      """,
+      """
+      foo1
+      bar
+      foo2
+      foo3
+      """)
-    """
-      /// CHECK: foo1
-      /// CHECK-IF: False
-      ///   CHECK-NEXT: foo2
-      /// CHECK-FI:
-      /// CHECK-NEXT: foo3
-    """,
-    """
-    foo1
-    foo2
-    foo3
-    """)
+      """
+        /// CHECK: foo1
+        /// CHECK-IF: False
+        ///   CHECK-NEXT: foo2
+        /// CHECK-FI:
+        /// CHECK-NEXT: foo3
+      """,
+      """
+      foo1
+      foo2
+      foo3
+      """)
   def test_IfElseStatements(self):
-    """
-      /// CHECK: foo1
-      /// CHECK-IF: True
-      ///   CHECK-NEXT:    foo2
-      /// CHECK-ELSE:
-      ///   CHECK-NEXT:    foo3
-      /// CHECK-FI:
-      /// CHECK-NEXT:    bar
-    """,
-    """
-    foo1
-    foo2
-    bar
-    """)
+      """
+        /// CHECK: foo1
+        /// CHECK-IF: True
+        ///   CHECK-NEXT:    foo2
+        /// CHECK-ELSE:
+        ///   CHECK-NEXT:    foo3
+        /// CHECK-FI:
+        /// CHECK-NEXT:    bar
+      """,
+      """
+      foo1
+      foo2
+      bar
+      """)
-    """
-      /// CHECK: foo1
-      /// CHECK-IF: False
-      ///   CHECK-NEXT:    foo2
-      /// CHECK-ELSE:
-      ///   CHECK-NEXT:    foo3
-      /// CHECK-FI:
-      /// CHECK-NEXT:    bar
-    """,
-    """
-    foo1
-    foo3
-    bar
-    """)
+      """
+        /// CHECK: foo1
+        /// CHECK-IF: False
+        ///   CHECK-NEXT:    foo2
+        /// CHECK-ELSE:
+        ///   CHECK-NEXT:    foo3
+        /// CHECK-FI:
+        /// CHECK-NEXT:    bar
+      """,
+      """
+      foo1
+      foo3
+      bar
+      """)
-    """
-      /// CHECK: foo1
-      /// CHECK-IF: False
-      ///   CHECK-NEXT:    foo2
-      /// CHECK-ELSE:
-      ///   CHECK-DAG:    bar
-      /// CHECK-FI:
-      /// CHECK-DAG:    foo3
-      /// CHECK: foo4
-    """,
-    """
-    foo1
-    foo3
-    bar
-    foo4
-    """)
+      """
+        /// CHECK: foo1
+        /// CHECK-IF: False
+        ///   CHECK-NEXT:    foo2
+        /// CHECK-ELSE:
+        ///   CHECK-DAG:    bar
+        /// CHECK-FI:
+        /// CHECK-DAG:    foo3
+        /// CHECK: foo4
+      """,
+      """
+      foo1
+      foo3
+      bar
+      foo4
+      """)
-    """
-      /// CHECK: foo1
-      /// CHECK-IF: False
-      ///   CHECK-NEXT:    foo2
-      /// CHECK-ELSE:
-      ///   CHECK-NEXT:    foo3
-      /// CHECK-FI:
-      /// CHECK-NEXT:    bar
-    """,
-    """
-    foo1
-    foo2
-    bar
-    """)
+      """
+        /// CHECK: foo1
+        /// CHECK-IF: False
+        ///   CHECK-NEXT:    foo2
+        /// CHECK-ELSE:
+        ///   CHECK-NEXT:    foo3
+        /// CHECK-FI:
+        /// CHECK-NEXT:    bar
+      """,
+      """
+      foo1
+      foo2
+      bar
+      """)
   def test_IfElifElseStatements(self):
-    """
-      /// CHECK: foo1
-      /// CHECK-IF: True
-      ///   CHECK-NEXT:    foo2
-      /// CHECK-ELIF: True
-      ///   CHECK-NEXT:    foo3
-      /// CHECK-ELIF: True
-      ///   CHECK-NEXT:    foo4
-      /// CHECK-FI:
-      /// CHECK-NEXT:    bar
-    """,
-    """
-    foo1
-    foo2
-    bar
-    """)
+      """
+        /// CHECK: foo1
+        /// CHECK-IF: True
+        ///   CHECK-NEXT:    foo2
+        /// CHECK-ELIF: True
+        ///   CHECK-NEXT:    foo3
+        /// CHECK-ELIF: True
+        ///   CHECK-NEXT:    foo4
+        /// CHECK-FI:
+        /// CHECK-NEXT:    bar
+      """,
+      """
+      foo1
+      foo2
+      bar
+      """)
-    """
-      /// CHECK: foo1
-      /// CHECK-IF: False
-      ///   CHECK-NEXT:    foo2
-      /// CHECK-ELIF: False
-      ///   CHECK-NEXT:    foo3
-      /// CHECK-ELIF: True
-      ///   CHECK-NEXT:    foo4
-      /// CHECK-FI:
-      /// CHECK-NEXT:    bar
-    """,
-    """
-    foo1
-    foo4
-    bar
-    """)
+      """
+        /// CHECK: foo1
+        /// CHECK-IF: False
+        ///   CHECK-NEXT:    foo2
+        /// CHECK-ELIF: False
+        ///   CHECK-NEXT:    foo3
+        /// CHECK-ELIF: True
+        ///   CHECK-NEXT:    foo4
+        /// CHECK-FI:
+        /// CHECK-NEXT:    bar
+      """,
+      """
+      foo1
+      foo4
+      bar
+      """)
-    """
-      /// CHECK: foo1
-      /// CHECK-IF: False
-      ///   CHECK-NEXT:    foo2
-      /// CHECK-ELIF: True
-      ///   CHECK-NEXT:    foo3
-      /// CHECK-ELIF: True
-      ///   CHECK-NEXT:    foo4
-      /// CHECK-FI:
-      /// CHECK-NEXT:    bar
-    """,
-    """
-    foo1
-    foo3
-    bar
-    """)
+      """
+        /// CHECK: foo1
+        /// CHECK-IF: False
+        ///   CHECK-NEXT:    foo2
+        /// CHECK-ELIF: True
+        ///   CHECK-NEXT:    foo3
+        /// CHECK-ELIF: True
+        ///   CHECK-NEXT:    foo4
+        /// CHECK-FI:
+        /// CHECK-NEXT:    bar
+      """,
+      """
+      foo1
+      foo3
+      bar
+      """)
-    """
-      /// CHECK: foo1
-      /// CHECK-IF: False
-      ///   CHECK-NEXT:    foo2
-      /// CHECK-ELIF: False
-      ///   CHECK-NEXT:    foo3
-      /// CHECK-ELIF: False
-      ///   CHECK-NEXT:    foo4
-      /// CHECK-FI:
-      /// CHECK-NEXT:    bar
-    """,
-    """
-    foo1
-    bar
-    """)
+      """
+        /// CHECK: foo1
+        /// CHECK-IF: False
+        ///   CHECK-NEXT:    foo2
+        /// CHECK-ELIF: False
+        ///   CHECK-NEXT:    foo3
+        /// CHECK-ELIF: False
+        ///   CHECK-NEXT:    foo4
+        /// CHECK-FI:
+        /// CHECK-NEXT:    bar
+      """,
+      """
+      foo1
+      bar
+      """)
-    """
-      /// CHECK: foo1
-      /// CHECK-IF: False
-      ///   CHECK-NEXT:    foo2
-      /// CHECK-ELIF: True
-      ///   CHECK-NEXT:    foo3
-      /// CHECK-ELSE:
-      ///   CHECK-NEXT:    foo4
-      /// CHECK-FI:
-      /// CHECK-NEXT:    bar
-    """,
-    """
-    foo1
-    foo2
-    bar
-    """)
+      """
+        /// CHECK: foo1
+        /// CHECK-IF: False
+        ///   CHECK-NEXT:    foo2
+        /// CHECK-ELIF: True
+        ///   CHECK-NEXT:    foo3
+        /// CHECK-ELSE:
+        ///   CHECK-NEXT:    foo4
+        /// CHECK-FI:
+        /// CHECK-NEXT:    bar
+      """,
+      """
+      foo1
+      foo2
+      bar
+      """)
   def test_NestedBranching(self):
-    """
-      /// CHECK: foo1
-      /// CHECK-IF: True
-      ///   CHECK-IF: True
-      ///     CHECK-NEXT:    foo2
-      ///   CHECK-ELSE:
-      ///     CHECK-NEXT:    foo3
-      ///   CHECK-FI:
-      /// CHECK-ELSE:
-      ///   CHECK-IF: True
-      ///     CHECK-NEXT:    foo4
-      ///   CHECK-ELSE:
-      ///     CHECK-NEXT:    foo5
-      ///   CHECK-FI:
-      /// CHECK-FI:
-      /// CHECK-NEXT: foo6
-    """,
-    """
-    foo1
-    foo2
-    foo6
-    """)
+      """
+        /// CHECK: foo1
+        /// CHECK-IF: True
+        ///   CHECK-IF: True
+        ///     CHECK-NEXT:    foo2
+        ///   CHECK-ELSE:
+        ///     CHECK-NEXT:    foo3
+        ///   CHECK-FI:
+        /// CHECK-ELSE:
+        ///   CHECK-IF: True
+        ///     CHECK-NEXT:    foo4
+        ///   CHECK-ELSE:
+        ///     CHECK-NEXT:    foo5
+        ///   CHECK-FI:
+        /// CHECK-FI:
+        /// CHECK-NEXT: foo6
+      """,
+      """
+      foo1
+      foo2
+      foo6
+      """)
-    """
-      /// CHECK-IF: True
-      ///   CHECK-IF: False
-      ///     CHECK:    foo1
-      ///   CHECK-ELSE:
-      ///     CHECK:    foo2
-      ///   CHECK-FI:
-      /// CHECK-ELSE:
-      ///   CHECK-IF: True
-      ///     CHECK:    foo3
-      ///   CHECK-ELSE:
-      ///     CHECK:    foo4
-      ///   CHECK-FI:
-      /// CHECK-FI:
-    """,
-    """
-    foo2
-    """)
+      """
+        /// CHECK-IF: True
+        ///   CHECK-IF: False
+        ///     CHECK:    foo1
+        ///   CHECK-ELSE:
+        ///     CHECK:    foo2
+        ///   CHECK-FI:
+        /// CHECK-ELSE:
+        ///   CHECK-IF: True
+        ///     CHECK:    foo3
+        ///   CHECK-ELSE:
+        ///     CHECK:    foo4
+        ///   CHECK-FI:
+        /// CHECK-FI:
+      """,
+      """
+      foo2
+      """)
-    """
-      /// CHECK-IF: False
-      ///   CHECK-IF: True
-      ///     CHECK:    foo1
-      ///   CHECK-ELSE:
-      ///     CHECK:    foo2
-      ///   CHECK-FI:
-      /// CHECK-ELSE:
-      ///   CHECK-IF: False
-      ///     CHECK:    foo3
-      ///   CHECK-ELSE:
-      ///     CHECK-IF: False
-      ///       CHECK:    foo4
-      ///     CHECK-ELSE:
-      ///       CHECK: foo5
-      ///     CHECK-FI:
-      ///   CHECK-FI:
-      /// CHECK-FI:
-    """,
-    """
-    foo5
-    """)
+      """
+        /// CHECK-IF: False
+        ///   CHECK-IF: True
+        ///     CHECK:    foo1
+        ///   CHECK-ELSE:
+        ///     CHECK:    foo2
+        ///   CHECK-FI:
+        /// CHECK-ELSE:
+        ///   CHECK-IF: False
+        ///     CHECK:    foo3
+        ///   CHECK-ELSE:
+        ///     CHECK-IF: False
+        ///       CHECK:    foo4
+        ///     CHECK-ELSE:
+        ///       CHECK: foo5
+        ///     CHECK-FI:
+        ///   CHECK-FI:
+        /// CHECK-FI:
+      """,
+      """
+      foo5
+      """)
-    """
-      /// CHECK: foo1
-      /// CHECK-IF: True
-      ///   CHECK-IF: False
-      ///     CHECK-NEXT:    foo2
-      ///   CHECK-ELSE:
-      ///     CHECK-NEXT:    foo3
-      ///   CHECK-FI:
-      /// CHECK-NEXT: foo6
-    """,
-    """
-    foo1
-    foo2
-    foo6
-    """)
+      """
+        /// CHECK: foo1
+        /// CHECK-IF: True
+        ///   CHECK-IF: False
+        ///     CHECK-NEXT:    foo2
+        ///   CHECK-ELSE:
+        ///     CHECK-NEXT:    foo3
+        ///   CHECK-FI:
+        /// CHECK-NEXT: foo6
+      """,
+      """
+      foo1
+      foo2
+      foo6
+      """)
   def test_VariablesInBranches(self):
-    """
-      /// CHECK-IF: True
-      ///   CHECK: foo<<VarA:\d+>>
-      /// CHECK-FI:
-      /// CHECK-EVAL: <<VarA>> == 12
-    """,
-    """
-    foo12
-    """)
+      """
+        /// CHECK-IF: True
+        ///   CHECK: foo<<VarA:\d+>>
+        /// CHECK-FI:
+        /// CHECK-EVAL: <<VarA>> == 12
+      """,
+      """
+      foo12
+      """)
-    """
-      /// CHECK-IF: True
-      ///   CHECK: foo<<VarA:\d+>>
-      /// CHECK-FI:
-      /// CHECK-EVAL: <<VarA>> == 99
-    """,
-    """
-    foo12
-    """)
+      """
+        /// CHECK-IF: True
+        ///   CHECK: foo<<VarA:\d+>>
+        /// CHECK-FI:
+        /// CHECK-EVAL: <<VarA>> == 99
+      """,
+      """
+      foo12
+      """)
-    """
-      /// CHECK-IF: True
-      ///   CHECK: foo<<VarA:\d+>>
-      ///   CHECK-IF: <<VarA>> == 12
-      ///     CHECK: bar<<VarB:M|N>>
-      ///   CHECK-FI:
-      /// CHECK-FI:
-      /// CHECK-EVAL: "<<VarB>>" == "M"
-    """,
-    """
-    foo12
-    barM
-    """)
+      """
+        /// CHECK-IF: True
+        ///   CHECK: foo<<VarA:\d+>>
+        ///   CHECK-IF: <<VarA>> == 12
+        ///     CHECK: bar<<VarB:M|N>>
+        ///   CHECK-FI:
+        /// CHECK-FI:
+        /// CHECK-EVAL: "<<VarB>>" == "M"
+      """,
+      """
+      foo12
+      barM
+      """)
-    """
-      /// CHECK-IF: False
-      ///   CHECK: foo<<VarA:\d+>>
-      /// CHECK-ELIF: True
-      ///   CHECK: foo<<VarA:M|N>>
-      /// CHECK-FI:
-      /// CHECK-EVAL: "<<VarA>>" == "M"
-    """,
-    """
-    fooM
-    """)
+      """
+        /// CHECK-IF: False
+        ///   CHECK: foo<<VarA:\d+>>
+        /// CHECK-ELIF: True
+        ///   CHECK: foo<<VarA:M|N>>
+        /// CHECK-FI:
+        /// CHECK-EVAL: "<<VarA>>" == "M"
+      """,
+      """
+      fooM
+      """)
-    """
-      /// CHECK-IF: False
-      ///   CHECK: foo<<VarA:A|B>>
-      /// CHECK-ELIF: False
-      ///   CHECK: foo<<VarA:A|B>>
-      /// CHECK-ELSE:
-      ///   CHECK-IF: False
-      ///     CHECK: foo<<VarA:A|B>>
-      ///   CHECK-ELSE:
-      ///     CHECK: foo<<VarA:M|N>>
-      ///   CHECK-FI:
-      /// CHECK-FI:
-      /// CHECK-EVAL: "<<VarA>>" == "N"
-    """,
-    """
-    fooN
-    """)
+      """
+        /// CHECK-IF: False
+        ///   CHECK: foo<<VarA:A|B>>
+        /// CHECK-ELIF: False
+        ///   CHECK: foo<<VarA:A|B>>
+        /// CHECK-ELSE:
+        ///   CHECK-IF: False
+        ///     CHECK: foo<<VarA:A|B>>
+        ///   CHECK-ELSE:
+        ///     CHECK: foo<<VarA:M|N>>
+        ///   CHECK-FI:
+        /// CHECK-FI:
+        /// CHECK-EVAL: "<<VarA>>" == "N"
+      """,
+      """
+      fooN
+      """)
   def test_MalformedBranching(self):
diff --git a/tools/checker/ b/tools/checker/
index 9bd3f53..7611c2e 100755
--- a/tools/checker/
+++ b/tools/checker/
@@ -14,18 +14,18 @@
 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 # limitations under the License.
-from common.logger                 import Logger
+from common.logger import Logger
 from file_format.c1visualizer.test import C1visualizerParser_Test
-from file_format.checker.test      import CheckerParser_PrefixTest, \
-                                          CheckerParser_TestExpressionTest, \
-                                          CheckerParser_FileLayoutTest, \
-                                          CheckerParser_SuffixTests, \
-                                          CheckerParser_EvalTests
-from match.test                    import MatchLines_Test, \
-                                          MatchFiles_Test
+from file_format.checker.test import CheckerParser_PrefixTest, \
+  CheckerParser_TestExpressionTest, \
+  CheckerParser_FileLayoutTest, \
+  CheckerParser_SuffixTests, \
+  CheckerParser_EvalTests
+from match.test import MatchLines_Test, \
+  MatchFiles_Test
 import unittest
-if __name__ == '__main__':
+if __name__ == "__main__":
   Logger.Verbosity = Logger.Level.NO_OUTPUT