String compression on intrinsics x86 and x86_64
Changes on intrinsics and Code Generation (x86 and x86_64)
for string compression feature. Currently the feature is off.
The size of boot.oat and for x86 before and after the
changes (feature OFF) are still. When the feature ON,
boot.oat increased by 0.83% and decreased by 19.32%.
Meanwhile for x86_64, size of boot.oat and before and
after changes (feature OFF) are still. When the feature ON,
boot.oat increased by 0.87% and decreased by 6.59%.
Turn feature on: runtime/mirror/string.h (kUseStringCompression = true)
runtime/asm_support.h (STRING_COMPRESSION_FEATURE 1)
Test: m -j31 test-art-host
All tests passed both when the mirror::kUseStringCompression
is ON and OFF.
The jni_internal_test changed to assert an empty string length
to be equal -(1 << 31) as it is compressed.
Bug: 31040547
Change-Id: Ia447c9b147cabb6a69e6ded86be1fe0c46d9638d
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/ b/compiler/optimizing/
index e61aba0..f41e4d9 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/
@@ -1401,23 +1401,39 @@
__ cmpl(str, arg);
__ j(kEqual, &return_true);
- // Load length of receiver string.
+ // Load length and compression flag of receiver string.
__ movl(ecx, Address(str, count_offset));
- // Check if lengths are equal, return false if they're not.
+ // Check if lengths and compression flags are equal, return false if they're not.
+ // Two identical strings will always have same compression style since
+ // compression style is decided on alloc.
__ cmpl(ecx, Address(arg, count_offset));
__ j(kNotEqual, &return_false);
- // Return true if both strings are empty.
- __ jecxz(&return_true);
+ if (mirror::kUseStringCompression) {
+ NearLabel string_uncompressed;
+ // Differ cases into both compressed or both uncompressed. Different compression style
+ // is cut above.
+ __ cmpl(ecx, Immediate(0));
+ __ j(kGreaterEqual, &string_uncompressed);
+ // Divide string length by 2, rounding up, and continue as if uncompressed.
+ // Merge clearing the compression flag (+0x80000000) with +1 for rounding.
+ __ addl(ecx, Immediate(0x80000001));
+ __ shrl(ecx, Immediate(1));
+ __ Bind(&string_uncompressed);
+ }
+ // Return true if strings are empty.
+ __ jecxz(&return_true);
// Load starting addresses of string values into ESI/EDI as required for repe_cmpsl instruction.
__ leal(esi, Address(str, value_offset));
__ leal(edi, Address(arg, value_offset));
- // Divide string length by 2 to compare characters 2 at a time and adjust for odd lengths.
+ // Divide string length by 2 to compare characters 2 at a time and adjust for lengths not
+ // divisible by 2.
__ addl(ecx, Immediate(1));
__ shrl(ecx, Immediate(1));
- // Assertions that must hold in order to compare strings 2 characters at a time.
+ // Assertions that must hold in order to compare strings 2 characters (uncompressed)
+ // or 4 characters (compressed) at a time.
DCHECK_ALIGNED(value_offset, 4);
static_assert(IsAligned<4>(kObjectAlignment), "String of odd length is not zero padded");
@@ -1461,6 +1477,10 @@
// Need another temporary to be able to compute the result.
+ if (mirror::kUseStringCompression) {
+ // Need another temporary to be able to save unflagged string length.
+ locations->AddTemp(Location::RequiresRegister());
+ }
static void GenerateStringIndexOf(HInvoke* invoke,
@@ -1478,6 +1498,8 @@
Register counter = locations->GetTemp(0).AsRegister<Register>();
Register string_length = locations->GetTemp(1).AsRegister<Register>();
Register out = locations->Out().AsRegister<Register>();
+ // Only used when string compression feature is on.
+ Register string_length_flagged;
// Check our assumptions for registers.
DCHECK_EQ(string_obj, EDI);
@@ -1515,6 +1537,12 @@
// Load string length, i.e., the count field of the string.
__ movl(string_length, Address(string_obj, count_offset));
+ if (mirror::kUseStringCompression) {
+ string_length_flagged = locations->GetTemp(2).AsRegister<Register>();
+ __ movl(string_length_flagged, string_length);
+ // Mask out first bit used as compression flag.
+ __ andl(string_length, Immediate(INT32_MAX));
+ }
// Do a zero-length check.
// TODO: Support jecxz.
@@ -1540,20 +1568,50 @@
__ cmpl(start_index, Immediate(0));
__ cmovl(kGreater, counter, start_index);
- // Move to the start of the string: string_obj + value_offset + 2 * start_index.
- __ leal(string_obj, Address(string_obj, counter, ScaleFactor::TIMES_2, value_offset));
+ if (mirror::kUseStringCompression) {
+ NearLabel modify_counter, offset_uncompressed_label;
+ __ cmpl(string_length_flagged, Immediate(0));
+ __ j(kGreaterEqual, &offset_uncompressed_label);
+ // Move to the start of the string: string_obj + value_offset + start_index.
+ __ leal(string_obj, Address(string_obj, counter, ScaleFactor::TIMES_1, value_offset));
+ __ jmp(&modify_counter);
- // Now update ecx (the repne scasw work counter). We have string.length - start_index left to
- // compare.
+ // Move to the start of the string: string_obj + value_offset + 2 * start_index.
+ __ Bind(&offset_uncompressed_label);
+ __ leal(string_obj, Address(string_obj, counter, ScaleFactor::TIMES_2, value_offset));
+ // Now update ecx (the repne scasw work counter). We have string.length - start_index left to
+ // compare.
+ __ Bind(&modify_counter);
+ } else {
+ __ leal(string_obj, Address(string_obj, counter, ScaleFactor::TIMES_2, value_offset));
+ }
__ negl(counter);
__ leal(counter, Address(string_length, counter, ScaleFactor::TIMES_1, 0));
- // Everything is set up for repne scasw:
- // * Comparison address in EDI.
- // * Counter in ECX.
- __ repne_scasw();
+ if (mirror::kUseStringCompression) {
+ NearLabel uncompressed_string_comparison;
+ NearLabel comparison_done;
+ __ cmpl(string_length_flagged, Immediate(0));
+ __ j(kGreater, &uncompressed_string_comparison);
+ // Check if EAX (search_value) is ASCII.
+ __ cmpl(search_value, Immediate(127));
+ __ j(kGreater, ¬_found_label);
+ // Comparing byte-per-byte.
+ __ repne_scasb();
+ __ jmp(&comparison_done);
+ // Everything is set up for repne scasw:
+ // * Comparison address in EDI.
+ // * Counter in ECX.
+ __ Bind(&uncompressed_string_comparison);
+ __ repne_scasw();
+ __ Bind(&comparison_done);
+ } else {
+ __ repne_scasw();
+ }
// Did we find a match?
__ j(kNotEqual, ¬_found_label);
@@ -1706,38 +1764,64 @@
const size_t char_size = Primitive::ComponentSize(Primitive::kPrimChar);
DCHECK_EQ(char_size, 2u);
- // Compute the address of the destination buffer.
- __ leal(EDI, Address(dst, dstBegin, ScaleFactor::TIMES_2, data_offset));
- // Compute the address of the source string.
- if (srcBegin.IsConstant()) {
- // Compute the address of the source string by adding the number of chars from
- // the source beginning to the value offset of a string.
- __ leal(ESI, Address(obj, srcBegin_value * char_size + value_offset));
- } else {
- __ leal(ESI, Address(obj, srcBegin.AsRegister<Register>(),
- ScaleFactor::TIMES_2, value_offset));
- }
// Compute the number of chars (words) to move.
- // Now is the time to save ECX, since we don't know if it will be used later.
+ // Save ECX, since we don't know if it will be used later.
__ pushl(ECX);
int stack_adjust = kX86WordSize;
__ cfi().AdjustCFAOffset(stack_adjust);
if (srcBegin.IsConstant()) {
- if (srcBegin_value != 0) {
- __ subl(ECX, Immediate(srcBegin_value));
- }
+ __ subl(ECX, Immediate(srcBegin_value));
} else {
__ subl(ECX, srcBegin.AsRegister<Register>());
- // Do the move.
+ NearLabel done;
+ if (mirror::kUseStringCompression) {
+ // Location of count in string
+ const uint32_t count_offset = mirror::String::CountOffset().Uint32Value();
+ const size_t c_char_size = Primitive::ComponentSize(Primitive::kPrimByte);
+ DCHECK_EQ(c_char_size, 1u);
+ __ pushl(EAX);
+ __ cfi().AdjustCFAOffset(stack_adjust);
+ NearLabel copy_loop, copy_uncompressed;
+ __ cmpl(Address(obj, count_offset), Immediate(0));
+ __ j(kGreaterEqual, ©_uncompressed);
+ // Compute the address of the source string by adding the number of chars from
+ // the source beginning to the value offset of a string.
+ __ leal(ESI, CodeGeneratorX86::ArrayAddress(obj, srcBegin, TIMES_1, value_offset));
+ // Start the loop to copy String's value to Array of Char.
+ __ leal(EDI, Address(dst, dstBegin, ScaleFactor::TIMES_2, data_offset));
+ __ Bind(©_loop);
+ __ jecxz(&done);
+ // Use EAX temporary (convert byte from ESI to word).
+ // TODO: Use LODSB/STOSW (not supported by X86Assembler) with AH initialized to 0.
+ __ movzxb(EAX, Address(ESI, 0));
+ __ movw(Address(EDI, 0), EAX);
+ __ leal(EDI, Address(EDI, char_size));
+ __ leal(ESI, Address(ESI, c_char_size));
+ // TODO: Add support for LOOP to X86Assembler.
+ __ subl(ECX, Immediate(1));
+ __ jmp(©_loop);
+ __ Bind(©_uncompressed);
+ }
+ // Do the copy for uncompressed string.
+ // Compute the address of the destination buffer.
+ __ leal(EDI, Address(dst, dstBegin, ScaleFactor::TIMES_2, data_offset));
+ __ leal(ESI, CodeGeneratorX86::ArrayAddress(obj, srcBegin, TIMES_2, value_offset));
__ rep_movsw();
- // And restore ECX.
+ __ Bind(&done);
+ if (mirror::kUseStringCompression) {
+ // Restore EAX.
+ __ popl(EAX);
+ __ cfi().AdjustCFAOffset(-stack_adjust);
+ }
+ // Restore ECX.
__ popl(ECX);
__ cfi().AdjustCFAOffset(-stack_adjust);