Remove frame_id from InstrumentationStackFrame

Computing the frame id when pushing the instrumentation stack is
expensive and causes slowdown when debugger is attached.
The only use of the frame_id is to properly order the method enter
events when instrumenting the stack. It is easier to just record the
methods on the stack in order while walking instead of using frame_id.

Bug: 206029744
Test: art/
Change-Id: Ia69a8f2a60c2c20eab8ac49e337da0bb272fe92e
diff --git a/runtime/ b/runtime/
index 46cfb05..f8b6660 100644
--- a/runtime/
+++ b/runtime/
@@ -493,17 +493,10 @@
         return true;  // Ignore upcalls.
       if (GetCurrentQuickFrame() == nullptr) {
-        bool interpreter_frame = true;
-        InstrumentationStackFrame instrumentation_frame(GetThisObject().Ptr(),
-                                                        m,
-                                                        /*return_pc=*/ 0,
-                                                        GetFrameId(),
-                                                        interpreter_frame,
-                                                        force_deopt_id_);
         if (kVerboseInstrumentation) {
-          LOG(INFO) << "Pushing shadow frame " << instrumentation_frame.Dump();
+          LOG(INFO) << "Pushing shadow frame method " << m->PrettyMethod();
-        shadow_stack_.push_back(instrumentation_frame);
+        stack_methods_.push_back(m);
         return true;  // Continue.
       uintptr_t return_pc = GetReturnPc();
@@ -566,20 +559,20 @@
             m->IsRuntimeMethod() ? nullptr : GetThisObject().Ptr(),
-            GetFrameId(),    // A runtime method still gets a frame id.
         if (kVerboseInstrumentation) {
           LOG(INFO) << "Pushing frame " << instrumentation_frame.Dump();
+        stack_methods_.push_back(m);
         instrumentation_stack_->insert({GetReturnPcAddr(), instrumentation_frame});
       return true;  // Continue.
     std::map<uintptr_t, InstrumentationStackFrame>* const instrumentation_stack_;
-    std::vector<InstrumentationStackFrame> shadow_stack_;
+    std::vector<ArtMethod*> stack_methods_;
     const uintptr_t instrumentation_exit_pc_;
     bool reached_existing_instrumentation_frames_;
     uint64_t force_deopt_id_;
@@ -603,19 +596,9 @@
   if (instrumentation->ShouldNotifyMethodEnterExitEvents()) {
     // Create method enter events for all methods currently on the thread's stack. We only do this
-    // if no debugger is attached to prevent from posting events twice.
-    // TODO: This is the only place we make use of frame_id_. We should create a
-    // std::vector instead and populate it as we walk the stack.
-    auto ssi = visitor.shadow_stack_.rbegin();
-    for (auto isi = thread->GetInstrumentationStack()->rbegin(),
-        end = thread->GetInstrumentationStack()->rend(); isi != end; ++isi) {
-      while (ssi != visitor.shadow_stack_.rend() && (*ssi).frame_id_ < isi->second.frame_id_) {
-        instrumentation->MethodEnterEvent(thread, (*ssi).method_);
-        ++ssi;
-      }
-      if (!isi->second.interpreter_entry_ && !isi->second.method_->IsRuntimeMethod()) {
-        instrumentation->MethodEnterEvent(thread, isi->second.method_);
-      }
+    // if we haven't already processed the method enter events.
+    for (auto smi = visitor.stack_methods_.rbegin(); smi != visitor.stack_methods_.rend(); smi++) {
+      instrumentation->MethodEnterEvent(thread,  *smi);
@@ -1494,10 +1477,9 @@
   // We have a callee-save frame meaning this value is guaranteed to never be 0.
-  size_t frame_id = StackVisitor::ComputeNumFrames(self, kInstrumentationStackWalk);
   instrumentation::InstrumentationStackFrame instrumentation_frame(
-      h_this.Get(), method, lr, frame_id, interpreter_entry, current_force_deopt_id_);
+      h_this.Get(), method, lr, interpreter_entry, current_force_deopt_id_);
   stack->insert({stack_ptr, instrumentation_frame});
@@ -1733,7 +1715,7 @@
 std::string InstrumentationStackFrame::Dump() const {
   std::ostringstream os;
-  os << "Frame " << frame_id_ << " " << ArtMethod::PrettyMethod(method_) << ":"
+  os << ArtMethod::PrettyMethod(method_) << ":"
       << reinterpret_cast<void*>(return_pc_) << " this=" << reinterpret_cast<void*>(this_object_)
       << " force_deopt_id=" << force_deopt_id_;
   return os.str();
diff --git a/runtime/instrumentation.h b/runtime/instrumentation.h
index 572586e..0d00ccc 100644
--- a/runtime/instrumentation.h
+++ b/runtime/instrumentation.h
@@ -742,13 +742,11 @@
   InstrumentationStackFrame(mirror::Object* this_object,
                             ArtMethod* method,
                             uintptr_t return_pc,
-                            size_t frame_id,
                             bool interpreter_entry,
                             uint64_t force_deopt_id)
       : this_object_(this_object),
-        frame_id_(frame_id),
         force_deopt_id_(force_deopt_id) {
@@ -758,7 +756,6 @@
   mirror::Object* this_object_;
   ArtMethod* method_;
   uintptr_t return_pc_;
-  size_t frame_id_;
   bool interpreter_entry_;
   uint64_t force_deopt_id_;