Improve nterp -> compiled code transitions.

Use an unused bit in the access flags of an ArtMethod (0x00200000) to store
the information a method only takes ints or references and returns an
int, a reference, or a long. This avoids the need to fetch the shorty in nterp
when doing a call.

Test: 821-many-args
Bug: 112676029

Change-Id: Ie657ccf69c17c1097dc2a97f18e3093ef3be391b
diff --git a/libdexfile/dex/modifiers.h b/libdexfile/dex/modifiers.h
index 5fad46c..60141df 100644
--- a/libdexfile/dex/modifiers.h
+++ b/libdexfile/dex/modifiers.h
@@ -99,6 +99,9 @@
 // Whether nterp can take a fast path when entering this method (runtime; non-native)
 static constexpr uint32_t kAccNterpEntryPointFastPathFlag = 0x00100000;
+// Set by the class linker to mark that a method does not have floating points
+// or longs in its shorty.
+static constexpr uint32_t kAccNterpInvokeFastPathFlag     = 0x00200000;  // method (runtime)
 static constexpr uint32_t kAccPublicApi =             0x10000000;  // field, method
 static constexpr uint32_t kAccCorePlatformApi =       0x20000000;  // field, method