Change Dex2oatLayoutTest to generate profile itself.
Changed from a pre-generated base64 profile. This makes the test work
even if the dex file differs due to Jack changes.
Bug: 33091768
Test: mm test-art-host-gtest-dex2oat_test
Change-Id: I22b8c20ae1ab57efe66684ba38f5c128e6c089fd
diff --git a/dex2oat/ b/dex2oat/
index 714a58c..b6b62a8 100644
--- a/dex2oat/
+++ b/dex2oat/
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
#include "base/stringprintf.h"
#include "dex_file-inl.h"
#include "dex2oat_environment_test.h"
+#include "jit/offline_profiling_info.h"
#include "oat.h"
#include "oat_file.h"
#include "utils.h"
@@ -552,26 +553,6 @@
RunTest(CompilerFilter::kSpeed, true, { "--very-large-app-threshold=100" });
-static const char kDexFileLayoutInputProfile[] = "cHJvADAwMgABAAwAAQABAOqMEeFEZXhOb09hdC5qYXIBAAEA";
-static void WriteFileBase64(const char* base64, const char* location) {
- // Decode base64.
- CHECK(base64 != nullptr);
- size_t length;
- std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> bytes(DecodeBase64(base64, &length));
- CHECK(bytes.get() != nullptr);
- // Write to provided file.
- std::unique_ptr<File> file(OS::CreateEmptyFile(location));
- CHECK(file.get() != nullptr);
- if (!file->WriteFully(bytes.get(), length)) {
- PLOG(FATAL) << "Failed to write base64 as file";
- }
- if (file->FlushCloseOrErase() != 0) {
- PLOG(FATAL) << "Could not flush and close test file.";
- }
class Dex2oatLayoutTest : public Dex2oatTest {
void CheckFilter(CompilerFilter::Filter input ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
@@ -579,13 +560,34 @@
// Ignore, we'll do our own checks.
+ // Emits a profile with a single dex file with the given location and a single class index of 1.
+ void GenerateProfile(const std::string& test_profile,
+ const std::string& dex_location,
+ uint32_t checksum) {
+ int profile_test_fd = open(test_profile.c_str(), O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_WRONLY, 0644);
+ CHECK_GE(profile_test_fd, 0);
+ ProfileCompilationInfo info;
+ std::string profile_key = ProfileCompilationInfo::GetProfileDexFileKey(dex_location);
+ info.AddClassIndex(profile_key, checksum, dex::TypeIndex(1));
+ bool result = info.Save(profile_test_fd);
+ close(profile_test_fd);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(result);
+ }
void RunTest() {
std::string dex_location = GetScratchDir() + "/DexNoOat.jar";
std::string profile_location = GetScratchDir() + "/";
std::string odex_location = GetOdexDir() + "/DexOdexNoOat.odex";
Copy(GetDexSrc2(), dex_location);
- WriteFileBase64(kDexFileLayoutInputProfile, profile_location.c_str());
+ const char* location = dex_location.c_str();
+ std::string error_msg;
+ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<const DexFile>> dex_files;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(DexFile::Open(location, location, true, &error_msg, &dex_files));
+ EXPECT_EQ(dex_files.size(), 1U);
+ std::unique_ptr<const DexFile>& dex_file = dex_files[0];
+ GenerateProfile(profile_location, dex_location, dex_file->GetLocationChecksum());
const std::vector<std::string>& extra_args = { "--profile-file=" + profile_location };
GenerateOdexForTest(dex_location, odex_location, CompilerFilter::kLayoutProfile, extra_args);
diff --git a/runtime/jit/offline_profiling_info.h b/runtime/jit/offline_profiling_info.h
index 4136488..53d0eea 100644
--- a/runtime/jit/offline_profiling_info.h
+++ b/runtime/jit/offline_profiling_info.h
@@ -180,6 +180,7 @@
friend class ProfileCompilationInfoTest;
friend class CompilerDriverProfileTest;
friend class ProfileAssistantTest;
+ friend class Dex2oatLayoutTest;
DexFileToProfileInfoMap info_;