Add support for sharding the ART MTS definition to `regen-test-files`.
Introduce the notion of "MTS test shard" in script
`test/utils/regen-test-files`, by introducing a new `MtsTestShard`
class. This enables sharding of ART Mainline Module code coverage runs
at the test-plan level ("meta-sharding"), as sharding at the test-run
level (provided by TradeFed) has reached its limits in ATP.
Add an indirection level in the generated file
which is now including "ART test list shards" (files
instead of listing tests directly. Also generate "ART test plan
(files `test/mts/tools/mts-tradefed/res/config/mts-art-shard-N.xml`),
so that each shard can be run independently, e.g. using
For now, only generate two shards, for tests that do not need device
root access:
- shard 00, containing all (supported) ART run-tests, and
- shard 01, containing Libcore CTS tests (`CtsLibcoreTestCases`).
Test: m mts && mts-tradefed run commandAndExit mts-art
Test: m mts && mts-tradefed run commandAndExit mts-art-shard-00
Test: m mts && mts-tradefed run commandAndExit mts-art-shard-01
Bug: 182575630
Change-Id: Icc1662403ccc074d6eaf70af8098f8e182ca0878
diff --git a/test/utils/regen-test-files b/test/utils/regen-test-files
index d77216b..1760481 100755
--- a/test/utils/regen-test-files
+++ b/test/utils/regen-test-files
@@ -46,9 +46,41 @@
"""Reindent literal string while removing common leading spaces."""
return textwrap.indent(textwrap.dedent(str), indent)
+def copyright_header_text(year):
+ """Return the copyright header text used in XML files."""
+ return reindent(f"""\
+ Copyright (C) {year} The Android Open Source Project
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+ """, " ")
+def split_list(l, n):
+ """Return a list of `n` sublists of (contiguous) elements of list `l`."""
+ assert n > 0
+ (d, m) = divmod(len(l), n)
+ # If the length of `l` is divisible by `n`, use that that divisor (`d`) as size of each sublist;
+ # otherwise, the next integer value (`d + 1`).
+ s = d if m == 0 else d + 1
+ result = [l[i:i + s] for i in range(0, len(l), s)]
+ assert len(result) == n
+ return result
# The prefix used in the Soong module name of all ART run-tests.
+# Number of shards used to declare ART run-tests in the sharded ART MTS test plan.
# Known failing ART run-tests.
# TODO(rpl): Investigate and address the causes of failures.
known_failing_tests = [
@@ -582,89 +614,142 @@
- def regen_art_mts_files(self, art_run_tests):
- """Regenerate ART MTS definition files."""
+ def create_mts_test_shard(self, description, tests, shard_num, copyright_year, comments = []):
+ """Factory method instantiating an `MtsTestShard`."""
+ return self.MtsTestShard(self.mts_config_dir,
+ description, tests, shard_num, copyright_year, comments)
- # Regenerate `mts_art_tests_list_user_file.xml`.
+ class MtsTestShard:
+ """Class encapsulating data and generation logic for an ART MTS test shard."""
+ def __init__(self, mts_config_dir, description, tests, shard_num, copyright_year, comments):
+ self.mts_config_dir = mts_config_dir
+ self.description = description
+ self.tests = tests
+ self.shard_num = shard_num
+ self.copyright_year = copyright_year
+ self.comments = comments
+ def shard_id(self):
+ return f"{self.shard_num:02}"
+ def test_plan_name(self):
+ return "mts-art-shard-" + self.shard_id()
+ def test_list_name(self):
+ return "mts-art-tests-list-user-shard-" + self.shard_id()
+ def regen_test_plan_file(self):
+ """Regenerate ART MTS test plan file shard (`mts-art-shard-<shard_num>.xml`)."""
+ root = xml.dom.minidom.Document()
+ advisory_header = root.createComment(f" {ADVISORY} ")
+ root.appendChild(advisory_header)
+ copyright_header = root.createComment(copyright_header_text(self.copyright_year))
+ root.appendChild(copyright_header)
+ configuration = root.createElement("configuration")
+ root.appendChild(configuration)
+ configuration.setAttribute(
+ "description",
+ f"Run mts-art-shard-{self.shard_id()} from a preexisting MTS installation.")
+ # Included XML files.
+ included_xml_files = ["mts", self.test_list_name()]
+ for xml_file in included_xml_files:
+ include = root.createElement("include")
+ include.setAttribute("name", xml_file)
+ configuration.appendChild(include)
+ # Test plan name.
+ option = root.createElement("option")
+ option.setAttribute("name", "plan")
+ option.setAttribute("value", self.test_plan_name())
+ configuration.appendChild(option)
+ xml_str = root.toprettyxml(indent = XML_INDENT, encoding = "utf-8")
+ test_plan_file = os.path.join(self.mts_config_dir, self.test_plan_name() + ".xml")
+ with open(test_plan_file, "wb") as f:
+ logging.debug(f"Writing `{test_plan_file}`.")
+ f.write(xml_str)
+ def regen_test_list_file(self):
+ """Regenerate ART MTS test list file (`mts-art-tests-list-user-shard-<shard_num>.xml`)."""
+ root = xml.dom.minidom.Document()
+ advisory_header = root.createComment(f" {ADVISORY} ")
+ root.appendChild(advisory_header)
+ copyright_header = root.createComment(copyright_header_text(self.copyright_year))
+ root.appendChild(copyright_header)
+ configuration = root.createElement("configuration")
+ root.appendChild(configuration)
+ configuration.setAttribute(
+ "description",
+ f"List of ART MTS tests that do not need root access (shard {self.shard_id()})"
+ )
+ # Test declarations.
+ # ------------------
+ def append_test_declaration(test):
+ option = root.createElement("option")
+ option.setAttribute("name", "compatibility:include-filter")
+ option.setAttribute("value", test)
+ configuration.appendChild(option)
+ test_declarations_comments = [self.description + "."]
+ test_declarations_comments.extend(self.comments)
+ for c in test_declarations_comments:
+ xml_comment = root.createComment(f" {c} ")
+ configuration.appendChild(xml_comment)
+ for t in self.tests:
+ append_test_declaration(t)
+ # `MainlineTestModuleController` configurations.
+ # ----------------------------------------------
+ def append_module_controller_configuration(test):
+ option = root.createElement("option")
+ option.setAttribute("name", "compatibility:module-arg")
+ option.setAttribute("value", f"{test}:enable:true")
+ configuration.appendChild(option)
+ module_controller_configuration_comments = [
+ f"Enable MainlineTestModuleController for {self.description}."]
+ module_controller_configuration_comments.extend(self.comments)
+ for c in module_controller_configuration_comments:
+ xml_comment = root.createComment(f" {c} ")
+ configuration.appendChild(xml_comment)
+ for t in self.tests:
+ append_module_controller_configuration(t)
+ xml_str = root.toprettyxml(indent = XML_INDENT, encoding = "utf-8")
+ test_list_file = os.path.join(self.mts_config_dir, self.test_list_name() + ".xml")
+ with open(test_list_file, "wb") as f:
+ logging.debug(f"Writing `{test_list_file}`.")
+ f.write(xml_str)
+ def regen_mts_art_tests_list_user_file(self, num_mts_art_run_test_shards):
+ """Regenerate ART MTS test list file (`mts-art-tests-list-user.xml`)."""
root = xml.dom.minidom.Document()
- configuration = root.createElement("configuration")
advisory_header = root.createComment(f" {ADVISORY} ")
- copyright_header = root.createComment(reindent("""\
- Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- You may obtain a copy of the License at
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
- """, " "))
+ copyright_header = root.createComment(copyright_header_text(2020))
+ configuration = root.createElement("configuration")
configuration.setAttribute("description", "List of ART MTS tests that do not need root access.")
- # Test declarations.
- # ------------------
- def append_test_declaration(test):
- option = root.createElement("option")
- option.setAttribute("name", "compatibility:include-filter")
- option.setAttribute("value", test)
- configuration.appendChild(option)
- # ART run-tests.
- art_run_test_module_names = [ART_RUN_TEST_MODULE_NAME_PREFIX + t for t in art_run_tests]
- art_run_test_header = root.createComment(" ART run-tests. ")
- configuration.appendChild(art_run_test_header)
- art_run_test_todo = root.createComment(
- " TODO(rpl): Find a way to express this list in a more concise fashion. ")
- configuration.appendChild(art_run_test_todo)
- for art_run_test_module_name in art_run_test_module_names:
- append_test_declaration(art_run_test_module_name)
- # Libcore CTS tests.
- # TODO(rpl): Progressively add more Libcore CTS tests.
- libcore_cts_test_module_names = [
- "CtsLibcoreTestCases",
- ]
- libcore_cts_test_header = root.createComment(" Libcore CTS tests. ")
- configuration.appendChild(libcore_cts_test_header)
- for libcore_cts_test_module_name in libcore_cts_test_module_names:
- append_test_declaration(libcore_cts_test_module_name)
- # `MainlineTestModuleController` configurations.
- # ----------------------------------------------
- def append_module_controller_configuration(test):
- option = root.createElement("option")
- option.setAttribute("name", "compatibility:module-arg")
- option.setAttribute("value", f"{test}:enable:true")
- configuration.appendChild(option)
- # `MainlineTestModuleController` configuration for ART run-tests.
- art_run_test_module_controller_header = root.createComment(
- " Enable MainlineTestModuleController for ART run-tests. ")
- configuration.appendChild(art_run_test_module_controller_header)
- art_run_test_module_controller_todo = root.createComment(
- " TODO(rpl): Find a way to express this list in a more concise fashion. ")
- configuration.appendChild(art_run_test_module_controller_todo)
- for art_run_test_module_name in art_run_test_module_names:
- append_module_controller_configuration(art_run_test_module_name)
- # `MainlineTestModuleController` configuration for Libcore CTS tests.
- libcore_cts_test_module_controller_header = root.createComment(
- " Enable MainlineTestModuleController for Libcore CTS tests. ")
- configuration.appendChild(libcore_cts_test_module_controller_header)
- for libcore_cts_test_module_name in libcore_cts_test_module_names:
- append_module_controller_configuration(libcore_cts_test_module_name)
+ # Included XML files.
+ for s in range(num_mts_art_run_test_shards):
+ include = root.createElement("include")
+ include.setAttribute("name", f"mts-art-tests-list-user-shard-{s:02}")
+ configuration.appendChild(include)
xml_str = root.toprettyxml(indent = XML_INDENT, encoding = "utf-8")
@@ -673,6 +758,44 @@
logging.debug(f"Writing `{mts_art_tests_list_user_file}`.")
+ def regen_art_mts_files(self, art_run_tests):
+ """Regenerate ART MTS definition files."""
+ # Remove any previously MTS ART test plan shard (`mts-art-shard-[0-9]+.xml`)
+ # and any test list shard (`mts-art-tests-list-user-shard-[0-9]+.xml`).
+ old_test_plan_shards = sorted([
+ test_plan_shard
+ for test_plan_shard in os.listdir(self.mts_config_dir)
+ if re.match("^mts-art-(tests-list-user-)?shard-[0-9]+.xml$", test_plan_shard)])
+ for shard in old_test_plan_shards:
+ shard_path = os.path.join(self.mts_config_dir, shard)
+ if os.path.exists(shard_path):
+ logging.debug(f"Removing `{shard_path}`.")
+ os.remove(shard_path)
+ mts_test_shards = []
+ # ART run-test shard(s).
+ art_run_test_module_names = [ART_RUN_TEST_MODULE_NAME_PREFIX + t for t in art_run_tests]
+ art_run_test_shards = split_list(art_run_test_module_names, NUM_MTS_ART_RUN_TEST_SHARDS)
+ for i in range(len(art_run_test_shards)):
+ art_run_test_shard = self.create_mts_test_shard(
+ "ART run-tests", art_run_test_shards[i], i, 2020,
+ ["TODO(rpl): Find a way to express this list in a more concise fashion."])
+ mts_test_shards.append(art_run_test_shard)
+ # Libcore CTS test shard.
+ libcore_cts_test_shard_num = len(mts_test_shards)
+ libcore_cts_test_shard = self.create_mts_test_shard(
+ "Libcore CTS tests", ["CtsLibcoreTestCases"], libcore_cts_test_shard_num, 2020)
+ mts_test_shards.append(libcore_cts_test_shard)
+ for s in mts_test_shards:
+ s.regen_test_plan_file()
+ s.regen_test_list_file()
+ self.regen_mts_art_tests_list_user_file(len(mts_test_shards))
def regen_test_files(self, regen_art_mts):
"""Regenerate ART test files.