Replace rotate patterns and invokes with HRor IR.
Replace constant and register version bitfield rotate patterns, and
rotateRight/Left intrinsic invokes, with new HRor IR.
Where k is constant and r is a register, with the UShr and Shl on
either side of a |, +, or ^, the following patterns are replaced:
x >>> #k OP x << #(reg_size - k)
x >>> #k OP x << #-k
x >>> r OP x << (#reg_size - r)
x >>> (#reg_size - r) OP x << r
x >>> r OP x << -r
x >>> -r OP x << r
Implemented for ARM/ARM64 & X86/X86_64.
Tests changed to not be inlined to prevent optimization from folding
them out. Additional tests added for constant rotate amounts.
Change-Id: I5847d104c0a0348e5792be6c5072ce5090ca2c34
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/ b/compiler/optimizing/
index 2f3df7f..6946265 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/
@@ -39,6 +39,12 @@
+ bool ReplaceRotateWithRor(HBinaryOperation* op, HUShr* ushr, HShl* shl);
+ bool TryReplaceWithRotate(HBinaryOperation* instruction);
+ bool TryReplaceWithRotateConstantPattern(HBinaryOperation* op, HUShr* ushr, HShl* shl);
+ bool TryReplaceWithRotateRegisterNegPattern(HBinaryOperation* op, HUShr* ushr, HShl* shl);
+ bool TryReplaceWithRotateRegisterSubPattern(HBinaryOperation* op, HUShr* ushr, HShl* shl);
bool TryMoveNegOnInputsAfterBinop(HBinaryOperation* binop);
void VisitShift(HBinaryOperation* shift);
@@ -77,6 +83,7 @@
bool CanEnsureNotNullAt(HInstruction* instr, HInstruction* at) const;
+ void SimplifyRotate(HInvoke* invoke, bool is_left);
void SimplifySystemArrayCopy(HInvoke* invoke);
void SimplifyStringEquals(HInvoke* invoke);
@@ -173,6 +180,161 @@
+static bool IsSubRegBitsMinusOther(HSub* sub, size_t reg_bits, HInstruction* other) {
+ return (sub->GetRight() == other &&
+ sub->GetLeft()->IsConstant() &&
+ (Int64FromConstant(sub->GetLeft()->AsConstant()) & (reg_bits - 1)) == 0);
+bool InstructionSimplifierVisitor::ReplaceRotateWithRor(HBinaryOperation* op,
+ HUShr* ushr,
+ HShl* shl) {
+ DCHECK(op->IsAdd() || op->IsXor() || op->IsOr());
+ HRor* ror = new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) HRor(ushr->GetType(),
+ ushr->GetLeft(),
+ ushr->GetRight());
+ op->GetBlock()->ReplaceAndRemoveInstructionWith(op, ror);
+ if (!ushr->HasUses()) {
+ ushr->GetBlock()->RemoveInstruction(ushr);
+ }
+ if (!ushr->GetRight()->HasUses()) {
+ ushr->GetRight()->GetBlock()->RemoveInstruction(ushr->GetRight());
+ }
+ if (!shl->HasUses()) {
+ shl->GetBlock()->RemoveInstruction(shl);
+ }
+ if (!shl->GetRight()->HasUses()) {
+ shl->GetRight()->GetBlock()->RemoveInstruction(shl->GetRight());
+ }
+ return true;
+// Try to replace a binary operation flanked by one UShr and one Shl with a bitfield rotation.
+bool InstructionSimplifierVisitor::TryReplaceWithRotate(HBinaryOperation* op) {
+ // This simplification is currently supported on ARM and ARM64.
+ // TODO: Implement it for MIPS/64.
+ const InstructionSet instruction_set = GetGraph()->GetInstructionSet();
+ switch (instruction_set) {
+ case kArm:
+ case kArm64:
+ case kThumb2:
+ case kX86:
+ case kX86_64:
+ break;
+ default:
+ return false;
+ }
+ DCHECK(op->IsAdd() || op->IsXor() || op->IsOr());
+ HInstruction* left = op->GetLeft();
+ HInstruction* right = op->GetRight();
+ // If we have an UShr and a Shl (in either order).
+ if ((left->IsUShr() && right->IsShl()) || (left->IsShl() && right->IsUShr())) {
+ HUShr* ushr = left->IsUShr() ? left->AsUShr() : right->AsUShr();
+ HShl* shl = left->IsShl() ? left->AsShl() : right->AsShl();
+ DCHECK(Primitive::IsIntOrLongType(ushr->GetType()));
+ if (ushr->GetType() == shl->GetType() &&
+ ushr->GetLeft() == shl->GetLeft()) {
+ if (ushr->GetRight()->IsConstant() && shl->GetRight()->IsConstant()) {
+ // Shift distances are both constant, try replacing with Ror if they
+ // add up to the register size.
+ return TryReplaceWithRotateConstantPattern(op, ushr, shl);
+ } else if (ushr->GetRight()->IsSub() || shl->GetRight()->IsSub()) {
+ // Shift distances are potentially of the form x and (reg_size - x).
+ return TryReplaceWithRotateRegisterSubPattern(op, ushr, shl);
+ } else if (ushr->GetRight()->IsNeg() || shl->GetRight()->IsNeg()) {
+ // Shift distances are potentially of the form d and -d.
+ return TryReplaceWithRotateRegisterNegPattern(op, ushr, shl);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+// Try replacing code looking like (x >>> #rdist OP x << #ldist):
+// UShr dst, x, #rdist
+// Shl tmp, x, #ldist
+// OP dst, dst, tmp
+// or like (x >>> #rdist OP x << #-ldist):
+// UShr dst, x, #rdist
+// Shl tmp, x, #-ldist
+// OP dst, dst, tmp
+// with
+// Ror dst, x, #rdist
+bool InstructionSimplifierVisitor::TryReplaceWithRotateConstantPattern(HBinaryOperation* op,
+ HUShr* ushr,
+ HShl* shl) {
+ DCHECK(op->IsAdd() || op->IsXor() || op->IsOr());
+ size_t reg_bits = Primitive::ComponentSize(ushr->GetType()) * kBitsPerByte;
+ size_t rdist = Int64FromConstant(ushr->GetRight()->AsConstant());
+ size_t ldist = Int64FromConstant(shl->GetRight()->AsConstant());
+ if (((ldist + rdist) & (reg_bits - 1)) == 0) {
+ ReplaceRotateWithRor(op, ushr, shl);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+// Replace code looking like (x >>> -d OP x << d):
+// Neg neg, d
+// UShr dst, x, neg
+// Shl tmp, x, d
+// OP dst, dst, tmp
+// with
+// Neg neg, d
+// Ror dst, x, neg
+// *** OR ***
+// Replace code looking like (x >>> d OP x << -d):
+// UShr dst, x, d
+// Neg neg, d
+// Shl tmp, x, neg
+// OP dst, dst, tmp
+// with
+// Ror dst, x, d
+bool InstructionSimplifierVisitor::TryReplaceWithRotateRegisterNegPattern(HBinaryOperation* op,
+ HUShr* ushr,
+ HShl* shl) {
+ DCHECK(op->IsAdd() || op->IsXor() || op->IsOr());
+ DCHECK(ushr->GetRight()->IsNeg() || shl->GetRight()->IsNeg());
+ bool neg_is_left = shl->GetRight()->IsNeg();
+ HNeg* neg = neg_is_left ? shl->GetRight()->AsNeg() : ushr->GetRight()->AsNeg();
+ // And the shift distance being negated is the distance being shifted the other way.
+ if (neg->InputAt(0) == (neg_is_left ? ushr->GetRight() : shl->GetRight())) {
+ ReplaceRotateWithRor(op, ushr, shl);
+ }
+ return false;
+// Try replacing code looking like (x >>> d OP x << (#bits - d)):
+// UShr dst, x, d
+// Sub ld, #bits, d
+// Shl tmp, x, ld
+// OP dst, dst, tmp
+// with
+// Ror dst, x, d
+// *** OR ***
+// Replace code looking like (x >>> (#bits - d) OP x << d):
+// Sub rd, #bits, d
+// UShr dst, x, rd
+// Shl tmp, x, d
+// OP dst, dst, tmp
+// with
+// Neg neg, d
+// Ror dst, x, neg
+bool InstructionSimplifierVisitor::TryReplaceWithRotateRegisterSubPattern(HBinaryOperation* op,
+ HUShr* ushr,
+ HShl* shl) {
+ DCHECK(op->IsAdd() || op->IsXor() || op->IsOr());
+ DCHECK(ushr->GetRight()->IsSub() || shl->GetRight()->IsSub());
+ size_t reg_bits = Primitive::ComponentSize(ushr->GetType()) * kBitsPerByte;
+ HInstruction* shl_shift = shl->GetRight();
+ HInstruction* ushr_shift = ushr->GetRight();
+ if ((shl_shift->IsSub() && IsSubRegBitsMinusOther(shl_shift->AsSub(), reg_bits, ushr_shift)) ||
+ (ushr_shift->IsSub() && IsSubRegBitsMinusOther(ushr_shift->AsSub(), reg_bits, shl_shift))) {
+ return ReplaceRotateWithRor(op, ushr, shl);
+ }
+ return false;
void InstructionSimplifierVisitor::VisitNullCheck(HNullCheck* null_check) {
HInstruction* obj = null_check->InputAt(0);
if (!obj->CanBeNull()) {
@@ -530,7 +692,10 @@
instruction->GetBlock()->ReplaceAndRemoveInstructionWith(instruction, sub);
+ return;
+ TryReplaceWithRotate(instruction);
void InstructionSimplifierVisitor::VisitAnd(HAnd* instruction) {
@@ -906,7 +1071,10 @@
// src
+ return;
+ TryReplaceWithRotate(instruction);
void InstructionSimplifierVisitor::VisitShl(HShl* instruction) {
@@ -1027,6 +1195,8 @@
+ TryReplaceWithRotate(instruction);
void InstructionSimplifierVisitor::VisitFakeString(HFakeString* instruction) {
@@ -1095,6 +1265,42 @@
+void InstructionSimplifierVisitor::SimplifyRotate(HInvoke* invoke, bool is_left) {
+ DCHECK(invoke->IsInvokeStaticOrDirect());
+ DCHECK_EQ(invoke->GetOriginalInvokeType(), InvokeType::kStatic);
+ // This simplification is currently supported on ARM and ARM64.
+ // TODO: Implement it for MIPS/64.
+ const InstructionSet instruction_set = GetGraph()->GetInstructionSet();
+ switch (instruction_set) {
+ case kArm:
+ case kArm64:
+ case kThumb2:
+ case kX86:
+ case kX86_64:
+ break;
+ default:
+ return;
+ }
+ HInstruction* value = invoke->InputAt(0);
+ HInstruction* distance = invoke->InputAt(1);
+ // Replace the invoke with an HRor.
+ if (is_left) {
+ distance = new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) HNeg(distance->GetType(), distance);
+ invoke->GetBlock()->InsertInstructionBefore(distance, invoke);
+ }
+ HRor* ror = new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) HRor(value->GetType(), value, distance);
+ invoke->GetBlock()->ReplaceAndRemoveInstructionWith(invoke, ror);
+ // Remove ClinitCheck and LoadClass, if possible.
+ HInstruction* clinit = invoke->InputAt(invoke->InputCount() - 1);
+ if (clinit->IsClinitCheck() && !clinit->HasUses()) {
+ clinit->GetBlock()->RemoveInstruction(clinit);
+ HInstruction* ldclass = clinit->InputAt(0);
+ if (ldclass->IsLoadClass() && !ldclass->HasUses()) {
+ ldclass->GetBlock()->RemoveInstruction(ldclass);
+ }
+ }
static bool IsArrayLengthOf(HInstruction* potential_length, HInstruction* potential_array) {
if (potential_length->IsArrayLength()) {
return potential_length->InputAt(0) == potential_array;
@@ -1165,6 +1371,12 @@
} else if (instruction->GetIntrinsic() == Intrinsics::kSystemArrayCopy) {
+ } else if (instruction->GetIntrinsic() == Intrinsics::kIntegerRotateRight ||
+ instruction->GetIntrinsic() == Intrinsics::kLongRotateRight) {
+ SimplifyRotate(instruction, false);
+ } else if (instruction->GetIntrinsic() == Intrinsics::kIntegerRotateLeft ||
+ instruction->GetIntrinsic() == Intrinsics::kLongRotateLeft) {
+ SimplifyRotate(instruction, true);