ART: Improve range search caching in LiveInterval
Register allocator spends too long in LiveInterval queries. This patch
builds on previously introduced caching of range search results to
further speed up LiveInterval's Covers and FindIntersectionWith.
Only calls which are guaranteed to query the current->GetStart()
position are cached. Other calls are replaced with CoversSlow which
searches through the entire list of ranges.
Change-Id: I84d92b526e174caa70d6477497a06afd85016c4a
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/ssa_liveness_analysis.h b/compiler/optimizing/ssa_liveness_analysis.h
index e1370a5..8eb98a1 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/ssa_liveness_analysis.h
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/ssa_liveness_analysis.h
@@ -274,8 +274,8 @@
size_t start_block_position = instruction->GetBlock()->GetLifetimeStart();
if (first_range_ == nullptr) {
// First time we see a use of that interval.
- first_range_ = last_range_ = new (allocator_) LiveRange(
- start_block_position, position, nullptr);
+ first_range_ = last_range_ = range_search_start_ =
+ new (allocator_) LiveRange(start_block_position, position, nullptr);
} else if (first_range_->GetStart() == start_block_position) {
// There is a use later in the same block or in a following block.
// Note that in such a case, `AddRange` for the whole blocks has been called
@@ -290,7 +290,8 @@
// predecessor/successor. When two blocks are predecessor/successor, the
// liveness algorithm has called `AddRange` before arriving in this method,
// and the check line 205 would succeed.
- first_range_ = new (allocator_) LiveRange(start_block_position, position, first_range_);
+ first_range_ = range_search_start_ =
+ new (allocator_) LiveRange(start_block_position, position, first_range_);
@@ -302,7 +303,8 @@
void AddRange(size_t start, size_t end) {
if (first_range_ == nullptr) {
- first_range_ = last_range_ = new (allocator_) LiveRange(start, end, first_range_);
+ first_range_ = last_range_ = range_search_start_ =
+ new (allocator_) LiveRange(start, end, first_range_);
} else if (first_range_->GetStart() == end) {
// There is a use in the following block.
first_range_->start_ = start;
@@ -311,7 +313,7 @@
} else {
DCHECK_GT(first_range_->GetStart(), end);
// There is a hole in the interval. Create a new range.
- first_range_ = new (allocator_) LiveRange(start, end, first_range_);
+ first_range_ = range_search_start_ = new (allocator_) LiveRange(start, end, first_range_);
@@ -328,15 +330,15 @@
if (after_loop == nullptr) {
// Uses are only in the loop.
- first_range_ = last_range_ = new (allocator_) LiveRange(start, end, nullptr);
+ first_range_ = last_range_ = range_search_start_ = new (allocator_) LiveRange(start, end, nullptr);
} else if (after_loop->GetStart() <= end) {
- first_range_ = after_loop;
+ first_range_ = range_search_start_ = after_loop;
// There are uses after the loop.
first_range_->start_ = start;
} else {
// The use after the loop is after a lifetime hole.
DCHECK(last_in_loop != nullptr);
- first_range_ = last_in_loop;
+ first_range_ = range_search_start_ = last_in_loop;
first_range_->start_ = start;
first_range_->end_ = end;
@@ -357,7 +359,8 @@
// Instruction without uses.
DCHECK(from == defined_by_->GetLifetimePosition());
- first_range_ = last_range_ = new (allocator_) LiveRange(from, from + 2, nullptr);
+ first_range_ = last_range_ = range_search_start_ =
+ new (allocator_) LiveRange(from, from + 2, nullptr);
@@ -379,18 +382,36 @@
return GetStart() <= position && !IsDeadAt(position);
+ // Returns true if the interval contains a LiveRange covering `position`.
+ // The range at or immediately after the current position of linear scan
+ // is cached for better performance. If `position` can be smaller than
+ // that, CoversSlow should be used instead.
bool Covers(size_t position) {
- return !IsDeadAt(position) && FindRangeAt(position) != nullptr;
+ LiveRange* candidate = FindRangeAtOrAfter(position, range_search_start_);
+ range_search_start_ = candidate;
+ return (candidate != nullptr && candidate->GetStart() <= position);
- /**
- * Returns the first intersection of this interval with `other`.
- */
- size_t FirstIntersectionWith(LiveInterval* other) const {
+ // Same as Covers but always tests all ranges.
+ bool CoversSlow(size_t position) const {
+ LiveRange* candidate = FindRangeAtOrAfter(position, first_range_);
+ return candidate != nullptr && candidate->GetStart() <= position;
+ }
+ // Returns the first intersection of this interval with `current`, which
+ // must be the interval currently being allocated by linear scan.
+ size_t FirstIntersectionWith(LiveInterval* current) const {
+ // Find the first range after the start of `current`. We use the search
+ // cache to improve performance.
+ DCHECK(GetStart() <= current->GetStart() || IsFixed());
+ LiveRange* other_range = current->first_range_;
+ LiveRange* my_range = FindRangeAtOrAfter(other_range->GetStart(), range_search_start_);
+ if (my_range == nullptr) {
+ return kNoLifetime;
+ }
// Advance both intervals and find the first matching range start in
// this interval.
- LiveRange* my_range = first_range_;
- LiveRange* other_range = other->first_range_;
do {
if (my_range->IsBefore(*other_range)) {
my_range = my_range->GetNext();
@@ -541,7 +562,6 @@
new_interval->parent_ = parent_;
new_interval->first_use_ = first_use_;
- last_visited_range_ = nullptr;
LiveRange* current = first_range_;
LiveRange* previous = nullptr;
// Iterate over the ranges, and either find a range that covers this position, or
@@ -561,6 +581,12 @@
last_range_ = previous;
previous->next_ = nullptr;
new_interval->first_range_ = current;
+ if (range_search_start_ != nullptr && range_search_start_->GetEnd() >= current->GetEnd()) {
+ // Search start point is inside `new_interval`. Change it to nullptr
+ // (i.e. the end of the interval) in the original interval.
+ range_search_start_ = nullptr;
+ }
+ new_interval->range_search_start_ = new_interval->first_range_;
return new_interval;
} else {
// This range covers position. We create a new last_range_ for this interval
@@ -576,6 +602,12 @@
new_interval->first_range_ = current;
current->start_ = position;
+ if (range_search_start_ != nullptr && range_search_start_->GetEnd() >= current->GetEnd()) {
+ // Search start point is inside `new_interval`. Change it to `last_range`
+ // in the original interval. This is conservative but always correct.
+ range_search_start_ = last_range_;
+ }
+ new_interval->range_search_start_ = new_interval->first_range_;
return new_interval;
} while (current != nullptr);
@@ -702,6 +734,7 @@
if (first_range_ != nullptr) {
high_or_low_interval_->first_range_ = first_range_->Dup(allocator_);
high_or_low_interval_->last_range_ = high_or_low_interval_->first_range_->GetLastRange();
+ high_or_low_interval_->range_search_start_ = high_or_low_interval_->first_range_;
if (first_use_ != nullptr) {
high_or_low_interval_->first_use_ = first_use_->Dup(allocator_);
@@ -711,12 +744,14 @@
// Returns whether an interval, when it is non-split, is using
// the same register of one of its input.
bool IsUsingInputRegister() const {
+ CHECK(kIsDebugBuild) << "Function should be used only for DCHECKs";
if (defined_by_ != nullptr && !IsSplit()) {
for (HInputIterator it(defined_by_); !it.Done(); it.Advance()) {
LiveInterval* interval = it.Current()->GetLiveInterval();
- // Find the interval that covers `defined_by`_.
- while (interval != nullptr && !interval->Covers(defined_by_->GetLifetimePosition())) {
+ // Find the interval that covers `defined_by`_. Calls to this function
+ // are made outside the linear scan, hence we need to use CoversSlow.
+ while (interval != nullptr && !interval->CoversSlow(defined_by_->GetLifetimePosition())) {
interval = interval->GetNextSibling();
@@ -735,6 +770,7 @@
// the same register of one of its input. Note that this method requires
// IsUsingInputRegister() to be true.
bool CanUseInputRegister() const {
+ CHECK(kIsDebugBuild) << "Function should be used only for DCHECKs";
if (defined_by_ != nullptr && !IsSplit()) {
LocationSummary* locations = defined_by_->GetLocations();
@@ -744,8 +780,9 @@
for (HInputIterator it(defined_by_); !it.Done(); it.Advance()) {
LiveInterval* interval = it.Current()->GetLiveInterval();
- // Find the interval that covers `defined_by`_.
- while (interval != nullptr && !interval->Covers(defined_by_->GetLifetimePosition())) {
+ // Find the interval that covers `defined_by`_. Calls to this function
+ // are made outside the linear scan, hence we need to use CoversSlow.
+ while (interval != nullptr && !interval->CoversSlow(defined_by_->GetLifetimePosition())) {
interval = interval->GetNextSibling();
@@ -754,7 +791,7 @@
&& interval->GetRegister() == GetRegister()) {
// We found the input that has the same register. Check if it is live after
// `defined_by`_.
- return !interval->Covers(defined_by_->GetLifetimePosition() + 1);
+ return !interval->CoversSlow(defined_by_->GetLifetimePosition() + 1);
@@ -777,6 +814,12 @@
return first_safepoint_;
+ // Resets the starting point for range-searching queries to the first range.
+ // Intervals must be reset prior to starting a new linear scan over them.
+ void ResetSearchCache() {
+ range_search_start_ = first_range_;
+ }
LiveInterval(ArenaAllocator* allocator,
Primitive::Type type,
@@ -789,9 +832,9 @@
: allocator_(allocator),
+ range_search_start_(nullptr),
- last_visited_range_(nullptr),
@@ -805,39 +848,29 @@
defined_by_(defined_by) {}
- // Returns a LiveRange covering the given position or nullptr if no such range
- // exists in the interval.
- // This is a linear search optimized for multiple queries in a non-decreasing
- // position order typical for linear scan register allocation.
- LiveRange* FindRangeAt(size_t position) {
- // Make sure operations on the interval didn't leave us with a cached result
- // from a sibling.
+ // Searches for a LiveRange that either covers the given position or is the
+ // first next LiveRange. Returns nullptr if no such LiveRange exists. Ranges
+ // known to end before `position` can be skipped with `search_start`.
+ LiveRange* FindRangeAtOrAfter(size_t position, LiveRange* search_start) const {
if (kIsDebugBuild) {
- if (last_visited_range_ != nullptr) {
- DCHECK_GE(last_visited_range_->GetStart(), GetStart());
- DCHECK_LE(last_visited_range_->GetEnd(), GetEnd());
+ if (search_start != first_range_) {
+ // If we are not searching the entire list of ranges, make sure we do
+ // not skip the range we are searching for.
+ if (search_start == nullptr) {
+ DCHECK(IsDeadAt(position));
+ } else if (search_start->GetStart() > position) {
+ DCHECK_EQ(search_start, FindRangeAtOrAfter(position, first_range_));
+ }
- // If this method was called earlier on a lower position, use that result as
- // a starting point to save time. However, linear scan performs 3 scans:
- // integers, floats, and resolution. Instead of resetting at the beginning
- // of a scan, we do it here.
- LiveRange* current;
- if (last_visited_range_ != nullptr && position >= last_visited_range_->GetStart()) {
- current = last_visited_range_;
- } else {
- current = first_range_;
+ LiveRange* range;
+ for (range = search_start;
+ range != nullptr && range->GetEnd() <= position;
+ range = range->GetNext()) {
+ continue;
- while (current != nullptr && current->GetEnd() <= position) {
- current = current->GetNext();
- }
- last_visited_range_ = current;
- if (current != nullptr && position >= current->GetStart()) {
- return current;
- } else {
- return nullptr;
- }
+ return range;
ArenaAllocator* const allocator_;
@@ -847,14 +880,14 @@
LiveRange* first_range_;
LiveRange* last_range_;
+ // The first range at or after the current position of a linear scan. It is
+ // used to optimize range-searching queries.
+ LiveRange* range_search_start_;
// Safepoints where this interval is live.
SafepointPosition* first_safepoint_;
SafepointPosition* last_safepoint_;
- // Last visited range. This is a range search optimization leveraging the fact
- // that the register allocator does a linear scan through the intervals.
- LiveRange* last_visited_range_;
// Uses of this interval. Note that this linked list is shared amongst siblings.
UsePosition* first_use_;