Print more diagnosis info on to-space invariant violation.
Pass the method/field (in GcRootSource) to the read barrier to print
more info when a to-space invariant violation is detected on a
method/field GC root access.
Refactor ConcurrentCopying::AssertToSpaceInvariant().
Bug: 12687968
Bug: 21564728
Change-Id: I3a5fde1f41969349b0fee6cd9217b948d5241a7c
diff --git a/runtime/gc/collector/ b/runtime/gc/collector/
index 658390d..6984c16 100644
--- a/runtime/gc/collector/
+++ b/runtime/gc/collector/
@@ -1002,97 +1002,167 @@
} else if (region_space_->IsInFromSpace(ref)) {
// Not OK. Do extra logging.
if (obj != nullptr) {
- if (kUseBakerReadBarrier) {
- LOG(INFO) << "holder=" << obj << " " << PrettyTypeOf(obj)
- << " holder rb_ptr=" << obj->GetReadBarrierPointer();
- } else {
- LOG(INFO) << "holder=" << obj << " " << PrettyTypeOf(obj);
- }
- if (region_space_->IsInFromSpace(obj)) {
- LOG(INFO) << "holder is in the from-space.";
- } else if (region_space_->IsInToSpace(obj)) {
- LOG(INFO) << "holder is in the to-space.";
- } else if (region_space_->IsInUnevacFromSpace(obj)) {
- LOG(INFO) << "holder is in the unevac from-space.";
- if (region_space_bitmap_->Test(obj)) {
- LOG(INFO) << "holder is marked in the region space bitmap.";
- } else {
- LOG(INFO) << "holder is not marked in the region space bitmap.";
- }
- } else {
- // In a non-moving space.
- if (immune_region_.ContainsObject(obj)) {
- LOG(INFO) << "holder is in the image or the zygote space.";
- accounting::ContinuousSpaceBitmap* cc_bitmap =
- cc_heap_bitmap_->GetContinuousSpaceBitmap(obj);
- CHECK(cc_bitmap != nullptr)
- << "An immune space object must have a bitmap.";
- if (cc_bitmap->Test(obj)) {
- LOG(INFO) << "holder is marked in the bit map.";
- } else {
- LOG(INFO) << "holder is NOT marked in the bit map.";
- }
- } else {
- LOG(INFO) << "holder is in a non-moving (or main) space.";
- accounting::ContinuousSpaceBitmap* mark_bitmap =
- heap_mark_bitmap_->GetContinuousSpaceBitmap(obj);
- accounting::LargeObjectBitmap* los_bitmap =
- heap_mark_bitmap_->GetLargeObjectBitmap(obj);
- CHECK(los_bitmap != nullptr) << "LOS bitmap covers the entire address range";
- bool is_los = mark_bitmap == nullptr;
- if (!is_los && mark_bitmap->Test(obj)) {
- LOG(INFO) << "holder is marked in the mark bit map.";
- } else if (is_los && los_bitmap->Test(obj)) {
- LOG(INFO) << "holder is marked in the los bit map.";
- } else {
- // If ref is on the allocation stack, then it is considered
- // mark/alive (but not necessarily on the live stack.)
- if (IsOnAllocStack(obj)) {
- LOG(INFO) << "holder is on the alloc stack.";
- } else {
- LOG(INFO) << "holder is not marked or on the alloc stack.";
- }
- }
- }
- }
- LOG(INFO) << "offset=" << offset.SizeValue();
+ LogFromSpaceRefHolder(obj, offset);
+ ref->GetLockWord(false).Dump(LOG(INTERNAL_FATAL));
CHECK(false) << "Found from-space ref " << ref << " " << PrettyTypeOf(ref);
} else {
- // In a non-moving spaces. Check that the ref is marked.
- if (immune_region_.ContainsObject(ref)) {
- accounting::ContinuousSpaceBitmap* cc_bitmap =
- cc_heap_bitmap_->GetContinuousSpaceBitmap(ref);
- CHECK(cc_bitmap != nullptr)
- << "An immune space ref must have a bitmap. " << ref;
- if (kUseBakerReadBarrier) {
- CHECK(cc_bitmap->Test(ref))
- << "Unmarked immune space ref. obj=" << obj << " rb_ptr="
- << obj->GetReadBarrierPointer() << " ref=" << ref;
- } else {
- CHECK(cc_bitmap->Test(ref))
- << "Unmarked immune space ref. obj=" << obj << " ref=" << ref;
- }
+ AssertToSpaceInvariantInNonMovingSpace(obj, ref);
+ }
+ }
+class RootPrinter {
+ public:
+ RootPrinter() { }
+ template <class MirrorType>
+ ALWAYS_INLINE void VisitRootIfNonNull(mirror::CompressedReference<MirrorType>* root)
+ SHARED_LOCKS_REQUIRED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+ if (!root->IsNull()) {
+ VisitRoot(root);
+ }
+ }
+ template <class MirrorType>
+ void VisitRoot(mirror::Object** root)
+ SHARED_LOCKS_REQUIRED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+ LOG(INTERNAL_FATAL) << "root=" << root << " ref=" << *root;
+ }
+ template <class MirrorType>
+ void VisitRoot(mirror::CompressedReference<MirrorType>* root)
+ SHARED_LOCKS_REQUIRED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+ LOG(INTERNAL_FATAL) << "root=" << root << " ref=" << root->AsMirrorPtr();
+ }
+void ConcurrentCopying::AssertToSpaceInvariant(GcRootSource* gc_root_source,
+ mirror::Object* ref) {
+ CHECK(heap_->collector_type_ == kCollectorTypeCC) << static_cast<size_t>(heap_->collector_type_);
+ if (is_asserting_to_space_invariant_) {
+ if (region_space_->IsInToSpace(ref)) {
+ // OK.
+ return;
+ } else if (region_space_->IsInUnevacFromSpace(ref)) {
+ CHECK(region_space_bitmap_->Test(ref)) << ref;
+ } else if (region_space_->IsInFromSpace(ref)) {
+ // Not OK. Do extra logging.
+ if (gc_root_source == nullptr) {
+ // No info.
+ } else if (gc_root_source->HasArtField()) {
+ ArtField* field = gc_root_source->GetArtField();
+ LOG(INTERNAL_FATAL) << "gc root in field " << field << " " << PrettyField(field);
+ RootPrinter root_printer;
+ field->VisitRoots(root_printer);
+ } else if (gc_root_source->HasArtMethod()) {
+ ArtMethod* method = gc_root_source->GetArtMethod();
+ LOG(INTERNAL_FATAL) << "gc root in method " << method << " " << PrettyMethod(method);
+ RootPrinter root_printer;
+ method->VisitRoots(root_printer);
+ }
+ ref->GetLockWord(false).Dump(LOG(INTERNAL_FATAL));
+ region_space_->DumpNonFreeRegions(LOG(INTERNAL_FATAL));
+ PrintFileToLog("/proc/self/maps", LogSeverity::INTERNAL_FATAL);
+ MemMap::DumpMaps(LOG(INTERNAL_FATAL), true);
+ CHECK(false) << "Found from-space ref " << ref << " " << PrettyTypeOf(ref);
+ } else {
+ AssertToSpaceInvariantInNonMovingSpace(nullptr, ref);
+ }
+ }
+void ConcurrentCopying::LogFromSpaceRefHolder(mirror::Object* obj, MemberOffset offset) {
+ if (kUseBakerReadBarrier) {
+ LOG(INFO) << "holder=" << obj << " " << PrettyTypeOf(obj)
+ << " holder rb_ptr=" << obj->GetReadBarrierPointer();
+ } else {
+ LOG(INFO) << "holder=" << obj << " " << PrettyTypeOf(obj);
+ }
+ if (region_space_->IsInFromSpace(obj)) {
+ LOG(INFO) << "holder is in the from-space.";
+ } else if (region_space_->IsInToSpace(obj)) {
+ LOG(INFO) << "holder is in the to-space.";
+ } else if (region_space_->IsInUnevacFromSpace(obj)) {
+ LOG(INFO) << "holder is in the unevac from-space.";
+ if (region_space_bitmap_->Test(obj)) {
+ LOG(INFO) << "holder is marked in the region space bitmap.";
+ } else {
+ LOG(INFO) << "holder is not marked in the region space bitmap.";
+ }
+ } else {
+ // In a non-moving space.
+ if (immune_region_.ContainsObject(obj)) {
+ LOG(INFO) << "holder is in the image or the zygote space.";
+ accounting::ContinuousSpaceBitmap* cc_bitmap =
+ cc_heap_bitmap_->GetContinuousSpaceBitmap(obj);
+ CHECK(cc_bitmap != nullptr)
+ << "An immune space object must have a bitmap.";
+ if (cc_bitmap->Test(obj)) {
+ LOG(INFO) << "holder is marked in the bit map.";
} else {
- accounting::ContinuousSpaceBitmap* mark_bitmap =
- heap_mark_bitmap_->GetContinuousSpaceBitmap(ref);
- accounting::LargeObjectBitmap* los_bitmap =
- heap_mark_bitmap_->GetLargeObjectBitmap(ref);
- CHECK(los_bitmap != nullptr) << "LOS bitmap covers the entire address range";
- bool is_los = mark_bitmap == nullptr;
- if ((!is_los && mark_bitmap->Test(ref)) ||
- (is_los && los_bitmap->Test(ref))) {
- // OK.
+ LOG(INFO) << "holder is NOT marked in the bit map.";
+ }
+ } else {
+ LOG(INFO) << "holder is in a non-moving (or main) space.";
+ accounting::ContinuousSpaceBitmap* mark_bitmap =
+ heap_mark_bitmap_->GetContinuousSpaceBitmap(obj);
+ accounting::LargeObjectBitmap* los_bitmap =
+ heap_mark_bitmap_->GetLargeObjectBitmap(obj);
+ CHECK(los_bitmap != nullptr) << "LOS bitmap covers the entire address range";
+ bool is_los = mark_bitmap == nullptr;
+ if (!is_los && mark_bitmap->Test(obj)) {
+ LOG(INFO) << "holder is marked in the mark bit map.";
+ } else if (is_los && los_bitmap->Test(obj)) {
+ LOG(INFO) << "holder is marked in the los bit map.";
+ } else {
+ // If ref is on the allocation stack, then it is considered
+ // mark/alive (but not necessarily on the live stack.)
+ if (IsOnAllocStack(obj)) {
+ LOG(INFO) << "holder is on the alloc stack.";
} else {
- // If ref is on the allocation stack, then it may not be
- // marked live, but considered marked/alive (but not
- // necessarily on the live stack).
- CHECK(IsOnAllocStack(ref)) << "Unmarked ref that's not on the allocation stack. "
- << "obj=" << obj << " ref=" << ref;
+ LOG(INFO) << "holder is not marked or on the alloc stack.";
+ LOG(INFO) << "offset=" << offset.SizeValue();
+void ConcurrentCopying::AssertToSpaceInvariantInNonMovingSpace(mirror::Object* obj,
+ mirror::Object* ref) {
+ // In a non-moving spaces. Check that the ref is marked.
+ if (immune_region_.ContainsObject(ref)) {
+ accounting::ContinuousSpaceBitmap* cc_bitmap =
+ cc_heap_bitmap_->GetContinuousSpaceBitmap(ref);
+ CHECK(cc_bitmap != nullptr)
+ << "An immune space ref must have a bitmap. " << ref;
+ if (kUseBakerReadBarrier) {
+ CHECK(cc_bitmap->Test(ref))
+ << "Unmarked immune space ref. obj=" << obj << " rb_ptr="
+ << obj->GetReadBarrierPointer() << " ref=" << ref;
+ } else {
+ CHECK(cc_bitmap->Test(ref))
+ << "Unmarked immune space ref. obj=" << obj << " ref=" << ref;
+ }
+ } else {
+ accounting::ContinuousSpaceBitmap* mark_bitmap =
+ heap_mark_bitmap_->GetContinuousSpaceBitmap(ref);
+ accounting::LargeObjectBitmap* los_bitmap =
+ heap_mark_bitmap_->GetLargeObjectBitmap(ref);
+ CHECK(los_bitmap != nullptr) << "LOS bitmap covers the entire address range";
+ bool is_los = mark_bitmap == nullptr;
+ if ((!is_los && mark_bitmap->Test(ref)) ||
+ (is_los && los_bitmap->Test(ref))) {
+ // OK.
+ } else {
+ // If ref is on the allocation stack, then it may not be
+ // marked live, but considered marked/alive (but not
+ // necessarily on the live stack).
+ CHECK(IsOnAllocStack(ref)) << "Unmarked ref that's not on the allocation stack. "
+ << "obj=" << obj << " ref=" << ref;
+ }
+ }
// Used to scan ref fields of an object.
diff --git a/runtime/gc/collector/concurrent_copying.h b/runtime/gc/collector/concurrent_copying.h
index 60ea6b6..b1897b8 100644
--- a/runtime/gc/collector/concurrent_copying.h
+++ b/runtime/gc/collector/concurrent_copying.h
@@ -169,6 +169,8 @@
void AssertToSpaceInvariant(mirror::Object* obj, MemberOffset offset, mirror::Object* ref)
+ void AssertToSpaceInvariant(GcRootSource* gc_root_source, mirror::Object* ref)
+ SHARED_LOCKS_REQUIRED(Locks::mutator_lock_);
bool IsInToSpace(mirror::Object* ref) SHARED_LOCKS_REQUIRED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
DCHECK(ref != nullptr);
return IsMarked(ref) == ref;
@@ -236,6 +238,10 @@
void SwapStacks(Thread* self) SHARED_LOCKS_REQUIRED(Locks::mutator_lock_);
void RecordLiveStackFreezeSize(Thread* self);
void ComputeUnevacFromSpaceLiveRatio();
+ void LogFromSpaceRefHolder(mirror::Object* obj, MemberOffset offset)
+ SHARED_LOCKS_REQUIRED(Locks::mutator_lock_);
+ void AssertToSpaceInvariantInNonMovingSpace(mirror::Object* obj, mirror::Object* ref)
+ SHARED_LOCKS_REQUIRED(Locks::mutator_lock_);
space::RegionSpace* region_space_; // The underlying region space.
std::unique_ptr<Barrier> gc_barrier_;