Revert "ART: Implement try/catch blocks in Builder"
Causes OutOfMemory issues, need to investigate.
This reverts commit 0b5c7d1994b76090afcc825e737f2b8c546da2f8.
Change-Id: I263e6cc4df5f9a56ad2ce44e18932ca51d7e349f
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/ b/compiler/optimizing/
index 742429c..e527e8b 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/
@@ -259,165 +259,6 @@
return false;
-bool HGraphBuilder::IsBlockInPcRange(HBasicBlock* block,
- uint32_t dex_pc_start,
- uint32_t dex_pc_end) {
- uint32_t dex_pc = block->GetDexPc();
- return block != entry_block_
- && block != exit_block_
- && dex_pc >= dex_pc_start
- && dex_pc < dex_pc_end;
-void HGraphBuilder::CreateBlocksForTryCatch(const DexFile::CodeItem& code_item) {
- if (code_item.tries_size_ == 0) {
- return;
- }
- // Create branch targets at the start/end of the TryItem range. These are
- // places where the program might fall through into/out of the a block and
- // where TryBoundary instructions will be inserted later. Other edges which
- // enter/exit the try blocks are a result of branches/switches.
- for (size_t idx = 0; idx < code_item.tries_size_; ++idx) {
- const DexFile::TryItem* try_item = DexFile::GetTryItems(code_item, idx);
- uint32_t dex_pc_start = try_item->start_addr_;
- uint32_t dex_pc_end = dex_pc_start + try_item->insn_count_;
- FindOrCreateBlockStartingAt(dex_pc_start);
- if (dex_pc_end < code_item.insns_size_in_code_units_) {
- // TODO: Do not create block if the last instruction cannot fall through.
- FindOrCreateBlockStartingAt(dex_pc_end);
- } else {
- // The TryItem spans until the very end of the CodeItem (or beyond if
- // invalid) and therefore cannot have any code afterwards.
- }
- }
- // Create branch targets for exception handlers.
- const uint8_t* handlers_ptr = DexFile::GetCatchHandlerData(code_item, 0);
- uint32_t handlers_size = DecodeUnsignedLeb128(&handlers_ptr);
- for (uint32_t idx = 0; idx < handlers_size; ++idx) {
- CatchHandlerIterator iterator(handlers_ptr);
- for (; iterator.HasNext(); iterator.Next()) {
- uint32_t address = iterator.GetHandlerAddress();
- HBasicBlock* block = FindOrCreateBlockStartingAt(address);
- block->SetIsCatchBlock();
- }
- handlers_ptr = iterator.EndDataPointer();
- }
-void HGraphBuilder::InsertTryBoundaryBlocks(const DexFile::CodeItem& code_item) {
- if (code_item.tries_size_ == 0) {
- return;
- }
- for (size_t idx = 0; idx < code_item.tries_size_; ++idx) {
- const DexFile::TryItem* try_item = DexFile::GetTryItems(code_item, idx);
- uint32_t try_start = try_item->start_addr_;
- uint32_t try_end = try_start + try_item->insn_count_;
- // Iterate over all blocks in the dex pc range of the TryItem and:
- // (a) split edges which enter/exit the try range,
- // (b) create TryBoundary instructions in the new blocks,
- // (c) link the new blocks to corresponding exception handlers.
- for (uint32_t inner_pc = try_start; inner_pc < try_end; ++inner_pc) {
- HBasicBlock* try_block = FindBlockStartingAt(inner_pc);
- if (try_block == nullptr) {
- continue;
- }
- // Find predecessors which are not covered by the same TryItem range. Such
- // edges enter the try block and will have a TryBoundary inserted.
- for (size_t i = 0; i < try_block->GetPredecessors().Size(); ++i) {
- HBasicBlock* predecessor = try_block->GetPredecessors().Get(i);
- HTryBoundary* try_boundary = nullptr;
- if (predecessor->IsSingleTryBoundary()) {
- try_boundary = predecessor->GetLastInstruction()->AsTryBoundary();
- if (try_boundary->GetNormalFlowSuccessor() == try_block
- && try_block->IsFirstIndexOfPredecessor(predecessor, i)) {
- // The edge was already split because of an exit from a neighbouring
- // TryItem and `predecessor` is the block with a TryBoundary created
- // between the two original blocks. We do not split the edge again.
- DCHECK(!IsBlockInPcRange(predecessor->GetSinglePredecessor(), try_start, try_end));
- DCHECK(try_boundary->IsTryExit());
- DCHECK(!try_boundary->IsTryEntry());
- try_boundary->SetIsTryEntry();
- } else {
- // This is an edge between a previously created TryBoundary and its
- // handler. We skip it because it is exceptional flow.
- DCHECK(try_block->IsCatchBlock());
- DCHECK(try_boundary->HasExceptionHandler(try_block));
- continue;
- }
- } else if (!IsBlockInPcRange(predecessor, try_start, try_end)) {
- // This is an entry point into the TryItem and the edge has not been
- // split yet. That means that either `predecessor` is not in a TryItem,
- // or it is in a different TryItem and we happened to iterate over
- // this block first. We split the edge and `predecessor` may add its
- // own exception handlers later.
- try_boundary = new (arena_) HTryBoundary(/* is_entry */ true, /* is_exit */ false);
- HBasicBlock* try_entry_block = graph_->SplitEdge(predecessor, try_block);
- try_entry_block->AddInstruction(try_boundary);
- } else {
- // Not an edge on the boundary of the try block.
- continue;
- }
- DCHECK(try_boundary != nullptr);
- // Link the TryBoundary block to the handlers of this TryItem.
- for (CatchHandlerIterator it(code_item, *try_item); it.HasNext(); it.Next()) {
- try_boundary->AddExceptionHandler(FindBlockStartingAt(it.GetHandlerAddress()));
- }
- }
- // Find successors which are not covered by the same TryItem range. Such
- // edges exit the try block and will have a TryBoundary inserted.
- for (size_t i = 0; i < try_block->GetSuccessors().Size(); ++i) {
- HBasicBlock* successor = try_block->GetSuccessors().Get(i);
- HTryBoundary* try_boundary = nullptr;
- if (successor->IsSingleTryBoundary()) {
- // The edge was already split because of an entry into a neighbouring
- // TryItem. We do not split the edge again.
- try_boundary = successor->GetLastInstruction()->AsTryBoundary();
- DCHECK_EQ(try_block, successor->GetSinglePredecessor());
- DCHECK(try_boundary->IsTryEntry());
- DCHECK(!try_boundary->IsTryExit());
- DCHECK(!IsBlockInPcRange(try_boundary->GetNormalFlowSuccessor(), try_start, try_end));
- try_boundary->SetIsTryExit();
- } else if (!IsBlockInPcRange(successor, try_start, try_end)) {
- // This is an exit out of the TryItem and the edge has not been split
- // yet. That means that either `successor` is not in a TryItem, or it
- // is in a different TryItem and we happened to iterate over this
- // block first. We split the edge and `successor` may add its own
- // exception handlers later.
- HInstruction* last_instruction = try_block->GetLastInstruction();
- if (last_instruction->IsReturn() || last_instruction->IsReturnVoid()) {
- DCHECK_EQ(successor, exit_block_);
- // Control flow exits the try block with a Return(Void). Because
- // splitting the edge would invalidate the invariant that Return
- // always jumps to Exit, we move the Return outside the try block.
- HBasicBlock* return_block = try_block->SplitBefore(last_instruction);
- graph_->AddBlock(return_block);
- successor = return_block;
- }
- try_boundary = new (arena_) HTryBoundary(/* is_entry */ false, /* is_exit */ true);
- HBasicBlock* try_exit_block = graph_->SplitEdge(try_block, successor);
- try_exit_block->AddInstruction(try_boundary);
- } else {
- // Not an edge on the boundary of the try block.
- continue;
- }
- DCHECK(try_boundary != nullptr);
- // Link the TryBoundary block to the handlers of this TryItem.
- for (CatchHandlerIterator it(code_item, *try_item); it.HasNext(); it.Next()) {
- try_boundary->AddExceptionHandler(FindBlockStartingAt(it.GetHandlerAddress()));
- }
- }
- }
- }
bool HGraphBuilder::BuildGraph(const DexFile::CodeItem& code_item) {
@@ -451,7 +292,24 @@
return false;
- CreateBlocksForTryCatch(code_item);
+ // Also create blocks for catch handlers.
+ if (code_item.tries_size_ != 0) {
+ const uint8_t* handlers_ptr = DexFile::GetCatchHandlerData(code_item, 0);
+ uint32_t handlers_size = DecodeUnsignedLeb128(&handlers_ptr);
+ for (uint32_t idx = 0; idx < handlers_size; ++idx) {
+ CatchHandlerIterator iterator(handlers_ptr);
+ for (; iterator.HasNext(); iterator.Next()) {
+ uint32_t address = iterator.GetHandlerAddress();
+ HBasicBlock* block = FindBlockStartingAt(address);
+ if (block == nullptr) {
+ block = new (arena_) HBasicBlock(graph_, address);
+ branch_targets_.Put(address, block);
+ }
+ block->SetIsCatchBlock();
+ }
+ handlers_ptr = iterator.EndDataPointer();
+ }
+ }
@@ -467,24 +325,18 @@
code_ptr += instruction.SizeInCodeUnits();
+ // Add the exit block at the end to give it the highest id.
+ graph_->AddBlock(exit_block_);
+ exit_block_->AddInstruction(new (arena_) HExit());
// Add the suspend check to the entry block.
entry_block_->AddInstruction(new (arena_) HSuspendCheck(0));
entry_block_->AddInstruction(new (arena_) HGoto());
- // Add Exit to the exit block.
- exit_block_->AddInstruction(new (arena_) HExit());
- // Iterate over blocks covered by TryItems and insert TryBoundaries at entry
- // and exit points. This requires all control-flow instructions and
- // non-exceptional edges to have been created.
- InsertTryBoundaryBlocks(code_item);
- // Add the exit block at the end to give it the highest id.
- graph_->AddBlock(exit_block_);
return true;
-void HGraphBuilder::MaybeUpdateCurrentBlock(size_t dex_pc) {
- HBasicBlock* block = FindBlockStartingAt(dex_pc);
+void HGraphBuilder::MaybeUpdateCurrentBlock(size_t index) {
+ HBasicBlock* block = FindBlockStartingAt(index);
if (block == nullptr) {
@@ -519,8 +371,10 @@
int32_t target = instruction.GetTargetOffset() + dex_pc;
// Create a block for the target instruction.
- FindOrCreateBlockStartingAt(target);
+ if (FindBlockStartingAt(target) == nullptr) {
+ block = new (arena_) HBasicBlock(graph_, target);
+ branch_targets_.Put(target, block);
+ }
dex_pc += instruction.SizeInCodeUnits();
code_ptr += instruction.SizeInCodeUnits();
@@ -529,8 +383,9 @@
// In the normal case we should never hit this but someone can artificially forge a dex
// file to fall-through out the method code. In this case we bail out compilation.
return false;
- } else {
- FindOrCreateBlockStartingAt(dex_pc);
+ } else if (FindBlockStartingAt(dex_pc) == nullptr) {
+ block = new (arena_) HBasicBlock(graph_, dex_pc);
+ branch_targets_.Put(dex_pc, block);
} else if (instruction.IsSwitch()) {
@@ -546,7 +401,10 @@
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_entries; ++i) {
// The target of the case.
uint32_t target = dex_pc + table.GetEntryAt(i + offset);
- FindOrCreateBlockStartingAt(target);
+ if (FindBlockStartingAt(target) == nullptr) {
+ block = new (arena_) HBasicBlock(graph_, target);
+ branch_targets_.Put(target, block);
+ }
// The next case gets its own block.
if (i < num_entries) {
@@ -563,8 +421,9 @@
// file to fall-through out the method code. In this case we bail out compilation.
// (A switch can fall-through so we don't need to check CanFlowThrough().)
return false;
- } else {
- FindOrCreateBlockStartingAt(dex_pc);
+ } else if (FindBlockStartingAt(dex_pc) == nullptr) {
+ block = new (arena_) HBasicBlock(graph_, dex_pc);
+ branch_targets_.Put(dex_pc, block);
} else {
code_ptr += instruction.SizeInCodeUnits();
@@ -574,19 +433,9 @@
return true;
-HBasicBlock* HGraphBuilder::FindBlockStartingAt(int32_t dex_pc) const {
- DCHECK_GE(dex_pc, 0);
- DCHECK_LT(static_cast<size_t>(dex_pc), branch_targets_.Size());
- return branch_targets_.Get(dex_pc);
-HBasicBlock* HGraphBuilder::FindOrCreateBlockStartingAt(int32_t dex_pc) {
- HBasicBlock* block = FindBlockStartingAt(dex_pc);
- if (block == nullptr) {
- block = new (arena_) HBasicBlock(graph_, dex_pc);
- branch_targets_.Put(dex_pc, block);
- }
- return block;
+HBasicBlock* HGraphBuilder::FindBlockStartingAt(int32_t index) const {
+ DCHECK_GE(index, 0);
+ return branch_targets_.Get(index);
template<typename T>
@@ -2259,29 +2108,15 @@
case Instruction::MOVE_RESULT:
case Instruction::MOVE_RESULT_WIDE:
- case Instruction::MOVE_RESULT_OBJECT: {
+ case Instruction::MOVE_RESULT_OBJECT:
if (latest_result_ == nullptr) {
// Only dead code can lead to this situation, where the verifier
// does not reject the method.
} else {
- // An Invoke/FilledNewArray and its MoveResult could have landed in
- // different blocks if there was a try/catch block boundary between
- // them. We need to insert the StoreLocal after the result definition
- // but before any potential Temporaries.
- HStoreLocal* update_local =
- new (arena_) HStoreLocal(GetLocalAt(instruction.VRegA()), latest_result_);
- HBasicBlock* block = latest_result_->GetBlock();
- if (latest_result_->IsInvoke()) {
- block->InsertInstructionAfter(update_local, latest_result_);
- } else {
- DCHECK(latest_result_->IsNewArray());
- DCHECK(latest_result_->GetNext()->IsTemporary());
- block->InsertInstructionAfter(update_local, latest_result_->GetNext());
- }
+ UpdateLocal(instruction.VRegA(), latest_result_);
latest_result_ = nullptr;
- }
case Instruction::CMP_LONG: {
Binop_23x_cmp(instruction, Primitive::kPrimLong, HCompare::kNoBias, dex_pc);