Avoid excessive allocation of std::set<> nodes in SwapSpace.
This does not affect the overall memory usage but avoids
a lot of deallocations followed by allocation.
Measured compilation of a big app using heap track:
bytes allocated in total (ignoring deallocations): 4.14GB -> 4.04GB
calls to allocation functions: 21662554 -> 19545823
Test: m test-art-host-gtest
Test: Manually check that oat file for the big app remains identical.
Bug: 34053922
Change-Id: I00568422ba5510550986e29f30bace9ae6245269
diff --git a/compiler/utils/swap_space.cc b/compiler/utils/swap_space.cc
index 1a8f567..a1eb08e 100644
--- a/compiler/utils/swap_space.cc
+++ b/compiler/utils/swap_space.cc
@@ -36,17 +36,17 @@
static void DumpFreeMap(const FreeBySizeSet& free_by_size) {
size_t last_size = static_cast<size_t>(-1);
for (const auto& entry : free_by_size) {
- if (last_size != entry.first) {
- last_size = entry.first;
+ if (last_size != entry.size) {
+ last_size = entry.size;
LOG(INFO) << "Size " << last_size;
- LOG(INFO) << " 0x" << std::hex << entry.second->Start()
- << " size=" << std::dec << entry.second->size;
+ LOG(INFO) << " 0x" << std::hex << entry.free_by_start_entry->Start()
+ << " size=" << std::dec << entry.free_by_start_entry->size;
void SwapSpace::RemoveChunk(FreeBySizeSet::const_iterator free_by_size_pos) {
- auto free_by_start_pos = free_by_size_pos->second;
+ auto free_by_start_pos = free_by_size_pos->free_by_start_entry;
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@
// Calculate over free_by_size.
size_t sum1 = 0;
for (const auto& entry : free_by_size) {
- sum1 += entry.second->size;
+ sum1 += entry.free_by_start_entry->size;
// Calculate over free_by_start.
@@ -110,27 +110,52 @@
// Check the free list for something that fits.
// TODO: Smarter implementation. Global biggest chunk, ...
- SpaceChunk old_chunk;
auto it = free_by_start_.empty()
? free_by_size_.end()
: free_by_size_.lower_bound(FreeBySizeEntry { size, free_by_start_.begin() });
if (it != free_by_size_.end()) {
- old_chunk = *it->second;
- RemoveChunk(it);
+ auto entry = it->free_by_start_entry;
+ SpaceChunk old_chunk = *entry;
+ if (old_chunk.size == size) {
+ RemoveChunk(it);
+ } else {
+ // Try to avoid deallocating and allocating the std::set<> nodes.
+ // This would be much simpler if we could use replace() from Boost.Bimap.
+ // The free_by_start_ map contains disjoint intervals ordered by the `ptr`.
+ // Shrinking the interval does not affect the ordering.
+ it->free_by_start_entry->ptr += size;
+ it->free_by_start_entry->size -= size;
+ // The free_by_size_ map is ordered by the `size` and then `free_by_start_entry->ptr`.
+ // Adjusting the `ptr` above does not change that ordering but decreasing `size` can
+ // push the node before the previous node(s).
+ if (it == free_by_size_.begin()) {
+ it->size -= size;
+ } else {
+ auto prev = it;
+ --prev;
+ FreeBySizeEntry new_value(old_chunk.size - size, entry);
+ if (free_by_size_.key_comp()(*prev, new_value)) {
+ it->size -= size;
+ } else {
+ // Changing in place would break the std::set<> ordering, we need to remove and insert.
+ free_by_size_.erase(it);
+ free_by_size_.insert(new_value);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return old_chunk.ptr;
} else {
// Not a big enough free chunk, need to increase file size.
- old_chunk = NewFileChunk(size);
+ SpaceChunk new_chunk = NewFileChunk(size);
+ if (new_chunk.size != size) {
+ // Insert the remainder.
+ SpaceChunk remainder = { new_chunk.ptr + size, new_chunk.size - size };
+ InsertChunk(remainder);
+ }
+ return new_chunk.ptr;
- void* ret = old_chunk.ptr;
- if (old_chunk.size != size) {
- // Insert the remainder.
- SpaceChunk new_chunk = { old_chunk.ptr + size, old_chunk.size - size };
- InsertChunk(new_chunk);
- }
- return ret;
SwapSpace::SpaceChunk SwapSpace::NewFileChunk(size_t min_size) {
diff --git a/compiler/utils/swap_space.h b/compiler/utils/swap_space.h
index 9600907..c286b82 100644
--- a/compiler/utils/swap_space.h
+++ b/compiler/utils/swap_space.h
@@ -45,8 +45,10 @@
// Chunk of space.
struct SpaceChunk {
- uint8_t* ptr;
- size_t size;
+ // We need mutable members as we keep these objects in a std::set<> (providing only const
+ // access) but we modify these members while carefully preserving the std::set<> ordering.
+ mutable uint8_t* ptr;
+ mutable size_t size;
uintptr_t Start() const {
return reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(ptr);
@@ -66,13 +68,21 @@
typedef std::set<SpaceChunk, SortChunkByPtr> FreeByStartSet;
// Map size to an iterator to free_by_start_'s entry.
- typedef std::pair<size_t, FreeByStartSet::const_iterator> FreeBySizeEntry;
+ struct FreeBySizeEntry {
+ FreeBySizeEntry(size_t sz, FreeByStartSet::const_iterator entry)
+ : size(sz), free_by_start_entry(entry) { }
+ // We need mutable members as we keep these objects in a std::set<> (providing only const
+ // access) but we modify these members while carefully preserving the std::set<> ordering.
+ mutable size_t size;
+ mutable FreeByStartSet::const_iterator free_by_start_entry;
+ };
struct FreeBySizeComparator {
bool operator()(const FreeBySizeEntry& lhs, const FreeBySizeEntry& rhs) {
- if (lhs.first != rhs.first) {
- return lhs.first < rhs.first;
+ if (lhs.size != rhs.size) {
+ return lhs.size < rhs.size;
} else {
- return lhs.second->Start() < rhs.second->Start();
+ return lhs.free_by_start_entry->Start() < rhs.free_by_start_entry->Start();