test/run-test: Dump CFG even if test fails

It can be useful to inspect the generated CFG when debugging test
failures (especially IR checker tests). However, the CFG is not copied
from the test directory to the requested location when the test fails,
so it must either be manually copied from the test directory (which may
be on a target device), or the failing checks must be removed from the
test temporarily in order to progress to the code that copies the CFG.

This CL rectifies this behavior, when the test is deemed to have failed

  * Returning a non-zero exit code.
  * Producing stdout/stderr that does not match the expected output.
  * The CFG checker tool finding non-matching IR.

Test: ./testrunner.py --target --dump-cfg=<path> <test>  # With failures
Test: ./testrunner.py --host --dump-cfg=<path> <test>  # With failures
(Testing was not performed for the ON_VM code path)

Change-Id: I589d10c5d3d80523d929a574711c303161919acb
diff --git a/test/run-test b/test/run-test
index e699c7b..2760db9 100755
--- a/test/run-test
+++ b/test/run-test
@@ -994,6 +994,18 @@
     return runner
+  def do_dump_cfg():
+    assert run_optimizing == "true", ("The CFG can be dumped only in"
+                                      " optimizing mode")
+    if target_mode == "yes":
+      if ON_VM:
+        run(f'{SCP_CMD} "{SSH_USER}@${SSH_HOST}:{CHROOT}/{cfg_output_dir}/'
+            f'{cfg_output} {dump_cfg_path}"')
+      else:
+        run(f"adb pull {chroot}/{cfg_output_dir}/{cfg_output} {dump_cfg_path}")
+    else:
+      run(f"cp {cfg_output_dir}/{cfg_output} {dump_cfg_path}")
   # Test might not execute anything but we still expect the output files to exist.
@@ -1022,13 +1034,18 @@
       run("adb push {} {}".format(push_files, chroot_dex_location))
-    if ON_VM:
-      run(f"{SSH_CMD} {CHROOT_CMD} bash {DEX_LOCATION}/run.sh",
-          fail_message=f"Runner {chroot_dex_location}/run.sh failed")
-    else:
-      chroot_prefix = f"chroot {chroot}" if chroot else ""
-      run(f"adb shell {chroot_prefix} sh {DEX_LOCATION}/run.sh",
-          fail_message=f"Runner {chroot_dex_location}/run.sh failed")
+    try:
+      if ON_VM:
+        run(f"{SSH_CMD} {CHROOT_CMD} bash {DEX_LOCATION}/run.sh",
+            fail_message=f"Runner {chroot_dex_location}/run.sh failed")
+      else:
+        chroot_prefix = f"chroot {chroot}" if chroot else ""
+        run(f"adb shell {chroot_prefix} sh {DEX_LOCATION}/run.sh",
+            fail_message=f"Runner {chroot_dex_location}/run.sh failed")
+    finally:
+      # Copy the generated CFG to the specified path.
+      if dump_cfg == "true":
+        do_dump_cfg()
     # Copy the on-device stdout/stderr to host.
     pull_files = [test_stdout, test_stderr, "expected-stdout.txt", "expected-stderr.txt"]
@@ -1069,30 +1086,26 @@
     run(f'''echo "ABI: 'x86_64'" | cat - "{test_stdout}" "{test_stderr}"'''
         f"""| {ANDROID_BUILD_TOP}/development/scripts/stack | tail -n 3000""")
   print("####################", flush=True)
-  if proc_out.returncode != 0 or proc_err.returncode != 0:
-    kind = ((["stdout"] if proc_out.returncode != 0 else []) +
-            (["stderr"] if proc_err.returncode != 0 else []))
-    fail("{} did not match the expected file".format(" and ".join(kind)))
-  if run_checker == "yes":
-    if target_mode == "yes":
-      if ON_VM:
-        run(f'{SCP_CMD} "{SSH_USER}@${SSH_HOST}:{CHROOT}/{cfg_output_dir}/{cfg_output}"')
-      else:
-        run(f'adb pull "{chroot}/{cfg_output_dir}/{cfg_output}"')
-    run(f'"{checker}" -q {checker_args} "{cfg_output}" "{tmp_dir}"',
-        fail_message="CFG checker failed")
+  try:
+    if proc_out.returncode != 0 or proc_err.returncode != 0:
+      kind = ((["stdout"] if proc_out.returncode != 0 else []) +
+              (["stderr"] if proc_err.returncode != 0 else []))
+      fail("{} did not match the expected file".format(" and ".join(kind)))
-  # Copy the generated CFG to the specified path.
-  if dump_cfg == "true":
-    assert run_optimizing == "true", "The CFG can be dumped only in optimizing mode"
-    if target_mode == "yes":
-      if ON_VM:
-        run(f'{SCP_CMD} "{SSH_USER}@${SSH_HOST}:{CHROOT}/{cfg_output_dir}/{cfg_output} {dump_cfg_output}"')
-      else:
-        run(f"adb pull {chroot}/{cfg_output_dir}/{cfg_output} {dump_cfg_path}")
-    else:
-      run(f"cp {cfg_output_dir}/{cfg_output} {dump_cfg_path}")
+    if run_checker == "yes":
+      if target_mode == "yes":
+        if ON_VM:
+          run(f'{SCP_CMD} "{SSH_USER}@${SSH_HOST}:{CHROOT}/{cfg_output_dir}/'
+              f'{cfg_output}"')
+        else:
+          run(f'adb pull "{chroot}/{cfg_output_dir}/{cfg_output}"')
+      run(f'"{checker}" -q {checker_args} "{cfg_output}" "{tmp_dir}"',
+          fail_message="CFG checker failed")
+  finally:
+    # Copy the generated CFG to the specified path.
+    if dump_cfg == "true":
+      do_dump_cfg()
   print(f"{COLOR_GREEN}{test_dir}: PASSED{COLOR_NORMAL}")