Introduce ABS as HIR nodes.

NOTE: step 1 of 2 for
"Introduce MIN/MAX/ABS as HIR nodes."

Having explicit MIN/MAX/ABS operations (in contrast
with intrinsics) simplifies recognition and optimization
of these common operations (e.g. constant folding, hoisting,
detection of saturation arithmetic). Furthermore, mapping
conditionals, selectors, intrinsics, etc. (some still TBD)
onto these operations generalizes the way they are optimized
downstream substantially.

Bug: b/65164101

Test: test-art-host,target
Change-Id: I9c93987197216158ba02c8aca2385086adedabc4
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/nodes.h b/compiler/optimizing/nodes.h
index 0534685..99d80d7 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/nodes.h
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/nodes.h
@@ -1337,6 +1337,7 @@
 #define FOR_EACH_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION_COMMON(M)                         \
   M(Above, Condition)                                                   \
   M(AboveOrEqual, Condition)                                            \
+  M(Abs, UnaryOperation)                                                \
   M(Add, BinaryOperation)                                               \
   M(And, BinaryOperation)                                               \
   M(ArrayGet, Instruction)                                              \
@@ -5015,6 +5016,47 @@
+class HAbs FINAL : public HUnaryOperation {
+ public:
+  HAbs(DataType::Type result_type, HInstruction* input, uint32_t dex_pc = kNoDexPc)
+      : HUnaryOperation(kAbs, result_type, input, dex_pc) {}
+  // Evaluation for integral values.
+  template <typename T> static T ComputeIntegral(T x) {
+    return x < 0 ? -x : x;
+  }
+  // Evaluation for floating-point values.
+  // Note, as a "quality of implementation", rather than pure "spec compliance",
+  // we require that Math.abs() clears the sign bit (but changes nothing else)
+  // for all floating-point numbers, including NaN (signaling NaN may become quiet though).
+  // http://b/30758343
+  template <typename T, typename S> static T ComputeFP(T x) {
+    S bits = bit_cast<S, T>(x);
+    return bit_cast<T, S>(bits & std::numeric_limits<S>::max());
+  }
+  HConstant* Evaluate(HIntConstant* x) const OVERRIDE {
+    return GetBlock()->GetGraph()->GetIntConstant(ComputeIntegral(x->GetValue()), GetDexPc());
+  }
+  HConstant* Evaluate(HLongConstant* x) const OVERRIDE {
+    return GetBlock()->GetGraph()->GetLongConstant(ComputeIntegral(x->GetValue()), GetDexPc());
+  }
+  HConstant* Evaluate(HFloatConstant* x) const OVERRIDE {
+    return GetBlock()->GetGraph()->GetFloatConstant(
+        ComputeFP<float, int32_t>(x->GetValue()), GetDexPc());
+  }
+  HConstant* Evaluate(HDoubleConstant* x) const OVERRIDE {
+    return GetBlock()->GetGraph()->GetDoubleConstant(
+        ComputeFP<double, int64_t>(x->GetValue()), GetDexPc());
+  }
+ protected:
 class HDivZeroCheck FINAL : public HExpression<1> {
   // `HDivZeroCheck` can trigger GC, as it may call the `ArithmeticException`