Allow visibility on libdexfile for all libdexfile_support users.

Also add a note that libdexfile_support users also need to depend on

Test: m droid
Bug: 197856821
Bug: 169779783
Change-Id: I80162942a6557b0309ccde28c058cdf66c1fa250
diff --git a/libdexfile/Android.bp b/libdexfile/Android.bp
index 5825ead..47f2e29 100644
--- a/libdexfile/Android.bp
+++ b/libdexfile/Android.bp
@@ -163,7 +163,12 @@
 art_cc_library {
     name: "libdexfile",
     visibility: [
-        // Allow libunwindstack to list this as a runtime library.
+        // Allow libdexfile_support users to list this as a runtime_libs
+        // dependency - see comment for libdexfile_support. It shouldn't be used
+        // for any other purpose.
+        "//external/perfetto",
+        "//system/core/debuggerd",
+        "//system/extras/simpleperf",
     defaults: [
@@ -373,6 +378,14 @@
 // dependency on dex file logic. It is therefore safe to use from binaries
 // compiled without dex file support, given they won't encounter any dex file
 // stack frames.
+// IMPORTANT: When adding a static_libs dependency on this library, please
+// remember to also add a corresponding
+//     runtime_libs: ["libdexfile"],
+// That is necessary since Soong doesn't propagate dependencies transitively for
+// static libraries (b/169779783).
 art_cc_library_static {
     name: "libdexfile_support",
     visibility: ["//visibility:public"],