Revert "lambda: Add support for invoke-interface for boxed innate lambdas"
955-lambda is flaky
Bug: 24618608
Bug: 25107649
This reverts commit 457e874459ae638145cab6d572e34d48480e39d2.
Change-Id: I24884344d21d7a4262e53e3f5dba57032687ddb7
diff --git a/runtime/entrypoints/quick/ b/runtime/entrypoints/quick/
index 8c2dc3e..abf9ac4 100644
--- a/runtime/entrypoints/quick/
+++ b/runtime/entrypoints/quick/
@@ -23,12 +23,9 @@
#include "entrypoints/runtime_asm_entrypoints.h"
#include "gc/accounting/card_table-inl.h"
#include "interpreter/interpreter.h"
-#include "lambda/closure.h"
-#include "lambda/art_lambda_method.h"
#include "method_reference.h"
#include "mirror/class-inl.h"
#include "mirror/dex_cache-inl.h"
-#include "mirror/lambda_proxy.h"
#include "mirror/method.h"
#include "mirror/object-inl.h"
#include "mirror/object_array-inl.h"
@@ -297,8 +294,7 @@
// 1st GPR.
static mirror::Object* GetProxyThisObject(ArtMethod** sp)
SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
- // TODO: Lambda proxies only set up a frame when debugging
- CHECK((*sp)->IsReflectProxyMethod() || ((*sp)->IsLambdaProxyMethod() /*&& kIsDebugBuild*/));
+ CHECK((*sp)->IsProxyMethod());
CHECK_GT(kNumQuickGprArgs, 0u);
constexpr uint32_t kThisGprIndex = 0u; // 'this' is in the 1st GPR.
size_t this_arg_offset = kQuickCalleeSaveFrame_RefAndArgs_Gpr1Offset +
@@ -838,9 +834,8 @@
extern "C" uint64_t artQuickProxyInvokeHandler(
ArtMethod* proxy_method, mirror::Object* receiver, Thread* self, ArtMethod** sp)
SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
- DCHECK(proxy_method->GetDeclaringClass()->IsReflectProxyClass()) << PrettyMethod(proxy_method);
- DCHECK(proxy_method->IsReflectProxyMethod()) << PrettyMethod(proxy_method);
- DCHECK(receiver->GetClass()->IsReflectProxyClass()) << PrettyMethod(proxy_method);
+ DCHECK(proxy_method->IsProxyMethod()) << PrettyMethod(proxy_method);
+ DCHECK(receiver->GetClass()->IsProxyClass()) << PrettyMethod(proxy_method);
// Ensure we don't get thread suspension until the object arguments are safely in jobjects.
const char* old_cause =
self->StartAssertNoThreadSuspension("Adding to IRT proxy object arguments");
@@ -883,175 +878,6 @@
return result.GetJ();
-extern "C" uint64_t artQuickLambdaProxyInvokeHandler(
- ArtMethod* proxy_method, mirror::LambdaProxy* receiver, Thread* self, ArtMethod** sp)
- SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
- using lambda::ShortyFieldType;
- DCHECK(proxy_method->GetDeclaringClass()->IsLambdaProxyClass()) << PrettyMethod(proxy_method);
- DCHECK(proxy_method->IsLambdaProxyMethod()) << PrettyMethod(proxy_method);
- DCHECK(receiver->GetClass()->IsLambdaProxyClass()) << PrettyMethod(proxy_method);
- lambda::Closure* lambda_closure = receiver->GetClosure();
- DCHECK(lambda_closure != nullptr); // Should've NPEd during the invoke-interface.
- // Learned lambdas have their own implementation of the SAM, they must not go through here.
- DCHECK(lambda_closure->GetLambdaInfo()->IsInnateLambda());
- ArtMethod* target_method = lambda_closure->GetTargetMethod();
- // Lambda targets are always static.
- // TODO: This should really be a target_method->IsLambda(), once we add the access flag.
- CHECK(target_method->IsStatic()) << PrettyMethod(proxy_method) << " "
- << PrettyMethod(target_method);
- // Ensure we don't get thread suspension until the object arguments are safely in jobjects.
- const char* old_cause =
- self->StartAssertNoThreadSuspension("Adding to IRT/SF lambda proxy object arguments");
- // Register the top of the managed stack, making stack crawlable.
- DCHECK_EQ((*sp), proxy_method) << PrettyMethod(proxy_method);
- self->VerifyStack();
- // Start new JNI local reference state.
- JNIEnvExt* env = self->GetJniEnv();
- ScopedObjectAccessUnchecked soa(env);
- // Placing arguments into args vector and remove the receiver.
- ArtMethod* non_proxy_method = proxy_method->GetInterfaceMethodIfProxy(sizeof(void*));
- CHECK(!non_proxy_method->IsStatic()) << PrettyMethod(proxy_method) << " "
- << PrettyMethod(non_proxy_method);
- uint32_t shorty_len = 0;
- const char* shorty = non_proxy_method->GetShorty(/*out*/&shorty_len);
- std::vector<jvalue> args;
- // Make a quick visitor so we can restore the refs incase they move after a GC.
- BuildQuickArgumentVisitor local_ref_visitor(sp,
- false /*is_static*/,
- shorty,
- shorty_len,
- &soa,
- /*out*/&args);
- local_ref_visitor.VisitArguments();
- static_assert(lambda::kClosureIsStoredAsLong,
- "Need to update this code once closures are no "
- "longer treated as a 'long' in quick abi");
- // Allocate one vreg more than usual because we need to convert our
- // receiver Object (1 vreg) into a long (2 vregs).
- // TODO: Ugly... move to traits instead?
- const uint32_t first_arg_reg = ShortyFieldType(ShortyFieldType::kLambda).GetVirtualRegisterCount()
- - ShortyFieldType(ShortyFieldType::kObject).GetVirtualRegisterCount();
- const uint32_t num_vregs = lambda_closure->GetLambdaInfo()->GetArgumentVRegCount();
- DCHECK_GE(num_vregs, first_arg_reg);
- if (kIsDebugBuild) {
- const char* method_shorty = non_proxy_method->GetShorty();
- DCHECK_NE(*method_shorty, '\0') << method_shorty;
- const char* arg_shorty = method_shorty + 1; // Skip return type.
- // Proxy method should have an object (1 vreg) receiver,
- // Lambda method should have a lambda (2 vregs) receiver.
- // -- All other args are the same as before.
- // -- Make sure vreg count is what we thought it was.
- uint32_t non_proxy_num_vregs =
- ShortyFieldType::CountVirtualRegistersRequired(arg_shorty) // doesn't count receiver
- + ShortyFieldType(ShortyFieldType::kObject).GetVirtualRegisterCount(); // implicit receiver
- CHECK_EQ(non_proxy_num_vregs + first_arg_reg, num_vregs)
- << PrettyMethod(non_proxy_method) << " " << PrettyMethod(lambda_closure->GetTargetMethod());
- }
- ShadowFrameAllocaUniquePtr shadow_frame = CREATE_SHADOW_FRAME(num_vregs,
- /*link*/nullptr,
- target_method,
- /*dex_pc*/0);
- // Copy our proxy method caller's arguments into this ShadowFrame.
- BuildQuickShadowFrameVisitor local_sf_visitor(sp,
- /*is_static*/false,
- shorty,
- shorty_len,
- shadow_frame.get(),
- first_arg_reg);
- local_sf_visitor.VisitArguments();
- // Now fix up the arguments, with each ArgK being a vreg:
- // (Before):
- // Arg0 = proxy receiver (LambdaProxy)
- // Arg1 = first-user defined argument
- // Arg2 = second user-defined argument
- // ....
- // ArgN = ...
- // (After)
- // Arg0 = closure (hi)
- // Arg1 = closure (lo) = 0x00 on 32-bit
- // Arg2 = <?> (first user-defined argument)
- // Arg3 = <?> (first user-defined argument)
- // ...
- // argN+1 = ...
- // Transformation diagram:
- /*
- Arg0 Arg2 Arg3 ... ArgN
- | \ \ \
- | \ \ \
- ClHi ClLo Arg2 Arg3 ... ArgN:
- */
- // 1) memmove vregs 1-N into 2-N+1
- uint32_t* shadow_frame_vregs = shadow_frame->GetVRegArgs(/*i*/0);
- if (lambda::kClosureIsStoredAsLong ||
- sizeof(void*) != sizeof(mirror::CompressedReference<mirror::LambdaProxy>)) {
- // Suspending here would be very bad since we are doing a raw memmove
- // Move the primitive vregs over.
- {
- size_t shadow_frame_vregs_size = num_vregs;
- memmove(shadow_frame_vregs + first_arg_reg,
- shadow_frame_vregs,
- shadow_frame_vregs_size - first_arg_reg);
- }
- // Move the reference vregs over.
- if (LIKELY(shadow_frame->HasReferenceArray())) {
- uint32_t* shadow_frame_references = shadow_frame_vregs + num_vregs;
- size_t shadow_frame_references_size = num_vregs;
- memmove(shadow_frame_references + first_arg_reg,
- shadow_frame_references,
- shadow_frame_references_size - first_arg_reg);
- }
- static_assert(lambda::kClosureSupportsReadBarrier == false,
- "Using this memmove code with a read barrier GC seems like it could be unsafe.");
- static_assert(sizeof(mirror::CompressedReference<mirror::LambdaProxy>) == sizeof(uint32_t),
- "This block of code assumes a compressed reference fits into exactly 1 vreg");
- }
- // 2) replace proxy receiver with lambda
- shadow_frame->SetVRegLong(0, static_cast<int64_t>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(lambda_closure)));
- // OK: After we do the invoke, the target method takes over managing the arguments
- // and we won't ever access the shadow frame again (if any references moved).
- self->EndAssertNoThreadSuspension(old_cause);
- // The shadow frame vreg contents are now 'owned' by the Invoke method, and
- // will be managed by it during a GC despite being a raw uint32_t array.
- // We however have no guarantee that it is updated on the way out, so do not read out of the
- // shadow frame after this call.
- JValue result;
- target_method->Invoke(self,
- shadow_frame_vregs,
- num_vregs * sizeof(uint32_t),
- /*out*/&result,
- target_method->GetShorty());
- // Restore references on the proxy caller stack frame which might have moved.
- // -- This is necessary because the QuickFrameInfo is just the generic runtime "RefsAndArgs"
- // which means that the regular stack visitor wouldn't know how to GC-move any references
- // that we spilled ourselves in the proxy stub.
- local_ref_visitor.FixupReferences();
- return result.GetJ();
// Read object references held in arguments from quick frames and place in a JNI local references,
// so they don't get garbage collected.
class RememberForGcArgumentVisitor FINAL : public QuickArgumentVisitor {