Revert "lambda: Add support for invoke-interface for boxed innate lambdas"
955-lambda is flaky
Bug: 24618608
Bug: 25107649
This reverts commit 457e874459ae638145cab6d572e34d48480e39d2.
Change-Id: I24884344d21d7a4262e53e3f5dba57032687ddb7
diff --git a/runtime/ b/runtime/
index 8a0d8d4..2dd2a83 100644
--- a/runtime/
+++ b/runtime/
@@ -56,7 +56,6 @@
#include "interpreter/interpreter.h"
#include "jit/jit.h"
#include "jit/jit_code_cache.h"
-#include "lambda/box_class_table.h"
#include "leb128.h"
#include "linear_alloc.h"
#include "mirror/class.h"
@@ -65,7 +64,6 @@
#include "mirror/dex_cache-inl.h"
#include "mirror/field.h"
#include "mirror/iftable-inl.h"
-#include "mirror/lambda_proxy.h"
#include "mirror/method.h"
#include "mirror/object-inl.h"
#include "mirror/object_array-inl.h"
@@ -583,9 +581,6 @@
// Create java.lang.reflect.Proxy root.
SetClassRoot(kJavaLangReflectProxy, FindSystemClass(self, "Ljava/lang/reflect/Proxy;"));
- // Create java.lang.LambdaProxy root.
- SetClassRoot(kJavaLangLambdaProxy, FindSystemClass(self, "Ljava/lang/LambdaProxy;"));
// Create java.lang.reflect.Field.class root.
auto* class_root = FindSystemClass(self, "Ljava/lang/reflect/Field;");
CHECK(class_root != nullptr);
@@ -1262,7 +1257,6 @@
delete data.allocator;
delete data.class_table;
- delete data.lambda_box_class_table;
mirror::PointerArray* ClassLinker::AllocPointerArray(Thread* self, size_t length) {
@@ -1904,10 +1898,8 @@
// Special case to get oat code without overwriting a trampoline.
const void* ClassLinker::GetQuickOatCodeFor(ArtMethod* method) {
CHECK(method->IsInvokable()) << PrettyMethod(method);
- if (method->IsReflectProxyMethod()) {
+ if (method->IsProxyMethod()) {
return GetQuickProxyInvokeHandler();
- } else if (method->IsLambdaProxyMethod()) {
- return GetQuickLambdaProxyInvokeHandler();
bool found;
OatFile::OatMethod oat_method = FindOatMethodFor(method, &found);
@@ -3265,7 +3257,7 @@
mirror::Class::SetStatus(klass, mirror::Class::kStatusIdx, self);
- std::string descriptor(GetDescriptorForAnyProxy(klass.Get()));
+ std::string descriptor(GetDescriptorForProxy(klass.Get()));
const size_t hash = ComputeModifiedUtf8Hash(descriptor.c_str());
// Needs to be before we insert the class so that the allocator field is set.
@@ -3385,228 +3377,23 @@
CHECK_EQ(PrettyField(klass->GetStaticField(1)), throws_field_name);
- CHECK_EQ(klass.Get()->GetInterfacesForAnyProxy(),
+ CHECK_EQ(klass.Get()->GetInterfaces(),
- CHECK_EQ(klass.Get()->GetThrowsForAnyProxy(),
+ CHECK_EQ(klass.Get()->GetThrows(),
return klass.Get();
-mirror::Class* ClassLinker::CreateLambdaProxyClass(ScopedObjectAccessAlreadyRunnable& soa,
- jstring name,
- jobjectArray interfaces,
- jobject loader,
- jobjectArray methods,
- jobjectArray throws,
- bool* already_exists) {
- DCHECK(already_exists != nullptr);
- *already_exists = false;
- Thread* self = soa.Self();
- StackHandleScope<10> hs(self);
- // Allocate a new java.lang.Class object for a mirror::Proxy.
- MutableHandle<mirror::Class> klass =
- hs.NewHandle(AllocClass(self, GetClassRoot(kJavaLangClass), sizeof(mirror::Class)));
- if (klass.Get() == nullptr) {
- CHECK(self->IsExceptionPending()); // OOME.
- return nullptr;
- }
- DCHECK(klass->GetClass() != nullptr);
- klass->SetObjectSize(sizeof(mirror::LambdaProxy));
- // Set the class access flags incl. preverified, so we do not try to set the flag on the methods.
- klass->SetAccessFlags(kAccClassIsLambdaProxy | kAccPublic | kAccFinal | kAccPreverified);
- klass->SetClassLoader(soa.Decode<mirror::ClassLoader*>(loader));
- DCHECK_EQ(klass->GetPrimitiveType(), Primitive::kPrimNot);
- klass->SetName(soa.Decode<mirror::String*>(name));
- klass->SetDexCache(GetClassRoot(kJavaLangLambdaProxy)->GetDexCache());
- // Set the status to be just before after loading it, but before anything is resolved.
- mirror::Class::SetStatus(klass, mirror::Class::kStatusIdx, self);
- // Convert "" string to "Lfoo/bar/baz;"
- std::string type_descriptor(GetDescriptorForAnyProxy(klass.Get()));
- mirror::Class* existing;
- {
- const size_t hash = ComputeModifiedUtf8Hash(type_descriptor.c_str());
- // Insert the class before loading the fields as the field roots
- // (ArtField::declaring_class_) are only visited from the class
- // table. There can't be any suspend points between inserting the
- // class and setting the field arrays below.
- existing = InsertClass(type_descriptor.c_str(), klass.Get(), hash);
- }
- if (UNLIKELY(existing != nullptr)) {
- // We had already made the lambda proxy previously. Return it.
- *already_exists = true;
- return existing;
- // Let the GC clean up the class we had already allocated but isn't being used.
- }
- // Needs to be after we insert the class so that the allocator field is set.
- LinearAlloc* const allocator = GetOrCreateAllocatorForClassLoader(klass->GetClassLoader());
- // Instance fields are inherited, but we add a couple of static fields...
- LengthPrefixedArray<ArtField>* sfields =
- AllocArtFieldArray(self, allocator, mirror::LambdaProxy::kStaticFieldCount);
- klass->SetSFieldsPtr(sfields);
- // 1. Create a static field 'interfaces' that holds the _declared_ interfaces implemented by
- // our proxy, so Class.getInterfaces doesn't return the flattened set.
- // -- private static java.lang.Class[] interfaces; // list of declared interfaces
- ArtField& interfaces_sfield = sfields->At(mirror::LambdaProxy::kStaticFieldIndexInterfaces);
- interfaces_sfield.SetDexFieldIndex(mirror::LambdaProxy::kStaticFieldIndexInterfaces);
- interfaces_sfield.SetDeclaringClass(klass.Get());
- interfaces_sfield.SetAccessFlags(kAccStatic | kAccPublic | kAccFinal);
- // 2. Create a static field 'throws' that holds the classes of exceptions thrown by our methods.
- // This is returned by java.lang.reflect.Method#getExceptionTypes()
- // --- private static java.lang.Class[][] throws; // maps vtable id to list of classes.
- ArtField& throws_sfield = sfields->At(mirror::LambdaProxy::kStaticFieldIndexThrows);
- throws_sfield.SetDexFieldIndex(mirror::LambdaProxy::kStaticFieldIndexThrows);
- throws_sfield.SetDeclaringClass(klass.Get());
- throws_sfield.SetAccessFlags(kAccStatic | kAccPublic | kAccFinal);
- // Set up the Constructor method.
- {
- // Lambda proxies have 1 direct method, the constructor.
- static constexpr size_t kNumDirectMethods = 1;
- LengthPrefixedArray<ArtMethod>* directs = AllocArtMethodArray(self,
- allocator,
- kNumDirectMethods);
- // Currently AllocArtMethodArray cannot return null, but the OOM logic is left there in case we
- // want to throw OOM in the future.
- if (UNLIKELY(directs == nullptr)) {
- self->AssertPendingOOMException();
- return nullptr;
- }
- klass->SetDirectMethodsPtr(directs);
- CreateLambdaProxyConstructor(klass, klass->GetDirectMethodUnchecked(0, image_pointer_size_));
- }
- // Create virtual method using specified prototypes.
- auto h_methods = hs.NewHandle(soa.Decode<mirror::ObjectArray<mirror::Method>*>(methods));
- DCHECK_EQ(h_methods->GetClass(), mirror::Method::ArrayClass())
- << PrettyClass(h_methods->GetClass());
- const size_t num_virtual_methods = h_methods->GetLength();
- auto* virtuals = AllocArtMethodArray(self, allocator, num_virtual_methods);
- // Currently AllocArtMethodArray cannot return null, but the OOM logic is left there in case we
- // want to throw OOM in the future.
- if (UNLIKELY(virtuals == nullptr)) {
- self->AssertPendingOOMException();
- return nullptr;
- }
- klass->SetVirtualMethodsPtr(virtuals);
- size_t abstract_methods = 0;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < num_virtual_methods; ++i) {
- ArtMethod* virtual_method = klass->GetVirtualMethodUnchecked(i, image_pointer_size_);
- ArtMethod* prototype = h_methods->Get(i)->GetArtMethod();
- if (UNLIKELY((prototype->GetAccessFlags() & kAccDefault) != 0)) {
- UNIMPLEMENTED(FATAL) << "Lambda proxies don't support default methods yet";
- }
- if (prototype->IsAbstract()) {
- abstract_methods++;
- }
- VLOG(class_linker) << "Creating lambda proxy method for " << PrettyMethod(prototype);
- CreateLambdaProxyMethod(klass, prototype, virtual_method);
- DCHECK(virtual_method->GetDeclaringClass() != nullptr);
- DCHECK(prototype->GetDeclaringClass() != nullptr);
- }
- // Ignore any methods from Object and default methods, it doesn't matter.
- // Sanity check that the prototype interface is indeed compatible with lambdas.
- DCHECK_EQ(abstract_methods, 1u)
- << "Interface must be a single-abstract-method type" << PrettyClass(klass.Get());
- // The super class is java.lang.LambdaProxy
- klass->SetSuperClass(GetClassRoot(kJavaLangLambdaProxy));
- // Now effectively in the loaded state.
- mirror::Class::SetStatus(klass, mirror::Class::kStatusLoaded, self);
- self->AssertNoPendingException();
- MutableHandle<mirror::Class> new_class = hs.NewHandle<mirror::Class>(nullptr);
- {
- // Must hold lock on object when resolved.
- ObjectLock<mirror::Class> resolution_lock(self, klass);
- // Link the fields and virtual methods, creating vtable and iftables.
- // The new class will replace the old one in the class table.
- Handle<mirror::ObjectArray<mirror::Class>> h_interfaces(
- hs.NewHandle(soa.Decode<mirror::ObjectArray<mirror::Class>*>(interfaces)));
- {
- DCHECK_EQ(1, h_interfaces->GetLength()) << "Lambda proxies must implement 1 interface only";
- mirror::Class* single_abstract_interface = h_interfaces->Get(0);
- DCHECK(single_abstract_interface != nullptr);
- // Use the dex cache from the interface, which will enable most of the
- // dex-using mechanisms on the class and its methods will work.
- klass->SetDexCache(single_abstract_interface->GetDexCache());
- }
- if (!LinkClass(self, type_descriptor.c_str(), klass, h_interfaces, &new_class)) {
- mirror::Class::SetStatus(klass, mirror::Class::kStatusError, self);
- return nullptr;
- }
- }
- CHECK(klass->IsRetired());
- CHECK_NE(klass.Get(), new_class.Get());
- klass.Assign(new_class.Get());
- CHECK_EQ(interfaces_sfield.GetDeclaringClass(), klass.Get());
- interfaces_sfield.SetObject<false>(klass.Get(),
- soa.Decode<mirror::ObjectArray<mirror::Class>*>(interfaces));
- CHECK_EQ(throws_sfield.GetDeclaringClass(), klass.Get());
- throws_sfield.SetObject<false>(
- klass.Get(), soa.Decode<mirror::ObjectArray<mirror::ObjectArray<mirror::Class> >*>(throws));
- {
- // Lock on klass is released. Lock new class object.
- ObjectLock<mirror::Class> initialization_lock(self, klass);
- mirror::Class::SetStatus(klass, mirror::Class::kStatusInitialized, self);
- }
- // Sanity checks
- if (kIsDebugBuild) {
- CHECK(klass->GetIFieldsPtr() == nullptr);
- CheckLambdaProxyConstructor(klass->GetDirectMethod(0, image_pointer_size_));
- for (size_t i = 0; i < num_virtual_methods; ++i) {
- ArtMethod* virtual_method = klass->GetVirtualMethodUnchecked(i, image_pointer_size_);
- ArtMethod* prototype = h_methods->Get(i++)->GetArtMethod();
- CheckLambdaProxyMethod(virtual_method, prototype);
- }
- StackHandleScope<1> hs2(self);
- Handle<mirror::String> decoded_name = hs2.NewHandle(soa.Decode<mirror::String*>(name));
- std::string interfaces_field_name(StringPrintf("java.lang.Class[] %s.interfaces",
- decoded_name->ToModifiedUtf8().c_str()));
- CHECK_EQ(PrettyField(klass->GetStaticField(0)), interfaces_field_name);
- std::string throws_field_name(StringPrintf("java.lang.Class[][] %s.throws",
- decoded_name->ToModifiedUtf8().c_str()));
- CHECK_EQ(PrettyField(klass->GetStaticField(1)), throws_field_name);
- CHECK_EQ(klass.Get()->GetInterfacesForAnyProxy(),
- soa.Decode<mirror::ObjectArray<mirror::Class>*>(interfaces));
- CHECK_EQ(klass.Get()->GetThrowsForAnyProxy(),
- soa.Decode<mirror::ObjectArray<mirror::ObjectArray<mirror::Class>>*>(throws));
- }
- return klass.Get();
-std::string ClassLinker::GetDescriptorForAnyProxy(mirror::Class* proxy_class) {
- DCHECK(proxy_class != nullptr);
- DCHECK(proxy_class->IsAnyProxyClass());
+std::string ClassLinker::GetDescriptorForProxy(mirror::Class* proxy_class) {
+ DCHECK(proxy_class->IsProxyClass());
mirror::String* name = proxy_class->GetName();
DCHECK(name != nullptr);
return DotToDescriptor(name->ToModifiedUtf8().c_str());
ArtMethod* ClassLinker::FindMethodForProxy(mirror::Class* proxy_class, ArtMethod* proxy_method) {
- DCHECK(proxy_class->IsAnyProxyClass());
+ DCHECK(proxy_class->IsProxyClass());
Thread* const self = Thread::Current();
@@ -3634,7 +3421,7 @@
void ClassLinker::CreateProxyConstructor(Handle<mirror::Class> klass, ArtMethod* out) {
// Create constructor for Proxy that must initialize the method.
- CHECK_EQ(GetClassRoot(kJavaLangReflectProxy)->NumDirectMethods(), 18u);
+ CHECK_EQ(GetClassRoot(kJavaLangReflectProxy)->NumDirectMethods(), 16u);
ArtMethod* proxy_constructor = GetClassRoot(kJavaLangReflectProxy)->GetDirectMethodUnchecked(
2, image_pointer_size_);
// Ensure constructor is in dex cache so that we can use the dex cache to look up the overridden
@@ -3650,38 +3437,6 @@
-void ClassLinker::CreateLambdaProxyConstructor(Handle<mirror::Class> klass,
- /*out*/ArtMethod* method_constructor) {
- DCHECK(klass.Get() != nullptr);
- DCHECK(method_constructor != nullptr);
- // Create constructor for Proxy that must initialize the method.
- // Lambda proxy superclass only has 1 direct method, the constructor (<init>()V)
- CHECK_EQ(GetClassRoot(kJavaLangLambdaProxy)->NumDirectMethods(),
- mirror::LambdaProxy::kDirectMethodCount);
- // Get the constructor method.
- ArtMethod* proxy_constructor = GetClassRoot(kJavaLangLambdaProxy)->GetDirectMethodUnchecked(
- mirror::LambdaProxy::kDirectMethodIndexConstructor,
- image_pointer_size_);
- // Verify constructor method is indeed a constructor.
- CHECK(proxy_constructor != nullptr);
- // Ensure constructor is in dex cache so that we can use the dex cache to look up the overridden
- // constructor method.
- GetClassRoot(kJavaLangLambdaProxy)->GetDexCache()->SetResolvedMethod(
- proxy_constructor->GetDexMethodIndex(),
- proxy_constructor,
- image_pointer_size_);
- // Clone the existing constructor of LambdaProxy
- // (our constructor would just invoke it so steal its code_ too).
- method_constructor->CopyFrom(proxy_constructor, image_pointer_size_);
- // Make this constructor public and fix the class to be our LambdaProxy version
- method_constructor->SetAccessFlags((method_constructor->GetAccessFlags() & ~kAccProtected) | kAccPublic);
- method_constructor->SetDeclaringClass(klass.Get());
void ClassLinker::CheckProxyConstructor(ArtMethod* constructor) const {
auto* np = constructor->GetInterfaceMethodIfProxy(image_pointer_size_);
@@ -3690,14 +3445,6 @@
-void ClassLinker::CheckLambdaProxyConstructor(ArtMethod* constructor) const {
- CHECK(constructor->IsConstructor());
- auto* np = constructor->GetInterfaceMethodIfProxy(image_pointer_size_);
- CHECK_STREQ(np->GetName(), "<init>");
- CHECK_STREQ(np->GetSignature().ToString().c_str(), "()V");
- DCHECK(constructor->IsPublic());
void ClassLinker::CreateProxyMethod(Handle<mirror::Class> klass, ArtMethod* prototype,
ArtMethod* out) {
// Ensure prototype is in dex cache so that we can use the dex cache to look up the overridden
@@ -3709,7 +3456,6 @@
prototype->GetDexMethodIndex(), prototype, image_pointer_size_);
// We steal everything from the prototype (such as DexCache, invoke stub, etc.) then specialize
// as necessary
DCHECK(out != nullptr);
@@ -3725,42 +3471,6 @@
-void ClassLinker::CreateLambdaProxyMethod(Handle<mirror::Class> klass,
- ArtMethod* prototype,
- ArtMethod* out) {
- DCHECK(prototype != nullptr);
- DCHECK(out != nullptr);
- // DO NOT go through the proxy invoke handler for the default methods. They have no idea
- // how to handle the raw closure, so they must get the regular object when invoked.
- CHECK_EQ(prototype->GetAccessFlags() & kAccDefault, 0u) << "Default methods must not be proxied";
- // Ensure prototype is in dex cache so that we can use the dex cache to look up the overridden
- // prototype method
- auto* dex_cache = prototype->GetDeclaringClass()->GetDexCache();
- // Avoid dirtying the dex cache unless we need to.
- if (dex_cache->GetResolvedMethod(prototype->GetDexMethodIndex(), image_pointer_size_) !=
- prototype) {
- dex_cache->SetResolvedMethod(
- prototype->GetDexMethodIndex(), prototype, image_pointer_size_);
- }
- // We steal everything from the prototype (such as DexCache, invoke stub, etc.) then specialize
- // as necessary
- out->CopyFrom(prototype, image_pointer_size_);
- // Set class to be the concrete proxy class and clear the abstract flag, modify exceptions to
- // the intersection of throw exceptions as defined in Proxy
- out->SetDeclaringClass(klass.Get());
- out->SetAccessFlags((out->GetAccessFlags() & ~kAccAbstract) | kAccFinal);
- // Setting the entry point isn't safe for AOT since ASLR loads it anywhere at runtime.
- CHECK(!Runtime::Current()->IsAotCompiler());
- // At runtime the method looks like a reference and argument saving method, clone the code
- // related parameters from this method.
- out->SetEntryPointFromQuickCompiledCode(GetQuickLambdaProxyInvokeHandler());
void ClassLinker::CheckProxyMethod(ArtMethod* method, ArtMethod* prototype) const {
// Basic sanity
@@ -3782,11 +3492,6 @@
prototype->GetReturnType(true /* resolve */, image_pointer_size_));
-void ClassLinker::CheckLambdaProxyMethod(ArtMethod* method, ArtMethod* prototype) const {
- // same as above.
- return CheckProxyMethod(method, prototype);
bool ClassLinker::CanWeInitializeClass(mirror::Class* klass, bool can_init_statics,
bool can_init_parents) {
if (can_init_statics && can_init_parents) {
@@ -4418,9 +4123,7 @@
// Should have been set when we registered the dex file.
data.allocator = class_loader->GetAllocator();
- CHECK(class_loader->GetLambdaProxyCache() == nullptr);
- data.lambda_box_class_table = new lambda::BoxClassTable();
- class_loader->SetLambdaProxyCache(data.lambda_box_class_table);
+ CHECK(data.allocator != nullptr);
return class_table;
@@ -6863,7 +6566,6 @@
- "Ljava/lang/LambdaProxy;",