Add object-space related runtime support.
Change-Id: Ieac2be41efcb57923de6f1dedad94fab0803812d
diff --git a/src/compiler_llvm/ b/src/compiler_llvm/
index c1c9e19..18e157e 100644
--- a/src/compiler_llvm/
+++ b/src/compiler_llvm/
@@ -2716,6 +2716,58 @@
+void MethodCompiler::EmitInsn_InvokeVirtualSuperSlow(uint32_t dex_pc,
+ DecodedInstruction &dec_insn,
+ bool is_range,
+ uint32_t callee_method_idx,
+ bool is_virtual) {
+ // Callee method can't be resolved at compile time. Emit the runtime
+ // method resolution code.
+ // Test: Is "this" pointer equal to null?
+ llvm::Value* this_addr = EmitLoadCalleeThis(dec_insn, is_range);
+ EmitGuard_NullPointerException(dex_pc, this_addr);
+ // Resolve the callee method object address at runtime
+ llvm::Value* runtime_func;
+ if (is_virtual) {
+ runtime_func = irb_.GetRuntime(FindVirtualMethod);
+ } else {
+ runtime_func = irb_.GetRuntime(FindSuperMethod);
+ }
+ llvm::Value* method_object_addr = EmitLoadMethodObjectAddr();
+ llvm::Value* callee_method_idx_value = irb_.getInt32(callee_method_idx);
+ EmitUpdateLineNumFromDexPC(dex_pc);
+ llvm::Value* callee_method_object_addr =
+ irb_.CreateCall3(runtime_func,
+ callee_method_idx_value, this_addr, method_object_addr);
+ EmitGuard_ExceptionLandingPad(dex_pc);
+ llvm::Value* code_addr =
+ EmitLoadCodeAddr(callee_method_object_addr, callee_method_idx, false);
+ // Load the actual parameter
+ std::vector<llvm::Value*> args;
+ args.push_back(callee_method_object_addr);
+ args.push_back(this_addr);
+ EmitLoadActualParameters(args, callee_method_idx, dec_insn, is_range, false);
+ // Invoke callee
+ EmitUpdateLineNumFromDexPC(dex_pc);
+ llvm::Value* retval = irb_.CreateCall(code_addr, args);
+ EmitGuard_ExceptionLandingPad(dex_pc);
+ UniquePtr<OatCompilationUnit>
+ callee(oat_compilation_unit_->GetCallee(callee_method_idx, /* access flags */ 0));
+ char ret_shorty = callee->GetShorty()[0];
+ if (ret_shorty != 'V') {
+ EmitStoreDalvikRetValReg(ret_shorty, kAccurate, retval);
+ }
void MethodCompiler::EmitInsn_InvokeVirtual(uint32_t dex_pc,
Instruction const* insn,
@@ -2729,12 +2781,8 @@
Method* callee_method = ResolveMethod(callee_method_idx);
if (callee_method == NULL) {
- // Callee method can't be resolved at compile time. Emit the runtime
- // method resolution code.
- UNIMPLEMENTED(FATAL) << "Method index " << callee_method_idx
- << " can't be resolved";
+ EmitInsn_InvokeVirtualSuperSlow(dex_pc, dec_insn, is_range,
+ callee_method_idx, /*is_virtual*/ true);
} else {
// Test: Is *this* parameter equal to null?
llvm::Value* this_addr = EmitLoadCalleeThis(dec_insn, is_range);
@@ -2788,12 +2836,8 @@
Method* callee_overiding_method = ResolveMethod(callee_method_idx);
if (callee_overiding_method == NULL) {
- // Callee method can't be resolved at compile time. Emit the runtime
- // method resolution code.
- UNIMPLEMENTED(FATAL) << "Method index " << callee_method_idx
- << " can't be resolved";
+ EmitInsn_InvokeVirtualSuperSlow(dex_pc, dec_insn, is_range,
+ callee_method_idx, /*is_virtual*/ false);
} else {
// CHECK: Is the instruction well-encoded or is the class hierarchy correct?
Class* declaring_class = method_->GetDeclaringClass();
@@ -2960,7 +3004,8 @@
llvm::Value* callee_method_object_addr =
- irb_.CreateCall2(runtime_func, callee_method_idx_value, method_object_addr);
+ irb_.CreateCall3(runtime_func,
+ callee_method_idx_value, this_addr, method_object_addr);