Update boot image and system server profiles [M10C10P80S0PP]

= Perf stats =
(lower is better)

Startup and boot time are improving at the cost of a slight increase in code size, which could be an acceptable cost.

Also fixes a regression at
Bug: b/249424113

Startup: -1.71%
Memory: 0.02%
Boot time: -0.95%
Code size: 2.41%

=Generation Strategy=

method_threshold: 0.1
image_class_threshold: 0.1
preloaded_classes_threshold: 0.8
upgrade_startup_methods_to_hot: true
system_server_threshold: 0.0
priority_packages_thresholds {
  key: "android"
  value: 0.04
priority_packages_thresholds {
  key: "com.android.systemui"
  value: 0.04
priority_packages_thresholds {
  key: "com.google.android.GoogleCamera"
  value: 0.04
priority_packages_thresholds {
  key: "com.google.android.dialer"
  value: 0.04
priority_packages_thresholds {
  key: "com.google.android.gms"
  value: 0.04
priority_packages_thresholds {
  key: "com.google.android.webview"
  value: 0.04

=Profile stats=

Data info:
- total aggregations: 138
- number of (device types, builds): 15

File boot-image-profile.txt
  - hot methods: 588 added, 521 removed
  - methods: 588 added, 521 removed
  - classes: 44 added, 16 removed
  - totals now: 10006 hot methods, 10006 methods, 3140 classes
  - totals before: 9939 hot methods, 9939 methods, 3112 classes

  per package info as csv (selected):
    package_name, hot_a, hot_r, cl_a, cl_r, hot_num, cl_num
    com.android, 26, 26, 4, 0, 1010, 423
    java, 471, 417, 18, 15, 7086, 1920

File preloaded-classes
  - hot methods: 0 added, 0 removed
  - methods: 0 added, 0 removed
  - classes: 55 added, 16 removed
  - totals now: 0 hot methods, 0 methods, 3109 classes
  - totals before: 0 hot methods, 0 methods, 3070 classes

  per package info as csv (selected):
    package_name, hot_a, hot_r, cl_a, cl_r, hot_num, cl_num
    com.android, 0, 0, 13, 0, 0, 423
    java, 0, 0, 27, 15, 0, 1909

InternalReferenceRawProfileId: 14025
InternalReferenceCandidateProfileId: 15056

Test: build & benchmark

Ignore-AOSP-First: Updating boot image profiles

Change-Id: I299f5c0897a53d3aab6590d5c6e73f41308fe61f
2 files changed