Allow ThreadLocal object allocation during AOT.

The class ThreadLocal has a static field nextHashCode used
for assigning hash codes to new ThreadLocal objects. Since
the class and the object referenced by the field are in the
boot image, they cannot be modified under normal rules for
AOT compilation. However, since this is a private detail
that's used only for assigning hash codes and everything
should work fine with different hash codes, we override the
field for the compilation, providing another object that
the AOT class initialization can modify. We select the
initial hash code based on dex file checksums.

Use similar hash code selection for the identity hash code.

Test: aosp_taimen-userdebug boots.
Test: m dump-oat && \
      grep -cE 'Class.*VisiblyInitialized' \
      # before: 8635
      # after: 8706
Bug: 150319075
Change-Id: I46ebd8eed43860241533a8c061d7667ac84dda1f
diff --git a/dex2oat/ b/dex2oat/
index a71dcb4..a1b6cc7 100644
--- a/dex2oat/
+++ b/dex2oat/
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
 #include "linker/image_writer.h"
 #include "linker/multi_oat_relative_patcher.h"
 #include "linker/oat_writer.h"
-#include "mirror/class-inl.h"
+#include "mirror/class-alloc-inl.h"
 #include "mirror/class_loader.h"
 #include "mirror/object-inl.h"
 #include "mirror/object_array-inl.h"
@@ -698,6 +698,70 @@
 pthread_mutex_t WatchDog::runtime_mutex_ = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
 Runtime* WatchDog::runtime_ = nullptr;
+// Helper class for overriding `java.lang.ThreadLocal.nextHashCode`.
+// The class ThreadLocal has a static field nextHashCode used for assigning hash codes to
+// new ThreadLocal objects. Since the class and the object referenced by the field are
+// in the boot image, they cannot be modified under normal rules for AOT compilation.
+// However, since this is a private detail that's used only for assigning hash codes and
+// everything should work fine with different hash codes, we override the field for the
+// compilation, providing another object that the AOT class initialization can modify.
+class ThreadLocalHashOverride {
+ public:
+  ThreadLocalHashOverride(bool apply, int32_t initial_value) {
+    Thread* self = Thread::Current();
+    ScopedObjectAccess soa(self);
+    hs_.emplace(self);  // While holding the mutator lock.
+    Runtime* runtime = Runtime::Current();
+    klass_ = hs_->NewHandle(apply
+        ? runtime->GetClassLinker()->LookupClass(self,
+                                                 "Ljava/lang/ThreadLocal;",
+                                                 /*class_loader=*/ nullptr)
+        : nullptr);
+    field_ = (klass_ != nullptr)
+        ? klass_->FindDeclaredStaticField("nextHashCode",
+                                          "Ljava/util/concurrent/atomic/AtomicInteger;")
+        : nullptr;
+    old_field_value_ =
+        hs_->NewHandle(field_ != nullptr ? field_->GetObject(klass_.Get()) : nullptr);
+    if (old_field_value_ != nullptr) {
+      gc::AllocatorType allocator_type = runtime->GetHeap()->GetCurrentAllocator();
+      StackHandleScope<1u> hs2(self);
+      Handle<mirror::Object> new_field_value = hs2.NewHandle(
+          old_field_value_->GetClass()->Alloc(self, allocator_type));
+      PointerSize pointer_size = runtime->GetClassLinker()->GetImagePointerSize();
+      ArtMethod* constructor = old_field_value_->GetClass()->FindConstructor("(I)V", pointer_size);
+      CHECK(constructor != nullptr);
+      uint32_t args[] = {
+          reinterpret_cast32<uint32_t>(new_field_value.Get()),
+          static_cast<uint32_t>(initial_value)
+      };
+      JValue result;
+      constructor->Invoke(self, args, sizeof(args), &result, /*shorty=*/ "VI");
+      CHECK(!self->IsExceptionPending());
+      field_->SetObject</*kTransactionActive=*/ false>(klass_.Get(), new_field_value.Get());
+    }
+    if (apply && old_field_value_ == nullptr) {
+      LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to override ThreadLocal.nextHashCode";
+    }
+  }
+  ~ThreadLocalHashOverride() {
+    ScopedObjectAccess soa(hs_->Self());
+    if (old_field_value_ != nullptr) {
+      // Allow the overriding object to be collected.
+      field_->SetObject</*kTransactionActive=*/ false>(klass_.Get(), old_field_value_.Get());
+    }
+    hs_.reset();  // While holding the mutator lock.
+  }
+ private:
+  std::optional<StackHandleScope<2u>> hs_;
+  Handle<mirror::Class> klass_;
+  ArtField* field_;
+  Handle<mirror::Object> old_field_value_;
 class Dex2Oat final {
   explicit Dex2Oat(TimingLogger* timings) :
@@ -2012,6 +2076,21 @@
       // the results for all the dex files, not just the results for the current dex file.
       callbacks_->SetVerifierDeps(new verifier::VerifierDeps(dex_files));
+    // To make identity hashcode deterministic, set a seed based on the dex file checksums.
+    // That makes the seed also most likely different for different inputs, for example
+    // for primary boot image and different extensions that could be loaded together.
+    uint32_t combined_checksums = 0u;
+    for (const DexFile* dex_file : compiler_options_->GetDexFilesForOatFile()) {
+      combined_checksums ^= dex_file->GetLocationChecksum();
+    }
+    mirror::Object::SetHashCodeSeed(987654321u ^ combined_checksums);
+    // To allow initialization of classes that construct ThreadLocal objects in class initializer,
+    // re-initialize the ThreadLocal.nextHashCode to a new object that's not in the boot image.
+    ThreadLocalHashOverride thread_local_hash_override(
+        /*apply=*/ !IsBootImage(), /*initial_value=*/ 123456789u ^ combined_checksums);
     // Invoke the compilation.
     if (compile_individually) {
@@ -2028,7 +2107,7 @@
     jobject class_loader = nullptr;
     if (!IsBootImage() && !IsBootImageExtension()) {
       class_loader =
-          class_loader_context_->CreateClassLoader(compiler_options_->dex_files_for_oat_file_);
+          class_loader_context_->CreateClassLoader(compiler_options_->GetDexFilesForOatFile());
     if (!IsBootImage()) {
@@ -2651,12 +2730,6 @@
     // foreground collector by default for dex2oat.
     raw_options.push_back(std::make_pair("-XX:DisableHSpaceCompactForOOM", nullptr));
-    if (compiler_options_->IsForceDeterminism()) {
-      // To make identity hashcode deterministic, set a known seed.
-      // TODO: Select a different seed for boot image extensions; maybe hash dex file checksums.
-      mirror::Object::SetHashCodeSeed(987654321U);
-    }
     if (!Runtime::ParseOptions(raw_options, false, runtime_options)) {
       LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to parse runtime options";
       return false;